Terrible Parts in Great Games


Mar 28, 2009
I think I have the smallest possible complaint for a great game.

In Fallout 3, when you access Sergeant RL-3's storage, he says "Your RL-3 comes with everything a good soldier needs, but your RL-3 can store equipment if needed" and it becomes incredibly annoying after a while.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Terrible Part's in great games you say? How about being chased by fucking cliff racers every 10ft in Morrowind xD


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Rylot said:
Transformers WfC
the part where you have to protect Ratchet while he repairs Omega Supreme. Ratchet went down every five seconds. I died so many times.
In Solo or Co-op? and as Optimus, Ironhide or Warpath? either way it shouldn't be to hard if you focus on protecting him from the left side or right side 1st on each wave then heading to the back room for a oversheild between waves and when the grenade room opens get the Energon(Healing Aura) grenades they can heal yourself and even revive downed teammates including AI Ratchet while keeping him healthy for a lil while.

Also if Solo I'd go with Optimus or Ironhide Warpath is fine and all but Optimus's SMG is pretty well rounded and Warcry keeps you fighting and armored longer while Ironhide's Barrier can keep Half of the enemy's attacks from hitting Ratchet.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Cody211282 said:
DOW 2: Mother fucking Angels Gate, I HATE that god damn level.
ARGH. Pure frustration is what that was. I basically had three squads revive each other one at a time while the devastators took hold in a building a try desperately to keep the other guys alive. Such a pain in the ass.

Snork Maiden

Snork snork
Nov 25, 2009
iriemage said:
The missile/bike riding segments of Bayonetta.
I didn't mind the missile bits so much, but oh god the bike parts sucked ass.

Frybird said:
Most RPGs i know seem to start off with having the most annoying parts at the beginning of the Game. Gothic 2 (in wich you have already a lot of freedom but you are completely incapable of fighing anything more dangerous than a big rat), Baldurs Gate 2 (there are even Mods that will skip the first dungeon), Planescape Torment and even the Shooter Hybrid Alpha Protocol suffer from this, for example.
I really really *really* don't like the first dungeon. Is there a more average segment in all of gaming? The biggest problem is that there is a couple of bits of nice gear that I almost always want to get, which means I'm stuck there even longer :/


New member
May 15, 2008
Frybird said:
The Vehicle Level in BOTH Gears of War Games. But to be fair, Gears of War 2's level was a huge improvement over the first one and it made up with two "kind of a vehicle" sections that were pretty cool.
The tank part of that was horrible on insane single player, just imagine having a vehicle that can only move backward and forward relative to where the cannon is facing, then having a plethora of enemies that can take you down in about 2 seconds of shooting, damn near impossible to do


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Snork Maiden said:
Frybird said:
Most RPGs i know seem to start off with having the most annoying parts at the beginning of the Game. Gothic 2 (in wich you have already a lot of freedom but you are completely incapable of fighing anything more dangerous than a big rat), Baldurs Gate 2 (there are even Mods that will skip the first dungeon), Planescape Torment and even the Shooter Hybrid Alpha Protocol suffer from this, for example.
I really really *really* don't like the first dungeon. Is there a more average segment in all of gaming? The biggest problem is that there is a couple of bits of nice gear that I almost always want to get, which means I'm stuck there even longer :/
As i said, i'm pretty sure there are Mods to skip the first dungeon, and among them probably ones that will still give you every item you can find in there.

Technically it's cheating, but it's you playing a singleplayer game, probably for the umpteenth time, so who gives a damn?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Instinct Blues said:
The Water Temple in Ocarina of Time such a frustrating temple.
I gave up in this topsy turvey dungeon. I wonder if it is possible to use a key at the wrong time?

My most recent game stopper: playing "Up" with my daughter. Easy, pleasant, and then we came across this giant snake. Very aggravating. It seemed more luck than skill to get the snake to accidentally strike an electric eel.

At least in Mike Tyson's Punch Out, there is a "tell" when the bad guy is going to attack. Not that I saw with this snake.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
iriemage said:
The missile/bike riding segments of Bayonetta.
I didn't really mind the missle, and I actually liked route 666, except for trying to not fall off the edge, but the missile mission pissed me off because you fight Jeane (i think that's her name) like straight after without getting health back


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The monster truck/ construction yard part of Kane and Lynch. The unskippable cutscene and sudden difficulty curve spike makes for not a very fun time. Especially when trying to play a nice, fun co-op game with my boyfriend.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Don't get me wrong, I'd get a Wii and a GC controller just for this game if I could afford it and find it, but if you've played this game as much as I have, then you know that you have to beat the game three times to fully finish it and unlock Eternal Mode.

The one part that annoys me is in Chapter 10 I believe, where you set a rune into nine different towers to power a giant Dispel Magick spell. This involves going into a portal, setting the rune, running through some rooms, going back to the portal room, repeat. They get longer as it goes on and the second time through to that portal room in Chapter 12 has an electrified floor.

At least in Chapter 12 it's a bit different, but I'm still running through the same areas doing the same thing.

Due to some factors like the GC + game not being mine, switching memory cards, deletion of data on memory cards etc., I've finished the game 15 times. You have to do that area twice per playthrough. That area is now permanently seared into my brain.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I really can't recall a moment. The only thing I dislike is when there are Achievements/Trophies that are just downright stupid.

Most multi-player ones such as "Play 500 Matches" on Unreal Tournament III. Fuck that.
And the ridiculous amounts of Difficulty ones. Especially when you played the game through on normal. Then you have to play it on hard, THEN you have to play it on the newly unlocked Very Hard.


Devi Darkside

New member
Sep 3, 2009
I have to go with Tekken 5's final boss...He's such a cheap bastard, Dragon Age: Origins fade part (Yes, it's hated by many I see that.), Halo 3: The constant interruptions in the middle of single player...And half of the people playing on Live, and the Guitar Hero series for trying too hard to add to the gameplay of a guitar game.

Edit: Anything involving you piloting a helicopter in Saints Row 2.


New member
May 14, 2010
Lucane said:
Rylot said:
Transformers WfC
the part where you have to protect Ratchet while he repairs Omega Supreme. Ratchet went down every five seconds. I died so many times.
In Solo or Co-op? and as Optimus, Ironhide or Warpath? either way it shouldn't be to hard if you focus on protecting him from the left side or right side 1st on each wave then heading to the back room for a oversheild between waves and when the grenade room opens get the Energon(Healing Aura) grenades they can heal yourself and even revive downed teammates including AI Ratchet while keeping him healthy for a lil while.

Also if Solo I'd go with Optimus or Ironhide Warpath is fine and all but Optimus's SMG is pretty well rounded and Warcry keeps you fighting and armored longer while Ironhide's Barrier can keep Half of the enemy's attacks from hitting Ratchet.
Solo, warpath. He'd usually go down with two of the decepticons with the heavy machine guns around him, so I'd either have to try and kill both of the and then hope he'd live long enough or try and heal him or hope I'd live long enough while healing him. I'd always make it right before a save point before one of us would die. It wouldn't have been half as bad if a single other person could do anything on my side, seriously there was two or three other autobots there but none of them could heal him and none of them seemed to be able to shit for damage.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
tellmeimaninja said:
Personally, I enjoyed Halo: Combat Evolved. I still regard The Library as one of the most horrid levels in history, though. Did this even seem like a good idea at the time?
This x100000, I love that game with a passion, but that level SUCKED. Same goes for the cortana level and Halo 3.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Left 4 Dead; The survivor bots.
That game would be so much fun if your team-mates didn't think that fire was meant to be stood in.