TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I haven't got any real facts about this game, but it does look like it would be one of those free-to-play types of games. Like GunZ or something along those lines that sells the best weapons for real money. I've always hated those types of games.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
TF2... as imagined by some japanese company. The character models are dead ringers for most japanese models. Also why do the guy models look like some sort of mutant potato


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Oh my god, it's a...........TRAILER!

Holy crap man, I didn't know we could draw so many conclusions off of a game by a fucking simple launch trailer. Who knew that could automatically know that this game is class-based, plays exactly like TF2, and for some reason because it has a class-base system that we can classify it as a ripoff of specifically TF2!


I say wait for actual fucking gameplay footage before getting your rocks in a twist. As I said before, so many of you guys are jumping the gun so early that you crash into the window behind it and fall 10 stories to the ground.

And even if it is a rip off of TF2, so fucking what? We see rip offs, homages, inspirations, contimplations, ect... all the damn time with the FPS market in itself, so what if we get another class-based shooter in Korea? But for some reason because it seems like a rip off of TF2 that means that it isn't allowed and we should all yell out "RIP OFF RIP OFF RIP OFF!@#$!@$#"

Wait for some god damn game footage, and even then only make an opinion when you've played the damn thing.


New member
May 22, 2008
At this point there is not enough evidence to call it a copy. It looks like it, but this may have features TF2 lacked (ex: Character customization, greater selection of weapons per class, etc) or lack cetain features TF2 had (There are two classes not blatantly shown in the above trailer, we don't know what game types will be included, etc) or both. All we have to go on is one extremely similar video. Slow your collective rolls and wait for lawsuits to happen before you get all worked up. If you don't like it don't play it, it's Valve's concern whether or not this is a rip-off.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I didn't think it was a rip off until about half way through the video when I saw the rip-off sniper, heavy and demoman. The character animation and elements are nearly identical. If this game really does copy TF2 that much then Valve will have to sue for copyright infringement. Also, "little men steal our game!"


I'm pretty good. Yourself?
May 11, 2009
I'm pretty sure that I wrote something like this, a massive toy war, in a story in primary school. Creepy


New member
Apr 15, 2009
where the hell is the pyro? you cant rip-off tf2 and then forget the pyro


New member
Sep 1, 2008
ThrobbingEgo said:
Oh no. A class based shooter. Gasp.

Yeah. It kind of strikes me as a cross between Team Fortress 2 and Custom Robo. You know what? That's okay. You have have homages and imitators in video games. Good ideas set trends. I'd be interested to see how this turns out.

If the game's any good, I don't see a reason why it can't coexist with Valve's product - which is loaded with personality and charm.
The developers of H.A.V.E. are saying its completely different from TF2 (and probably Custom Robo, if need arises). It certainly bears some big similarities to Team Fortress 2 but it's a little different. I'd feel much better if they had just said "we got some (all) inspiration from Team Fortress 2. It has loads of great ideas that we liked." Instead they ***** when Valve calls them out on it. Defensive much?

Also, from the looks of the gameplay at the end of the trailer, it isn't class-based. The "soldier," as I call him for bearing an unusual resemblance to a certain Soldier, is shown with the minigun and a variety of other weapons. This game has a huge case of RE5 syndrome in which it takes the problem it has and beats around the bush trying to avoid any negative publicity instead of facing the problem head on. Besides, the whole ruckus will probably generate a lot of interest in the game.


New member
May 23, 2009
TF2 ripped off as many games as possible, yet I think Valve did that to try and be funny rather than making a complete ripoff of something and then trying to say they were doing something original.

They made up for the stolen concepts with the art style, locations and gameplay (TEAM shooter where you actually rely on your TEAM) and that's (In my opinion) where a lot of their success came from. In another team shooteri play... ET:QW somebody could get a hyperblaster as Strogg, walk into an enemy position kill the entire enemy team, switch to the lightning gun and sprint away as fast as possible before they all respawn. I tried that once, it was fucking EPIC.

The trailer pretty much did an "Abortion by cleaver" on this game though.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
1st thing that comes to mind: I didnt see a spy, pyro, and i dont think there was an engineer. possibly no (obvious) medic either, though wherever that uber charge came from i dont know. without those chars, this is just fail all round.

other than that, its basically tf2 designed for pubescent teens, and those younger. all they did was give the tf2 modles new designes, make the irl chars more, ummm, prominent, and make everyone like something out of a generic anime.

i really hope it fails.