TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Apr 24, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
A boatload of fail?
A shitload of titanic sized semi liquid fuck failure. I can see how this can get me into trouble though, so let me explain: the game rips off EVERY aspect of team fortress 2, the machine gun, the medi gun, the scout etc etc. Even the teams are the same! Oh sure it is 3rd person and shit, but it's just tf2, in a different skin! It must be the virus that attack creativity spreading to other game companies.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
I think it looks fun. If it's like TF2, then it'll be enjoyable. They just need less manga dolls and a wide range of toys e.g. Teddy Bears, Transformer-type characters for vehicles, heavy class can be Gundam-type mecha models, alien action-figures have cool sci-fi weaponry etc. That would be fun to see.

Rip-off, who cares? As Yahtzee said, ripping off is the whole base of the entertainment industry these days. If it's ripped off, it doesn't necessarily make it less fun to play. That's what games are about, FUN

And just to point out about the whole "The map is also copied blablabla", there have been quite a few maps of that style. I know of two for UT3 yelled at for ripping off. And anyway, there was a whole game set in that scene years ago (for the Dreamcast), and the PS3 also has Toy Home, and nobody gives a shit.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
scotth266 said:
Oh yes, it's a rip-off because it has a similar premise and similar weapons.

No. No, it's not: it has a distinctly different art style and looks to be very different gameplay-wise as well.
The thing that got me was that several of the weapon models (bat, grenade, mingun) are identical.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
orannis62 said:
scotth266 said:
Oh yes, it's a rip-off because it has a similar premise and similar weapons.

No. No, it's not: it has a distinctly different art style and looks to be very different gameplay-wise as well.
The thing that got me was that several of the weapon models (bat, grenade, mingun) are identical.
I'll give you the grenade launcher: but as far as the bat and chaingun go, those are common designs. Bats are often made of aluminum, and chainguns in games typically look like that.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
scotth266 said:
orannis62 said:
scotth266 said:
Oh yes, it's a rip-off because it has a similar premise and similar weapons.

No. No, it's not: it has a distinctly different art style and looks to be very different gameplay-wise as well.
The thing that got me was that several of the weapon models (bat, grenade, mingun) are identical.
I'll give you the grenade launcher: but as far as the bat and chaingun go, those are common designs. Bats are often made of aluminum, and chainguns in games typically look like that.
Fair enough on the bat, but chain guns tend to be varied. I wouldn't think much of it on its own, but when combined with all the other minute similarities (sounds, general character models of the demoman and soldiers adjusted for toy-ification, several suspiciously similar animations, etc) it does add up.

Again, none of these things are big enough to sound the alarm on their own, but when you look at every similarity, even discounting thing such as the cell-shading (which Valve never exactly had some sort of exclusive claim to), it really is fairly damning, and I refuse to believe without evidence that it was unintentional. Whether the intention that was there was "steal" or "homage" is anyone's guess at this point.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm not certain what the main driving force is behind this game, but it seems like their audience will be creepy lifeless teenagers who play TF2 and want to see anime girls in skimpy clothing with big guns. I get the feeling that the first half of that description will be their main opposition too, replacing the second bit with ", who are annoying fanboy loyalists."

Now, to me, it looks like it would be a pretty cute and hilarious game, and I'd probably play it from time to time, mostly just for shits and giggles. HOWEVER: I am seriously disturbed by the presence of... well, just about everything from TF2. I'm not so much angry as confused. Although there is a huge lack of originality in the world today it seems, I still can't figure out why they would so blatantly copy and paste character concepts, weapons, sounds, and music into what looks like it would otherwise be a nearly completely different game.

On a side note, when the girl with the minigun got bubbled and fired at the sniper, the line," I think his mate saw me," ran through my head a bunch, and I laughed hysterically when I realized later that at the beginning, the guy said that these were "Action Figures".

(PSS: Sorry for the long post. I just had much to say about nothing concerning the video. ^^;)


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Looks fun. I'm not going to drop TF2 over it or stop pestering my friends who don't own it yet, but I'll definitely give this a shot.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
the classes don't seem to be set to the design of the character. So you seem to be able to use any of the models for any weapon.

I've seen bigger rip-offs. It clearly takes its inspiration from TF2 deeply, but there seems to be enough different that it could be okay. The design of the minigun is a little silly, how it was just ripped right from the Heavy. People crying foul over baseball bats and sniper scopes are splitting hairs.. the design of the grenades and the minigun are a little more noteworthy.

all being said, if the game is good, I'd say more power to it.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
I don't mind games being similar, or even some ripping off. But this game has so many things that are direct copies from Team Fortress it's not even funny. Which is quite sad, since the concept could make for a great game, but right now it looks like Team Fortress with all the good parts taken out of it.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
Kalezian said:
This HAS to be a mod, because if it isnt, its treading very thin ice. I mean, the grenader only had one eye like the demo-man.......

though, the concept is good, takes me back to Army Men for the 64.
Ah yes, good game that. I mean, having an epic battle on top of a kitchen counter or in a sandbox is just awesome.
Mezrev said:
I don't mind games being similar, or even some ripping off. But this game has so many things that are direct copies from Team Fortress it's not even funny. Which is quite sad, since the concept could make for a great game, but right now it looks like Team Fortress with all the good parts taken out of it.
As we've said, the concept has already been done in the Army Man games.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
I love seeing the stupitity of my fellow man, how could they mess up so badly as to make an almost clone replica of tf2?


Proud Escaperino
Feb 9, 2009
SakSak said:
His Noodly Goodness save us from horny nerds wanting to peek up Haruhi Suzumiya's short skirt while she's bashing people to the head with a baseball bat.....

Because honestly, that's what the motivation would be for over 90% of the gamers.

Sure, toy story-esque multiplayer shooting game is a good idea.

It's called TF 2. And it's making a crapload of money, as expected.
i know that would be the main attracytion for some guys, but I was just thinking the general idea of having women. Surely the guys in TF2 aren't incredibly hot and incredibly fit. Why would the girls have to? It should be perfectly possibly to have female bodies that resembled the average real life ones.

Shapsters said:
But it is such a blatant rip-off! I would say that it is just similar in every way, but the fact that it has a demoman, the likes of which I have never seen in a shooter. There is a difference between basing off an idea and making a whole other game, and slightly changing the surrounding of another games and selling it for $60.
yes, I agree that it's ridculously similare. yes, this is a blatant rip-off, I agree. But the idea was good. I actually loved the idea. So if they would just change the looks of the weapon, and at least come up with something on their own, they have my money
Flying-Emu said:
I disagree. Female models are generally smaller, and therefore harder to hit. This would unbalance the game, because a skinnier Heavy or a more feminine-shaped Scout are going to respectively break their classes.
Well, who said the Heavy had to be skinnier? it could very well be a big fat chick. or just a really musculare one. I kow this won¨¨t saell very well with the majority, because they¨¨re ugly. But that would to me be a good side-effect rather than a bad one. That they actually start not requiring female characters all to be super hot or haveterribly huge tits (no matter how much of a turn-off thazt is for some of us). The female Heqavy could still be huge and easy to hit. As for the Scout. Well, he's pretty much allready thin and small, right? And besides. To fix the difference between the male and female characters, they could have like .. I don't know ... Only female and only male characters on servers. And if we gop that way. it won't really pose too much of difficulties. everyone would be females, and everyone would be harder to hit - on each side. So it would come up zero.

i understand what you mean, but I think this is not impossible. Hard, yes. But not impossible.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
yosophat said:
This looks like a Japanese version/rip-off of Team Fortress 2. Seriously one of the classes takes out a silver bat. Oh and by the way I think Valve got some of its ideas for TF2 from Conker's Bad Fur Day.
TF1 was out waaaaaaay before that


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Zettamagnetic said:
yosophat said:
This looks like a Japanese version/rip-off of Team Fortress 2. Seriously one of the classes takes out a silver bat. Oh and by the way I think Valve got some of its ideas for TF2 from Conker's Bad Fur Day.
TF1 was out waaaaaaay before that
But TF1 didn't have that slight comical theme.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Ok, so as is probably stated before (I didn't bother reading pages 1-6)this is an obvious rip-off of team fortress 2. I play alot of tf2, and my problem with this is that they're trying to make money off of a worse version of tf2. The art style and characters are different, but they aren't as enjoyable as the ones in tf2. I mean, if they decided to take some ideas from tf2 and make something either

A:different or

B:slightly improved

then i would have no real problem with them trying to make money, after all, i don't whine about combat arms (or whatever it's called) being a counter-strike rip off, because the only similarity there was that you shot people with guns. However, this is just so blatant of a rip-off that I'm hoping that valve gets them to not release this. Couldn't they at least bother to make the demo gun look different. It really bugs me that people would try to make money off of something that isn't there's to begin with.