TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


New member
Apr 21, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
sorry user name taken. said:

then you won't understand why people hate it
Because it resembles another game?

I guess you all hate every FPS ever, as well?
People do hate Halo clones >.>
And for good reason. It is not the game mechanics, it is being exactly fucking identical.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I would laugh my ass off if this came out on PC, and they got denied being soldo n steam ^.^


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
I guess it's not so much the human race you are giving too much credit, but rather the industry itself and it's lack of integrity. If they made enough of a push, methinks they might be able to get away from their path now and bring back the kind of games you crave, but considering we are now in an age where if the game doesn't look like Uncharted or inFamous, it's garbage (case in point, Prototype) which is something that the industry itself has brought upon themselves, and if it doesn't have your friendly neighbourhood space marine, it's not well received.

These games on the two more powerful consoles have to hit at least 5-700k for them to be profitable, and developers just don't appear to want to take such risks any more, and make a push for your kind of games.

Admittedly enough though, when original concepts or complex and intelligent games are released and don't sell enough, the developers would probably think to themselves 'why should we? There's more money to be had making an fps'. Gaming has most certainly regressed, but I can't help but think it's also the industry's fault for putting gamers into such a mindset that if a game ain't pretty, it ain't as good. Once we get out of that, we might start seeing some more original or complex stuff.

And also brief sidebar, I don't know if you checked that thread I showed you before, but I'm discussing something with someone and I don't even know if I'm correct in my thinking or even making sense any more, a fresh pair of eyes would be appreciated if you have the time.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
Halfbreed13 said:
I would laugh my ass off if this came out on PC, and they got denied being soldo n steam ^.^


Aaaaaaaaanyway, the game looks fun. And the characters are pretty to look at. Aaaand if I'm not mistaken, it's free to play.

What's the worst that can happen?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Daezd said:
Halfbreed13 said:
I would laugh my ass off if this came out on PC, and they got denied being soldo n steam ^.^


Aaaaaaaaanyway, the game looks fun. And the characters are pretty to look at. Aaaand if I'm not mistaken, it's free to play.

What's the worst that can happen?
Characters are pretty to look at? That's not the point, it's a blatant rip-off.
Surely the game doesn't have as much charm, humor or likeable characters as TF2 does, and the map looks also ripped off from Valve's another game; Counter-Strike (Source).


New member
May 23, 2009
To be honest, the only similarities I'm seeing are the art direction and some of the mechanics.

We can't really tell how it plays just from that one trailer.

Even so, my scepticism meter is at 8 and rising.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
Jaythulhu said:
*snip* on myself and
*snip* on you.
I have to admit, it's nice to see someone younger than myself admit that I have a point, and to offer a constructive counter-point.

I guess I find it difficult to accept the games of today, especially given my views of them as simplistic, if graphically superior versions of things I've already played and adventures I've already completed.

To this day, I hold up the old SSI dungeons and dragons games like any of the forgotten realms series, or the eye of the beholder series as the end all of gaming as a story telling and truly immersive gaming, mostly because what you do, which quests you complete and how you act/interact honestly modify the end of the game, while the majority of "A-grade" titles I've played over the last decade have had to struggle to gain a remotely similar level of complexity or plot development.

I grew up in an era where being a gamer required you to be part of the nerd (also intelligent, non-sport) crowd, and I have trouble accepting the new "gaming as mainstream" thing, especially since it appears, at least to me, that over the last ten or so years games have gone from intelligent to retarded with flashy exploding bodies.

Surely I'm not alone in feeling that gaming has regressed, gone backwards to the lowest common denominator, when really, it should have bounced forward, and only those with a functional brain that can tell the difference between a wholesome meal and mcdonalds can get things working and playing, right? Or am I giving the human race too much credit?
Seems like a very American centric thing I have noticed in alot of that 70s-80s generation posters far before my time so maybe just speculation but In Europe/the UK we have never really had that social nerd/jock whatever thing that seems so prominent stateside. Not sure how it is in asia either but I would guess it's simmilar. Anyway where Im going with this is I think you have a point gaming has undoubtably dummed down and regressed horribly, I just think you maybe look at it from a very narrow viewpoint that American culture is not so previlent the world over.

Oh sorry your Austrailian uhh well that.. yeah lost myself now go me.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
Fraught said:
Daezd said:
Halfbreed13 said:
I would laugh my ass off if this came out on PC, and they got denied being soldo n steam ^.^


Aaaaaaaaanyway, the game looks fun. And the characters are pretty to look at. Aaaand if I'm not mistaken, it's free to play.

What's the worst that can happen?
Characters are pretty to look at? That's not the point, it's a blatant rip-off.
Surely the game doesn't have as much charm, humor or likeable characters as TF2 does, and the map looks also ripped off from Valve's another game; Counter-Strike (Source).
Who is to say that the characters aren't more likable than the TF2 cast? Or aren't even more charming?!

And it isn't like whoever made the "rats" maps had the idea to put the characters into a miniature setting like that. If we're doing that argument you could say that the mapmaker ripped off "Indian in the Cupboard"!

Ideas aren't ownable, and I will admit that there are many similarities between the games, but the way you're saying that it's all Valve's ideas is stupid and fanboyish.


New member
May 19, 2008
I love this.
Now, they only need a funny Anime Schoolgirl Spy, a Robot Engy, and a Demoness Medic, and I'll get this in a heartbeat.
Fucking awesome.

Parallel Streaks

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
Parallel Streaks said:
Jaythulhu said:
*snip myself*
I'm sorry Grandpa, you seemed to have misplaced your dentures, I can't understand a dang thing you're saying!
Can't say I'm surprised, given that your generation has the literacy abilities of a 10 month old cowpat.

Here's a less subtle hint for you. You, your generation, and everyone born since, around, and after you is part of the problem, not the solution to the shite that has become gaming. Congratulations. Have a potato chip, and revel in the fact you've helped turn games and gaming from a hobby of the intelligent to a pastime of the bored, retarded and mediocre. Well done.
Yes, it is funny to over-react to a jokey comment that you take of context, failing to quote the part with the punchline and the fact I semi-agreed with you.

And it's not like my generation has had the the highest ever [], right?

Once again, my previous comment was in jest, and I'm sorry that people of my age group offend you so. But I can see from previous comments that you've admitted this, so I won't poke the bear with a stick anymore.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
I think rip off is not the word in this case. I am not really sure how the fuck to describe my feelings of disgust. Perhaps any of you fine people can help me?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
But it's not a rip-off! The people are really small and they're Japanese! (sarcasm)

Seriously, though, this sort of blatant plagiarism disgusts me.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
What's with the Haruhi scout? Ever played toyfort maps? probably better than this game.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Russian_Assassin said:
I think rip off is not the word in this case. I am not really sure how the fuck to describe my feelings of disgust. Perhaps any of you fine people can help me?
It's a shitload of fuck?