That One Person You Just Can't Stand.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Johanthemonster666 said:
Actors who irritate me (some already mentioned above).

-Adam Sandler...just...Adam Sandler

Types of people who irritate me

-The charming, extremely outgoing person you were introduced to by a friend who (on the surface) seems REALLY nice, welcoming, engaging and so on. Yet the veneer doesn't take long to crack when you pay attention or just start to hangout with them more afterward. They show themselves to be catty, gossipy, two-face, have extremely low self-esteems, and are an emotional ticking time-bomb waiting to explode. When they do it usually causes a lot of drama and it can damage the friendships of the people around them.

-The friend who tells you all about their oh so world shattering problems and issues that boil down to

1) looking for love in all the wrong place 2) meaningless drama 3) an endless cycle of self-pity.

Yet when you come to them with maybe one or two things that are on your mind: "whoa whoa whoa, please stop being so negative I'm not in the mood..everyone has problems! Geez!"
Its always adam f*****g sandler when referring to that insult to the film industry, no caps for you...ever! makes it worse that everyone else i know seem to like him.

Examples of those other ppl are very common in my mildly tolerated existence, easily spotted and avoided now though :)

I think Russel brand also. so bloody annoying, false and trying too hard. (oh and michael winner also)
sigh...too many things to hate, maybe its just me

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
People who smile and are nice to your face, but talks shit behind your back and actually hate you in reality. I'm still kind of amazed by my self-restraint to these people, considering I've never hurt or murdered anyone of them. Even if I have verbally abused them on numerous occasions.

I can't think of any celebrity. I don't give a shit about most of them anyway.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
sky14kemea said:
Nicolas Cage.

I can't stand Nicolas Cage.

I don't know why! He's never done anything bad! His movies are hit and miss (I liked Kick Ass and The Rock, and he was in those).

It's just his face. It makes me want to punch things. He has a very punchable face.

I want to punch his face, is what I'm trying to say.
That's something: I love Nicolas Cage, for the precise reason that he's terrible. It's funny to me. It makes all his most serious works the most incredible comedies, to the point where The Wicker Man is one of my favourite films of all time.

OT: Self-professed Nihilists and Misanthropes. For example, there was an apparent "misanthrope" on this site years ago, no idea who, stating that humanity was horrible, what with all the things some people have done, blah blah blah. But the line that really made me want to feed him through a wood chipper was him saying that because of all the horrible stuff that he was generalizing to all of humanity, he did not consider himself human.

I responded that he was a pretentious wanker, and that by generalizing to that degree, writing everyone off, and by having such a full on superiority complex, he was blatantly as bad as the majority of the people he was decrying. He didn't respond.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
That one person who treats their ideology as the one and only truth and discussion about it is a strict taboo.

I'm not even talking about Feminists here either. Just for funsies a friend and I were discussing the differences between mathematician and a philosopher and I made the statement along the lines "Well I guess the core difference is that in principle Scientists have to make claims that can be tested". This made someone in the group flip their shit, not even open for discussion for him, started calling me an asspie, labeled me a post-modernist etc. From what he was saying it sounded like he interpreted as me saying the Sciences didn't need philosophy or something.

I don't care what funky shit you may believe in, if you're not open to discussing about it I'm not going to willingly spend time with you.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
somonels said:
Politicians, especially foreign ministers.
Lieju said:
Rob Brydon.
I don't know why, but whenever I see him in tv I can't help but to think how he has such a punchable face.
Perhaps it's not him you hate, but the small man trapped inside a his head.
As an impersonator, I'm going to figure out how he does that, if it kills me.

Lord Garnaat

New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm trying to tone down how much I "hate" things, simply because I think having a constant, burning dislike for objects and people isn't healthy (deadly sin of wrath, and all).

I will say, however, that I absolutely despise Seth MacFarlane. He's one of the most smug, self-righteous, egotistical no-talent jerks who has ever fouled this Earth with their presence. He has no sense of timing or humor, he constantly tries to squeeze what soapbox message he adores into everything he makes, he treats his own opinions as gospel, and he still thinks he's the Lord's gift to mankind. Family Guy and all of those other repulsive turds he manufactures are some of the worst tripe on television, complete garbage on top of refuse.

Same goes for Bill Maher. I consider myself a fairly liberal person, but good Lord does this man need to shut his mouth. I'm not sure if I've ever encountered someone so full of himself. Goodness knows what would happen if he and MacFarlane were in a room together: presumably the collective smugness would swallow the universe.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Wait, one? Just one? No, there's never just one... Never.

Alan Carr kinda pisses me off. To be honest, pretty much all comedians who base their act around sex/sexuality piss me off. In fact anybody who's life is defined by their sexuality is almost definitely going to annoy me. Anybody who says "I'm [insert sexuality here] and proud!" more than once.

Cliffy B is becoming one of those people I just hate for no real reason since I followed him on Twitter. I think it's all the small things I disagree with him on and his attitude and general building up into one big hate-able thing.

People who shrug when you've said something important. Or when they say "life goes on" or something. Cheery fuckers, I was hoping you'd ADD to the conversation.

Overly miserable people. Being miserable is only good if you're funny.

Have you seen the newer Go Compare adverts? The opera singer's employers. I never thought I'd feel bad for that opera singer.

Tim Vine... Lord, he's such an unfunny person.

The majority of modern rock bands. All of the members. And their fans.

I used to hate Leonardo DiCaprio before he got a little older and landed less shitty roles.

Jackass and everything like it. I know that's not a person, but... I'm counting the "stars" and people who like it.

People who think idiocy is eccentricity. Lighting your farts on fire or whatever doesn't make you a charming eccentric.

People who "speak their mind" but it turns out they just insult people. I saw one guy in a transgender thread here say he refused to call them by their preferred gender because "I don't lie."

Those who call themselves goofy, quirky or weird. If you are any of those things, somebody will call you that. If you have to label yourself, you're not any of those things.

All of the Beatles except George Harrison.

Catherine Tate as Donna Noble.

The list goes on...


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I have two. One generalization and another a person.

If you were born and raised in a western country, watch anime, play JRPGs frequently, and read manga/light novels and you call yourself an otaku, I will hate you. You are a nerd, geek, etc. use something from your own damn country don't steal a Japanese term because you "love" Japanese culture, you love their cartoons, video games, and popular books. I'm not even from Japan and I hate people that call themselves Otaku, I don't think half of the people who use the term know the negative meaning that word holds in Japan.

I also can't stand Tom Cruise, runs in my family. He has one good movie and that is A Few Good Men. Every other movie is complete crap, Oblivion terrible, War of the Worlds terrible. I could go on put I would have to name almost every movie he has been in. Plus the whole Scientology thing is just annoying as hell. Yes he worships a flying alien god tabloids, I don't care.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
MeChaNiZ3D said:
The people who walk 4 or more abreast along a footpath, but then cannot be bothered to accomodate anyone going the other way.
Aww... I love those people.

I'm a big guy. I walk (or more usually) bulldoze the people out of the way. It brings a smile to my face as when they tell me I should watch where I'm going as I reply likewise.

Stavros Dimou

New member
Mar 15, 2011
Instead of focusing on specific persons,I'll list some behaviors that I can't stand,so yeah,I can't stand ALL these people that behave with one or more of these ways:

1# Snob people that doesn't give you the time of day.
2# People who doesn't care about legality and will do anything they like as long as there is no policeman watching them. Examples:
a) People who take their dogs outside for a walk and have them shit on pedestrian paths,and don't carry with them gloves and dustpan to clean the street from their dog's dogshit.
b) Drivers who pass with red traffic lights just because they calculate that they won't collide with another car (yet endangering the lives of pedestrian passerbys)
3# People who doesn't just tell you what they believe/want/mean and talk with generalities expecting you to understand what they are trying to say,and get mad when you don't. (that's something usually women do)
4# Old people that although they are retired and get good enough pensions,work illegally stealing jobs from the youth and money from the government.
5# People who think they are something,that they are superior and are entitles to special treatment,just because they are more wealthy and have a more expensive car.
6# People who play stupid.


Musician With A Heart Of Gold
Oct 18, 2011
Im usally a very loving person, but i do have a "people I hate list"
Off the top of my head:
Bill O'Reilly, all of my hate. Also Will.I.Am, Its William you stupid hipster.
I've got more but I can't think of their names

EDIT: oh pewdiepie, I really hate him and his videos

Not Gabe Newell

New member
Jul 14, 2013
The kinds of people who irritate me are the "edgy" and "offensive" comedians like Christopher Titus and Daniel Tosh.

I'm not against offensive comedy in any fashion, but I'm just so SICK of seeing it everywhere. It seems like every comedian and their mother these days wants to be a so-called "edgy" comedian. Who cares about having actual humor or talent when you can go up on stage and just insult and berate people for an hour and a half?


New member
Jul 7, 2013
Michelle Bachmann. I hate how she looks, I hate her views, I hate the fact that I live in her district and even though everyone around me tells me she hates her she STILL got reelected. I hate the fact that my parents bar catered for several of her political rallies (have to pay the bills some how). Just GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I also have a friend whose view will change based on whose talking. Not based on good evidence or anything, who ever is LITERALLY talking at that very moment in time, drives me up a wall.


New member
Jan 25, 2013
I have no issue with gay people but I want to do awful (non sexual) things to Louis Spence. We get that your gay, there is a no reason to be every negative stereotype every waking moment.

And as a Chelsea fan I am morally bound to hate Luis Suarez. What he did goes beyond a rush of anger, to actually bite someone for no reason is the sign of instability. Deserves all the hate he gets imo.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Kevin James. He has no fucking talent at all but people somehow think his movies/shows are funny. I cannot remember a single time seeing his acting and laughing at any of his jokes or slapstick comedy routines. I guess since I've already used up my one person I can't also say Gary Bettman but any Canadian hockey fan will tell you why he's a dick.


New member
May 21, 2010
I dislike these threads, do any of you truly 'Hate' any of these people, granted you probably have a rather heavy dislike for their work/product/belief system but hate them? Really?

Don't get me wrong, I'm get that this thread is not here to be taken 100% serious, it just bugs me that the term 'hate' is thrown around so loosely nowadays.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
sky14kemea said:
Nicolas Cage.

I can't stand Nicolas Cage.

I don't know why! He's never done anything bad! His movies are hit and miss (I liked Kick Ass and The Rock, and he was in those).

It's just his face. It makes me want to punch things. He has a very punchable face.

I want to punch his face, is what I'm trying to say.
But his array of wigs, his sad eyes, his exceedingly daft lines. He's just too ridiculous for me to hate.

I don't think there is any one person I truly hate, right now anyway, I'm too hot and tired to work up any sort of venom.
I hate breeders though. Women with pushchairs who seem to think the entire world is their right of way because they managed to breed. Hate them.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
Shia Labeouf. Every single character he has ever made pissed me off. He might very well be a nice guy! Heck, I'm inclined to assume that, for safety's sake. But I have this irrational hatred to all his characters. Something about them rubs me the wrong way (as in, with a brush made of obsidian and glass shards*