The 90s Was The Last Great Decade


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DarthScorpio11 said:
political correctness ruined the 00s. In the 90s, kid cartoons could be violent, and I believe Speed the rated R movie was even nominated for a Kids Choice Award. I mean, have you seen Hunchback of Norte Dame. It was rated G, and was very dark. Would have gotten a higher rating in the 00s. Also, you could also say more stuff back then, and people wouldn't be so sensitive. I was watching Angel, and Spike made a joke about Angel calling him a poof. I can't see that flying in the 21st century. People these days are so uptight...

this is the angel clip im talking about

oh wait....your serious?

*sigh* EVERYONE says that about the time period of their choosing, and (shock horror0 its usually the time period they grew up in

when your a kid, you cant tell the crap from the gold, hence the drving force of nostalga

in regards to animation..the beloved traditionally animated disney movies (and cartoons) did fall off the wayside...BUT PIXAR and dreamworkds (aster they got their act together) I would argue have put out SO much awsome stuff

I cant speak for TV animation..but there is ben 10...and AVATAR the last airbender a while back


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Finally. I've been looking for somebody who has experienced every decade in the future. Thank you for this information, time traveller. I too share your enthusiasm for derogatory terms and exposing children to mediocre violent films.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
DarthScorpio11 said:
rt052192 said:
love me some 90s. What I really dislike about the first decade of the new millennium was the lack of any stand-out "decade known bands". You know kinda like how the 80s was known for hair metal and catchy electronic kinda beats or how the 90s was really alternative/grungy and had some really good rap/hip hop. But what is the new decade known for? Nu-metal? Metalcore? please not crabcore....

time will tell
Well, i'm 21, so i was a teen in the 00s. Pretty much as far as rock goes Green Day pretty much became extremely popular when i was in high school with American Idiot. I know they're an older band, but it was a pretty iconic album of the decade. Eminem, Kanye West also are some pretty big decade music stars
Dookie would like to have a word with you. Damn kids :p

The 90s were a solid decade and all, but I don't think they were really any better than another decade. There was definitely some cool music that was fairly popular though. I'll take grunge and alt-rock over rap/over-produced electronic pop any day.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I remember the 90s being absolutely terrible, full of terribly designed, gimmicky products, ugly design trends, and the most incredibly horrendous looking cars I've ever seen.

Also, what countries are you looking at? For Africa, the 90s was unimaginably horrible.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Dango said:
I remember the 90s being absolutely terrible, full of terribly designed, gimmicky products, ugly design trends, and the most incredibly horrendous looking cars I've ever seen.

Also, what countries are you looking at? For Africa, the 90s was unimaginably horrible.
For Africa, Every decade is horrible.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
I think the issue of the 90's (and the 80's, 70's, 60's and downward) when compared to the millennium years (2000 -2010) is that each prior decade had a lot of cultural advances in multiple areas, and the millennium era is known for what...myspace/facebook/4chan/memes etc?

It's most memorable things are mostly internet related (pop-culture wise).

I feel bad for kids nowadays as well. Growing up in the 80's I had the best toys ever. There were so many to choose from and they were all rad as fuck.

Even in the 90's there were a ton of cool toys.

Nowadays? There's video games (which I'm sorry, but there were much better random kooky games in the NES/SNES/SEGA era than there are now) and the occasional trading card game (Yugi-oh (sp?) and Pokemon).

Aside from that, there isn't a whole lot of cool toys.

Also, love the movies of the millennium? Most of them are remakes/rehashes of movies from the 70's, 80's and 90's.

I miss the 80's and 90's, moreso because the last decade blew hard.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
"Nostalgia thread, nothing to see here folks!"

OT (not really): No decade can beat this one, since this is the decade of Skyrim bitches!

Oh and also cause skyrim made this joke

*Childlike giggle*


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Xartyve2 said:
Regnes said:
It's being rewarded too much if you ask me, particularly the experiment involving the combination of auto-tune and vocal impairment.
Serves you right for listening to commercial radio then. Still badly applied auto-tune beats the hell out of anything on the Top Gun soundtrack or anything by Phil Collins.
So much this. If you're going to judge this decade's music by radio standards then you have no business judging music in the first place.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Maybe I've finally reached that age (I'm 25), but I am just shaking my head at this.

We always recall our childhood decade fondly, even if it was utter crap. I recall Rugrats, Sonic SAT, discovering the internet, and computers were magic, Star Fox.

But I also remember gangster rap, dial up, pedophiles finding me online (and me not being educated to realize it), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the SNES, Y2K.

Yes the 90s had some good moments, but like every other decade it carries its fair share of crap. What has the 00's given us? Cable internet, Crysis, consumer grade smart phones, fluid online gaming, High Definition.

Now in 2011 we have I-Pads
and we also have Americanized Europop

The cycle doesn't end.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Not saying the 90's or the 00's are good or bad, but they both had good and bad things. While the 90's birthed some great music they also gave rise to Vanilla Ice and Brittany Spears. The 00's gave us Outkast, LCD Soundsystem, and Kid A but also gave us Nickelback. This doesn't just apply to music either it applies to cartoons, movies, art, theater, and any other aspect of culture. Point is that they both have good points and bad points, additionally Spike isn't politically incorrect and edgy they are date rape-ey and douchey.