The artist in thee


New member
May 23, 2010
First day of school after Christmas.

Retouched a bit.
This was my first attempt at imitating light shining through a bottle of water. In hindsight, I notice that I did the angle of the water wrong on the shadow, but nevermind.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
I sure wish I had something more interesting than my cats to take pictures of...

Kinda happy with it, 's a bit dark, and the white snow outside makes everything else look real gloomy.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Arachon said:
I sure wish I had something more interesting than my cats to take pictures of...
Nothing wrong with postings the Kitteh's!

Anyway, not sure if this can be called 'art' as it's the computer doing all the hard stuff, however as I suck with both pencil and brush I'll take all the help I can get.
This was created for a scene which I might get around to finishing one day if I can stop being distracted (curse you Just Cause 2!).
It was also used as practice as it was the first model I ever created, some of the colours still need sorting out as it's suppose to have an urban camo scheme in the finished scene.

Everything on the shrine is a 3D object and I'm quite happy with how it came out.



New member
Jun 4, 2010
Pickled Soul said:
Anyway, not sure if this can be called 'art' as it's the computer doing all the hard stuff, however as I suck with both pencil and brush I'll take all the help I can get.
This was created for a scene which I might get around to finishing one day if I can stop being distracted (curse you Just Cause 2!).
That -is- art to me. I can't do that at all. :( *ENVY* I wish I knew how!...

let's see... I know I have something :( I just got my new Intuos 4 tablet but I haven't done much with it yet.

I know I have that crappy anime style. Believe me, I've tried to stop. >_<


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Seems like it's been a while since I did a dump, so here's some of the stuff I've been shitting out in the last couple months:

Round 194: Best in Show

Round 195: Geyser Diver

Round 199: Mischief Maker

Round 200 (Part 1. Other parts still to come...)


Desert Warrior

New member
Sep 15, 2009
Some very nice art in here!
I got a deviant art page if any of you guys want to check it out.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007

I've finally finished my High Elf lord and all the associated agony that goes with painting something the size of my palm. Here are the photos.


Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Here's my praetorian unit badge as promised:

TADAAAAAAA!!! WOOO! YEAH!!!...*cough*. Heh, well it's not really that great but at least you can tell what it's meant to be if you know what the praetorian banners look like :p


New member
Apr 22, 2008
I reread the comic Girl Genius recently, and (as I usually do after reading it) I set out on a steampunk creative bender afterward. From that came this. Initially it was supposed to be me, but as usual I can't draw my own damn hair, so it looks like someone completely different.

Still pretty cool, though.



New member
May 7, 2008
Just finished up modelling a Cerberus for my anatomy master.

More 3D stuff, some portraits [] and ZBrush sketches [] at my blog []. Done tons of other stuff but you know, can't be arsed to start coding my personal website for it.

Also took a shot at game modding recently, more specifically Angelina Jolie's signature weapon from the movie Wanted for Fallout: New Vegas [].


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Zemalac said:
I reread the comic Girl Genius recently, and (as I usually do after reading it) I set out on a steampunk creative bender afterward. From that came this. Initially it was supposed to be me, but as usual I can't draw my own damn hair, so it looks like someone completely different.

Still pretty cool, though.

Hey Zemalac, it's been a while since I commented on one of your pieces. With a piece like this my advice would be to warm up the highlights and cool down the shadows a lot. See how on his face the shadows are red? Try cooling down the hue. Your highlights right now are going towards white, but he's being lit by fire, thus your brightest highlight would be light orange and so all colours would be going towards that. Try messing around with "soft light" layers and giving the shadows and highlights some slightly different hues like that. You can also mess around a bit with colour balance, but for something like this you'll need to be more precise. Another technique that would look pretty ballin' in this situation would be to employ rim lighting. Basically it's just an extreme highlight that we only see the edge of because the rest of the highlight is on the back of something/someone. It replaces your dark outline with something that is basically your most extreme highlight for that surface. Take a look at some reference for backlighting and you'll see what I mean.

Other than that it's a cool image. I like the textures on the jacket a lot.

Here's a couple of random doodles from me, all for different weekly activities on
Alternative urinal design for a public aquarium, industrial design of the week:

The intergalactic postman, for character of the week:

A couple of sketches for environment of the week



New member
Jan 31, 2008
I've got a bunch of songs on my Soundcloud. Feel free to comment, I'm still a preschooler when it comes to production.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Fightgarr said:
Hey Zemalac, it's been a while since I commented on one of your pieces. With a piece like this my advice would be to warm up the highlights and cool down the shadows a lot. See how on his face the shadows are red? Try cooling down the hue. Your highlights right now are going towards white, but he's being lit by fire, thus your brightest highlight would be light orange and so all colours would be going towards that. Try messing around with "soft light" layers and giving the shadows and highlights some slightly different hues like that. You can also mess around a bit with colour balance, but for something like this you'll need to be more precise. Another technique that would look pretty ballin' in this situation would be to employ rim lighting. Basically it's just an extreme highlight that we only see the edge of because the rest of the highlight is on the back of something/someone. It replaces your dark outline with something that is basically your most extreme highlight for that surface. Take a look at some reference for backlighting and you'll see what I mean.

Other than that it's a cool image. I like the textures on the jacket a lot.

Here's a couple of random doodles from me, all for different weekly activities on
Alternative urinal design for a public aquarium, industrial design of the week:

The intergalactic postman, for character of the week:

A couple of sketches for environment of the week

Hey, good to hear from you again. I'll definitely take your advice about the highlights and shadows--looking at this again, it sort of looks like the character is standing in front of a backdrop instead of actually being in the scene, if that makes sense. Some better highlighting and shadows would fix that, I think.

Your work is, as always, magnificent. I especially love the robotic mailman, though I'll admit that when I first saw his hat I thought he was wearing a patched sock on his head.


Asuka Soryu said:

Most of my pics are done in MS Paint, like the one above.
Wait, that was done in Paint? That epic thing? MS Paint?

My mind is blown.
Jan 22, 2011
So we're just postin pictures of stuff we've drawn then?

I hope that works...

Anyway, yes it is rather big but I don't know how to make it smaller or put the spoiler thing on it. Anyway, my scanner sucks at picking up colors so... Yeah....