just takes patience and practicepyromcr said:those were amazing!!!
i wish i could draw like that but i cant draw anything anywhere as good as that...
Some kind of corset and heels, I would imagine. Some jewelry too, obviously.Adam Jenson said:getting her clothes ready. If any females have suggestions for what a Pirate Queen would wear please tell me.
well I vamped her up a bit, made her top lip a lil' fuller, but yeah pretty much what you see and no she isn't....yet.Vanguard1219 said:Some kind of corset and heels, I would imagine. Some jewelry too, obviously.
Oh, and a quick question: how much of a likeness of your friend is this meant to be. Also, a follow-up question of "is she seeing anybody?"
I'd say you should ditch the bandanna and then your good.Adam Jenson said:just a quick sketch of her costume. suggestions/crits?
It would be good to have the umbrella actually blocking the light. Say with a shadow extending upwards. This is assuming that the light source is under the umbrella (the eye presumably).TheNecroswanson said:It's coming. The horrible time of year where I put on a dress, and hide in my dark room under an umbrella.
Valenteninesseses days...
Call it cubism, and get even more extreme.forever saturday said:I totally wish I could draw. Unfortunately it looks like I was massively drunk when I do. It's a shame because I wanted to be a web comic artist (not a gaming one) and I can think of some amazing looking stuff. Problem is I can't put it on paper and my scanner sucks. I don't have any art programs but ms paint. Blah blah blah. If I actually draw something good I will show it to you guys. Too bad it would take a long time.
He is just saying what I thought: THe other ones had a naked woman and them all of the sudden There is a huge penis in your face...*AHEM* anyway, you are right too. Warning: nudity is pretty straightfoward.Labyrinth said:Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry. I had no idea that the male anatomy was so utterly repulsive and unsightly that I should put more than a "Warning: nudity" sign up. Maybe you should remove mirrors from around you in case you accidentally step in front of one while undressed.Patrick_and_the_ricks said:No I just don't want to see a enlarged penis being squeezed between his legs (that's what I saw and I don't plan on checking.)
I do not mean to be overly harsh. It's a part of the male anatomy. Perfectly natural. Perfectly reasonable to include in a nude work.