I like it, though the triumph one made me think "Constipation?" the first time I looked. Probably just my twisted mind.SharPhoe said:Here's something new I just finished, a 25-expression "meme" on DeviantART.
That would be Trilby and Co. from Yahtzee's Five Days a Stranger series.Beltom1066 said:I've been working on vector drawing and this is the latest thing I've made (my avatar is another thing I made a while back). A cookie to the person who recognises the characters.
Rightyo, "gives cookie"zoozilla said:That would be Trilby and Co. from Yahtzee's Five Days a Stranger series.Beltom1066 said:I've been working on vector drawing and this is the latest thing I've made (my avatar is another thing I made a while back). A cookie to the person who recognises the characters.
I'll happily take your cookie off your hands.
I saw a fly trapped in a spider's web today.Arachnophobia said:A wanderer snagged.
Twirling like a spinning top,
a snap, the knife twists.
While your characters and lighting are well done, the background needs some work. The perspective is very odd looking and due to a limited colour palette it becomes difficult to see what is close and what is far at certain points (this issue could be solved really easily simply by washing out certain colours in the backround). Also, as a possibility, if you want it too look really atmospheric with the lighting, the bronzes in the background could be almost completely replaced by yellows in the highlights, fading into greens. It would give more of the impression that the big orb is the sole light source of that area of the piece which would provide a better sense of atmosphere and could solve some of the contrast issues going on. Otherwise, very cool, I look forward to seeing more from you. Your characters in particular are very well done.Calibretto said:SOmething im working on and close to finish!
any thoughts/comments welcome![]()
As in photomanipulation? That's fine.sky14kemea said:just wondering if the pictures have to be 100% original, as in, what if you just edited a picture? would i still be able to post mine here XD its the only thing i can do
Love it. That made me giggle like a schoolgirl. Cookie for you, good sir.SharPhoe said:Here's an image I just finished. It's, um... slightly darker than some pictures I've done before.
Giggle? That... that wasn't the response I was looking for... Oh, well. I'll take the cookie.Neonbob said:Love it. That made me giggle like a schoolgirl. Cookie for you, good sir.
Well, keep in mind that I'm possibly more damaged than Max. That kind of stuff does make me smile in the recesses of my heart.SharPhoe said:Giggle? That... that wasn't the response I was looking for... Oh, well. I'll take the cookie.Neonbob said:Love it. That made me giggle like a schoolgirl. Cookie for you, good sir.
More messed up than max... I don't think I want to think about that...Neonbob said:Well, keep in mind that I'm possibly more damaged than Max. That kind of stuff does make me smile in the recesses of my heart.SharPhoe said:Giggle? That... that wasn't the response I was looking for... Oh, well. I'll take the cookie.Neonbob said:Love it. That made me giggle like a schoolgirl. Cookie for you, good sir.
Oh, it's fun. The thoughts in my head entertain me for hours. But don't worry. I'm usually well contained.SharPhoe said:More messed up than max... I don't think I want to think about that...Neonbob said:Well, keep in mind that I'm possibly more damaged than Max. That kind of stuff does make me smile in the recesses of my heart.SharPhoe said:Giggle? That... that wasn't the response I was looking for... Oh, well. I'll take the cookie.Neonbob said:Love it. That made me giggle like a schoolgirl. Cookie for you, good sir.