Okay, so when it comes to figure drawing you appear a little stiff. You're lines are straight and fast strokes, but what you need to do is figure (ah the puns) out a way to get all the important lines in within the first 10 seconds of the drawing. I suggest doing 20 second drawings, maybe with your non-drawing hand. It loosens you up a lot, and you'll find that you're drawings go smoother from there. I'm assuming from the first few that you drew mostly with your wrist and that's good for small stuff, but here you want the whole arm to flow. If you're already doing this stuff disregard everything I'm saying, but if not I highly suggest it. It will improve the quality of your work by a staggering amount. Which isn't to say that any of it is bad. You still demonstrate strength in porportions and your almost there on being able to show where the weight is. If you practice at this (particularly with the 20 second stuff) I can guarantee better figure drawings.
I'd also like to apologize if that sounded wholeheartedly condescending.