The gravel crusher looks awesome, but it doesn't look like a sandstorm. More like snow, I think. Like it's tearing through the mountains somewhere.Fightgarr said:Here's the finished version of the drawing I posted earlier. I added the sandstorm itself, some more cloudiness and balanced colours a little more. Hope you guys like it.
EDIT: I had a productive day and also decided to finish up this piece:
I understand what you mean about the snow. I tend to have low levels of saturation in my digital paintings, and that leads to ambiguity in situations like this. I may need to go back and adjust certain colour levels to get the desired effect. As for the town, I know what you mean there too. I think a lot of it has to do just with the way I angled the top of the cliff, I think I'm okay with it overhanging the town, though. So it goes. Thank you very much for the kind words, it really means a lot to me.Zemalac said:The gravel crusher looks awesome, but it doesn't look like a sandstorm. More like snow, I think. Like it's tearing through the mountains somewhere.
As for the tower on the edge of the world, I still think it looks like the cliff is overhanging the town. Less so now that there's atmospheric effects in front of it, but still a little bit. It does look very cool, though--I'm especially impressed with the level of detail, like the individual stairs and the docks.
Your work is always good, I must say.
Damn you have been busy in your absence, haven't you?Fightgarr said:Here's the finished version of the drawing I posted earlier. I added the sandstorm itself, some more cloudiness and balanced colours a little more. Hope you guys like it.
EDIT: I had a productive day and also decided to finish up this piece:
I totally forgot to respond to this. Sorry Archemetis.Archemetis said:Damn you have been busy in your absence, haven't you?
I gotta say though the overhanging cliff, it's a pretty snazzy effect.
Nice to have you back, dude.
It's a cool little creature. It has a lot of potential for development. What you have here is a good start. What you want to watch out for visually is pose. Your poses here are a little awkward and unnatural-looking. Particularly for the botanist, where one leg has about half as much thigh as calf. In pictures like the warrior, you just need to lengthen his right leg (our left) and it'll be fine. Actually almost all the problems stem from one leg out of two being a little bit off, so you're pretty much there. After that, develop, develop, develop and this could become an awesome race which I may or may not be interested in using in a D&D campaign at some point if that would be alright with you.Archemetis said:snip
If you wanna use them in D&D then go ahead, I'd be honoured if someone wanted to roleplay one of these little guys. and yeah the leg's need work, I'll make sure to work on them when I do the fleshing out designs.Fightgarr said:It's a cool little creature. It has a lot of potential for development. What you have here is a good start. What you want to watch out for visually is pose. Your poses here are a little awkward and unnatural-looking. Particularly for the botanist, where one leg has about half as much thigh as calf. In pictures like the warrior, you just need to lengthen his right leg (our left) and it'll be fine. Actually almost all the problems stem from one leg out of two being a little bit off, so you're pretty much there. After that, develop, develop, develop and this could become an awesome race which I may or may not be interested in using in a D&D campaign at some point if that would be alright with you.Archemetis said:snip
They're quite well-done. They're rather cute, and the coloration on the Warrior works quite well. I'm impressed.Archemetis said:I've been designing weird little creatures...
Why is I not in that picture? Am I not talkative enough on Twitter to be put into your artwork?RavingPenguin said:I finished a small cartoon thingy of a bunch of my twitter freinds.
Well, thank you very much.Mookie_Magnus said:They're quite well-done. They're rather cute, and the coloration on the Warrior works quite well. I'm impressed.Archemetis said:I've been designing weird little creatures...
It's great, but I'm sure I'll like it even more when it's finished. Looks promising, though.Fightgarr said:
Hey, these guys are neat. They look like they'd be in one of those highly-stylized sort of comics, all black and white and slight variations thereof. I'm getting an image of a city of them with all kinds of archways and towers and stuff, but that might just be me.Archemetis said:Crazy little creatures
It may be actually called an Ursadon, but I'm thinking everyone who sees it will call it a rock bear.Fightgarr said:Here's a current work in progress. It's a bear creature I'm calling an Ursadon (uncreative, I know). Anyway, those purple things on it's back are plates made of bone and cartilage, but are embedded with a type of valuable stone from the rocks in the caves it hibernates in. They are hunted extensively (as will be made clear later in the image when it should become more clear that it's running from and or at hunters).