The artist in thee


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Even MOAR MiniGames for you all!

My best friend, Sam who I've known for 12 years now started a rumor about a year and half ago that I couldn't read, it caught on quickly even though he started it online, where I was clearly typing and understanding the written language but people believed him anyway.

My Mate Big Ben actually does this, as his name implies he's a big guy and has all the strength of a stampede, so when he really wants to hug you, you and your spine know about for days after, which is why I sacrificed my girlfriend to him.

These strips are starting to get really fun to do.


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
None of them load.
If you're referring to the images, I believe it may just be your browser/computer, as no one else has had an issue like that.


New member
May 12, 2009
Meh. Really don't feel like uploading this to photobucket, so a link will be provided.

A kirin tattoo that someone asked for.
I'm sorry if the watermark is annoying, but it's a requirement.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
crypt-creature said:
Meh. Really don't feel like uploading this to photobucket, so a link will be provided.

A kirin tattoo that someone asked for.
I'm sorry if the watermark is annoying, but it's a requirement.
Damn those are awesome. I had a look through your gallery.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Hey all, after a couple months of being pretty busy and getting some time to myself I feel secure coming back here. Time away allowed me to review priorities in my life and really reformatted how I work through my day. It also allowed me to get a tonne of digital painting done when I felt like it. Here is a bunch of work. Some of it is older, some of it I'm not as proud of, but I pretty much like everything here:

I'm also working on a series of drawings that I won't post until they're done, but it's for an absurd cyber punk campaign I'm running this summer. The drawings are of the sort of 'rival' party to the characters which will be composed of people based on some of you guys here in the art thread.
I'll be double posting with some crits and junk in a bit.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Fanboy said:
I love this thread and you talented people; You give me such nice things too look at and swell things to read. I haven't contributed anything in long time, so here's something I made in recently. I might do some more detail in the background later, but I'm tired of fiddling around with this one. The pun is in honor of the awesome that is Fightgarr.

I am simultaneously honoured and amused. You're punnery advanced my friend. As are your drawing skills. This is totally kickass. There are some issues of body proportions and forms bit you know how to digital paint like a master. I guess what I'm saying is, no one should brush this off as your average digital painting.
SharPhoe said:
*Sigh* I miss Fightgarr, too... I've seen him online, I guess just to watch over us, but it'd be nice if he would actually return...
Well I have returned. The reason it appeared that I was on so often is because the 'Pist was set as my homepage and I was too lazy to change it. I did, however, check this thread about once a week.
Labyrinth said:

Friend did the sketch, I'm painting it. Good times.
One thing to watch out for: Digital painting is exactly like painting in that you should pretty much never use black. If my more recent work has taught me anything it's that you should shade with dark reds, blues, browns or greens (depending on the situation), it gives a much richer tone to everything. I'm assuming that to create some of those shadows you used the multiply tool on your brush, I did that all the time for a while, but it can create flatness issues more than you'd think. Other than that, it's a great painting.


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Fightgarr said:
Dost mine eyes deceive me? Are you really back again, Fightgarr?
Man, today just keeps getting better and better!
I've actually been keeping tabs on the stuff in your blog while you were gone, but it's so nice to have you return to us!


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Gigantor said:
I never realised this sort of thing went on here! Super. I've been dabbling in sketching and acrylic painting since secondary school, and it'll be nice to share some of it beyond putting it near a window and hoping passers-by might catch a glance.

These are three paintings I've done since being on the dole- only one is finished at the moment. Apologies for the not great pictures- I'm still stumped by how to get a decent picture of acrylics without using a flash. Some daylight would probably help, or a rudimentary understanding of how to use a camera properly. Anyway, you should get the rough idea.

The white formations in the sky of the third and first pictures are stars, but I'm thinking of removing them from the third picture and having a pure navy blue/ black area between the clouds, just to declutter it a bit.
I've been wanting to respond to these for a while. You mentioned not being able to afford oils. It's really not expensive. A small tube of oil paint can last up to double the life of a large tube of acrylic because of consumption rates. As for thinners and solvents, did you know that you can use vegetable oil? It takes much longer to dry if you do, but there are very cheap alternatives to getting expensive thinners. Many art schools will have a free sapsol fount which you can take advantage of with the simple use of a jar. Those white patterns would look incredible in oils. The rigid square patterns may not fare as well in oils, but I think that with a little patience and really not that much money, these would make incredible oil paintings. Welcome to the artist community. I look forward to potentially seeing more of your work.
SharPhoe said:
I've actually been keeping tabs on the stuff in your blog while you were gone, but it's so nice to have you return to us!
Well my blitz must be a whole lot less surprising then, eh? Well thank you for following my blog. I found out recently from some people in my art classes that WAY more people lurk my blog than I thought, so one more is welcome.


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Fightgarr said:
Well my blitz must be a whole lot less surprising then, eh? Well thank you for following my blog. I found out recently from some people in my art classes that WAY more people lurk my blog than I thought, so one more is welcome.
Not a problem, I'm always impressed with your work. I'd consider starting an art blog of my own if I didn't think I'd bore everyone to death with it. Besides, I'm far too busy nowadays to update very often...


New member
Apr 22, 2008
@Fightgarr: Hey, you're back!

...with a boatload of artwork as well, it seems. Very nice.

Since there's so much here I just wrote comments in bold right in your post.

Fightgarr said:

Is that a dragon made out of stone and plants or something? A vine dragon, perhaps? It's head looks a little weird, but that's kind of a minor complaint. Love the floating city in the background.

I like the dragon's pose in this one. Like he's warming his wings on the lava. Toasty.

Are you getting some inspiration from Aztec stuff here? My impression from both of these guys is that they're lurking around stepped pyramids deep in the jungle somewhere.

Good god, that thing is ugly.

This one is ugly too, but I get the feeling one of your players is going to try and turn it into their mount.

Aha! I've been wondering what that was. Very cool. Well done melding of flesh and machine, though I'm not sure about the thing that looks like a lampshade on his right arm.

Is this guy a mob boss?

Ha! Like an angry, adorable little gremlin. Very good work on this one.

I would really, really hate to live in that town. You just know that someday that cliff is going to break off and crush everything.
It's good to have you back.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Zemalac said:
Thank you. I can answer some questions and address some concerns methinks.
Dragon head looks weird: Yeah that guy gave me a lot of trouble. I still hate the wings, and I never got the head quite right. He's supposed to be made out of earth, rock and roots but I see how it's an odd shape. I'm going to go back and edit this one at some point.
Aztec ifluence? Well the influence came from a couple of places. A lot of it came from Mezzo-American art, as well what Team Ico seems to take away from Mezzo-American art. I also had a lot of influence from south-east Asian architecture, which is why there are those foo-dog type of guys.
Ugly Creatures: Yep. They are really ugly as hell. The deal with them is that they live in a harsh wasteland with a lot of dust and sand storms, so they're blind. Those red spines they have are hyper-sensitive to vibrations and air currents to let them know when a sand or dust storm is coming as well as allowing them to 'see' in some sense (heh, sense). As for whether they'll use the Lurker Hound as a mount? We'll see, I was planning on having it be part of a set piece in the campaign wherein the party is being chased by them (and later a larger creature I haven't yet designed) on mounts. I haven't worked out the details, but it'll be an action-packed sequence.
Lampshade arm: I can see what you mean. I was sort of going for some kind of weird gear/drilly mechanism but that didn't really get across too well. In theory it would turn to allow the energy to maneuver a little more.
Mob boss: Hah, no. I can see how you might think that. It's actually an image of Chick Corea (one of my favorite jazz musicians). The other one is of me, but I don't like that one as much.
Cliff crushing the village: I really need to define more that the cliff is sort of behind the town, winding around, I haven't put any atmospheric perspective in yet, though, so we'll see how that space defines itself in the future. I'm also adding frost elements, so it'll be an even less pleasant place to live.

Thanks for the welcome back. I think I'll stick around. Finally, to address a question nobody asked, I have been working on Tulius' female counterpart, but I've had a really hard time with it. I'm currently on my fourth or fifth design and pose.

Also, here's some more stuff:


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
With the amount of work I'm doing I feel like I'm going to be double posting a lot in this thread so I apologize for that.

In the above post I was telling Zemalac about a set piece wherein the party would have a chase scene involving those dog-like creatures and another creature I had yet to design. Well, this is that creature. This is probably about 4 or 5 hours in after thumbnailing. I'm still working on a lot of stuff in there, I'll post the finished product, probably tomorrow or Sunday.



Engaged to PaintyFace
Jan 20, 2009
I finished a small cartoon thingy of a bunch of my twitter freinds.



New member
Mar 25, 2009
RavingPenguin said:
I finished a small cartoon thingy of a bunch of my twitter freinds.

That is awesome. And you didn't make the mistake of giving Sky long blonde hair. Even I forget most of the time, and we met at Escapism >.>


Engaged to PaintyFace
Jan 20, 2009
Geek@Heart said:
RavingPenguin said:
I finished a small cartoon thingy of a bunch of my twitter freinds.

That is awesome. And you didn't make the mistake of giving Sky long blonde hair. Even I forget most of the time, and we met at Escapism >.>
Thanks! I knew sky didnt have blonde hair, but I didnt know it was red till she told me. Even when she did I had already finished her, as she is now. It was eerily weird.