The artist in thee


New member
Dec 7, 2007
All kindness inevitably bleeds into pain,
all order will unquestionably descends into chaos,
because of mans irrational nature, all happiness eventually breeds sadness.
Easier perhaps, to forever wallow forlorn within the cesspool of angst and hatred, never daring to reach forward and grasp the seductive shore, of love and happiness,
for in the pursuit of happiness we only damn ourselves to tragedy.
But to forsake our irrational pursuit, is to forsake the very thing that makes us human,
and only more so damn ourselves, to cold watery oblivion

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
Been messing around with a photo that I managed to hideously overexpose on a trip to a reserve in NZ.

Processed in Lightroom twice and then CS3 to get the blacks properly black!


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Private Custard said:
You were the one with the bike... Hmm.

Also, that's a fantastic shot. What was the shutter speed?

The black and white edited photo would look fantastic as one of those silhouette stickers people seem to stick everywhere in houses. Sitting up above the end of a stair banister or some such. Or growing out of a bench, behind a pot-plant. The way you've framed it is great.

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
Labyrinth said:
Private Custard said:
You were the one with the bike... Hmm.

Also, that's a fantastic shot. What was the shutter speed?

The black and white edited photo would look fantastic as one of those silhouette stickers people seem to stick everywhere in houses. Sitting up above the end of a stair banister or some such. Or growing out of a bench, behind a pot-plant. The way you've framed it is great.
The shutter speed was stupidly low for a sunny day. I'd just been shooting into undergrowth and was still at 1/200 when I aimed up and towards the sun...........I should have been at about 1/1600.

Still, it'll make an interesting print for the wall!


New member
Jun 23, 2008
I've wanted to post in this thread for ages, but I havn't really had anything to post. Now, however, I've managed to complete a 3D-project, which I deemed good enough to post here :3

I've used the Unreal Engine 3 to render the models, so all the lighting and post-processing effects is courtesy of the engine, wheras all the models and textures have been created by me.

[img(800,600][/img] []
Click for bigger image

[img(800,600][/img] []
Click for bigger image

[img(800,600][/img] []
Click for bigger image

This is the first "serious" 3D Scene I've ever done, so it's not the best quality, but I'm learning... hopefully.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
[HEADING=1]Calling All Artists!!!!![/HEADING]

Now that I (hopefully) have your attention, I need artists who (preferably) have experience in things like Photoshop, MS Paint, Terragen, 3DSMax, and pretty much any type of art (digital or traditional) to help me with a little project. I'm hoping to create a group on this site, similar to the Holiday Council, to create custom wallpapers for people's PCs. If you're interested, more details can be found on the main thread:


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys. I'm done!
I finally finished to a degree I'm happy with.
Thanks to everyone for their support and C&C over the course of the piece. This is the longest term digital painting I've ever done.
EDIT: Okay guys, I'm lining up my next few digital paintings. I have 3 character design pieces I want to do, an environment and a couple of concept pieces. I don't know why I'm doing this, I just feel the need to get it out there, for my remembering's sake as much as telling you guys.
Characters: A sci-fi/fantasy blademaster-type character
A duo of two sci-fi exporers (small, cute(-ish) alien races)
A female harpist/spirit/diety-type character (themes: moon, growth, ethereal)
Environment: I do a lot with natural landscapes, I'm going to try and to some more artificial, constructed landscapes that might challenge my perspective knowledge a little more. I'm thinking some kind of facility on another planet, combine natural and constructed landscapes.
Concept pieces: concept a: sucked away into the void (features collapsing structures as someone clings for dear life onto the remaining pieces of structure)
concept b: A piece of a world long forgotten (in my D&D campaign the party will have to travel through a forgotten valley in which a giant lives. This will be a concept drawing for that valley, as the Ursadon piece was a concept sketch for another part of the campaign)
So there's a few ideas I'm playing around with. Is there anything in particular you guys would like to see me do?


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Fightgarr said:
Hey guys. I'm done!
I finally finished to a degree I'm happy with.
Thanks to everyone for their support and C&C over the course of the piece. This is the longest term digital painting I've ever done.
EDIT: Okay guys, I'm lining up my next few digital paintings. I have 3 character design pieces I want to do, an environment and a couple of concept pieces. I don't know why I'm doing this, I just feel the need to get it out there, for my remembering's sake as much as telling you guys.
Characters: A sci-fi/fantasy blademaster-type character
A duo of two sci-fi exporers (small, cute(-ish) alien races)
A female harpist/spirit/diety-type character (themes: moon, growth, ethereal)
Environment: I do a lot with natural landscapes, I'm going to try and to some more artificial, constructed landscapes that might challenge my perspective knowledge a little more. I'm thinking some kind of facility on another planet, combine natural and constructed landscapes.
Concept pieces: concept a: sucked away into the void (features collapsing structures as someone clings for dear life onto the remaining pieces of structure)
concept b: A piece of a world long forgotten (in my D&D campaign the party will have to travel through a forgotten valley in which a giant lives. This will be a concept drawing for that valley, as the Ursadon piece was a concept sketch for another part of the campaign)
So there's a few ideas I'm playing around with. Is there anything in particular you guys would like to see me do?
Great job on the Ursadon. In my opinion, I would like to see Concept A and/or the Blademaster character.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Sporky111 said:
Great job on the Ursadon. In my opinion, I would like to see Concept A and/or the Blademaster character.
I have done some sketches and I think I'm ready to start the blademaster character. I hope to actually do all of the above eventually.
Hurricane God said:
ahhh i wish i could do that! too bad im too lazy and i draw bad :[
Laziness is a bad excuse not to do something.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Fightgarr said:
Hurricane God said:
ahhh i wish i could do that! too bad im too lazy and i draw bad :[
Laziness is a bad excuse not to do something.
Lies! Filth and LIES!!!

Yeah, it's a habit I ought to get out of now that I'm in my final year of highschool. Ah well. Too much fun to procrastinate dammit!


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Labyrinth said:
Lies! Filth and LIES!!!

Yeah, it's a habit I ought to get out of now that I'm in my final year of highschool. Ah well. Too much fun to procrastinate dammit!
Considering you manage to moderate, do art, write your Warning: Caustic Contents essays and organize events like Escapism (and that's just here) I'm going to call you on that and say you're less lazy than you're making yourself out to be.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
"Fall asleep
Dream of neverending bliss
And wake up to see that nothing has changed
The world cares for nobody
And nobody cares for the world

As twilight evaporates the day
We hide in our own shadows
Waiting for the sun to come back
Hoping for a little light
To make us forget

We walk past all the souls
None caring for each other
Selfishness has become a virtue
And kindness is now a curse

We are all different
and yet the same
Our masks only breed hatred
Will you be brave enough
To take off your?

Live for centuries
In a world of paranoia
Until the next generation
It comes with hope of change

Look to the stars
Maybe they'll look back at you
And give you hope
Of a brighter future

Look to the stars
Maybe they'll look back at you
To vanquish the darkness
And make your dreams come true

What are we?
We are nothing but inferior
Yet we try to resemble gods
We toy with existence
And provoke fate
To fuel our desires

Look down below you
There are lost souls
Begging for you
To appeal to their need
But your heart contains
Nothing but greed

The most virtuous souls
Nothing but monsters
The most kind spirits
Destined to destain and resentment
You have everything
But deserve nothing"


New member
Apr 22, 2008
I haven't had time to draw much recently, but I did come up with this little thing the other day. It's not much--my intent was mainly to get the symbol down. Not a particularly dramatic piece.

@Fightgarr: Well done on the Ursadon! That thing is absolutely amazing.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Fightgarr said:
Considering you manage to moderate, do art, write your Warning: Caustic Contents essays and organize events like Escapism (and that's just here) I'm going to call you on that and say you're less lazy than you're making yourself out to be.
It'd look like a better record if I could put claim to anything else. Those don't take up anywhere near the amount of effort people think. Escapism for example consists of "People, be here, at this time." and a phone call to book.

On that note I need to get off my butt and do some art homework. Buh.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008

sorry about the size, I screwed up scaling it down after I finished it.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys. I decided to make a little animated .gif to show my process work on the Ursadon. You've seen each progress shot, but now I have them all lined up and looped. Massive thank you to Fanboy for showing me how to do this.