All kindness inevitably bleeds into pain,
all order will unquestionably descends into chaos,
because of mans irrational nature, all happiness eventually breeds sadness.
Easier perhaps, to forever wallow forlorn within the cesspool of angst and hatred, never daring to reach forward and grasp the seductive shore, of love and happiness,
for in the pursuit of happiness we only damn ourselves to tragedy.
But to forsake our irrational pursuit, is to forsake the very thing that makes us human,
and only more so damn ourselves, to cold watery oblivion
all order will unquestionably descends into chaos,
because of mans irrational nature, all happiness eventually breeds sadness.
Easier perhaps, to forever wallow forlorn within the cesspool of angst and hatred, never daring to reach forward and grasp the seductive shore, of love and happiness,
for in the pursuit of happiness we only damn ourselves to tragedy.
But to forsake our irrational pursuit, is to forsake the very thing that makes us human,
and only more so damn ourselves, to cold watery oblivion