It's like Willy Wonkas factory meets 50's sci-fi space rocket.........and would make an awesome building in real life!Sporky111 said:Does anybody here know anything about architecture? I wanted to get an honest opinion on this, whether it works in it's genre and if it is visually appealing:
I realize that the scanner made it look like shit, but it's supposed to be stained glass windows.
I know some stuff about Gothic Cathedrals. First off, you need twin spires at the side one enters the Cathedral from. Secondly, you need ornate relief sculpture. Finally, Cathedrals are, as a rule, shaped like a cross. You need small north and southern wings to it. Look up some images of some of the larger ones in France and you'll see what I mean (not Notre Dames since it isn't finished, though).Sporky111 said:Does anybody here know anything about architecture? I wanted to get an honest opinion on this, whether it works in it's genre and if it is visually appealing:
I realize that the scanner made it look like shit, but it's supposed to be stained glass windows.
These are very nice. The position of the deep one combined with it's proportions looks a bit awkward, bit it's otherwise really nice. The eyes look really glassy. Though it looks oddly friendly for a Lovecraftian horror.Ekonk said:The Dunwhich Horror!
A Deep One!
Those were my delicious chunky mouthfulls of Lovecrafty goodness.
It is roughly cruciform, as the west facing side is much wider than the east, more of a 'T' shape. I designed it so that the most amount of light could come in through the glass. Maybe cathedral was just the wrong word for it (damned technical terminology).Fightgarr said:I know some stuff about Gothic Cathedrals. First off, you need twin spires at the side one enters the Cathedral from. Secondly, you need ornate relief sculpture. Finally, Cathedrals are, as a rule, shaped like a cross. You need small north and southern wings to it. Look up some images of some of the larger ones in France and you'll see what I mean (not Notre Dames since it isn't finished, though).Sporky111 said:Does anybody here know anything about architecture? I wanted to get an honest opinion on this, whether it works in it's genre and if it is visually appealing:
I realize that the scanner made it look like shit, but it's supposed to be stained glass windows.
Really nice drawing. Well done with natural-looking posing and an excellent use of light. The hints of a light source just off camera is a great touch. It needs a bit of establishment of light source on the candle itself, since it has uniform lighting on all sides, but other than that it's extremely well done. The font looks a little bit cliche for my tastes, but it's really up to you on that front.SharPhoe said:Yo-ho again, everyone. I come on the behest of a dear friend.More than that, really...
Anyway, I wish to present the gift that I gave to him just today for his birthday.
Your work translated well into 3D. I've always had problems with 3 Dimensional work. I always try to treat clay like a drawing and it just won't have it. Are you going to paint it at all?Archemetis said:I've been doing some clay modelling!
And that's the Process Blog.
That's my deal. I hang around this thread and babble at people. I like to think most people appreciate crits, so I do them.Sporky111 said:snip.
I see your point. The barrel vault on the far side was put into create a sort of foyer, with windows on all sides and a view of the big glass wall, but it was just coincidence that it made a cross shape. I didn't have that intention.Fightgarr said:That's my deal. I hang around this thread and babble at people. I like to think most people appreciate crits, so I do them.Sporky111 said:snip.
That's what I do. Okay, here's where I got confused. You put the cross of the cruciform on the other side of the cathedral. See that barrel vault right there? It usually goes on the other side of the church. Then there are literal protrusions creating the northern and southern arms of the cross. Am I making sense or am I just babbling about stuff you already know, or can correct? It's been a few years since I studied Gothic architecture.
I was hoping on painting. But right now I'm too poor to buy paints xDFightgarr said:Your work translated well into 3D. I've always had problems with 3 Dimensional work. I always try to treat clay like a drawing and it just won't have it. Are you going to paint it at all?Archemetis said:I've been doing some clay modelling!
And that's the Process Blog.
Thanks, I am really happy with how it turned out. The font, yes, I know it's a trite overdone, but I was also considering writing it in myself. Problem is, my handwriting is absolute rubbish, and a tablet will do nothing to improve that. >_>Fightgarr said:Really nice drawing. Well done with natural-looking posing and an excellent use of light. The hints of a light source just off camera is a great touch. It needs a bit of establishment of light source on the candle itself, since it has uniform lighting on all sides, but other than that it's extremely well done. The font looks a little bit cliche for my tastes, but it's really up to you on that front.
Overall it's a great piece that you should be thoroughly proud of. Good stuff, man.
Don't we all...SharPhoe said:I still have issues with perspective/proportions and the like.