The Big Picture: Correctitude


Sep 8, 2009
Bob, sir, I absolutely applaud you for this one. This was said incredibly well, and needed to be said. Thank you.

As for those bringing up RE5; here is a brief history of the Resident Evil 5 & Racism issue as it pertains to Bob. There were two separate points of contention that went around during the Resident Evil 5 trailer. One of these was the genocide charge, that it was a video of 'whitey killing black'. The other, most famously made by N'gai Croal (with his memorable phrase, "This imagery has a history") []. Bob was, in fact, critical at the time of both of these issues; he argued the criticisms should be deferred until the game was released []. (Although it's worth pointing out that he defended Croal vehemently against the torrent of criticism that got levelled at him from the gamer community.) When RE5 was released, the first criticism was still up for contention, but the second criticism gained massive corroboration with the tribal imagery that hadn't been seen in the trailer (and that Bob briefly highlighted in this video). At that point, Bob switched his position, more or less acknowledging that Croal's criticisms were valid against the finished game (with some caveats) [].

Or, in the Teal Deer version: Yes, people criticised the African imagery rather than just the act of killing. And Bob's statements here are pretty consistent with the opinion he's expressed before.
Feb 13, 2008
Uhhh....for 3/4's of the way, I was right behind you. I don't know when I stopped walking beside you, but I guess it was when we got into blame-throwing.

Gay doesn't mean homosexual. It originally meant happy. ("We'll have a gay old time"- The Flintstones)
Man doesn't refer to guys, it refers to Homo, as in Homo Sapiens. There's isn't a Hetero Sapiens or a Wohomo/Feminae Sapiens.
African people were sold as slaves, referred to by the N word, and it was often by other Africans. Not by Whitey. Which isn't racist(?). Cracker or Coon are equally racist but only in their relative countries.
Spastic is horribly offensive over here (Not so in America), while we still all use the cross-eyed "Derp" epithet to refer to someone with mental shortcomings - making fun of those that actually have them in ailments like Downes Syndrome.

See, here's the problem with the PC movement: Big White Corporate-land (Which doesn't include you or me, and never will unless we've got family in there) has decided that words like Golliwog and ****** are offensive - not because they have a deep meaning of antagonism, but that they've been used to antagonise in the past.
(OED: a soft doll with bright clothes, a black face, and fuzzy hair / a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried. )

We've been utter assholes in the past, and there's some of us that are still assholes in the present; but it's hugely dangerous to start limiting speech purely from when "Haters are gonna Hate".

It's one of the main reasons I like the Escapist. I can say fuck when I need to. I can write 455 without the swear-checker jumping on it. I understand that there are people out there who just want to potty-mouth the whole day long, but like DRM, there's always a way around it. And also like DRM, innocent consumers are caught up in the fight between Corporateland and Anarchyland.

Would I ever use the N word to a black guy? No. That would be rude.
Would I describe him as an African-American? No. FOR THE SAME REASON. I don't know where his family came from.

Political Correctness is a toxic point because it subtly slips in new words into the vernacular, which just become as racist as the old ones; slips some out which are actually useful and descriptive (purely because they've been used in hate speech); and heralds in the wonders of Newspeak where reporting on sexcrime is doubleplusgood.

TL;DR: Stop the hatewords, not the hatelanguage.

(Oh, Achmed the Dead Terrorist? Lots of Arabians laugh their dishdasha's off at it)


New member
Nov 21, 2009
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
You don't have the right to not be offended.

Also I'm still upset they made Nick Fury Black. Not because I'm rascist but because in every subsequent adaption of Nick Fury he will now be black. I just feel that it is disingenuous to the past Nick Fury and when a new generation of comic book readers that came out of watching the cartoons look on old nick fury they will go: "WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?"

Just take a look at what happened with people who only watched the Justice League cartoon watched the new Green Lantern trailer. All i heard from them is "why isn't he black?"

Although they could have been trolls.
616 Nick Fury is still good ol' white Howling Commando's Nick Fury. The Ultimate Universe, which the movies draw heavily from, created a different sort of war vet for their Nick Fury. Different universes and easily separable.
True but that still doesn't explain why every single subsequent interpretation of Nick Fury has been black.

Wolverine and the X-men-black

Iron Man: Armored Adventures-black

Super Hero Squad-black

Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes-black

I just feel it is disingenuous to the original material to do this. If they really wanted a black character they should have made someone original for that purpose not change the race of an existing character.
Why? How does Nick Fury function as a character in these universes? SHIELD leader, superspy, etc? Why does it matter if he is or isn't black in this case? Does he function as Super-spy WWII vet?

Because if he did, and we were being pure about it, he's extremely f-cking old.
If it is in his origin then yes he should. And since his origin is that of a ww2 super spy that should be included. Unfortunately the soldiers of ww2 were segregated so Nick Fury could not have been black.
Truthfully, it isn't his origin in those universes. Largely due to the roving timeline and the fact that WWII is too far to be believable.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Somethings that Bob said I agree with, some I don't.
The only one that I have the really big problem with is that Bob was defending the change of the charcter in the Thor movie. I'm not a big fan of Thor and I don't know much about it, but we see this a lot in movies now where they change the character's race to be more PC and I think that is stupid and wrong. I think it's wrong because you are taking someone elses idea and creation(one you stand to make a lot of money on if you're a Hollywood producer) and shitting on it by changing their work of art. Would you paint over Da Vinci "Last Supper" portrait to make the painting more "diverse"? Would you add some black, hispanic, asain, or middle eastern people to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel despite them not being part of Michelangelo's vision? No. So why should movies or story telling be any different? So if an author of a book has a race of pure white elves and you are black, don't complain that it is racist that you didn't get picked for that movie role or if a comic book character is white then make the actor that plays him white if for no other reason then to respect the original creator's vision. On top of all that, it's not really realistic for a Nordic diety to be black.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Random berk said:
samus17 said:
Not bad, but I don't remember the resident evil 5 racism scandal being quite like how you portray it. I'm pretty sure the complaints were "whitey killing blacks" and not "misuse of tribal imagery" But hey, I could be wrong.

Edit: Before the MovieBob defense force comes to crucify me, here's a quote from a group of the complainer's since the original article has been taken down.
In all fairness, thats a valid point even without the link. At least you were civil about it rather than storming in saying "You're a load of shit Bob, and I know better than you because etc, etc..."

Quite vindictive towards the end this week Bob. Presumably you had a run in with a particularly pig headed pc-user?
That, or he read the comments page of Extra Credits' diversity episode. I saw a bunch of comments there about them just trying to be politically correct.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
InterAirplay said:
Therumancer said:
I'll say flat out bigotry is what society needs more of right now, people who are willing to flat out ignore political correctness and what's nice, focus on problems like a laser, and work to correct them even if it involves being mean. Honestly I think political correctness perpetuates problems and actually does more damage to the people it sets out to protect than it helps them... largely because it tells them that things that aren't okay are just fine.

...just... what?

I don't think any of those words mean what you think they mean.
Let me translate from the Conservispeak (I come from a household where that's the only language spoken, so I'm fluent)
"I suggest that honest, and heartfelt evaluations of people or groups is what society needs right now, in order to cut away needless "beating around the bush" (If you'll excuse a colloquialism) and focus on issues which need to be resolved (this is combined with an implication that the resolution of these issues are more important than manners). In truth, I feel that the avoidance of heartfelt evaluations of people or groups perpetuates some issues by restricting the availability of information about the problems (Which would have been pointed out by said heartfelt evaluations) of the aforementioned people or groups."


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Blind Sight said:
jmarquiso said:
No, no it isn't and I agree with you here.

Universities should be open forums for free speech and free thought - and SOME of that is accepting the consequences of what you say. If you say something that a lot of people don't like, expect backlash. Don't blame the PC Police if you get it.


You can learn from it. Listen to what is said honestly, and react. Like what you planned to do in the Q & A session. It was a great response.
I should've also mentioned that I have no problem with protesting Coulter, that's completely fine, but making sure that no one can get into the building by blocking the door (I was violently pushed back when I tried to enter) as well as their other chaotic actions are completely irresponsible and very morally questionable. Responding to someone speaking with acts and threats of violence, no matter how minor, makes you the bad person, not them. Morality ends where the barrel of a gun begins.

Also, my comment on politically correctness being applied too broadly was more in response to the fact that the protesters had no idea what she was going to speak about but still wanted to surpress her. Their basic logic was that because she's said questionable things in the past, it's therefore fine to assume that her discussion will be 'hate speech'. I'm not a fan of assumptions, and thus I don't think that 'hate speech' logic can be applied to her statements until she actually says them. Figured I should clear that up.
Yeah, I got that, and it's a shame. But it happens. The fact is that that person had much less of an understanding of free speech than he should.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
You don't have the right to not be offended.

Also I'm still upset they made Nick Fury Black. Not because I'm rascist but because in every subsequent adaption of Nick Fury he will now be black. I just feel that it is disingenuous to the past Nick Fury and when a new generation of comic book readers that came out of watching the cartoons look on old nick fury they will go: "WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?"

Just take a look at what happened with people who only watched the Justice League cartoon watched the new Green Lantern trailer. All i heard from them is "why isn't he black?"

Although they could have been trolls.
616 Nick Fury is still good ol' white Howling Commando's Nick Fury. The Ultimate Universe, which the movies draw heavily from, created a different sort of war vet for their Nick Fury. Different universes and easily separable.
True but that still doesn't explain why every single subsequent interpretation of Nick Fury has been black.

Wolverine and the X-men-black

Iron Man: Armored Adventures-black

Super Hero Squad-black

Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes-black

I just feel it is disingenuous to the original material to do this. If they really wanted a black character they should have made someone original for that purpose not change the race of an existing character.
Why? How does Nick Fury function as a character in these universes? SHIELD leader, superspy, etc? Why does it matter if he is or isn't black in this case? Does he function as Super-spy WWII vet?

Because if he did, and we were being pure about it, he's extremely f-cking old.
If it is in his origin then yes he should. And since his origin is that of a ww2 super spy that should be included. Unfortunately the soldiers of ww2 were segregated so Nick Fury could not have been black.
Truthfully, it isn't his origin in those universes. Largely due to the roving timeline and the fact that WWII is too far to be believable.
It is believable when you know he took the serum that basically makes immortal.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Isn't a pretty big part of being a dick... not thinking/realizing that you're being a dick?

It's all well and good to say "if you wanna be a jerk, then be a jerk," but part of said jerk's effectiveness is parading about like he has legitimate things to say.

Kinda like this post, for instance. O:)


New member
Mar 10, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Uhhh....for 3/4's of the way, I was right behind you. I don't know when I stopped walking beside you, but I guess it was when we got into blame-throwing.

Gay doesn't mean homosexual. It originally meant happy. ("We'll have a gay old time"- The Flintstones)
Man doesn't refer to guys, it refers to Homo, as in Homo Sapiens. There's isn't a Hetero Sapiens or a Wohomo/Feminae Sapiens.
African people were sold as slaves, referred to by the N word, and it was often by other Africans. Not by Whitey. Which isn't racist(?). Cracker or Coon are equally racist but only in their relative countries.
Spastic is horribly offensive over here (Not so in America), while we still all use the cross-eyed "Derp" epithet to refer to someone with mental shortcomings - making fun of those that actually have them in ailments like Downes Syndrome.

See, here's the problem with the PC movement: Big White Corporate-land (Which doesn't include you or me, and never will unless we've got family in there) has decided that words like Golliwog and ****** are offensive - not because they have a deep meaning of antagonism, but that they've been used to antagonise in the past.
(OED: a soft doll with bright clothes, a black face, and fuzzy hair / a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried. )

We've been utter assholes in the past, and there's some of us that are still assholes in the present; but it's hugely dangerous to start limiting speech purely from when "Haters are gonna Hate".

It's one of the main reasons I like the Escapist. I can say fuck when I need to. I can write 455 without the swear-checker jumping on it. I understand that there are people out there who just want to potty-mouth the whole day long, but like DRM, there's always a way around it. And also like DRM, innocent consumers are caught up in the fight between Corporateland and Anarchyland.

Would I ever use the N word to a black guy? No. That would be rude.
Would I describe him as an African-American? No. FOR THE SAME REASON. I don't know where his family came from.

Political Correctness is a toxic point because it subtly slips in new words into the vernacular, which just become as racist as the old ones; slips some out which are actually useful and descriptive (purely because they've been used in hate speech); and heralds in the wonders of Newspeak where reporting on sexcrime is doubleplusgood.

TL;DR: Stop the hatewords, not the hatelanguage.

(Oh, Achmed the Dead Terrorist? Lots of Arabians laugh their dishdasha's off at it)
Wouldn't it be eaiser to just stop the hating?


New member
Feb 12, 2009
The idea of appealing to everyone with fair language has only helped to open the floodgates to a world where people have delusional understandings of race. It is a subject where simply trying to discuss it lands the label of bigot and jerk upon you. If people using the shield of "political correctness" are bad, then people who use the spear of "racist" to silence someone's argument is equally reprehensible. For this bob, I have to say you missed the mark. You're really level headed normally, but I have to disagree with you here. The real political correctness you talk about has been taken to bizarre lengths, and is used to silence intellectual discussion and censor people.

The road to hell is paved by good intentions.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
OK here's an interesting perspective on the concept of a "racist joke" I've found.

In order for a racist joke to not be "mean" or "unfair" the joke must only be applicable to one race. So if you make a joke about the Irish being stupid, that's racist, as you can revolve the Irish with any race and have the joke work. However if you make a joke about the irish and potatoes, that is less racist as the only way the joke can work is if the irish person is involved. Ultimately, in the first scenario you have actively picked on a race and attributed them characteristics. In the second, you've had to resort to their race because otherwise the punchline doesn't work.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
themyrmidon said:
Of course someone using a politically incorrect term in a mean, insulting way is just trolling. Context is what matters when it comes to being PIC, and a lot of the PC backlash isn't necessarily being PIC, but simply hating it when things are made PC that don't need to be.
THANK YOU! listen, i do agree with you to an extent, bob but i really gotta say i feel PC has just started to go too far. not to say the stuff you were talking about is okay but there are other sides.

in school we were studying a poem in english once that was, more or less, just a guy bitching that people call him half caste. we were asked our opinions on the subject and i said "well, it's a bit stupid to complain about just the words people use, they're just words. if someone says it with obvious malicious intent, that's a different story. but if you're just gonna get offended by words, you're not gonna get far without having something to ***** about." the teacher then said to the class "is anyone here actually half caste, let's see if they feel the same way." i then put my hand up.

i know black people who have close friends that use the "n word" with them. and they don't mind 'cause they're friends and they understand that. i love the idea of political correctness. but the fact is there IS a difference between PC and just politeness and i think it's a slippery slope when, for example, filmmakers change a character's race incongruously just to try and please everyone.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
jmarquiso said:
spectrenihlus said:
You don't have the right to not be offended.

Also I'm still upset they made Nick Fury Black. Not because I'm rascist but because in every subsequent adaption of Nick Fury he will now be black. I just feel that it is disingenuous to the past Nick Fury and when a new generation of comic book readers that came out of watching the cartoons look on old nick fury they will go: "WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?"

Just take a look at what happened with people who only watched the Justice League cartoon watched the new Green Lantern trailer. All i heard from them is "why isn't he black?"

Although they could have been trolls.
616 Nick Fury is still good ol' white Howling Commando's Nick Fury. The Ultimate Universe, which the movies draw heavily from, created a different sort of war vet for their Nick Fury. Different universes and easily separable.
True but that still doesn't explain why every single subsequent interpretation of Nick Fury has been black.

Wolverine and the X-men-black

Iron Man: Armored Adventures-black

Super Hero Squad-black

Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes-black

I just feel it is disingenuous to the original material to do this. If they really wanted a black character they should have made someone original for that purpose not change the race of an existing character.
Why? How does Nick Fury function as a character in these universes? SHIELD leader, superspy, etc? Why does it matter if he is or isn't black in this case? Does he function as Super-spy WWII vet?

Because if he did, and we were being pure about it, he's extremely f-cking old.
If it is in his origin then yes he should. And since his origin is that of a ww2 super spy that should be included. Unfortunately the soldiers of ww2 were segregated so Nick Fury could not have been black.
Truthfully, it isn't his origin in those universes. Largely due to the roving timeline and the fact that WWII is too far to be believable.
It is believable when you know he took the serum that basically makes immortal.
IF you know that. That's a big If. That was WRITTEN in so they could explain his continued existence in the 616 universe. The movies, cartoons, and the Ultimate universe were meant to be unburdened with continuity (of course creating continuity of its own) and thus in their own little worlds. This also helped with licensing issues with Fox.