The Big Picture: Fair Game

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Yes, if I had the gall to say that I have a Nintendo Wii, many people are quick to say "Lol, ur a casual fag that is RUINING VIDYO GAYMES 4EVA! Go play ur wii spurts FAG and let REEL GAMURZ get on their REEL GAME SYSTUMZ like PS3 and 360!" Then when I mention I have a PS3, they attack me for not having a 360. "Oh, so you chooz not 2 get the 360? U have a grudge aganst xbawks? Ur a Microsawft h8r!"

It's not what you say, it's what you don't say. And there are millions of things you don't say.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Heh can't quite get behind that rant, maybe its because I have the feeling the fairness doctrine kinda lead people to control themselves a bit in term of discource, which is good. While the idea of the fairness doctrine in the internet age is interesting, the later part kinda degenerate in some rant about "the state of the fandom and the usual why can't more nuance opinions be allowed" we heard a lot of time before


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Okysho said:
I like the Halo series just as well. I'll admit to being an FF7 fanboy, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy Mass Effect either.


Welcome to my world

their opinion is halo is "TEH BEST THANG EVAR"
my opinion is that it's "okay" at best and I didn't like it

...but apparently their opinion is fact because they have massive numbers on their side

...that's the stuff that drives me up a wall

and to top it off, I make ONE comment about a game I like better then halo and I made it ONE time

now apparently I'm a "Tribes Fanboy" ...despite that I haven't played the game in over a year and thought it was okay at best as well... just a little more okay then halo

yeah this is getting annoying... I don't care what peoples opinions are until they start to treat them like fact or call others wrong for having one

...having an opinion means you have half a brain

saying your opinion is fact because you can't think for yourself and conform to the norm (wow that sounds pretentious of me) and because "dude everyone else likes it so it must be good"


*sighs heavily*
this has got to stop before I curb stomp a troll that thinks they're safe on the internet despite living 3 houses away


New member
May 27, 2009
it's ok though, cuz this is the internet. if some anonymous guy from halfway around the world will give you shit because you personally enjoyed uncharted more than gears of war, are you going to think twice before giving that opinion? there arent massive fines for being a supposed fanboy like in the 60s and 70s. so the existence of fairness on the internet confounds me.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Pop-Culture Dualism. I dig it, sums it up real nicely.

This kinda reminds me of a conversation I was having with my friend recently where we were talking about the nature of conversation itself, exchanging of ideals, opinions, etcetera.
What you've said in this video, Bob, is remarkably close to the conclusion we found ourselves coming to.
You can have an opinion, but only if you put IMO in the sentence somewhere.
Killzone 2 wasn't that great, in my opinion.
Neither was Gears of War..... In my opinion.
World of Warcraft has excellent graphics and art design...... In..... My.... Opinion....

It's fundamentally the same issue, this unwillingness to have a concrete, set in stone opinion without backpedalling and almost fundamentally apolagising for having one in the first place.

Killzone 2 wasn't that great.
Killzone 2 wasn't that great, in my opinion.

They are exactly the same. Just because I have not added "in my opinion" does not mean I am some hardcore fanboy who wishes to state his opinions as unfallible universal truths.
I am stating an opinion, whether I state that I am stating an opinion or otherwise.

Anyway, great video, looking forward to the next one. Cheers


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Danial said:
I found a fun and easy way around this.

You sir are then a "Hating" fan boy =P.

OT: I agree with this fully. I hate being criticized because I enjoy a variety of things. For me though it's less fanboyism and more of stereotypes. I don't understand why I can't enjoy to play sports AND play video games/ table top games.

Also: I like the Spy vs. Spy references in the video


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Thinking of it isn't dualism and its excess somewhat inevitable when we are dealing with something that is base of competition?

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
As you say, Bob, internet opinions are your job. While I'm familiar with this phenomenon, I haven't encountered it too much.

However, if you try to raise honest objections to something, especially if you do civilly, there's no reason for anyone to accuse you of "trolling."


New member
Sep 12, 2010
WOPR said:
Okysho said:
I like the Halo series just as well. I'll admit to being an FF7 fanboy, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy Mass Effect either.


Welcome to my world

their opinion is halo is "TEH BEST THANG EVAR"
my opinion is that it's "okay" at best and I didn't like it

...but apparently their opinion is fact because they have massive numbers on their side

...that's the stuff that drives me up a wall

and to top it off, I make ONE comment about a game I like better then halo and I made it ONE time

now apparently I'm a "Tribes Fanboy" ...despite that I haven't played the game in over a year and thought it was okay at best as well... just a little more okay then halo

yeah this is getting annoying... I don't care what peoples opinions are until they start to treat them like fact or call others wrong for having one

...having an opinion means you have half a brain

saying your opinion is fact because you can't think for yourself and conform to the norm (wow that sounds pretentious of me) and because "dude everyone else likes it so it must be good"


*sighs heavily*
this has got to stop before I curb stomp a troll that thinks they're safe on the internet despite living 3 houses away
The power of the sheep masses, what can I say...

On the issue of Halo, I never liked it for it's multiplayer value, or even it's "combat evolved" value. I didn't even like it until after I saw Halo Legends (Which is a DVD of serious shorts if you didn't know) only after I saw that it had a decent backstory (not to mention the project was almost 100% japanese) did I finally have some respect for the series. This partially to be because(I admit to this) I love east Asian culture and because they did a good job (Watch moviebob's review if you don't believe me).

Generally people don't seem to get it when I say "I like Halo". Immediately the controller is thrust into my hand and I've been killed 5 times, called a noob and have been teabagged repeatedly before I can say "because Legends was good".

But of course trolls pop up everywhere you go on the internet. JRPGs and Nintendo-dom I find are the hardest to defend in this sense since the company isn't doing much to save themselves, and a good majority of the gaming masses play FPSs and sandboxes. Which I don't look down on, sometimes you just get the urge to blow something up. I have my CoD modern warfare and World at War (agian wii owner) and Saints row 2 for PC and such to curb those needs.

but the constant streams of hate for almost no reason then to be a dick, just infuriates me. It makes me as a gamer feel like I'm not human because of my tastes. I play Warhammer 40k (tabletop) and suddenly people shout insults into the store because it's "nerdy" and looked down upon. Go back to your brown shooters retards, and formulate your own opinions instead of following the masses.

-sigh- indeed my friend...

sorry for that bit of a rant...


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Bob is clearly a fanboy, he expressed the freedom of saying whatever we want without getting called out for it, but he didn't give anywhere near that much time to saying how great that whole fairness thingy was.

Opinionated opinion fanboy!


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Woot! Now I can say I love the Star Wars prequels without being told that the originals were better.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I don't ever remember this really being a problem for me and I'm one of the most opinionated people I know.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Well, as usual, Bob makes a damn good point, but if i agree, and accept being a big picture fanboy, what else gets an equality cookie as well? hmm? ps. chocolate ice cream is anti vanilla? i think its anti strawberry because... well, think about that for just a sec...


New member
Aug 12, 2009

He has a point, but I think Bob might have been lurking around the darkest corners of the internet a little bit too much. I'd say it all depends on topic and forum.

Sadly, the bigger the forum, the more chance you got to encounter such a situation. And admit it, the more game/music/movie geeks and nerds are involved, the worse.

I don't see the 'thou art a fanboy and it is WRONG' popping up as frequently at forums about cars, clothing, relationships or art.

I mean, hell, it's not like my mother ever got bashed for liking Egon Schiele more than El Greco...


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
"Fanboy" has become the equivalent of Fox News calling someone a "socialist" or "nazi" in that it is an excuse not to argue with you anymore.

A semi-related phenomenon is people's need to place you in a specific genre. Here is a conversation that I have had several times, almost with the excact words.

"What kind of music do you listen too?"
"No style in particular."
"Oh... What is your favorite band then?"
"What kind of band is that?"
"A metal band."
"So you listen to metal then!"

Seriously, no one wants to accept that I like several types of music and just because my favorite band happens to play metal doesn't mean I'm a... Well, metal fanboy.


New member
May 20, 2009
When did fanboy become the worst thing you can be? I have always claimed myself to be a fanboy of certain things. And why does being a fanboy automatically exlude you from everything else? I am an anime fanboy and will vigorously defend it but i'm also a fanboy of the classical looney toons and other various western animations. I'm not therefore a fanboy of one of them just because i like the other? Some of the stuff said i agree with, but I think this video was a little to shallow and narrow to be called the BIG picture...


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
Pugiron said:
This from someone that could not tolerate people liking the Expendables because that meant they were responsible for the failure of Scott Pilgrim.
To be fair, it's less The Expendables and more Universal executives deciding to pit Pilgrim, which would be a cult classic at the best of times (like pretty much everything else Wright has directed) against what was probably the most hyped movie of the year that caused Pilgrim's failure.

The small fact that The Expendables was distinctly meh [] compared to the better reception [] Pilgrim generated didn't help matters. Bob did have a point: the sheep factor was a large portion of the Expendables' success, regardless of the movie's quality (although the same argument could be applied to anything that is hugely hyped, e.g. Call of Duty, Duke Nukeum Forever, The King's Speech, whatever).