MovieBob said:
The rest of your post is so full of assumptions it's actually difficult to know where to start...
You have to realise, till recently I had ONLY heard about Michael Vick from video game commentators like yourself and Markus Beer and others. I don't think you realise what a picture you have painted, you really have made him out worse than the most prolific serial killers, I mean this is as bad as you have ever described anyone. And you've made some references to some pretty horrific characters in your time.
And I'm sorry but the race issue does have to come up, the only public figures that I can find who have stood up for him have been fellow black sportsman.
Think about this, this is more about the crime, more than the punishment, it is the person.
Racism is a subtle and powerful force, it can cloud the best judgement.
[edit: I AM NOT saying "movie bomb is a racist" no. I'm simply stating the scientific truth that everyone has an inherent racial bias at some level and the only way to truly combat this evil instinct is to admit our weaknesses. Now "racists" I'd call people who recognise this emotion but EMBRACE it. I do not think Bob has been doing that, not. at. all. Just that he's let his emotions get away with him here.]
I mean you have resorted to such hyperbole here, showing pictures of the most benign and fragile dog breeds. At no point did you mention dog-fighting. None of the white commentators did, it wasn't till I read the quote of someone who turned out to be black did I find someone to frankly say what he had done.
Surely when you say he "tortured" the animal and showed a picture of a little poodle dog you KNOW what people are going to think.
They are not going to think dog-fighting, they are going to think someone secretly doing evil things in some basement. Something out of Law & order SVU but with a puppy. Why do you keep doing this Bob?
You're a smart guy, but why do you treat us like idiots?
I do NOT like being bullshitted to. No one does. I had enough of that from Michael Moore back when I was younger and more naive, you bullshit people and you push them away.
Just be frank for goodness snake.