The Big Picture: No No Power Rangers


New member
Feb 2, 2011
RealRT said:
I loved Power Rangers as a kid, even realizing how cheap and campy it was. But I'm not excited because with current Hollywood fucking up characters like Superman, Power Rangers movie being crap is a foregone conclusion.
My sentiments exactly. I loved Power Rangers (the first two seasons before I outgrew it), but you have to see that with their ability to fuck up movies these days, this can't be a good idea. I groan because I get to watch someone else I love get turned into something far worse.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
bluegate said:
Scarim Coral said:
Err does anyone got the link of that super Sentai clip which appear that every Sentai are fighting each other?
That's footage from this Japanese sentai movie;

Shouldn't be hard to find on the internet, it can be found on youtube even.
I did, all I got was the final battle and also the all megazoids battle too. I meant I want to see that part of the film/ scene/ clip only.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Scarim Coral said:
I did, all I got was the final battle and also the all megazoids battle too. I meant I want to see that part of the film/ scene/ clip only.

And you can skip to 49:50 to see some ranger in-fighting.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
BrotherRool said:
80's 90's cartoons and childrens shows suck. All of them. (Except Gargoyles)

Just wait until people are selling the kids nowadays their nostalgia back. Then we're going to get some awesome films. Kim Possible is going to rock the world so hard the GI Joe films go away and cry themselves to sleep, asking why their entire existence was so pointless and forgettable.

(Power Rangers were my generation's thing. They sucked even then)
Well Gargoyles sucked with that horrid third season (Goliath Chronicles) they did so even they weren't immune to the 90s blight. Though GI Joe from time to time would actually have a good episode like G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (the 5 episode pilot), "Worlds without End", and "There's No Place Like Springfield" where the show really pushed what could be done with that genre. "Worlds without End" stands out in my mind because IFAIK it was the only episode where we saw actual corpses of Joes (ok they were skeletons and Joes of an alternate timeline bringing home just how ruthless Cobra really could be and it was in season 1.

Batman the Animated Series and Mighty Max were good and both were from the 1990s period.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
DaWaffledude said:
Speaking as someone who got into Power Rangers around Time Force (season 9), I'm honestly doubting that any kind of MMPR movie can work. Either they stick to the source material (and make it too childish for older fans to not get embarrassed about watching) or make it more serious (and lose the charm that made people love it in the first place).
I imagine this being greenlit had something to do with the surprising success of Pacific Rim. If an original silly film about giant robots fighting monsters was a good success, imagine what a reboot of a silly show that was about giant robot's fighting monsters?

Could it work? Maybe. Man of Steal showed that being dark and gritty doesn't equate to being a major box office success, so Power Rangers could get away with being fun. If nothing else, the fact they will have a budget so they can have things besides "people hitting each other with plastic weapons in a rock quarry" and "having robots being something else besides men in suits" will be nice.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Silverspetz said:
Wait, wait, wait....There is a Rescue Rangers Movie in the works? Seriously? FUCK YEAH!!!!!!
This is about the only take-away I have from this video. Hell yeah!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
bluegate said:
Scarim Coral said:
I did, all I got was the final battle and also the all megazoids battle too. I meant I want to see that part of the film/ scene/ clip only.

And you can skip to 49:50 to see some ranger in-fighting.
Yup that was the parts I was talking about (49.50) althought I didn't know that "final" battle was inface the first battle!


New member
Jan 20, 2012
I don't think it's just a generational thing. I think whenever there's a property being adapted, there's always this fandom mentality of the outsiders vs. the true fans. Like, I can see the trend Bob is talking about when female audiences go for Twilight or The Hunger Games.

I try to go into every film and judge it on its own merits. I don't hate Twilight because of its audience or its fandom or this sort of disconnect between geek culture and Young Adult culture. I hate Twilight because it fails on its own merits and the world it attempts to establish and fails.

I will judge the new movie just like that.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I'v been slightly too old (and too English probably) for the whole Transformers, He-Man and G.I. Joe stuff but Power Rangers was totally something I loved as a kid.

I have no idea if a Power Rangers film will go any further than having good, fun and extremely camp action scenes but that's good enough for a film to be worth seeing.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
When a bunch of late 90s movies came in, one of the girls I work with in her early 20s got all excited that a copy of the MMPR movie was in the batch. I thought was cute seeing her geek out, but wasn't my cup of tea. I wasn't about to knock someone for it. We all have our nerd out buttons.

I was about 13 or 14 when the first PR series came out, but I have two younger brothers(5 and 7 years younger than me), so they'd watch power rangers when I was baby sitting them after school. Some of it was entertaining, as was cheesy over the top. I watched bits of the series here and there when I'd sometimes when I'd be watching other shows that were on (I was a transformers fan, so I'd still watch beast Wars and other Series), but nothing I went out of my way to watch. Only one I actually followed and thought was pretty good was Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy.(far as power ranger shows go anyways heh.)

As for a new movie coming out, I see no reason it can't exist. Hollywood is out to grab up any older IP and make a line of movies out of it. I am not surprised by this attempt, as it has managed to endure this long. Whether it's good or bad will be judged simply by it's own merits for me. If I see it, will likely be with one of my sisters kids.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Born in 1990, never could get into Power Rangers... not feeling to psyched about the movie.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I'm definitely a fan of the series watched it all the way up to the end of Dino Thunder. Though admittedly that's about as far as I could go with the Disney era considering the prior series had a talking hamster as the mentor, and in all honesty Mesagog was probably the most effectively scary bad guy since lord Zedd at that point...But I digress.

I like both gen stuff though I always worry with hollywoods take on the old nostalgia properties. The only real big worry I have is how seriously the source material will be; They're going to need to take it serious enough with out taking it too serious to actually do it justice. But then it's being Done by lionsgate, so that could work out since they've made a good living of adapting teen/young adult novels for the major part of the decade.

I do wonder will the Green with Evil arc be covered first? or will they just skip straight to having the white ranger?


New member
Feb 12, 2014
Go Go Power Rangers, Haters!

I'm curious how they reboot it, they'll either keep it's goofy tone or go stupid Bay-formers on us, with any luck we'll hit the middle.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
Eh, all this geek bait is more or less the same at this point, no different from The Avengers, Superman, Spider Man, Transformers, whatever. It's empty, meaningless spectacle, sleek and slippery for easy consumption, utterly void of meaning and depth. The only difference I can see is degrees of intellectual offence, from Transformers on the absolute shit end of the spectrum, The Avengers on the other, and all the others flailing somewhere in between. But it's still just product, "art" by committee.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Wait... disney's putting out a rescue rangers movie (maybe)? Hunh... cautiously optimistic.

Anyway, my big thing with powerrangers isnt that I'm going to look down on it, since it is the transformers for the 90s kids and we're supposed to look at GI Joe and transformers as serious attempts at a genre, I just dont know if powerrangers is still that cultural icon. at least here in the west. I feel like a lot of this movie is going to get by on a nostalgia hype market and that it will probably wind up pretty bad. But if it does that might be good since powerrangers has always been about cheesiness.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Having grown up with Power Rangers in my early teens I can safely say that this reboot will be crap, and I don't feel nostalgic to the cheesy property.