The Big Picture: Off the Charts


New member
Jun 15, 2008
vivaldiscool said:
In before some fucking idiot posts 5 or 6 good games to refute my claim even though each industry releases thousands of games each year.
Thousands of games that, for the most part, are mediocre. The few greats are those we should be judging on, and if examples [which are clearly needed here] can prove such a statement then who are you to argue against it? Because it might disprove your rash generalizations?


New member
Jun 15, 2008
joebear15 said:
listen I have work to do I said my opinion and you yours, I don't have time to engage you in a dick waving contest right now so either we agree to disagree or I will pencil you in for Friday afternoon.
I hearty apologize for posting evidence, explanations and examples of my point whilst you act cynical and child-like; I'll try harder to create posts with rash generalizations, poorly thought out logic and opinions that don't span beyond "it's bad because I said so" - like you, in the future. By all means ignore the argument, though this post sounds more like an attempt to avoid refutation of points rather than a legitimate response.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
All movies based games suck because they rip the story and streamline and cut a lot from the narrative that would be there if not for it being a movie.

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Lol I think Movie Bob feeds off the rage of the entitled fan boys on here.

Also, everyone needs to stop trying to get into a dick waving contests on this site. (I mean, just because someone states their opinion, doesn't mean they are stating it as fact.)

And also, I played Uncharted and I didn't really like the game...or the story.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
D_987 said:
vivaldiscool said:
In before some fucking idiot posts 5 or 6 good games to refute my claim even though each industry releases thousands of games each year.
Thousands of games that, for the most part, are mediocre. The few greats are those we should be judging on, and if examples [which are clearly needed here] can prove such a statement then who are you to argue against it? Because it might disprove your rash generalizations?
...what? No, that's completely wrongheaded. When someone says "Most storytelling in this medium is mediocre" you can't counter it by saying "We shouldn't judge the average story in that medium by the mediocre when the few greats are what matters."

No wonder you're having such a hard time with this statement, you're arguing a completely different point. This isn't a question of whether the best storyline games come out of Western or Eastern development, it's a question of the quality of storylines in all games. That means all the mediocre ones, too, which is why we're saying most games are mediocre - at best - in that department while you zoom in on a tiny sample of the whole and ignore everything else.

Thousands of games being mediocre is the whole point.

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
D_987 said:
joebear15 said:
listen I have work to do I said my opinion and you yours, I don't have time to engage you in a dick waving contest right now so either we agree to disagree or I will pencil you in for Friday afternoon.
I hearty apologize for posting evidence, explanations and examples of my point whilst you act cynical and child-like; I'll try harder to create posts with rash generalizations, poorly thought out logic and opinions that don't span beyond "it's bad because I said so" - like you, in the future. By all means ignore the argument, though this post sounds more like an attempt to avoid refutation of points rather than a legitimate response.
Or he(joebear15) could be attempting to stop engaging in a conversation with a guy that won't stop pissing all over his opinions for no good reason like some sort demonic twelve year old troll on 4chan.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Shjade said:
...what? No, that's completely wrongheaded.
It's not, but let's see your explanation anyway.

When someone says "Most storytelling in this medium is mediocre" you can't counter it by saying "We shouldn't judge the average story in that medium by the mediocre when the few greats are what matters."
Ok, please point out to me exactly where the person I quoted says that.

[small]Hint: They don't. Instead they make rash generalizations about specific types of storylines from different industries.[/small]

No wonder you're having such a hard time with this statement, you're arguing a completely different point.
I haven't actually read your response to my other post but if this is the point you're arguing I doubt I'm going to bother responding...

This isn't a question of whether the best storyline games come out of Western or Eastern development, it's a question of the quality of storylines in all games.
Again, read the quoted post.

That means all the mediocre ones, too, which is why we're saying most games are mediocre - at best
Not the statement Bob made [that I'm arguing against]. Not the statement the person quoted made. Who's arguing this statement again?

- in that department while you zoom in on a tiny sample of the whole and ignore everything else.
I think you're a bit confused about just whom I'm responding to here...

Thousands of games being mediocre is the whole point.
No. No it's not.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I think Bob just hates snarky assholes. oh, and Dane Cook is not a snarky asshole... he is a duchebag. Nathan Drake is more like a Ryan Reynolds.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Brian Hendershot said:
Or he(joebear15) could be attempting to stop engaging in a conversation with a guy that won't stop pissing all over his opinions for no good reason like some sort demonic twelve year old troll on 4chan.
If you can't back up your opinions with any form of evidence beyond "I say so" then expect to be called out on it. If you create a post with an intentional arrogant angle "I'll pencil you in..." being such a line, then expect to get a similar response in turn. If joebear, or yourself, can't handle people responding to yourselves in kind [your post [number 249] comes across as both arrogant and lacking in purpose] then post in a different style.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
I agree that an actual good video game movie is a long way away if it ever will happen. Although it is not entirely the movie producers fault there aren't many video games that are very compelling when it comes to the story. Even if you have a video game with great writing and an interesting story the whole thing is structured on interaction experience. A huge way you connect to a game is through your first hand experience which makes it extremely difficult to translate those same experiences felt by a gamer into a movie which is purely an observational interaction.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010

Yes, D_987, it is the point. Again, you just seem to be having trouble with reading comprehension. No, that's not meant to be a jab or name-calling or anything, it's an assessment of why there seems to be a failure to communicate going on here.

D_987 said:
Shjade said:
When someone says "Most storytelling in this medium is mediocre" you can't counter it by saying "We shouldn't judge the average story in that medium by the mediocre when the few greats are what matters."
Ok, please point out to me exactly where the person I quoted says that.

[small]Hint: They don't. Instead they make rash generalizations about specific types of storylines from different industries.[/small]
The post in question:
vivaldiscool said:
Western developers?innovative gameplay, vestigial stories.-EXCEPTIONS NEED NOT APPLY.

Eastern developers-Stagnant, dated gameplay, Colorful stories.-EXCEPTIONS NEED NOT APPLY.

In before some fucking idiot posts 5 or 6 good games to refute my claim even though each industry releases thousands of games each year.
I've highlighted it for you as you requested. "Vestigial stories" and "Stagnant, dated gameplay" are, indeed, rash generalizations. Specifically, they are rash generalizations of mediocrity. In other words, "most storytelling in this medium is mediocre" and "most gameplay in this medium is mediocre," respectively. Not being able to interpret that is what led to my assessment above and, frankly, at this point it doesn't seem like further explanation is going to accomplish anything with you.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Yeah, when you think that Uncharted is the best of what the West has to offer when it comes to stories....I mean, Mass Effect 2 anyone??

Oh and Killzone 3 is a pretty good shooter, and as one dimensional as space nazis are, all that matters is they work.

Oh and Bob...

Just give up on a decent Mario movie coming out one day. There's only one team that could pull it off, and it's Pixar....any other attempt will suck, and be just as faithful to the source material as Super Bladerunner Bros.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I'm sorry Sodom(I call moviebob that based on a cosplay comment i heard him say) but the transformers movies dont suck because they were made by michael bay, not solely atleast, they sucked BECAUSE THEY WERE SHIT. I'll admit, they're fun to watch but at the end of the day it's still shit.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I was laughing that you were showing Mario as a good prospect for a movie. C'mon that's a joke, it's gotta be right? If you say that Uncharted doesn't have a good story you seriously have a hard on for those little plumbers.

Also, for someone who's never played the Uncharted games, just watched the cutscenes, you've probably missed out on 80% of the narrative, which really drives the story. It's amazing but that's what it does so well, by playing the game and hearing their dialog with each other during gameplay you become involved with them. Of course you wouldn't know that because you HAVEN'T PLAYED THEM!

Zelda would also be a horrible movie. Because once again there is no story. Jesus.

I'm usually not that upset about things like this but this just seemed ignorant.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
D_987 said:
Shjade said:
...what? No, that's completely wrongheaded.
It's not, but let's see your explanation anyway.

When someone says "Most storytelling in this medium is mediocre" you can't counter it by saying "We shouldn't judge the average story in that medium by the mediocre when the few greats are what matters."
Ok, please point out to me exactly where the person I quoted says that.

[small]Hint: They don't. Instead they make rash generalizations about specific types of storylines from different industries.[/small]
Actually, that's exactly what I intended, and essentially what I said. In order for a conversation on the internet like this to work you have to not automatically twist and imply the worst possible implication from a statement. No body here has the time to spell out every possible conclusion from their statements.

I am indeed talking about generalizations, because we are talking about the industries in general. I do not believe my generalization was rash, but debating that would at least be a productive use of our time.

I can find no logic in your statement that exceptions should set the norm. Can you just clarify...why? I don't get why the few define the great.