The Big Picture: Off the Charts


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Stabby Joe said:
BUT I've noticed one recurring thing in this thread and thus will say this: Heavy Rain had a BAD story. For something that was clearly trying to be a movie, on that basis it was derivative and incoherent with multiple plot holes and very erratic voice acting. Did I like the game, yes but to this day the notion that it's one of the best examples of story telling in games is... well, I wouldn't have much faith in the industry if it were the case.
It's like you're trying to drench me in bad memories. Not that the experience was awful, but, that plot man....


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Sep 29, 2009
Kruxs said:
Shouldn't a game's narrative stand on its own in the game? Do games really need films in order for them to make sense?
Nobody is going to make a feature length big budget actioneer "to make the game make sense."

One thing you be sure of... A movie based on Uncharted will be a movie that has nothing to do with the video game Uncharted. And that is a good thing.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
..."for a western developer", REALLY Bob? Taking that, and you saying all the hate against Other M was just because people are racist against Japan has officially made it impossible for me to take you seriously when talking about games.

Luckily, I still mostly agree with you on movies and comics, and I agree with your movie-rants most of the time, especially the "Hollywood doesn't take ANYTHING seriously" bit. Too true.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
I usually have some disagreements when Bob talks games, but I'll backseat those, because...

Uncharted? Reaaaally? I can't make myself give a fuck about the game uncharted, much less a movie uncharted. There are so many other games...Dragon Age, Bioshock (anything made by Bioware already has good story going for it), Metal Gear solid is almost a movie already, but Uncharted?

This is not the Video Game your looking for.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Now I'm worrying about the Green Lantern movie AGAIN. I had just gotten it, and how it is clearly trying to cash in on the popularity of Tony Stark's character archetype by changing Hal Jordan into him, out of my mind.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I thought that the great video game movie was already made. I think it was called "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World".


New member
Feb 7, 2011
lol so freaky, just today I was watching the filming for the new silent hill movie in my town, come home and this is the new episode 0.o


New member
Jan 24, 2010
uncharted as a story was terrible but it was a fun game to play i cant see them being able to make a good movie out of it but then again they have taken good games and ruined them maybe they can take a bad one and turn it into somthing reasable

wishful thing on my part i think but hey gotta hope that they get it right one day


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Zhukov said:
Whoo boy.

You just had to throw in that "for a western developed video game" line didn't you?

I'm not even gonna touch that. Because if I did it would just consist of me yelling, "Bioshock!" over and over.

And now I've started touching that.


I'm outa here.
Don't forget Mass Effect.

Seriously, why did he say "for a western developed game? Is it because JRPGs are always so fresh and innovative? Lol, I know it's an opinion, but this is about as close to factually incorrect an opinion will ever be.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Zhukov said:
Whoo boy.

You just had to throw in that "for a western developed video game" line didn't you?

I'm not even gonna touch that. Because if I did it would just consist of me yelling, "Bioshock!" over and over.

And now I've started touching that.


I'm outa here.
It does seem like Bob has quite a bit of anti-western prejudice when it comes to games.

Oops, I first-page-quoted. Chances are the comment I just quoted has been gone over and beaten to death several time already.

Oh well, I don't care.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
BrownGaijin said:
I thought that the great video game movie was already made. I think it was called "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World".
When you use a snarky passive aggressive tone it comes off as, well, just that. It doesn't strengthen your point, man.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
themerrygambit said:
I honestly don't see how any of those 4 "Yet to be made great gaming movies" could ever possibly be a good movie.
I'm gonna have to agree with Bob on this one, in theory...

Castelvania would just look like a Van Hellsing knock off
Quick question about Van Hellsing. Does he have a generations-long feud with Dracula or fight a large array of monsters (mummies, Frakenstein's monster, werewolves, fishmen, possessed suits of armor, witches, zombies, the Grim Reaper, and many other mythical beasts)?
It's quite possible that the hypothetical movie would be a Van Hellsing knock off, but...unless I'm wrong in assuming they aren't both stories about vampire hunters having to fight through a Kitchen Sink Mythology of minions with a magic whip to get to Dracula...I think it'd stand out if done correctly.

The legend of Zelda would look like "Legend" or "The never ending story". Maybe a good animated film but I don't think it would translate to actual film without looking like a hoaky 80s fantasy flick.
I could see it working if taken seriously. Elven-esque warrior has to navigate a large kingdom, going through multiple trap-filled dungeons to secure...the macguffin of whatever Zelda they're adapting, acquire a legendary sword, go through some deadlier dungeons, then confront an immortal soccersor/warrior. Add in a subplot of Zelda either evading Ganon or undermining him from within his castle, depending on how early she gets kidnapped, and you could have an interesting narrative, interesting set pieces, and awesome action scenes.

Mario Brothers? Again I don't buy it. Possibly an animated kids film but there really is hardly a strong story here and the personalities of all the characters are still 2 dimensional at best.
Two brothers fighting through an army to save a kingdom--not only by rescuing the princess, but by also freeing them from military oppression. That, along with the setting (basically, use the "8 uniquely themed worlds" to have a variety of set pieces in the movie) could make at least one good movie.

The characters could be expanded, as the spin offs (particularly the RPGs) have already started. Mario, judging by his reactions upon meeting people who don't know him, seems to be a bit full of himself. Luigi definitely feels inferior to his brother--he makes up stories to impress Mario in Thousand Year Door and in Super Paper Mario has a couple of Koopa Kingdom guards trick him into helping them by playing up his heroic status.

Peach is usually sending Mario information in the Paper Mario series, which plays with the idea of the damsel in distress already, since she uses the oppurtunity to do some spy work. But in Super Paper Mario, she joins the team, and one of the recuring bosses mentioning how often she needs rescuing results in Peach ordering Mario and Luigi to stay back while she fights the boss herself...basically, her status as a macguffin in the platformers is Peach's beserk button.

Bowser, in the RPGs (of course) is often portrayed as a pretty cool boss. His minions seem to like their job, and the only reason he's invading the mushroom kingdom is to see Peach again. Military as a means of that's creepy. Of course, none of the four mains are as fleshed out as they could be (and really, they don't need to be for the style the games are going for), but that's enough of a foundation for a good writer.

Sure, make the movie kid friendly--don't want an R-rated Mario flick. But this could work in a Pixar/Disney/Don Bluth/(some)Dreamworks kind of way. Okay for the kids, but good enough where the adults won't be bored while watching. In other words, it doesn't have to be a feature length episode of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.
Metal Gear? Possibly but essentially this would be another navy seal movie or something along the lines of an 80s action hero movie... I'm not sure the mainstream audience is there for that anymore. It's possible a good script could come out of it but It's already been done better in other movies.
Like Castlevania or Zelda, Metal Gear might appear at first glance to be a generic movie stuck in the cliches of its genre...until five minutes into the military espionage they that Snake's up against a telepath, a shape shifter, a cowboy, a cyborg ninja, and a bipedal tank.

Of course, the biggest problem would be fitting the script into the time frame for a movie, which I'm not confident that they'd do well. Just watch most book-to-movie transitions...they cut out stuff that, in the long run, creates nothing but plot holes when it turns out they made a big mistake. A bigger risk than the others, but certainly not impossible. Besides, the Codec calls need to be trimmed down anyway.

The real appeal to these hypothetical great video game movies is the settings, not just the plot. Dracula's castle, the Kingdom of Hyrule, the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms (and any setting in between), and the paranormal military bases are all interesting enough to work into a movie without having to rely completely on the existing scripts.

Are there pleanty of Eastern story driven games that are just as stereotypical as westerns? Sure. A common target is Final Fantasy VIII--brooding teen lead who charges gun-wielding foes with his over-sized sword. However, the game also features flying military schools, a time-controlling sorcerous, summonable monsters with amazing power, and an invisible, technologically advanced city in the middle of all this. The story itself is founded on stereotypical characters, but the setting is interesting enough to potentially make up for it. Maybe that's what Bob meant with the "for a Western game" comment. A western gaming with a less-than-great story doesn't often have the setting to back it up.

This post is getting pretty long, so I'll just summarize the rest. I completely agree with everything else you said...although Mass Effect would have the same challenge as a Metal Gear movie--working it into a movie-sized script. But, that didn't stop me from supporting the idea of a Metal Gear movie, so it still fits as a good example of a Western property that would work well, and so does Bioshock--although the twist mostly relies of the fact that it's a video game...but I just can't say no to steampunk Atlantis with genetically-engineered super powers backed up by a good plot :D

Edit: Post was even longer than I thought. Spoiler tagged most of my parts so anyone who's not interested in reading this (ie. everyone) won't have this stealing their entire screen.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
omegawyrm said:
I thought it was agreed that Scott Pilgrim was the first great video game movie?
Funny that you mention that. As we were leaving the theater, the first thing I said to my brother is "It's a little sad that the first real video game movie wasn't based on a video game."

There might not be a general consensus, but I definitely agree with you.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
I seriously don't understand why everyone seems to hate Nathan Drake. I like the guy, he's confident to a fault, lighthearted, and more real-feeling than a lot of other shooter protagonists.

Also, I hate to be that guy, but you really can't comment on a game's story if you admit you never finished either game. I'm not saying it's great literary achievement, but using a limited experience with the game as a springboard to attack all western developers is a little much for my taste.

But hey, you're MovieBob. Not GamerBob. I'll keep that in mind.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Wait... People played uncharted for story!?
Thats a big surprise to me.
The story wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.
But I sure did loved the visuals and the gameplay which unfortunately cannot be shown in a movie.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
MovieBob said:
Off the Charts

It's movie fans versus gaming fans in the battle over the Uncharted movie.

Watch Video
Two things:

1. Solid Snake is based of Snake Plisken from Escape from New York so there pretty much already HAS been an MGS movie.
2. Most people are pissed off about Mark Wahlberg stealing Nathan Fillion's role.