The Big Picture: Off the Charts


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Djehuty said:
I'm sorry Sodom(I call moviebob that based on a cosplay comment i heard him say) but the transformers movies dont suck because they were made by michael bay, not solely atleast, they sucked BECAUSE THEY WERE SHIT. I'll admit, they're fun to watch but at the end of the day it's still shit.
I believe this is why Bob dislikes Bay's movies so much.



New member
Feb 15, 2011
This makes me wonder...

Games Vs Movies.... Vs Books Vs Graphic Novels Vs Theater (aka Broadway)

Can we ever find something so perfect that it crosses all platforms perfectly or will experiances always end up getting changed (for better or worse) in translation?


New member
May 25, 2010
Have to disagree about the Nathan Drake being a douchebag bit. I think he's got a lot more depth than most characters. Although, since you haven't played the Uncharted series, you wouldn't know this. Honestly Bob, I'm about as qualified to call you a douche as you are to call Nathan a douche. You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but your opinion wouldn't sound so ignorant if you'd actually played the games.

Other than that, though... I agree, as usual.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Personally, I'm all for the Uncharted movie. The silly developers hasn't brought the game out for PC, so it looks like the movie will be my only chance to see what all the fuss is about...


New member
Jun 5, 2008
You, ah, know there WAS a Mario movie right? A picture of Mario and Luigi being up during your "other gaming franchises that could make good movies" confused me cause.. ya...


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Uncharteds are interactive movies. They don't need this. Sure it was full of some cliches but for a game, an actual video game, it was new and different. Any film version will just be rehash no matter what.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
BarbaricGoose said:
Have to disagree about the Nathan Drake being a douchebag bit. I think he's got a lot more depth than most characters. Although, since you haven't played the Uncharted series, you wouldn't know this. Honestly Bob, I'm about as qualified to call you a douche as you are to call Nathan a douche. You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but your opinion wouldn't sound so ignorant if you'd actually played the games.
I completely agree. If you haven't played the games, why are you bashing nay sayers who don't want a movie? This is total BS. Very childish and respect-reducing.
Sep 17, 2009
Shjade said:
Nautical Honors Society said:
As I said before Eastern Developers re-hash the same stories over and over Final Fantasy.
Do you really want to go over how many World War 2/It Was The Russians games we've made?

No not really, I am fully aware...I am not saying one is superior to the other I am saying they both have there flaws, which made Bob's statement unnecessary.

I don't know how you can think Easter Devs are better than Wester and vice versa...

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
itt: "No my opinion is right. NO MINE. NO SHUT THE FU-"

Tbh, I think Moviebob is biased by his dislike of the game/Nathan Drake (though to be fair, fans are just as biased by their utter adoration), and came off a bit "I don't give a rat's ass what happens anyway" type of vibe. Watching cutscenes is really not the same as playing the game. Immersion is what makes games, games. I would have taken his opinion much more srsly if he had at least played through the Uncharteds.

Also, how is Nathan Drake a douchebag. Both Yahtzee (says the pot to the kettle, ammirite) and MovieBob seem to agree on this point.

I don't understand. I always thought douchebag was synonymous with "asshole".

Which Drake really is not.

He's witty, has human faults, genuinely cares about other characters (and shows it), and most of responses to problems is pretty realistic. So yeah, perhaps he has a few too many one-liners, and could be considered an overgrown frat boy sure, but really, a DOUCHEBAG?
Personally, he's my favorite new-gen character so far.

On the movie part though, I was actually very happy (initially) that David Russell was directing the movie, it's just that as of late I've been completely confused as to what the movie actually has to do with the game. Drake's immediate family has never been even mentioned in the games (haven't read Eye of Indra yet, so I don't know about that one) so the fact that Russell's basing the movie off that tangent...has me a little worried.
And yes, I'm also a bit butthurt about Wahlberg being cast. :p


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
He's Bob and He's a pretentious biased Nintendo/Japan loving douche that dresses up opinion as fact.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
The first problem with uncharted the movie is that it's an adventure movie based on a game that's basically an homage to adventure movies.

To be true to the subject of the game is basically to rip off indianna jones, The Mummy, national treasure, and countless other films. While the charm in the game was the fact that it let you vicariously experience this style of entertainment, a film form of this will at best seem generic and at worst boring an uninspired (think Sahara)

The problem with this though is that to make it work on screen the creators have changed the feel of the stories plot, cast characters better suited to this new plot, than they were to the game, and basically tossed everything out about uncharted except it's title and character names.

It's not that this movie is bad, that remains to be seen, it's just that it's a tasteless attempt to drum up ticket sales to a movie by misleading fans of the game.

Not only that but If the movie turns out to be popular, it might cause the games developers to change future installments of game to fit this different direction of Drake, regardless of whether or not it's original fan base likes the new Nathan.

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
D_987 said:
Brian Hendershot said:
Or he(joebear15) could be attempting to stop engaging in a conversation with a guy that won't stop pissing all over his opinions for no good reason like some sort demonic twelve year old troll on 4chan.
If you can't back up your opinions with any form of evidence beyond "I say so" then expect to be called out on it. If you create a post with an intentional arrogant angle "I'll pencil you in..." being such a line, then expect to get a similar response in turn. If joebear, or yourself, can't handle people responding to yourselves in kind [your post [number 249] comes across as both arrogant and lacking in purpose] then post in a different style.
You are attacking JoeBear over there like he declared that Gandhi was in fact a Martian bent on taking over the entire Milky-way as opposed to the kind hearted, peace seeking, person he was.

I'll break this down for you though and use small words so you can be sure to understand.

Joebear15 stated his opinions about video games. Opinions mind you, not facts. He didn't attack you personally or anything. He just said something that you didn't agree with, so you jumped all over him like a fat kid on candy. And I can't help but notice that it is not just JoeBear you are arguing with, but a few other people as well.

So in summary, you son, are trollin so hard, you can't even see the bridge you are under. Now take a break, make some friends, and stop fighting on the internet, cause at the end of the day, NO ONE CARES. (Yes, I realize that sentence was a grammatical nightmare.)

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
joebear15 said:
Brian Hendershot said:
D_987 said:
joebear15 said:
listen I have work to do I said my opinion and you yours, I don't have time to engage you in a dick waving contest right now so either we agree to disagree or I will pencil you in for Friday afternoon.
I hearty apologize for posting evidence, explanations and examples of my point whilst you act cynical and child-like; I'll try harder to create posts with rash generalizations, poorly thought out logic and opinions that don't span beyond "it's bad because I said so" - like you, in the future. By all means ignore the argument, though this post sounds more like an attempt to avoid refutation of points rather than a legitimate response.
Or he(joebear15) could be attempting to stop engaging in a conversation with a guy that won't stop pissing all over his opinions for no good reason like some sort demonic twelve year old troll on 4chan.
thank you
No problem man. That dude is trollin so hard, he can't see the bridge he is living under.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
joebear15 said:
Shjade said:
D_987 said:
Shjade said:
Amusingly enough, when I look at how much people are complaining about this one remark - one that isn't even wrong, they just don't like how it's structured
Way to just make a controversial statement without any kind of reasoning or explanation behind it to back it up...If you make a remark like that, and I think based on his previous works it pretty clear Bob's attempting to troll people, expect to get called out on it.

Do explain, just why is that comment "not wrong".
Bob's statement, paraphrased: most western games have lackluster story.

The argument people have presented: most games in general have lackluster story, western games are no worse than non-western.

That argument does not conflict with Bob's statement. Most western games have lackluster story even if most non-western games also have lackluster story.

The statement isn't wrong, you just don't like how it's phrased because it implies some other origin of games is better. Whether or not that's true is irrelevant to the majority of western games having weak (I wanted to keep repeating lackluster through the whole post to see if I could do it; I couldn't) stories.

To put it another way, if I say that gun control in Madeuplandia is terrible, you pointing out that gun control in Also Fictitioussia is just as bad does not make my statement wrong. If they're both equally terrible, then they are individually terrible as well.

Did that clear it up for you? I could try being more detailed if you need it, but it's not a complicated position.
this and on a side note the statement is backed up by the the reality of the world in witch you inhabit. if you have been a serious gamer for any period of time and do not have your head up your ass( are honest with yourself) you are aware that 99% of games have terrible stories and that a 1st grader could count the number of western games that have good stories without using his toes.(not commenting on eastern games, have not played enough of them to know if their any better)
I can't say you missed *too* much on the Easter side. The games tend to rely on awkward habits from days of old, refuse to grow the flip up, or are nonsensical. As an avid fan of Eastern games (when they get it right), I wouldn't be able to quickly name off "fantastic" stories either. Lets see...Persona 4, Drakengard (I don't care, turn THAT to a movie and you win me), and..............*Thinks about FFXIII*..........*Laughs*....

You didn't miss much.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Is Bob saying he's down on the upcoming Green Lantern movie?

May I ask why? I thought it looked good.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Brand recognition. thats all this is. thats all any of the reboots/repeats and spinoffs are. they wanna make another samey procedural cop show and maintain an audience? screw making original just make CSI:hawaii!

wanna make a movie with a plot that actually sounds pretty cool but you can offord the license to at least garuntee some major cash? do a video game movie!

My only problem is that mark whalberg is a shit actor (my opinion is fact btw :D), the story sounds like it could be at least intresting..hell itd be intresting if it all turned out to be true in Uncharted 3, seeing as how we know so little about Nate as it is

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I'll let the Uncharted movie topic slide.

I'll let the Hollywood's stance discussion slide.

I'll let the "western-developed" argument slide.

BUT I've noticed one recurring thing in this thread and thus will say this: Heavy Rain had a BAD story. For something that was clearly trying to be a movie, on that basis it was derivative and incoherent with multiple plot holes and very erratic voice acting. Did I like the game, yes but to this day the notion that it's one of the best examples of story telling in games is... well, I wouldn't have much faith in the industry if it were the case.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
i think you've resumed in your video, what i pretty much thought after reading the news of an Uncharted Movie, plus you forgot to mention Robert DeNiro !