I haven't read ANY of the comments, so I don't know if anyone has touched on what I'm about to say. And yet, I feel the need to comment on this in a way that (at the very least) has not been commented on by the media at large. So... Here's the Medusa in the room:
Perhaps (again... this is just a theory. I have ABSOLUTELY NO statistical backing for this) perhaps these killings, along with SO many in recent history* are more about the rebellion against what so many view as the traditional being than the influence of violence apon them.
I don't usually do this, but let's go to the stars:
*Doom/violent games - columbine.
*Similarly, Dark knight rises/violence in media (general) - recent shootings.
I will admit WHOLEHEARTEDLY that I can't associate/disassociate any link made by these connections. BUT, maybe, just MAYBE, exposing the young in our society to it...
You know what - SCREW IT!!!
Here is the simple, yet difficult, fact: WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF THIS KIND OF VIOLENCE. Humanity is, by nature violent. Deal with it. If you deny it, then you're only limiting your chance of preventing it within yourself. Whether you want to believe it or not, YOU COULD DO THIS TOO!!! You could become this kind of killing, remorseless creature yourself. The reason you haven't - You chose not to.
Ugh.... Sorry for the rambling. I really hope at least ONE of you understands this and is willing to take the initiative to change yourself for the better. But, maybe I'm wrong.