Who thought having a video ad on a video feature page was a good idea? It's almost impossible to watch this without the sound stuttering or worse.
Yeah, there's really no way of stopping people like this. Our society has 300 million people, it's statistically inevitable. We live in huge metropolitan cities with no sense of community. No one knows his/her neighbor. People like this easily slip through the cracks.bdcjacko said:Exactly, in a case like this, gun control means nothing. But big picture (no pun intended) gun control would decrease the amount of gun violence. In the case of some crazy guy that is dedicated to shooting up a movie, he is going to find the guns.Kargathia said:The Netherlands have some very tight gun laws as well, and they also had a home-grown mass murder shootout last year.bdcjacko said:He would have found a way to get guns anyhow. I mean he rigged his apartment to blow. He seems like he knew how to get things.ivc392 said:Does any one know what could have prevented the Denver incident? GUN CONTROL!!
PSh, the forums suddenly look a lot more "slick". That's nice
I'm not saying that gun control won't cut down on the total amount of violence happening - in fact I'd say it will - but it won't provide a golden bullet to prevent madmen going off on a rampage.
ReiverCorrupter said:Or...you know, just go to Texas or some such place and loot anyone's house who looks like they may hunt...(you'll probly get mostly shotguns though) OR go to shooting range and hang out until you come across someone with a good collection, follow them home, wait till they go to work, take their guns... exc.bdcjacko said:Here's how you buy illegal guns:
[Note: I am merely stating this for the sake of argument. I have never solicited any illegal services from anyone, nor am I in possession of any illegal firearms. This is a crime, DO NOT DO IT!]
Step 1) talk to some people who look like they smoke weed and find a drug dealer.
Step 2) ask the drug dealer for stronger stuff, if he just sells weed then he will refer you to his supplier who sells other stuff; heroin, etc. This person is the one you want to talk to.
Step 3) create a relationship with this person, possibly by using drugs in front of them. Once you've proven that you aren't a cop you can ask them if they know anyone with some unlicensed guns. If they don't sell guns, they'll refer you to someone who does.
Yes, it takes a bit longer, but it's hardly rocket science. It shouldn't be very hard to get an AK-47 using this method, though you will probably have to buy some handguns first. The worst part about this is that these guns are untraceable.
Katya Topolkaraeva said:Well... the obvious downside to that method is that 1) breaking into people's houses in broad daylight is a good way to get caught, 2) if you do it at night these people are quite likely to shoot you, because, you know, they have guns.ReiverCorrupter said:Or...you know, just go to Texas or some such place and loot anyone's house who looks like they may hunt...(you'll probly get mostly shotguns though) OR go to shooting range and hang out until you come across someone with a good collection, follow them home, wait till they go to work, take their guns... exc.bdcjacko said:Here's how you buy illegal guns:
[Note: I am merely stating this for the sake of argument. I have never solicited any illegal services from anyone, nor am I in possession of any illegal firearms. This is a crime, DO NOT DO IT!]
Step 1) talk to some people who look like they smoke weed and find a drug dealer.
Step 2) ask the drug dealer for stronger stuff, if he just sells weed then he will refer you to his supplier who sells other stuff; heroin, etc. This person is the one you want to talk to.
Step 3) create a relationship with this person, possibly by using drugs in front of them. Once you've proven that you aren't a cop you can ask them if they know anyone with some unlicensed guns. If they don't sell guns, they'll refer you to someone who does.
Yes, it takes a bit longer, but it's hardly rocket science. It shouldn't be very hard to get an AK-47 using this method, though you will probably have to buy some handguns first. The worst part about this is that these guns are untraceable.
Robbing people like that requires quite a bit of effort. You have to case their house, make sure they don't have a security system, make sure their guns aren't locked away in a strongbox (which they probably are), and make sure you don't leave any fingerprints (most of the CSI stuff is nonsense, but someone stealing guns is enough for them to dust for fingerprints). You have to repeat the entire process if they don't have the guns you want. Plus there's no telling how much ammo these people have. If you go buy the same ammo for the guns that people had stolen and you don't have any guns registered to you that require the same ammunition, the police will be on your ass like white on rice.
Not to mention the fact that they'll report the theft, and a stranger that shows up to the gun range right before someone had their house robbed of all its guns is probably going to garner attention. And those gun ranges have cameras. Once you've done it the first time people will be on their guard. Every time you repeat the process you'll have a greater chance of getting caught.
The method I prescribed above is probably a lot more efficient and a lot less likely to get you caught. Not that I'm recommending it. It's illegal and you shouldn't do it.
I agree with this.RJ Dalton said:As a schizophrenic, I feel I have to make this point, because the media is insistent on being fucktards about it.
The Colorado killer has not been officially diagnosed with anything. The media is already stamping labels on him like "schizoid" and "psychopath," using them as if they were catchall phrases for people who do bad things and completely ignoring not only the very specific context in which these terms are used in psychology, but how badly this misrepresents the vast majority of us who have mental disorders.
I'm Schizophrenic. Yes, I have delusions of persecution. Yes, I experience auditory and sometimes visual hallucinations. Yes, I am at times impulsive and irrationally over-emotional. But I have never in my life had any inclination to do something violent, nor do I have any desire to ever do so because I consider the use of violence to be abhorrent and would rather find any other means to resolve conflicts first.
We are not, as a rule, dangerous to society because we have identifiable symptoms of mental illness. Anyone - and I mean ANYONE - can go off the deep end if external circumstances effect them in the wrong ways and I am sick and tired of every killer being automatically labeled as "schizo" or "psychopathic" by a media which refuses to get its facts straight in favor of sensationalizing their stories.
And I'm disappointed in you, Bob, for using the term "psychopath" in the same way, no matter how much I think you have a point on every other issue you addressed in this video.
Please stop making people like me out to be naturally born bad guys.