psivamp said:
I think this is an awful idea. I don't even like J O'Barr's rehashing of the graphic novel
Wait, someone rehashed the graphic novel? A man wrote a painful, therapeutic, secretly autobiographical revenge fantasy to work the demons out of his head from having the love of his life assaulted and raped, and someone thought "You know what? I could improve this!"
It's like having someone re-write you suicide note. When they get to still be alive.
This fills me with murderous rage.
Why the shitmothering fuck would you anyone do this? Did they not remember what he did to 28 Days Later?
Why are legions of idiots systematically ruining my childhood? I thought Nightmare on Elm street was crossing the line, but this is just sick. There are millions of wonderful new IPs waiting in the wings, never to be made because cash grabs go more smoothly when you rape classics.
All this, and today I found out that someone is making a Tin Tin movie.
*Weeps quietly into bourbon glass*