Silvanus said:
No, I don't think the key to addressing the climate crisis is to stop discussing the actual dangers of it.
Well then feel free to preserve the status quo if you're happier letting the planet burn to say "I told you so", rather than listening to people who actually talk to conservatives and right-wingers, in person rather than on trash moron-flooded social media, and have input on how progressives might reach out and actually sell the case for transition to renewables to the people they need on their side.
Similarly, wheres the "racist" accusation used in defence of wet markets...? I've seen it pointed out how shitty and unhelpful using terms like "the Chinese virus" is, coming as they do from the scapegoater-in-chief. But that has nothing to do with an honest consideration of how the virus developed, and everything to do with his nationalist dick-waving.
First-page of Google search results, in other words I didn't even
have to try to find articles about this. Do, go on telling us about how wokescolding over wet markets isn't happening. Meanwhile, National Review is over here,
Also on that first page of Google search results.
Agema said:
The second problem is simply the matter of who is saying it.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you there, insofar as talking heads dropping idiot hot takes on both sides and making everyone look the damned fool is absolutely the problem. But, that's a "corporate media" problem, and one that must be rectified by
bypassing the middleman and engaging directly with opposition. This is what I do in real life, my form of direct action is speaking with conservatives and right-wingers --
in person -- hearing them out, and offering alternative points of view and options other than right-wing radicalism. This is why i
constantly butt heads with people here and on other forums about topics like free speech, radicalism, polarization, and violence -- what I do
But I think another way of looking at it is the attraction to your friend of blaming the left, rather than the more psychologically uncomfortable option of facing up to the wholesale purchase of his own party by the oil industry. There's also a certain sense of selfishness to demand that the left drop their ideas and beliefs to help him achieve his belief, where he doesn't have to move an inch.
Is it not equally, if not more, selfish and polarizing to dig one's heels into the sand, and expect the opposition to by some heretofore-unknown and unforeseen variable to simply...come around, accept everything one says as gospel truth, and concede to every last demand? You're not entitled to their attention, or their concessions, and simply saying "I know better than you, do as I say" will do nothing but turn others
away from your position. And this is the problem with the left on salient issues, most notably climate change. The left's complete lack of self-awareness at their criminal incompetence in engagement, conversation, and persuasion is utterly staggering.
That's why I constantly say the left would rather be able to say "I told you so" than actually fix anything. Fixing things would require getting off the damn high horse.
More to the point, the part of the left my friend (and I) has a problem with, is technocratic, corporate-friendly, interest group liberalism. He knows damn well who owns and controls the Republican party; he's very unhappy with that, but he's also a staunch tactical voter who, until Trump, was happy voting Republican because he perceives Democrats as a worse alternative due to their organizational and strategic incompetence.