The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
San Fransisco: Viscus

"...Who are you and To what end have you freed me for?"
The man beamed at the sight of the waitress bringing his Mocha over. "Ah! Thank you! My compliments for the service" he then handed over several hundred dollar bills to the now shocked waitress. "One thing I have to give humanity, The Mocha Frappe is one of your finest inventions. And you all go on about the efficiency of the AK..." He then took a long sip, making sure he enjoyed the whole thing. "Ahhh. Now, you asked me. I'm, a fan, of sorts. I have to say I find this soap opera you all perform to be quite entertaining. The way you all create such drama and conflict amongst yourselves, it's quite exquisite in its pointlessness. Now, will you listen to my offer?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

"Now, will you listen to my offer?"

"...You have 60 seconds..."
Viscus droned as he began to take the safety's off his weapons, several compartments in his armor opening up to reflect this.
This man claimed to be above the Authors so he was either insane or correct, either way, we wasn't ending back up in that potato.

*Shake's Magic 8 Ball of Writers Block*


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

"...You have 60 seconds..."
The man sighed at this silly display of power, "You free someone from a prison, and they repay your gratitude by pointing an arsenal of weapons at your head, I mean really!" He punctuated his sentence with a click of his fingers, and in an instant, Viscus shut down, the armor lying back gently onto the chair. The man then took a long gulp of his chilled beverage. "This place has a great atmosphere, I have to say." He then clicked his fingers again, and Viscus powered back up. "Now, will you actually give my offer council? Or are you going to attempt to display your 'superiority' again?"

The man leaned back, Mocha in hand. "Think about it, the power you wield, the intellect you possess, and your lack of organic limitations, why can't you try to improve things for humanity instead of engaging petty squabbles with the children you call your adversaries? You could do so much! Take this crisis here for example." He gestured to the coverage of Los Santos on the TV, "You would have no problem stopping this."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

The second the armor reactivated, Viscus was no longer threatening the man.
"...Who are you?...[u]What[/u] are you?..."
He asked, every single process in his mind attempting to figure out what happened, just as if everything just..."Stopped" by his command.
Not wanting to be seen as weak in front of this..."Thing", he then said
"This conflict will be resolved soon. The Rising Dawn are more than capable. In my mind, it is a Non-Issue and is none of my concern. As for Humanity, I am no longer one of them and they are not my problem."
He then attempted to Scan the man, only to be greeted with error messages.
"I've listened to your offer. Now tell me: [u]What. ARE. you?[/u]"
The easiest way to mess with a computer was to give it something it couldn't understand, couldn't deduce, couldn't calculate and Viscus was a walking example.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fierro Bay Area: Rugal/Jenny/Everyone Else

The Snakehead seemed to be unfazed by Devon, though that could just be his facial expression.
He muttered something to his "Translator" who then said "Snakehead will give you "Cargo" for competed weapons. Nothing more, Nothing Less."
Clearly, he liked the weapons and was eager for more.

Up Top, Slindis and Teri were allowed past, Garm frightening the guard enough to grant them access just so they would go away.
The boat was a maze of shipping containers with most of the guards posted on top of them, watching the coastline and skies for possible attackers.
Provided no reason was given for them to do so, they wouldn't look down.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
San Fierro Bay Area: Rugal/Jenny/Everyone Else

Devon put a hand on the table. "If you saw the failure rate and what happens when those weapons fail, you'd be pleading with me to take them off your hands to you. We're talking about a forty percent chance of them working, and the failures always kill the man holding them. Now, we could go to the Triads with this information, and you know they'd find ways to increase this failuree rate until you were hemmoraging loyal soldiers.

The option that would fit you better is the one where we do this transaction and remove the flawed weapons as well. In that same move, we could 'accidentally' allow the Triads to get a few of the ones that are guaranteed to fail. We both know Wu Zi Mu: He couldn't tell a perfetly made one from one that was rigged to explode."

Up top, Slindis and Teri began trying to find which containers held the people. If they blew their cover, Teri would be the only one that could effectively combat them due to the range factor.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
When Ton Ton was fished up by David, the Irishman could feel the Tonberry shaking as he was hauled up, Ton Ton muttering [color=15650D]"I'm sorry"[/color] in a wavering cry. In fact, if he had proper eyes with tear ducts and lids, the Tonberry would have been crying from terror; his plan to help David going horribly awry.

[color=15650D][sub]"I was going to get him in the ankles, to help you out. I'm really sorry! Honest!"[/sub][/color]

Still shaking as he was placed on the truck, the Tonberry saw the oncoming wall, and asked in a wavering voice, [color=15650D]"This is the part where we get the bad guy, right?"[/color] and began to (SLOWLY) make his way towards the ascending Deadshot, his small hands (paws?) trembling as he readied his knife....

San Fierro Bay Area
Up Top: Teri/Slin/Garm/Containers

Nervous disposition was the correct choice of words, as far as the Cleric was concerned. This whole plan made Teri very nervous. Not so much for the idea behind said plan, or the intentions, rather, the execution was what put her on edge. If it were not for the fact that Garm and Slindis were there to back her up; Teri would have been shaking in her sneakers. With Garm high on guard, she began checking the containers with Slindis, aura up and ready for whenever she found anyone. At the very least, if anyone was found, it would take away any pain and calm those around her, if only a little. Her cross necklace wrapped around her wrist, and Sadei-Pen stowed in her pocket, the Cleric silently prayed that everything would go as planned for this. Now, that brought up the question as to whether she should heal any wounds immediately (and risk getting caught) or try to talk down anyone she found....

[color=0E59E4]"I sincerely hope I don't have to make that decision...."[/color]

Negotiations and Business Suits: Rugal/Devon/Everyone Else

Cadolbolg, who was sitting on Devon's shoulder as per his part as a rare species that Devon was able to buy from an egg, felt a shiver run from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. Ton Ton's sudden bout of terror had hit him full force (as such intense bouts of emotion were commonly shared among pact partners) and the turtle-dragon-baby found himself clinging harder to the bard than he intended to, growing very stiff at the realization his pact partner was in trouble. Or, at least he thought Ton Ton was in trouble, as the Tonberry was not allowing the turtle-dragon-baby to send anything to his mind. And, with his young mind, he found himself focusing full on that matter as he asked the bard (via the rings)

"Friend Devon? I sense Pact-Partner Ton Ton is in trouble... Well, I think he is, and he won't answer my 'calls'. I'm scared...."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The totally forgotten. Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
As the truck veered into the building, it was all too late for Shawn's car ... and the true owner of the car.
The fast convertible started to grind through the windows of the building. Luckily enough Shawn wore a helmet, so the glass piece did not effect him at all. Then suddenly a future pillar came into view. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Shawn said as he flailed around in the car and pulled out his backup combat knife.

The pillar came all too quickly as Shawn jumped from the car to the truck and stuck his knife deep inside the metal. As this point his car was wrecked on the pillar but the truck was pretty much side-by-side to the building. The worst part is that there was yet another pillar in-coming. "You shitting me!?" He questioned life and his God at this new challenge.

Hearing the predicament being solved at the back of the truck, Shawn simply yelled as he began to cut a hole big enough to crawl in the truck. [HEADING=3]"AM I BEING FORGOTTEN HERE!"[/HEADING]

The hole enough was just big enough to fit into as Shawn crawled into the truck as he just missed the incoming pillar.
Inside the Spunk Truck, Shawn laid on the ground breathing heavily with torn blood pants. Though he was all too quickly to get up and punch the driver in the face.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

The Snakehead thought about this offer before mumbling something else to his translator.
"Snakehead agrees. $1'000'000 dollars a weapon, $100'000 per person." The Translator offered with a smug look on his face.
In the Snakehead's mind, if they didn't accept their terms, they would just dump the weapons, robbing these Americans of their Tech that was most likely worth far more then a Million a pop.
He also shifted the price hike to the prisoners so in his mind, he had nothing to lose and it was just a matter of discussing payment...

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm

While their search was fruitless thus far, they managed to get a lead on them when they came to a "Clearing" in the endless shipping containers.
Around 4 Da Nang members were making bets on a game of Russian Roulette, featuring 2 scared looking Refugees taking turns to spin a revolver before pointing it to their heads and pulling the trigger.
By some act of god, they weren't dead. Yet.
Behind the act was an open container, where they were kept no doubt.

Only problem was if they attacked like this, the whole plan would fall apart...

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

Jenny nodded as the duo went up to the surface.
Before Melethia could surface, Jenny stopped her, a quick mind scan showing that one of the guards was looking their way.
Waiting until he moved away, she them prompted Melethia to surface and quickly get her materials before he returned.
This has to become an action movie some day... Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
Glad that Caim wasn't going to kill him the next time they met, David didn't say anything as he motioned for Ton Ton to be careful as the pair of them crawled over to the Assassin as the Truck veered.
Deadshot was in an awful state, he had a case of radiation poisoning, got shot and was now holding on for dear life as this damn truck mounted the sidewalk.
Before he would get crushed, he managed to to climb up and end up in stabbing distance of Ton Ton.
"*GASP*...Okay...Okay....breathe, bre-AHHHHHHHHHHHRGGGGGGGGGGGG!" He groaned as Ton Ton stabbed him in the knee with his knife.
Screaming through the pain, The assassin looked up and his horrible face was seen up close.

Using the moment of shock at his face, Deadshot brought his head back before headbutting the Tonberry and pulling him away from the knife in his leg as he yanked it out of his now broken knee cap, shaking in anger and pain.
David Froze on the spot when he saw that face, He remembered it, The failed Defense of Moscow...
"...Oh my god...You Lived?...No....No....You were dead...I-...killed you" He stammered in disbelief.
"...Yeah!....look at me!....look at what you've done, David West!....LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" The crazed assassin shouted as he pounced on David, a knife covered in his own blood inches above the throat of the man who took so much from him.

Meanwhile Shawn was struggling with the driver who fought back after he attacked him, causing the already unstable truck to wobble as it went off road and into the public park, nearly running over several people as the entire rig shook violently while it went downhill.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm
((Note: Post was created in tandem with, reviewed and approved by bluecrimson before posting))

Upon seeing the Da Nang more than ready to kill the refugees, Teri tapped her Ring and sent to Slindis, [color=0E59E4]"This has to be stopped. Now."[/color]

The paladin gave the Cleric a small nod, and answered back, [color=c200]"But before we save anyone, we need a plan. If we go charging in, this whole effort will be for naught."[/color]

Teri looked around the room quickly and mentally reviewed the spells she had prepared for the day; following up that thought with, [color=0E59E4]"Okay, I got something that can incapacitate them, but it'll hit those two refugees too. Therein lies the problem. So, you can go invisible and hold your breath for a long time, right?"[/color]

Slindis gave another node to this, to which Teri continued, [color=0E59E4]"Okay, so I have a spell that takes the air out of a 30 foot radius. It'll hit all 6 of those people with altitude sickness, and I can angle it so that the people in the airlock don't get hit. So here's the plan. You turn invisible, get in position and get ready to flank. Give me the ready when you are in position over the rings, I drop the spell. I'm going to TRY to let the two guys know what's going on, but I don't know how well they're going to guess what I motion at them. Then, you get the two refugees out of the affected area and keep em quiet while I get Squishy to finish the other four off. Following that, we work our way to release the rest of them. Hopefully, if this all goes well, we won't alert the guard...."[/color]

Slindis thought over the plan for a moment, and the next time Teri looked over, she was gone, the signal appearing over the ring not long after. Following that (and telling Garm to stay in a place out of sight), she edged around and tried waving at the two refugees, then put a finger to her lips when she thought she got their attention; not wanting the Da Ning boys to notice what she was doing. After a moment, she made an exaggerated pantomime to breathe in deeply, and puffed out her cheeks to emphasize the action of holding one's breath.
((Whether they got the memo or not, is up to you Diabs.))

However, regardless of whether the two got the message or not, the Da Ning were beginning to notice that their toys weren't paying as much attention to them, and Teri began casting the spell; waving her hands and saying the words needed before the air surrounding the Da Ning and the refugees disappeared, Slin grabbing the two who were forced to play Russian Roulette and pulled them out of the area while the other four Da Nang members found themselves feeling like they were at the top of Mount Everest without any gear needed to survive.

Teri casts Thin Air []! This spell thins the oxygen in the area, causing creatures caught therein to suffer the effects of extreme altitude sickness. It lasts 1 minute/level, giving Teri 8 minutes to leave the spell up! 24 seconds till the next level 2 spell!
Following after Slin grabbing the hostages and pulling them out of the minimal-air zone, Teri uncorked a water bottle, pouring it on the ground for her water elemental to come forth, and directed in soft Aquan for the elemental to end the Da Ning's suffering in an orderly and quiet fashion.

Teri uses her daily summoning of Squishy the Water Elemental, via her feat: Water Devotion. If Teri wants to call Squishy for more help, she will have to start using turn attempts.
Turn attempts remaining: [s]6[/s]5 Undead/ 4 Fire creatures
As that went down, Teri gave a low apology to the two survivors regarding what happened, [color=0E59E4][sub]"Sorry I had to do that. It was the quickest way to get them to not hurt you, even if you got caught in the crossfire."[/sub][/color]

As she said this, the two survivors could see Dimitri translating her words in a scrolling series of text in sentences of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese; the AI being prepared to find translations of varying other languages if necessary. Dimitri had heard that the Da Ning were Korean from Rugal's briefing; but with the frequency of both Chinese and Japanese immigrants in this region of the United States, it was a safe bet that either of those could be frequently used languages.

Planes, Trains and Tonberrys?
Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
Ton Ton reeled from the headbutt from the angry (Russian?) man for a few moments, and then realized that his trusty Knife was missing, and in the hands of the very man trying to kill the lot of them! Ton Ton felt a mixture of anger and shock at the thought of his knife taking (in his eyes) guiltless blood, and ran up the assassin's back, whacking the man's head with his Lantern, his words being punctuated by a whack of the heavy lamp, [color=15650D]"LET! GO! I! WILL! NOT! ALLOW! YOU! TO! HURT! MR. WEST! WITH! MY! KNIFE!"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

Devon shook his head again. "Now while I said it would be a problem for my people, it's easily one we can recover from. Losing 60% of one's best men, however, isn't so easily recovered from. We'll remove one of the zeros from that figure, and you can make up for it with the wisdom of your best men still there to help you control the group. We both know that one does not get to where we are from blindly accepting every number." He gave a hard stare to the translator, letting it sink in as he contacted Cadolbolg through the ring.

"Ton-Ton will be fine, Cadolbolg. He might be scared, but he's a tough little guy, ya know? Besides, he has David with him. Trust me: they're looking out for each other. If nothing else, be brave because I believe in the both of you."

After that drawn out pause, he continued. "Now, I know you want one hundred thousand for each body that you're willing to sell on this boat, but we'll have to do better than that price. Our men saw some of your previous stock, and the results were disappointing at the very least.

Fifty thousand per head."

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

When she came back down, Jenny noticed a decent amount of some kind of putty and a wand of some kind. "Okay, we need to get a good lining around the base of each blade of that item right there. It should do well enough for what we want. The wand, though, will set it all off. It doesn't do a lot of electric damage, but the jolt stays focused underwater. It will be enough to set the charges off, so when we finish, we wait for that signal."

SHe started by getting a bit of the putty and applying it in the way she described, ensuring a even coat.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Gone fishin'. Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
Struggling with the driver, Shawn had no idea why he was resisting. Getting angry with this ass, Shawn pulled out his gun and placed it against the driver's head. "Slow the fucking truck, or I will blast your brain matter over that picture of your family." Shawn saidn, with his eyes twitching inside of his helmet. "I won't give no cab up for sum' terrorist sum' ofabitch." He mumbled in a very trucker like voice.

Shrugging, Shawn shot the driver twice in both kneecaps before opening the door and kicking him up. "Take that you asshole!" He yelled back at the driver as he closed the door, but not before he saw Ton Ton bashing Deadshot with his lantern. "Little guy has some spunk ... wait ... why does that sound familiar?" He asked himself before closing the door and started to focus on driving.

They were about to crash into the lake. Shawn sighed as he replaced his helmet with his rebreather, he stuck his head out the window as the Truck was 500 meters or so from the lake. "Hey everyone, sorry to break this up ... but ... ugh, we kinda have a lake in front of us." Shawn said as he tried to brake but no anvil. "Also ... no brakes."

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm + David A.INCOMING
Within minutes of the Da Ning's deaths, a swirling green and black portal was popped into existence right behind Jenny and Slindis, which immediately grabbed their attention. From the portal, incoherent shouting could be heard, the voice belonging to that of a young man. A tall, bespectacled youth came tumbling from the portal, and slamming his back on the wall of the ship.
His eyes widened at the pain, but thankfully for the girls and hostages, he didn't shout. He only let out a pained moan, falling to his knees. His glasses slid off of his face and clattered on the floor.
[color=9BBED5]"[sub]U-uhnn... Shit...[/sub]"[/color]

Slindis recognized the boy as David Ashworth, and he didn't look too good. The young Ashworth scion's clothes were torn, covered in sand and dirt. His face was in a similar state of disorder, visible bruising on his left cheek, and a large cut ran along his forehead. His bookbag was with him, and in comparison to the rest of him, it looked to be in almost pristine condition.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm + David A.INCOMING

Before any of the Da Nang Boys coould question what had happened, Slindis immediately asserted that David A. was one of theirs. [color=c200]"See? We've been working on exactly this kind of technology. It's also how we plan to transfer over the funds when it's done. It may be a bit sandy, but it's the most secure way to do this deal."[/color]

While Teri kept an eye on the others, SLindis tugged the Ashworth heir's head down so only he could hear her. [sub][color=c200]"You may not have asked to be part of this, but the best way to get off this ship alive is by working with us. We'll tend to you in a bit, but you'll have to make do with Teri's Healing Aura."[/color][/sub] Even as the Drow spoke, David's smaller injuries were starting to mend themselves.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David A.

David nodded weakly at Slindis. He had no idea where he was, and he was a bit disconcerted by her words, but he was happy to see a friendly face. [color=9BBED5]"[sub]N-no problem, Slindis.[/sub]"[/color] David turned his head around now that it was feeling less stiff thanks to the healing aura, and took in his surroundings.

He frowned, rubbing at his eyes. [color=9BBED5][sub]"What's going on? Who are they?"[/sub][/color]


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

"I've listened to your offer. Now tell me: [u]What. ARE. you?[/u]"

The man then leaned in, "Oh, I haven't made the offer yet, I'm just making sure we're on the same page. Like I said, I'm a fan of yours, Now." He reclined in the chair, asking the waitress for a slice of cake. "Tell me, you've been having problems dealing with certain individuals. Mr. Bernstein, for example." The man made no indication as to what he was, it was obvious he knew how baffled the AI was, and how much he enjoyed it.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

"....Sold." The Snakehead said, showing he could speak english when the situation called for it.
$100'000 per returned weapon, $50'000 per human trafficked.
If it wasn't for the fact that this was all a ruse, he would be a rather jolly old man.
"Good, bring them to our boat and we'll arrange for the transfer of funds to your account." Rugal said as the goons around them got to work moving their "Faulty" weapons.
"[sub]Good work there. Second they move the weapons, strike and throw them overboard. Then we burn these animals.[/sub]" He said to Devon as they mad their way back though the ship as the guns were collected.

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

Before Teri thinned the air, the two refugees noticed her and had an extremely confused impression on their faces as she tried to warn them of her spell.
Needless to say, they were just as shocked as their tormentors when the oxygen around them seemed to disappear before Slindis dragged them out of the danger zone.
The Guards were easy pickings for the Water Elemental, something about not being able to breathe tended to make fighting hard.

The Refugees were coughing and gasping as they said (Translated my Dimitri) "We...Were Tricked...By...Snakehead. Others in...Containers. Please...Help them."
One of them then pointed to a Container with a thick lock on it which would be opened with a code or just smashed with enough force.
Either way, they managed to dispatch the guards without alerting anyone, Hell, Ashford's sudden teleport didn't arouse attention, most of the guards in earshot dismissing it as some moron misfiring with one of those Transfusion Grenades.
Devon's BS about the weapons they received being faulty seemed to have catched on along the rest of the ship's crew.

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

Jenny nodded and followed Melethia's instructions, starting to understand how easy it was to rig up a massive metal ship with enough explosives to blow it out of the water.
"Right, I'm done on my end. Now we wait..." she said as she awaited word from the others.

SPLASH! Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
Deadshot was getting only madder and madder as Ton Ton kept hitting him with his lantern.
"OW! OW! SHIT! DAMMIT! GAH!" He groaned in time with every hit as David managed to get the knife away from him.
But enough though they had the upper hand, they didn't for much longer as-

The entire truck crashed into one of the park's ponds, the impact being enough to cause the people still on it to be knocked out and awake sometime later, washed up it's banks.
When they woke up, they could see an outline of a man in the mud, as well as blood trail leading away from the pond, no doubt from Deadshot's wounds...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

Viscus was growing more and more frustrated with each passing sentence.
"What about it? Even if they win a few battles, I will win the war. Biology dies, Machinery doesn't. No matter what cause of action I take, I will win!"
He said hollow sounding words, even to him.
"Tell me what the offer is! I don't have time for this!"
He pleaded, scanning him countless times with different outcomes: Subject too small, Subject too large, No Subject detected, Too many Subjects detected, it was driving him insane!


New member
Dec 8, 2009
San Fransisco: Viscus

"Tell me what the offer is! I don't have time for this!"
"Quite the contradiction there, you claim to be ageless, and yet you show such impatience. For someone who claims to be superior to humans, you still have the same flaws. Very well, I shall hasten this for you, and keep you no longer than a few extra minutes of your infinite time". With that he click his fingers again, and the two were gone.

Somewhere near Blackwater City:

The two appeared in a city that looked like the 19th century. It looked surprisingly clean and peaceful for the time. "Now, if wish to win this 'war', you need to place yourself in a better strategic standpoint. You don't have to, but I think a little co-operation with people who share the same essential goals may go a long way for you. You'll find the person I'm talking about at the top of a cliff to the north. Once you're done with him, I'll send you back to your world. Your Welcome." The Man then vanished.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

Another impossible event had occurred, causing Viscus to be more focused on that then what the man was saying to him.
"...Time Period: 1800-1900. How have you sent me here?..."
He asked before he detected the man was gone.
"...Come back! I need more Data!"
he desperately screamed at where the man used to be, tons of questions with no answers, a computers worst nightmare.
Once he collected his thoughts and examined his objective, The Machine took off into the sky, racing towards his goal.