The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

As Viscus flew towards his target, his sensors picked up an energy source at the top of a cliff, verifying his exact destination. The readings were different to what he'd have faced so far. The person was definitely a magic user, though there was a distinct aura to the individual. It seemed to be closer to what he sensed meeting Calypso than any of the Rising Dawn.

Viscus could then see the man's outfit, looking like a Red Mage working for the SAS. He wore a Wizard's hat with a large brim, made sense given the sun bearing down. He wore a gauntlet on the left hand, with occasional small crackle of electricity. Viscus couldn't see his face, as if there was a shroud on it, perhaps it was the shade from his hat. He was looking over the city, appearing oblivious to the androids approach. Since a flying robot in the 19th century is perfectly normal, right?


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

Viscus ran some calculations as he flew, the more he realized this wasn't in his own realm.
After all, as he flew over the city, the more he realized that the lack of attention he drawing became more and more apparent.
That and the large number of magical readings he was getting was VASTLY different to his own world, Granted his world had magic, but not THIS common.

Making his way to his target, he three point landed on the ground near the man, his arrival marked with a cloud of dust being flown up.
"Attention! I am Viscus! I have been sent here against my will by an unknown force masquerading as a Human!"
Without anymore warning, he grabbed the man and screamed
"I am going to ask you once: Do You know this Entity!?"
Really Smooth, Viscus...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

After the Deal was done, Devon contacted Teri, Slin, and Rugal over the rings. "Get the people off-board ASAP. The Da Nang Boys will help with that while they're still alive, but I'm thinking it would be better if me and Rugal got rid of the head here. Rugal, could you get the two men behind us?"

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

Slindis nodded and responded in the best way she could, aided by a translation from Dimitri. [color=c200]"We'll get the others, so just head to the ship off behind us. We've already arranged for the others to be removed, so don't delay!"[/color]

After that talk, she whispered to David again as some of the Da Nang Boys removed the weapons from the ship and began moving to open the containers. [small][color=c200]"We'll explain after we get offboard, but don't be startled. You'll know what I mean."[/color][/small]

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

Melethia sent a message to Rugal. "Controls are rigged, we are in position to set the charges off at your say."

As Jenny looked at the explosives with a bit of disbelief about what they were about to do, Mel talked to her. "This is gonna take all of the control away from the ship, and hopefully it won't sink it. I'd like to say for sure, but it's my first time dealing with this style of ship." There was a unsaid anticipation in the water as she waited for the signal.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

"I am going to ask you once: Do You know this Entity!?"
The man merely shook his head, before delivering an uppercut with his left hand, taking the slightly crazed robot off-guard and knocking him to the ground, the lightning in the gauntlet disrupting his sensors as he fell. "Never seen him before." He looked over the android, noting he had never seen anything like him around these parts, but he knew a place he most likely came from. "You're from the other dimension I assume, the one The Rising Dawn came from.", Viscus could now see his face was in fact covered in a shroud. All he could see were two eyes, gazing directly at the android.

"Now, do you have anything else to ask? I'm a busy man."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

"Now, do you have anything else to ask? I'm a busy man."

Viscus was rather surprised when the Gauntlet hit with force far above his estimations, no doubt an enchantment.
"...The person who sent me to this..."Realm" had this comment to say." [Begin Playback]:
"Now, if wish to win this 'war', you need to place yourself in a better strategic standpoint. You don't have to, but I think a little co-operation with people who share the same essential goals may go a long way for you. You'll find the person I'm talking about at the top of a cliff to the north. Once you're done with him, I'll send you back to your world. Your Welcome."

"The comment that stands out is "Same Essential Goals". What Goals of yours are the same as mine?"
He asked, upping power to his shields to prevent another sucker punch like that.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Devon/Cadolbolg

"Okay, Friend Devon. Father says it's safe to follow your lead... And, is something about to happen? Leader Rugal is moving around behind us..."

Surely enough, Cadolbolg had noticed a shift in the air as the plans were silently beginning to unfold, and could feel tension beginning to mount; rather like the moments before that mech battle began. Already, Cadolbolg felt the tickling sensation in his throat before he let off one of his breath weapons; anticipation hidden in his baser instincts to begin the assault. As the positions were being placed, Cadolbolg began silently charging a shot of lightning, the process making the turtle dragon baby cling tightly to Devon's shoulder as he felt the lightning in his throat began to build in intensity....

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

Teri gave a small nod to the refugees and said, (Dimitri bridging the language gap again), [color=0E59E4]"As my associate said, that was the plan. Now, go on. We can take care of it."[/color]

And with a short whistle, Garm came padding out of the shadows, wandering past the escaping refugees to rejoin his Pup, and new guest. Sniffing the new scion and looking to Teri and Slindis for a moment, the oversized wolf paid the boy no mind as Teri ran a hand through some fuzzy fur. With a look to David A, she whispered, [color=0E59E4][sub]"Oh, you don't look like you're feeling too good. Promise, after we get out of here, I'll take care of your injuries. For the moment, we need to get these people out here..."[/sub][/color]

After that, she turned her attention to Slindis again, [color=0E59E4][sub] Still, Devon managing to work things out is a good sign... I wonder what exactly we should be doing with the evacuations? Chilling in the front, or watch the proceedings from the back?"[/sub][/color]

SPLASH! Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
Ton Ton awoke with a shock, his hands already trying to reach for the Knife that he did not have. Luckily for him, when he looked around, he found both of his compatriots alive; and David still clutching the Chef's Knife in hand. With a mild sigh of relief, as well as seeing his Knife in hands he approved far more than the man with the melted face. In any case, the Tonberry began to gently shake David and Shawn's shoulders, alternating between the two men as he called out, [color=15650D]"Mr. West! Mr. Wanderer! Wake up! Deadshot's gone!"[/color]


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

"The comment that stands out is "Same Essential Goals". What Goals of yours are the same as mine?"
The Mage took a second to respond, "Well, I have no idea who you are, what you are doing here or what I could do to help you. Maybe if you explained yourself a little better I could try to understand what you're talking about." The man folded his arms and waited for a good explanation. Whatever the reasons Viscus had, they were already more interesting than his current goings on. He had unfinished business with their world, perhaps this was his chance to go back and see to it.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

Rugal waited until all the boxes were in the right spot to be lowered down to their boat.
"Alright everyone, Starting attack in 3...2...1...Go."
Within the blink of an eye, Rugal lashed out at the goons behind him, a flash of blood appeared for a moment as the duo watching them had their throats slit.
He followed this up by kicking the pile of "Worthless" guns off the ship along with throwing the people lowering them down into the boat.
"Slindis, Get the Refugees out. There should be a boat for transportation on your side of the ship large enough to get them to shore.
Melethia, Blow when you are ready.
Angelus, Jake, Happy Hunting."
He ordered over the rings as he brought up a "Dark Barrier!" on his forearm for defense during their raid on the boat.
"Alright, who wants some of this?..." He asked as the Da Nang opened fire with their "Normal" weapons, AK's, Uzi's, Boring stuff like that.

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

The group tending to the refugees watched as a Black Hawk appeared on the horizon, as well as the Guards clamor for an RPG, only to realize that their shiny new weapons were recalled as part of the deal that Devon brokered.
"Oscar Mike to Flashpoint. Watch your position down there, I won't be using missiles but you are still Danger close." Jake said as he began to do flyby's, targeting the guards stationed on top of the Containers to reduce the risk of friendly fire.
As the Da Nang panicked, they were in a good spot to get the Refugees out.

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

Jenny nodded before motioning for Melethia to blow the bombs, sticking her fingers in her ears in preparation of the explosion.
As she did, she wondered if they factored in the effect that water had on Explosive Force and Power.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

"Well, I have no idea who you are, what you are doing here or what I could do to help you. Maybe if you explained yourself a little better I could try to understand what you're talking about."

"Very Well. My current "Goal" is the downfall of the Rising Dawn, Dani: Current CEO of Aperture Science and the former members of the Bernstein Cartel."
He explained, conveniently leaving out the part of him taking over the world and turning humanity into robots afterwards.
"Explain yourself and if our interests align, I will be returned to my Realm."


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

"Explain yourself and if our interests align, I will be returned to my Realm."
"Bernstein..." The very mention of the name along with the Rising Dawn instantly filled him with rage, though he didn't let on. At the most, he looked to Viscus as if he had a bad mouth ulcer. The idea of that power hungry warmonger leading one of the few groups defending that Earth, sickened him. the image of the Archangels, their transparently fake guilt, their arrogance and claim over humanity, what they allowed to transpire....

The lightning around his gauntlet flared and forced him to discharge it, firing a bolt at a church tower in the city, melting the spire in a flash. Viscus's power meter would be off the charts. "My name w- is, Fionn. I was a bounty hunter that got caught up in the angel attack, I'm sure you know all about it." He began to think about the 'justice' he enacted on the angel fleet, the vivid memories bringing him a twisted sense of satisfaction.
"Soon after, we ended up here. They fixed their ship and returned to their own world. I stayed to deal with a few... matters. I've been here ever since."

He turned to face the city, reflecting on his work over the past while. "I resumed my old job, stopping the bad guys, saving the helpless etc. Compared to what I fought in your world, stopping crime bosses here was nothing." Fionn had a lot of time to practice his skills, perhaps he sub-consciously believed it to be practice. "It was cathartic to be honest, getting to inflict the same terror that they instigated on their victims. It helped me remain creative." The energy Viscus initially sensed flared up sightly as Fionn finished that sentence. He turned back to face Viscus on one foot, even if he suspected him to be another megalomaniac, I'll need something to pierce his armor at a distance, it was still somewhat nice to talk to someone who could understand what he was talking about.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus

[sub][INTERNAL MONOLOG: Power discharge several levels above average: Experienced Magic User: Exercise Caution.][/sub]
"If the Entity claimed we had similar goals, then you two desire the ruin of some of these people...[u]Bernstein[/u] in particular..."
Viscus stated as he kept monitoring Fionn's power level, starting to find use of him as a one of his pawns.
While he was powerful, Viscus felt he was more then capable of making him serve his interests.

Captcha: Describe "U.S. Army" with any words:


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

Devon was thoroughly disgusted with the man he had pretended to make a deal with. If he hadn't been spewing that bullshit to keep him going, he probably would have attacked him sooner. The best thought, though, was that of him skewering the man with the blade Caim left him. Tell Ageha I sent-

As he dropped the illusion and went for the blade, Cadolbolg had taken the moment of shock to blast the gang leader with a crackling sphere of electricity. you? Huh, never had that happen before.

"Rugal, take the lead. I'll cover your back!"

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

As the attacks went on, Slindis shouted to the refugees. [color=c200]"All of you that can run, follow me! If there's someone next to you that can't move, aid them! We're getting off this ship!"[/color] She followed her example by covering the confused Ashworth scion. Judging by how the refugees fled, they at least understood that Slindis and Teri were there to help them.

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

Surprisingly enough, as Melethia coerced the wand to fire, Jenny found that the explosions were rather small. If it wasn't for the fact that the blades of the propeller and the rudder were sinking into the depths, they'd hardly know what happened.

"Miss Jenny, it's not the flashiness of the boom that matters, it's what happens because of it. Now, that ship won't be goin' anywhere without help."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
SPLASH DOWN! Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
As soon Shawn heard the news about Deadshot his eyes opened suddenly and he immediately got his body up.
Since he had his helmet off his hair was all wet and moist from the lake water. Luckily enough he had placed his rebreather on before the truck hit the lake, it had seem he floated out of the cab when it crashed. "Well that isn't good." Shawn sighed as he got up.

Looking around the area, Shawn could see a few people gathering around the area. The truck was in the water and their was a specific outline of another person, it seemed it left a blood trail. "Seems he went that way." Shawn muttered to the group, the eyes of the Wanderer looked towards the injured people during their downhill derby, the ambulances began to show up too. Shawn was relived but knew the police were coming.

"Lets get up and get going to catch this guy. I would hate to get caught by the cops." He said to the other two.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

[color=9BBED5]"What th-"[/color] David was about to say, until a bullet whizzed right by his head and into a wall. The young lad nearly leapt out of his clothes in terror. Well, he would have done that, but in his current state, the least he could do is nearly fall on his back and let out a panicked cry.
[color=9BBED5]"OH GOD IN HEAVEN!"[/color] David shielded his head as a torrent of bullets came down on the Da Nang. Angry, terrified shouts in a foreign language, and the sound of gunfire bouncing off metal echoed around him. [color=9BBED5]"WHERE THE HELL DID I LAND IN NOW?! A WARZONE OR SOMETHING?!"[/color]

Another bullet flew right by his face, and he cried out. A slender hand gripped his shoulder and pulled him out of harm's way.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus, Fionn

"If the Entity claimed we had similar goals, then you two desire the ruin of some of these people...[u]Bernstein[/u] in particular..."
"If by 'ruin', you mean 'fitting punishment for their crimes', perhaps." He considered the android's words for a moment, the advantages of an alliance against the Rising Dawn and how it could get him closer to bringing down the Angels. The thought of delivering 'justice' to them overriding most of the reservations he had. His head now jumped from whether or not he could trust this machine, to the logistics of bringing Rugal in.

"I'm assuming you're behind your current state of existence", the mage inquired in reference to Viscus's armor. What sciences are you read up on?" Fionn's main disadvantage was his equipment, he knew full he would outmatched in terms of firepower should he attempt to fight The Rising Dawn.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon

"Watch your own! I've got mine!" Rugal laughed as he lead the charge though the ship, his Dark Barrier soaking up incoming bullets from afar.
In order to get into the Range Game, he used their reload time to sent a projectile of his own.

"Shakunetsu!" He cried out as a burning red Fireball flew towards the enemy, igniting him on contact with all the pain and suffering that'd follow.
"SNAKEHEAD! I'VE COME TO TALK ABOUT OUR DEAL!" He shouted, more to get the attention of the guards nearby then the man himself.

Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A

As Jake rained down fire from above, they managed to find the Boat.
It was large enough to hold the Refugees, but there was the issue of getting them on board.
Angry shouts in Korean, followed by gunfire, marking that the Da Nang weren't going to wait for them to escape with their hard earned "Property".

Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia

There was a slight tinge of disappointment in the Gardevoir, from how she was hearing it, it going to be like something from a Michael Bay movie!
"....Right. Come on, lets get top side, I'm sure they could use our help." She said before making her way back to the ship.

Wanted Level Removed Shawn, David and [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color] VS Deadshot.
Location: Garica Streets.
David began to stir thanks to Ton Ton's prompting, holding his head from a gash he got in the crash.
"uhhhhhh...why does this only happen to us..." He groaned as the Tonberry pulled him up to a sitting position.
"...Shit! Deadshot!" He shouted as he followed Shawn after the blood trail.
It lead from the Pond, though the park and onto the road.
Once they returned to the road, the found a dead body of Taxi Driver and some tire-skid marks.

[HEADING=2]Deadshot must have carjacked a Taxi before driving off. He was gone again...[/HEADING]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Santa Monica, Residence of Maximilian Christensen: The Former Bernstein Cartel

"-Y'all punk-ass ninjas can't wait to see the Ice break
Bailin through the hood with my chocolate rice cakes-"
Blared a ring tone.
[color=6c1504]"Ah...Excuse me,"[/color] Bison said as he reached in and answered his cell phone under his fake name as the Final Mizune sister waited for Wesker to return.
[color=6c1504]"Vincent Vega speaking...WHOA....Hey, Calm down......Deadshot: What Happened?....So, Get to a doctor then!....Why would I know some healing spell? This isn't Dungeons and Dragons!...Gah, Hold on, I'll put you on loudspeaker."[/color]
Bison laid the phone on the table and patched the audio to speaker.
"-Bullet in shoulder.....Knife wound...shattered kneecap....bleeding out....Just....say some Hocus Pocus to make it all better..." A man who sounded like he was at death's door begged.
[color=6c1504]"Hey...You know good spells? I ain't really a Mage per say, I just have the title of one in our group."[/color] Bison asked, kinda hoping he wouldn't have to hire another Terrorist for his plans.


Back upstairs:
"Listen...I get that this lifestyle is hard. We don't get to interact with other people and the only reason we are even together is because second we split up, UNIT will find us and we'll all die alone in a Maximum Security Prison....I understand it's frustrating, in many ways. But...I'm not looking for a serious relationship. We're just too different and under these circumstances...I'm sorry..." Wesker said to the Witch, trying to break it to her in the least hurtful way possible.
Key work being "Trying".

Aperture Ruins: Sana
Back with Sana, she soon came to the Ground Zero of the Aperture Science Explosion, the outskirts of which were swarmed with News Vans and people covering the story.
[color=b4b4]"Okay, Once you get inside, you need to make your way to the lower level and to Aperture's Mainframe. If it's still intact, I'll give you a target to send the data to. Try to sneak past the Media, the less eyes the better."[/color] Cortex ordered his minion as she found a path down into the crater.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus, Fionn

"What sciences are you read up on?"

"Do you count how many breaths you take?"
Viscus boasted as he "Flexed" his weapons systems, Energy Sword, Missiles, Minigun, He had more guns than most towns!
"Perhaps an alliance is in order. With your Mastery of Magic and my limitless Databanks of Knowledge, We would make a Force to be reckoned with. Arcane Powers with the most advanced weapon system in my world."
He pitched, already plotting ways to terminate Fionn if he needed to.
"So what say you?..."
He asked as he extended a metal hand for a shake, thinking such a human gesture would make his offer more appealing.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Somewhere near Blackwater City: Viscus, Fionn

"So what say you?..."
Fionn looked Viscus up an down as he contemplated his response. On the one hand, a chance to put the Angels, Rugal, and his old colleagues in their place, On the other, he will probably be working with an entity he'll have to deal with as well. Would bringing in Rugal and Storm be worth aiding and abetting a possible megalomaniac? He knew exactly what 'a force to be reckoned with' entailed, and it wasn't that appealing.

It took him a minute to form a response, "Listen, I'll handle your old buddies for you, all I ask for is one thing". Fionn decided, Viscus would be brought down, but he had other priorities first. He walked up to Viscus, unimpressed by the robot's display of weaponry. The mage stared directly into the androids 'eyes', "I want all the information you have on The Rising Dawn, The Angels, and their Enemies. Their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, tastes in dance, everything. You give me that, and I'll see to your 'friends', is that understood?"

Within a flash, the two were back in San Francisco, The Man had teleported the two back, just as promised. "I guess it is."



Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
San Francisco: Viscus, Fionn
I guess it is."

Viscus seemed to be angered by being returned so abruptly.
He shouted to the skies, kinda like Davros, enraged that whomever sent him didn't so much as comment on what happened.
"...Very well. Stand back."
He answered Fionn before motioning for the Gun-Mage to move out his way.
His eyes's flashed blue as a Holographic Display with several dozen folders appeared in front of them, each with a Mug Shot of the target or group they contained data on. (The whole Tony Stark's Computer thing)

"This Holographic Display contains all the data I have on these subjects. I will be on Stand-By until you are done."