Da Nang Ship: Hull: Rugal/Devon
Devon shook his head in annoyance as he drew the blade [http://lparchive.org/Drakengard/Update%2040/17-timesink26.jpg] Caim had loaned him. "Guess it's too much to ask for a bit of backup, huh? Rugal, hold on and I'll get us up top." He might have been a bit confused when he immediately got on top of the ship and in the hail of gunfire, but at least they didn't have to make their way through the entire hull of the ship.
Da Nang Ship: Deck: Teri/Slin/Garm/David. A
Slindis let David go as she raised her voice to address him. [color=c200]"You can ask questions later. If you want to live, follow the others and dump off the ship!"[/color] The gunfire continued and SLindis communicated with Teri over the rings. [color=c200]"You have Fog Cloud [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm] prepared?"[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"I do, but the bulllets will blow it away at this rate. Did you have something to counter that?["[/color]
[color=c200]"I do. Place it near the northern end of the boat."[/color]
Although she was a bit confused at the request, Teri got off Garm and casted the Fog Cloud [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm] near the tip of the ship. To David's surprise, though, he saw her brush her left arm with her right hand before pointing at the area of the ship that Teri's spell couldn't cover. And was there a slight glow under the cloth? It could be the stress getting to him.
The fog that resulted easily absorbed all of the bullets being fired [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm], and David could faintly hear the rounds dropping to the deck of the ship after five inches.
Da Nang Ship: Water: Jenny/Melethia
Mel laughed. "I know, ya thought it might be a big boom. Still, they'tr gonna be crippled for a long time. Heck, they might have to find a new boat! Let's head with Miss Ella, she's probably providing some cover fire right now."
Judging from the Succubus doing her best to fire the rounds while flying around in the sky, it was getting rather heated altogether.
Devon shook his head in annoyance as he drew the blade [http://lparchive.org/Drakengard/Update%2040/17-timesink26.jpg] Caim had loaned him. "Guess it's too much to ask for a bit of backup, huh? Rugal, hold on and I'll get us up top." He might have been a bit confused when he immediately got on top of the ship and in the hail of gunfire, but at least they didn't have to make their way through the entire hull of the ship.
Devon casts Dimension Door [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dimensionDoor.htm] to get the three of them out into the open.
Time before next level 4 spell: 12 seconds
Slindis let David go as she raised her voice to address him. [color=c200]"You can ask questions later. If you want to live, follow the others and dump off the ship!"[/color] The gunfire continued and SLindis communicated with Teri over the rings. [color=c200]"You have Fog Cloud [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm] prepared?"[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"I do, but the bulllets will blow it away at this rate. Did you have something to counter that?["[/color]
[color=c200]"I do. Place it near the northern end of the boat."[/color]
Although she was a bit confused at the request, Teri got off Garm and casted the Fog Cloud [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm] near the tip of the ship. To David's surprise, though, he saw her brush her left arm with her right hand before pointing at the area of the ship that Teri's spell couldn't cover. And was there a slight glow under the cloth? It could be the stress getting to him.
The fog that resulted easily absorbed all of the bullets being fired [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm], and David could faintly hear the rounds dropping to the deck of the ship after five inches.
Teri and Slindis casted Fog Cloud [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm] and Solid Fog [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm] to cover the retreat. The Fog CLoud makes most ranged attacks have a 50% chance of missing, while the Solid Fog just stops almost all non-laser ranged attacks altogether.
Time until Teri's next level 2 spell: 24 seconds
Slindis is out of Solid Fog evocations of her Dragonmark for the day.
Mel laughed. "I know, ya thought it might be a big boom. Still, they'tr gonna be crippled for a long time. Heck, they might have to find a new boat! Let's head with Miss Ella, she's probably providing some cover fire right now."
Judging from the Succubus doing her best to fire the rounds while flying around in the sky, it was getting rather heated altogether.