The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Name: Alashi

Age: 21

Species: Half-succubus

Origin: AA

Alignment: Neutral Good with Chaotic tendencies

"Sometimes, showing someone you care involves more than a bit of tough love... and maybe a bit of trickery as well."


Appearance: 5'4", wavy blond hair, dark blue eyes, toned build, lightly tanned skin. Currently wearing a tastefully flattering dress as seen in the picture above.

Personality: A mix of mischievous and stubborn, Alashi nonetheless has a heart of gold and would do whatever she has to to ensure those she cares about are safe - even if they don't like it. For others, she's reasonably trusting although more than ready to put her foot down if a situation's going south.


Social skills: Having spent a good deal of time being close to Devon, Alashi's gained some of the talents her close companion has with people. Unfortunately, she never quite became as good at Devon at negotiating with people.

Athletics: Thanks to absorbing a fake Caim's soul early on, Alashi's had time to nurture some of the physical talents of the man in herself. Although she can't quite jump as high as him, she's nonetheless able to move around very easily in a fight.

Cheapo Weapon Wheel: Also gained from the Fake Caim Soul, Alashi gained a version of the weapon wheel for herself. She's placed some kamas and some Halberds in the Wheel, although she's started to gravitate towards a shortspear in fighting.

Flight: Because sometimes walking just isn't enough. She can only carry one or two people at a time, though.

Swordsage abilities: See the Swordsage abilities spoiler for more.

Weakness: - Thanks to her parents Alashi is especially weak to Silver and Cold Iron weapons
- Her connection on AA Earth is tied in with Devon - if Devon dies, Alashi will be banished back to hell? Purgatory? In any case, she'd rather not find out
- Needs weapons if she's to fight; most succubi aren't naturally made for combat, and Ella's no different.

As the daughter of Lucifer and Ageha and the half-sister of Kurumu 'Heartbreaker' Kurono, Alashi lived a rather comfortable life for someone in hell: plenty of AC, delicious food, powerful parents to stop other demons from attacking her, she had it made. Yet, there was always an off feeling about hell that she couldn't place. She really did put it to the side while living there for most of her life, but meeting with a certain bard while she was in the layer of greed when she went to watch the day's fighting there got her out of hell and exposed her to the crew of the Rising Dawn.

This meeting was the beginning of a good number of shifts for her, as she learned that some of the more cruel pranks were frowned upon by mortals and grudgingly learned to stay away from them with more than a bit of chiding from her Bard. However, she got concerned with the safety of her Bard and left him to try and find out what her dad actually was - although finding out he was an Archangel was just about the last thing that she expected. Getting back to her Bard took a great deal of effort, although she was there to help him at what was then the worst time in her companion's life.

From that point on, she's stuck with her Bard through thick and thin, even forsaking both of her parents when she realized that infighting between them had hurt her now female companion and her next closest friend in Cleric Teri.

Ring one: Arlyn's Ring [], slotted with a Diamond of Climb + 5.

Ring Two: Seal of the Earth []

Cloak: Cloak of Troll's Resistance [], slotted with a Topaz of Electric Resist + 15 of and Sapphire of Health +15.

Bracers: Cliffdiver Luck Charms [], slotted with a colorless augment of Concentration + 5.

Armor: Nightforge Mesh [], slotted with a Diamond of Wisdom + 2 of and a Diamond of Balance + 5.

Boots: Switchblade Shoes [] slotted with a Diamond of Tumble + 5.

Necklace: Scarf of Warmth [] slotted with a Diamond of Charisma + 2.

Trinket: Penny Whistle [], slotted with a Diamond of Sense Motive + 5 and a Topaz of Fire Resist + 15.

Glasses: Glasses of the Inquisition [], slotted with a Diamond of Listen + 5.

Gloves: Rabbit Gloves [], slotted with a Sapphire of Resistance + 3.

Belt: Lion-headed Belt Buckle []

Weapon: Gae Bolg [], slotted with a Ruby of Byeshk Damage and a Topaz of Acid Resistance + 15.

Alashi has become a Swordsage
Alashi is currently Level 11

Base Saves/Abilities:

Strength: 18 (+3) +4 (Belt) = 22
Dexterity: 16 (+3 ) +3 (Ring) = 19
Constitution: 12 (+1) +4 (Belt) = 16
Intelligence: 16 (+3) = 16
Wisdom: 16 (+3) +2 (Slot) = 18
Charisma: 20 (+5) +2 (Slot) = 22

The half-succubus template added +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and +6 Charisma.

Base attack Bonus: +8/+8/+13/+18

Fortitude : 10 (3 base + 3 Con modifier +1 luck +3 resistance)
Reflex : 15 (7 base + 4 Dex modifier +1 luck +3 resistance)
Will : 17 (7 base + 6 Cha Modifier +1 luck +3 resistance)

Spell Resistance: 21 (Ella's level +10)

Languages known: Common, Infernal, Celestial

Stances Known: 4

Maneuvers Known: 16

Maneuvers Readied: 8

Energy Resistance: Acid 15, cold 25, electricity 25, fire 5, sonic 10

Initiator Level: 11 (Martial Adept level)

Class Skills

9 per level [6+ 3(Int)] (barring first level: [(6+2) x 4])

[Total for skills] = skill points + Skill modifier + miscellaneous modifiers via feats/synergies/etc

Current Max Ranks 14/7 Class skills/Cross Class skills

Balance (Dex*) 25 = +4(stat) +14(ranks) +2 [tumble] +1 (luck) +5 (Slot) -1 (ACP)
Bluff (Cha) 31 = +6(stat) +14(ranks) +10 (Boots) +1 (luck)
Climb (Str*) 25 = +6(Stat) +14(ranks) +5 (Slot) +1 (luck) -1 (ACP)
Concentration (Con) 23 = +3(stat) +14(ranks) +5 (Slot) +1 (luck)
Listen (Wis) 28 = +4(Stat) +14(stat) +4 (Racial) +5 (Slot) +1 (luck)
Intimidate (Cha) 27 = +6 (stat) + 14 (Ranks) +7 (Glasses) +1 (luck)
Jump (Str*) 31 = +4(stat) +14(ranks) +10 (Wings) +2 [tumble] +1 (luck) -1 (ACP)
Sense Motive (Wis) 24 = +4(stat) +14(Ranks) +5 (Slot) +1 (luck)
Tumble (Dex*) 25 = +4(stat) +14(ranks) +2 [jump] +5 (Slot) +1 (luck) -1 (ACP)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
As a swordsage, Alashi is proficient with simple weapons, martial melee weapons (including those that can be used as thrown weapons), and light armor, but not with shields.

Succubus's Kiss (Su)
The effects of a half-succubus's kiss depend on her alignment. If good, she bestows the effects of a heroism spell (caster level equal to her level). Kissing also has the effect of a charm person (or charm monster, if level 6 or greater), but does not count against the half-succubus's uses of the ability for that day (Uses per day are Character level/2)

It has the same save DC as her SLA. The foe does not detect her draining his life away unless he succeeds on the Will save against the charm effect; the half-succubus's attentions are in fact quite pleasurable. Use of this ability is a standard action, but the half-succubus must grapple an unwilling opponent to force her attentions onto her target.


Once per day, the half-succubus may make a special smite attack against any evil-aligned foe (if good). This smite attack adds her Charisma bonus to the attack roll and her character level to the damage roll.

Razor Nails
The half-succubus's hands, while normally dainty, can shift into vicious claws at will (a free action). Alashi deals 1d6 damage with her claws, and can use them as primary natural weapons - or if fighting with a weapon in one hand, attack with the other as a secondary natural weapon.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp)
A half-succubus with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher has access to the following spell-like abilities depending on her Hit Dice: Alter Self (unlimited duration) 1/day per 3 HD. Permanent cosmetic alterations on herself or one willing subject 1/month. Charm person 3/day, gains additional use at 6 HD and 1 more every 6 HD after, becomes charm monster at 9th level. At 5th level, gains suggestion 1/day, gaining an additional use at 11th level and 1 more at every 6 levels after. The save DCs are 10 + spell level + Charisma modifier.

Wings (Ex)
The half-succubus's wings aid her jumps and grant a +10 bonus on Jump checks. In addition, when the half-succubus reaches 6 HD, she gains a fly speed equal to her base speed with average maneuverability. She can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Flight is as strenuous for the half-succubus as running, and she cannot take the run action while flying.

You begin your career with knowledge of six martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to you are Desert Wind, Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon, and Tiger Claw.

Once you know a maneuver, you must ready it before you can use it. A maneuver usable by swordsages is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in its description. Your maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you initiate one.

Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even-numbered swordsage level after that (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), you can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one you already know. In effect, you lose the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. You can choose a new maneuver of any level you like, as long as you observe your restriction on the highest- level maneuvers you know; you need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. For example, upon reaching 10th level, you could trade in a single 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd- or 4th-level maneuver for a maneuver of 5th level or lower, as long as you meet the prerequisite of the new maneuver. You can swap only a single maneuver at any given level.

Damage Reduction(Su)

Thanks to her Half-succubus heritage, Alashi can shrug off some damage that's not from Cold Iron, Silver, or Magical weapons

Stances Known

Alashi has knowledge of one 1st-level stance from any discipline open to you. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 14th, and 20th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you currently use as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description.
Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.

AC Bonus

Starting at 2nd level, you can add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as you wear light armor, are unencumbered, and do not use a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. However, you lose this bonus when you are immobilized or helpless.

Discipline Focus (Ex)
As a swordsage, you can focus your training to take advantage of each discipline's fighting style. Each time you gain the discipline focus ability, select one of the six swordsage disciplines to which that focus applies. You can select a different discipline each time you gain discipline focus, but you must know at least one martial maneuver from the selected discipline. Even if you select a different discipline at higher levels, your discipline choice for earlier abilities does not change.

Weapon Focus (Diamond Mind): At 1st level, you gain the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for weapons associated with the chosen discipline.

Insightful Strikes(Diamond Mind): At 4th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage rolls whenever you execute a strike from the chosen discipline.

Defensive Stance(Diamond Mind): At 8th level, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws whenever you adopt a stance from the chosen discipline.

Quick to Act (Ex)
When a fight starts, Alashi's a good deal faster at starting the attack.

Evasion (Ex)
If Alashi makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if Alashi is wearing light armor or no armor. If Alashi is helpless, she does not gain the benefit of evasion.

As a level 11 half-succubus, Alashi currently has 4 feats.
[The first is from Level 1 (initial feat), Level 3, level 6, and level 9]
Every three levels, 3, 6, 9, etc. Alashi will learn a new feat.

Skill Knowledge [General]

Benefit: Choose any two skills from one of your current classes' skill list. You now know these skills as class skills. Instead of choosing two class skills, you may choose one cross-class skill (whether you already know it or not) and learn it, treating it as a class skill from that point forward.

Force of Personality [General]

You have cultivated an unshakable belief in your self-worth. Your sense of self and purpose are so strong that they bolster your willpower.

Prerequisite: Charisma at least 13

Benefit: You add your Charisma modifier (instead of your Wisdom modifier) to Will saves

Adaptive Style

Prerequisite: Dex 13.

Benefit: You can change your readied maneuvers at any time by taking a full-round action. Doing so refreshes the maneuvers chosen.

Blade Meditation - Diamond Mind [General]

Prerequisite: Concentration 1 ranks, Base attack bonus +4, one maneuver from any discipline.

Benefits: When you take this feat, choose a discipline. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with all the preferred weapons of your chosen discipline when using a strike combat maneuver, as well as a +2 bonus on checks involving the discipline's key skill. The save DCs of any maneuvers that you perform from the chosen discipline are increased by I, if they have a save DC.

Weapons and skill associated with Diamond Mind: Rapier, shortspear, trident, bastard sword (katana); Concentration.

Stance of Clarity

Level 1 Diamond Mind Stance

Benefits: By focusing intently on one enemy, Alashi can gain a bonus to her defenses against the one person. Any other enemies in her area have a slightly better chance of hitting her due to the overfocus, though.

Flame's Blessing

Level 1 Desert Wind Stance

Benefits: While in this stance, Alashi gains some resistance to Fire. With 14 ranks in Tumble, she gains 20 points of fire resistance.

Pearl of Black Doubt

Level 3 Diamond Mind Stance

Benefits: The more Alashi is missed in melee, the harder she becomes to hit.

Hearing the Air

Level 5 Diamond Mind Stance

Benefits: By focusing intently on the area, Alashi gains an amount of blindsense within a 30 foot radius (10 meter) and a bonus to hearing things, making it rather hard to sneak on her.

1. Moment of Perfect Mind

Level 1 Diamond Mind Counter

Benefits: When Alashi would be forced to use her force of will to resist something, she can instead use her Concentration to resist it.

2. Sapphire Nightmare Blade

Level 1 Diamond Mind Strike

Benefits: Using her concentration, Alashi is able to connect attacks where they normally wouldn't connect. In addition, if the opponent is caught unaware when she makes the attack, she deals a small amount of extra damage.

3. Mighty Throw

Level 1 Setting Sun Strike

Benefits: Alashi can grab an enemy and throw them ten feet away.

4. Sudden Leap

Level 1 Tiger Claw Boost

Benefits: Alashi can suddenly leap to another area for better positioning with a good chance of passing unchecked.

5. Burning Blade

Level 1 Desert Wind Strike

Benefits: For the duration of one post, all of Alashi's attacks gain extra fire damage that increases with her level.

6. Clinging Shadow Strike

Level 1 Shadow Hand Strike

Benefits: Alashi delivers an attack that deals extra damage and has a chance to hinder an opponent's vision for a post.

7. Shadow Blade Technique

Level 1 Shadow Hand Strike

Benefits: Alashi is able to make an ethereal copy of her weapon and attempt to strike an opponent with both it and her actual weapon. If it connects, it deals extra cold damage.

8. Claw at the Moon

Level 2 Tiger Claw Strike

Benefits: As part of this maneuver, you attempt a Jump check to leap into the air and make a melee attack that targets your foe?s upper body, face, and neck. The Jump check?s DC is equal to your target?s AC. If this check succeeds, your attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. If this attack threatens a critical hit, you gain a +4 bonus on your roll to confirm the critical hit.

9. Emerald Razor

Level 2 Diamond Mind Strike

Benefits: As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack against an opponent. This is a touch attack rather than a standard melee attack, making armor useless against the attack. If you hit, you deal normal melee damage

10. Mind Over Body

Level 3 Diamond Mind Counter

Benefits: You can use this maneuver any time you would be required to make a Fortitude save. Make a Concentration check instead of the Fortitude save and use the result of that check to determine the save?s success. You must use this maneuver before you attempt the Fortitude save. A result of a natural 1 on your Concentration check is not an automatic failure.

11. Cloak of Deception

Level 2 Shadow Hand Boost

Benefits: When you initiate this maneuver, you turn invisible, as the greater invisibility spell. You remain invisible until the end of your current turn.

12. Death from Above

Level 4 Tiger Claw Strike

Benefits: To use this maneuver, you must be adjacent to a foe. As part of this maneuver, you attempt a DC 20 Jump check. If this check succeeds, you can make a single melee attack against an opponent that you were adjacent to when you began this maneuver. This attack occurs in the air as you soar over your opponent, also as part of the maneuver. Your attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage, and your opponent is considered flat-footed against this attack. You then land in any square adjacent to the target of this attack, though no more than 20 feet away from your starting position.

13. Ruby Nightmare Blade

Level 4 Diamond Mind Strike

Benefits: You attempt a Concentration check as part of this maneuver, using the target creature?s AC as the DC of the check. You then make a single melee attack against your target. This attack is also made as part of this maneuver. If your Concentration check succeeds, this melee attack deals double normal melee damage. If your check fails, your attack is made with a ?2 penalty and deals only normal melee damage

14. Pouncing Charge

Level 5 Tiger Claw Strike

Benefits: With a ferocious howl, you throw yourself into combat. You move with such speed and ferocity that when you reach your enemy, you unleash a blistering flurry of slashes, cuts, and hacks.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you make a charge attack. Instead of making a single attack at the end of your charge, you can make a full attack. The bonus on your attack roll for making a charge attack applies to all your attack rolls.

15. Disrupting Blow

Level 5 Diamond Mind Strike

Benefits: With a combination of brute force, keen timing, and exacting aim, you force your opponent into an awkward position that ruins his next action.

As part of this maneuver, you make a melee attack. If this attack hits, your target takes normal melee damage and must make a Will save (DC 15 + your Str modifier) or be unable to take any actions for 1 round. The target does not suffer any other drawbacks or penalties. He can still make attacks of opportunity but is unable to take immediate actions until his next turn.

16. Ballista Throw

Level 6 Setting Sun Strike

Benefits: As part of this maneuver, you must succeed on a melee touch attack against your foe. You can then make a trip attempt against your enemy. You gain a +4 bonus on the ability check.
If you succeed in tripping your foe, you throw him in a 60-foot line. The target and all creatures in this area take 6d6 points of damage. The thrown creature lands prone at the end of this line.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Shadow Zone: Strike Team: Angelus, Annie, Caim, Constance, Cz, David, Jake, Jenny, Yu

Sgt_Jakeman214 said:
"Me apologies Constance, couldn't remember ya name, I'll make it up ta ya."
The Raven Haired Vampire took a moment during her preparations to acknowledge the Author/Pilot's apology with a smile and a nod. She felt rather a small sense of pride at having stood up for herself despite the fact that the feeling would be short lived when Constance faced the fact that the group was making a stand against Death.

"Well I hope you'll be able to!" The Sorrowfeld Vampire said as she looked at Death as it closed in on the group. Seeing that Jenny the Gardevoir had started moving brought Constance a measure of relief, the battle would be difficult enough without having to protect two paralyzed crew members.

Seeking a means to slow Death down, Constance chambered two high explosive shells into her Silver and Matte Black shotgun and took aim at the passage walls that lay between the group and Death, pausing to aim before she pulled the trigger.


The sound of the shotgun shattered the silence of the Shadow Zone, the echos of the report having barely made it back to the Vampire as she squeezed the trigger for the second time.



The two explosions sent fragments of debris flying, some traveling so far as to fall into Constance's black and blue streaked hair, even as they caused parts of the passage wall to fall into Death's path.


Investigation Team : Paulownia Mall: Garm, Som

While the Strike Team faced Death in the Shadow Zone, Som Waterford, Hunter for the Hunter's Authority of Mir, wondered if he would have been better off volunteering for the Strike Team as he was not even able to find any other members of the Investigation team.

Sitting down next to a water fountain that had been built in the middle of the Commerce Facility, the man from another realm watched as people of all aged wandered from store to store, looking to snap up merchandise of all sorts. As foreign as the scenery was to the Hunter, it did remind him of an open air market, though thankfully the smell of livestock was no where to be found within the confines of Paulownia Mall.

As the Hunter's eyes - um - tracked a pair of young women that passed nearby, the sight of a wolf sitting in front of what appeared to be a local law authorities office gave the Hunter a pause before he recognized the canine as belonging to Teri, the Airship's Medical Officer and Cleric and even though it was just the Cleric's pet, the Hunter felt relief at something familiar in the present rather than the past.

Walking up to the Wolf, Garm, the Hunter pulled out a piece of dried jerky and tore off a hunk, offering it to Garm.

"Hello Brother Wolf." The Hunter said, not really expecting a response.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Paulownia Mall - Police Station: Rugal, Tanaka
Mood Music []

Tanaka buried his face in his hands, and after a moment to think things over, he muttered,

"C-c-cocaine?! I.... I had no idea... Oh god. Okay, I need to call my lawyer again, stat. I didn't sell the same quantity of product to each person, so it's possible I can get away without much trouble. Nail companies aren't blamed for pipe bombs after all."

Looking up, Tanaka got a piece of paper and a pen and began scribbling down names and locations for each of the perps, finishing with, "As for your demands, this is the most I can do. I hope you can put these guys to justice, and I frankly never have to see you again."

Of course, what Rugal didn't know was that the account Tanaka gave him was a side account for buttering up customers. Most of his assists were frozen after he hired the attorney.

Most of my customers for those products were foreigners. I suspect that's where the interest in...Well, what happened, lies. It did strike me as a bit odd that they wanted each of the products in large quantities, but after figuring out the truth, that makes a bit more sense. Either way, I always thought it was weird with how easy they were to coax out the prices I gave them.

They were all kinda weird too. Always asked me how quickly I could get my products to them, and would pay extra to get them ASAP. Needless to say, I made a killing with shipping costs alone.

Mr. Skin (as he prefers to be called) - An African American "Pimp". His outfit was so garish, I thought for sure he was a cop. I met him in Club Escapade.

Narla - Young blonde woman in a red dress. She seemed to favor the Antique Store when we met. Another customer I thought for sure was a cop.

Randall Flag - Adult male with some ginger hair. He liked the Beef Bowl store or Wakatsu to meet in when we talked over deals.

"Samuel" - A native. A Quiet man who keeps to himself. Always hung around the Bookworms bookstore before we talked over meetings.

Walter o'Dim - Guy constantly wearing a hoodie. Never really saw his face, but he sounded old. Hung around the Flower Shop at the Port Island Station.

Paulownia Mall - Cafe Chagall Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

Sitting down, the quartet found that the cafe was in fact a nice happy medium of business; there were enough people to where they could allow their conversation to stay somewhat hidden, but not to the point where their servers couldn't get to everyone on time. Cadolbolg opened about Devon's comment, starting with,

"Actually, I kinda want to try the mixed berry tea. It sounds kinda yummy!"

Teri ordered the Pheromone Coffee as mentioned before, and added in with, [color=0E59e4]"Well, we did get a lot of shopping done, haven't we, Ella? Any ideas where we should hit up next? Food, for example? I mean, I'm sure this cafe has stuff, but in my experience, coffee stores don't have anything incredibly substantial. Cake and pastries do not make for a healthy lunch."[/color]

Cadolbolg had crawled off the top of Devon's head and came to rest in one of the plush chairs (seeing that the eating and drinking rule was still in place), and added in, "Well, I know we're here cause you wanted the coffee, Teri. As far as food and shopping goes, I don't really mind what we get. As for your promise, Devon, I won't tell anyone; but I don't see why you minded them so much. I thought you looked as pretty as Mother does when she wears those kinds of clothes."

Ever the honest little turtle dragon baby, Cadolbolg didn't really realize what that statement meant to the transformed bard, and waited quietly for his drink to arrive.

Paulownia Mall - Outside the Police Station: Som, Garm
Mood Music []

Garm sniffed the meat and gave a happy nibble, and that was when Som heard in his mind (Philemon gave them rings, if I do recall), [color=356D60]"Hello again, Hunter. I saw that you are as attentive to look after my Pup and her friends as much as I try to be able. Any particular reason for that? Also, don't react too greatly to my ability to speak. It's supposed to be a secret at the moment, especially to Alpha Rugal. Now, shall we speak more by the fountain?"[/color]

The wolf then proceeded to make his way to the fountain and relaxed his enormous head on the rim of the fountain while waiting for Som to follow after him.

Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Takoyaki Stand "Octopia": Akane
Mood Music []

The Clerk did as asked, and blinked in confusion before holding out a hand for Akane's card, "Uh.... Just give me the card, I'll show you."

She did a slow swiping motion on the scanner, and clicked a couple numbers on the keypad next to the register before handing Akane, and the plate of miscellaneous Takoyaki back, "There you go. Most clerks will just read the card for you. Sometimes you'll have to do it yourself.

As for the question bout the fashion, I'm not one for trends, but loads of people seem to be wearing heavy clothes and sunglasses round here. Dunno why though, it's sweltering! I hope no one dies of heat stroke or something, because that'd be a terrible way to go 'die for fashion'! I don't know what's up with people these days... And it's not even just a youth fashion thing, it's all over the place. Old folks, young folks, folks in between... Heck, someone who used to take a shift after me started doing it too. I haven't seen her as much either. I hope that the trend passes though, because it's looking downright silly; and I bet SOMEONE's gotten sick from it. Kinda like that guy over there-"

The Clerk gave a nod of her head to someone [] dressed up like they were about to hit the slopes... If the slopes happened to enjoy Sweet Shops. After pointing out the person in question, the Clerk gave a nod and finished with,

"Either way, I just make Takoyaki, so what do I know? Thanks for your business, ma'am. Feel free to tell your friends."

Review of the locations she can visit:

Akane has many places she can visit in Iwadatoi Station! Where does she want to go?

Sells Takoyaki []. The secret ingredient is well hidden, even to the most expert palates.

>Wild-Duck Burger
Burger Joint. It's said the "Mystery Burger" makes you braver after eatting it. Maybe working up the courage to eat it at all is what does it?

This shop mostly sells used books. Owned by an old elderly couple who's said to be very sweet.

>Sweet Shop
Pretty self indicative. Both Japanese and Western style sweets sold here.
Deadshot and Bundled up dude incoming!

Big time tuna place. Said that the food here makes you more charming.

>Wakatsu Restaurant
Sushi place. It's said the sushi here makes you smarter.

>Beef Bowl Shop
This restaurant is well-known for their delicious beef bowls. []

Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Deadshot

Shop front

It appears there are no screen shots on the interior. Sorry. I do have a youtube clip showcasing stuff sold in Japanese candy stores [] though.

And lo and behold, some Ramune at the very end.

Deadshot made his way in, and like Akane, no one really batted an eye towards the man dressed up in the jumpsuit. However, Deadshot could have sworn he heard someone mutter, "Shibuya[footnote]Shibuya is a district in Tokyo well known for being a place of fashion among young people. Also known for some strange kinds of fashions... Might be why Akane didn't get much of a reaction.[/footnote] fashion gets weirder and weirder..."

None the less, Deadshot was able to find many different kinds of candies, sweets, and confections to his hearts content. Probably not a Soda, if that's what he was looking for. When mentioning such a thing to the Clerk, he shook his head, and waved a hand, "Used to, but not anymore. I WOULD carry Ramune or some Calpico, but I stopped that after some punk kids thought it'd be fun to start putting mentos in them... You'll be better off in Wild Duck Burger. But, is there anything else you want?"

As Deadshot and the Clerk continued to talk things over, a guy [] heavily dressed up wandered in the store, and leaned against a wall, breathing heavily as he (She?) appeared to look over some sweets in the back...

Shadow Zone: Strike Team- Team RESCUE JENNY AND CZ: Constance, Annie, Jake, David West, The Wanderer
Mood Music []

To David's query, Fuuka spoke over the party's minds again, [color=5F8B7F]"Think of this 'Death' as the Reaper... Except he has guns instead of a Scythe. Really, do try to get away from him as fast as possible! He is incredibly hard to defeat, and even then, he doesn't. Stay. Dead. Get Jenny and Cz and get going before this gets any worse!"[/color]

The sound of chains rattling got worse after Constance knocked down the section of ceiling, and the sound of a guttural growling before a gun-shot rang in the air. With a blast of fire, the barricade was melted, and.... HE [] appeared. []

[color=5F8B7F]"That's the Reaper! RUN!"[/color]

Not a second after Fuuka cried out, the Reaper trained the guns to the party, the growl emanating from underneath the cowl [] that was it's face before a blast of light infused shots went the groups way.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Paulownia Mall - Cafe Chagall Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

Devon seemed really thrown off by Cadolbolg's statement: apparently she hadn't expected such bluntness from her younger brother. And why would she? After all, she'd been hearing shortsighted swipes from Deadshot and awkward hellos from David for a bit, and Caim had been glossing over the change entirely. Even Ella'd only brought it up a few times during the week; nothing much compared to what Devon had come to hate seeing in the mirror.

Hearing it from her brother, and one of the most innocent members of the ship? The statement managed to strike her home in a way she never really expected.

[color=00c863]"Wh-wha?"[/color] Ella and Teri could both easily seen the torn confusion on Devon's face, and it was clear that Cadol's one statement had taken Devon a lot further than the shopping had.

"Teri, how about a beef bowl for all four of us? In case that jackass you call Dad tries to yell at us, we can say that we were checking for more, and we did find out something today."

Shadow Zone: Slindis, Melethia
Mood Music []

Without even saying that much, the mother and daughter turned around to try and get the others out of the area. Even though the two could be radically different in ways, there was one strong thread in between the two: they didn't leave their own behind.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Takoyaki Stand "Octopia": Akane
Mood Music []
Akane thanked the Clerk before popping a takoyaki ball in her mouth and enjoying the lovely flavour explosion. She walked over to the sweet shop, entering the door and standing by it to block anyone leaving...
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Deadshot
...As she called out to Deadshot. "Sweety there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you! Come on, I have something to show you that I want to check out!" She said playfully in english, as if they were a couple. The cover would be useful for now.

Waiting for Deadshot to approach she threw a glance at the heavily clothed man. She had found their first mark...

Shadow Zone: Strike Team- Team RESCUE JENNY AND CZ: Constance, Annie, Jake, David West, The Wanderer
Jake's choice of Battle Music right now []

To David's query, Fuuka spoke over the party's minds again, [color=5F8B7F]"Think of this 'Death' as the Reaper... Except he has guns instead of a Scythe. Really, do try to get away from him as fast as possible! He is incredibly hard to defeat, and even then, he doesn't. Stay. Dead. Get Jenny and Cz and get going before this gets any worse!"[/color]

"ALL HANDS GO! I got this..." Jake growled, drawing his Evoker and pointing it to his temple.
"I DO NOT FEAR YOU DEATH!" he spat at the creature before him. Luckily, he feared taking his own life.

He pulled the trigger and summoned forth his Persona.

In a burst of flame a giant two headed black eagle the size of a dragon appeared before him. "I am Thou... Thou art I..."
"Phoenix... PROTECT ME!" Jake said in amazement.

One of Phoenix's heads nodded whilst the other began speaking fast and low in it's deep voice. Each of Death's shots was intercepted by a brilliant white shield summoned by the Persona. Jake turned back to the crew of the Dawn.


It was then that Phoenix decided Jake was protected enough as Death stopped shooting for a moment and disappeared in a flash of flame. Jake cursed and used his Evoker again and summoned forth Phoenix once more to face Death. "Summon shields of pure magic to guard me in this fight Phoenix!" Jake ordered. Seeing the next shot of Death, Jake held up his hand and the shields that Phoenix used he could now summon himself as the Persona watched over him. He grinned and drew his M4 and stood to face Death. He would only seek to buy them time.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Zone: Strike Team- Team RESCUE JENNY AND CZ:Jake, Slindis, Ton-Ton, Melethia

As the others ran by, they saw Slin, Mel, and Ton-Ton all on the way to the Reaper fight area. Slindis was clearly leading the charge, whereas Melethia and Ton-Ton were a decent bit away. Apparently she'd told them to not follow, but they'd insisted on coming along.

[color=c200]"I don't care if you're one of those authors, Jake. Get a hold of yourself and run unless you want me to drag your corpse out of here![/color] The Drow was clearly not in the mood to humor Jake's last stand at the moment, and it showed.

Melethia was just as blunt in her statement. "Just get going, idiot!"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Paulownia Mall - Police Station: Rugal, Tanaka

"All you need to hope is this cheque doesn't bounce. Wouldn't want to have to pay for the cleaners, now would you? Good Day Mr. Tanaka..." Rugal said before he pocketed the list and cheque before picking up his jacket and leaving the Business man to think about what he said as he made his way out of the Building, hoping that this cheque would in fact stick.
Club Escapade...Little early for a drink and a scrap...Eh, To hell with it! It's 5 o'Clock somewhere... He thought as he left the Police station and started making his way to the club, Garm being easily able to track the Crimelord down as he did.
Som was also able to notice the large man in Red pacing away from the building, dropping something in the trash as he did.

Paulownia Mall - Club Escapade: Rugal Vs Mr. Skin

A brief walk later, Rugal stood outside the closed Club Escapade, realizing it was in fact not open.
...Hm...Time to see what the kids are into these days... He thought as he-
Any daytime employees could hear the sound of the front doors of the club getting kicked off this hinges as Rugal broke the lock with his dress shoe foot.
"...HELLO!...Surprise Inspection! I wanna see all employees on the Dance Floor. Let's Go People!" He shouted while clapping his hands like a disappointed dance teacher.
"Okay, I am looking for a Mr. Skin. He's Black? Dresses like a total prick? Apparently makes his money by pulling tricks in the ladies restroom? while smoking 7 gram rocks?...Ring any bells?...Don't make me use the N Word, Mr. Skin. I'm not above calling an African American an extremely offensive Racial Slur just to get his attention. Lets hope it doesn't come to that, now shall we?" He kept talking as he threw his jacket on one of the seats.

This club was about to find out how the hell Rugal went from a Street Thug to a International Cartel Leader...

Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Deadshot

"...Riiiggghhhttt, I can't imagine Burger King getting beaten by a name like that..." Deadshot cringed, the thought of eating a duck, as in the park pond variety, didn't really appeal to him.
Least not after that time he was behind on his dues back in North Yankton and tried to make his own "Duck Burger".
Suppressing a little retch from the memory, He then froze as he saw someone wearing Winter Gear.
"...Here! Top of the Morning to ya...Great Weather...We're having..." He rambled as an audible *Click* could barely be heard as his Wrist Guns's safety was taken off.
"Sweety there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you! Come on, I have something to show you that I want to check out!"
The second Akane entered, He gave her a nod of understanding: There was an infected in a public place and more so, it was still alive and could lash out on the kids here at any moment.
"Yeah, just a sec my little Fire Fox, just seeing if they have some Zappers here..." He said to the Kitsune as he walked up the aisle towards the target, switching his gun to "Taser".
He would do well to take this one in alive...

Shadow Zone: Strike Team- Team RESCUE JENNY AND CZ: Constance, Annie, Jake, David West, The Wanderer

"DEAR ARCEUS!" Jenny screamed as Death approached, Literally.
With Annie taking Cz, She was free to sprint as Corvus faded, the Goth glad to not be the one fighting THAT thing.
"OH GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" David meanwhile shouted as he motioned for Jenny to move on as he fruitlessly shot at the Creature as the others began making their escape.
What happened next he didn't expect, Jake went full Retard.
"JAKE! WHAT THE HELL?!" The Irishman shouted before he summoned Phoenix all of a sudden.
"...Whoa..." He paused as the Author's Persona began to battle against the massive 6 shooters of Death.
"...[sub]Goddammit Jake[/sub]...MOVE IT PEOPLE..." He then ordered the others.
"WHAT!? WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HIM! JAKE! COME ON!" Jenny protested before David grabbed her arm.
"HE'S A BIG BOY AUTHOR! HE'LL BE FINE!" David lied as he fought to bring Jenny with him as they fled the scene, adding yet another tarnish to the Legacy of David West.
"LET GO OF ME! JAKE! NO! DON'T!" The pokemon cried as Jake seemed to have a date with destiny.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The unkillable Messiah
Strike group Vs DEATH
Location: Shadow Realm.
Mood before the battle []

When Death appeared, the Wanderer instantly remembered the smell ... the smell of the Dead. The memories of the countless of Deaths he had witness went by in a instant. These memories included the ones where even where he was killed, shot, burned, radiated and such to the point of his demise, yet in the end he manage to find a new grip on life and crawl his way out of the blackness of Death it self. More then one time he has beaten Death, death was nothing to him anymore.

"One of these days I won't be so lucky." He said with a cocky grin.

Turning backwards he started to walk backwards, he faced the incoming tide of people that ran past him. Looking past the crowd he saw the Author known as "Jake", another one who dares to face Death alone. Yet the Wanderer knew something, walking right besides Jakes he had a cocky smile as if this sight was not worrying him at all. His burning blue eyes looked directly to Jake. "We do not face Death alone ... "

Soon as he said that, weird clothing came out of nowhere and wrapped the Wanderer in the protection he seeks. Two guns were included with this, except they were black six-shooters, as if the Wanderer was trying to become the opposite of Death. "There is a reason why they call me the Messiah ... it's because I always came back to finish everything." The Wanderer said as his face was wrapped up by a dark mask.

"Since I cannot die and he cannot die ... it would be the best if we run and gun. To both stop this guy and run away at the same time ... it's the perfect plan I tell ya!" The ordinary Wanderer came back in, the card of a Arcana came up and the Wanderer shot it. His Gundam Persona was summoned next to him. "Kannon, we need to run away ... but at the same time slow this guy down. Can you help us?" He looked up at his Persona to say that, Kannon nodded back.


New member
Jul 19, 2010

Strike group Vs DEATH
Location: Shadow Realm.
Jake looked rather pissed off. Why would no one trust him?
"For fucks sake I said I had this!! What's the fucking point?! PHOENIX! Take Death away from here!"

In a blinding flash, just like that Death was gone, as was the giant two headed Eagle. Author powers, indeed.

Clutching his chest for some reason, Jake felt out of breath. Abusing his powers seemed to still hit him though it was a Persona doing all the work. He would have to word his writing better in future. A glint of murder in his eyes, he turned back to the group and stormed past them all, rifle up and primed. "Fuck you all..." he muttered as he lead on.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Zone
Team Rescue Jenny and Cz

After the mind meld, little Siz had fallen asleep. Her eyes were too heavy to keep open, and her body too exhausted to keep standing she collapsed into someone's arms and slept like a rock. Her body felt light, as if it being carried. Away she went, through some external turmoil she would never see, nor hear, nor remember. She existed in a state of restful peace.

Her breaths were deep but quiet, and her skin was flushed with a healthy glow. She would be fine, it seemed. Just a little tired.

Short post because thanksgiving is busy here x.x


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Paulownia Mall - Club Escapade: Rugal, Mr. Skin
Mood Music []

The employees of the club, being that their club was a fairly legitimate business avenue, were a TAD bit surprised to see Rugal bust down their door and demand each and every employee make their way to the floor. Needless to say, the few who were on duty showed up and the proprietor of the place, a small looking man, walked up and asked in a shaky tone, "Mr. Skin, you say? He doesn't work here! He's just a guy who pays monthly to have a booth here! And if he's doing any sorts of those things, we certainly don't know about it!"

"He does love a Rum and coke, however."

Out from a room upstairs, exited a man that certainly fit Tanaka's description. Clad in a purple suit, cape and hat that would make any man who'd call himself a pimp proud, the man in the get up descended the staircase in a gainly manner and stopped to stand before Rugal, hands resting firmly on his cane before speaking again, "Now now, no need for this violence. I'm simply a man who enjoys the booth he rents here, and the drinks that comes with it. Seeing as you know who I am, I can surmise that one of three things has happened:

1) You're here on business with me. I'm currently off duty at the moment, and I don't do business in this club. I only talk out deals when the booth is mine and the beat is pumping.
2) You are attempting to arrest me when I have no crime. That can't be right, because no officer in their right mind would dress as you.
Or, the 3rd. Tanaka told you bout me. I knew he had been arrested recently, so I'm not surprised my name came up. Please, state why you're here, and do restore the door before you do? These are well and good folks, and it's gonna cost a pretty penny to put that up professionally; And I do feel something awful that me being here has caused all the trouble! We wouldn't want any trouble 'tween the two of us, now would we?"

The man looked up, directly into Rugal's eyes, and the King of Fighters noticed two final details about the pimp in question. The first, his height; the man came up to Rugal's chin. The second, were his eyes. They were distinctly the color of honey.

Paulownia Mall - Cafe Chagall Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

Teri nodded, and took the final sip of her delicious Pheromone Coffee, [color=0E59E4]"That sounds like a splendid idea. However, you might need to get me a separate one. You know how I am with beef."[/color]

"Me too! Me too! I can get a bowl for myself, too, right!", this was punctuated by a heavy slurp by the turtle dragon baby, downing his tea, "I bet you'd like some too, wouldn't you, Devon?"

After paying their bill, Teri placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder, giving Devon a smile before saying, [color=0E59E4]"You've been very patient with us today. Think of the beef bowls as a reward, I know I always liked a big meal after clothes shopping. Let's get going, eh?"[/color]

The Cleric had indeed noticed Devon's slight shift in attitude, and she, like Ella, was happy to see the progress, even if it wasn't from anything the two young ladies had done. Cadolbolg had done all the work for them.

Paulownia Mall - At the Fountain: Som, Garm, Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

((Insert what Som said to Garm before the group appeared here))

As the group made their way outside of the Cafe, Garm gave a happy bark, alerting the group to his and Som's presence at the fountain, and hopped from his perch to approach Teri and give her a happy rub of his head against his Pup and her friends, [color=365D60]"You have returned! Took you long enough! Did your shopping go well, each of you?"
"Tear-ri, Jersey Shore has relocated to Club Escapade, and kicked the door in. Should I keep a watch on him, or follow you?"[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"Stay near him. You may need to start hiding out, but as I said before, you need to pretend you're not as smart as you are. It keeps him unawares."[/color]
"Ella, is the Operation going well? Devon seems to be a bit more relaxed than I remember her being."

Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []

At the sound of the click, even though by all rights it should have gone unheard, the man's head jerked up in the direction of Deadshot and Akane, the eyes of the clearly disturbed man hidden by his heavy face mask,

"I-i-i d-d-don't want... Any sort of trouble. Leave, me... ALONE!"

Suddenly, and without any prior warning, the guy knocked down a stand of candy in the direction of Akane and Deadshot, and made way for the door, making the salesman yell after the bundled up guy about the mess.

(I'm sure you two could catch up with him in time. Do be careful bout it though.)

Shadow Zone: Strike Team
Mood Music []

With an air of calm descending once the Reaper seemingly disappeared, and the party went back to regroup with the rest. However, before any could make their way to either particular stairway, the sound of rattling chains filled the air; and gunshots rang loud as each and every part member felt a round land on themselves in some manner. Fire, bitter cold, harsh wind... All manner of energies were infused in the attacks the once thought eliminated Reaper brought upon the party.

While Jake may have called to take the Reaper away, he never specified for how long, or where to. So, the Reaper found itself taking a mild setback, and it was angry.

When the attacks landed, each member of the Strike Team could feel his or her limbs begin to grow numb, and then - Darkness..... Which lead to waking up.... Somewhere?

Caim awoke in the silence, hand still close to his blade, and tapped his ring, attempting to call out. However, he found that unlike usual... The rings did not work.
Chilled to the bone at this revelation, Caim tried to reach out to Angelus or Ton Ton via the pact link, but their voices were faint at best, only coming out quietly,

[small]"Caim? I cannot use my rings, and I can barely hear you... It feels as if you are very far away..."[/small]
[color=15650D]"I'm not the only one with the messed up ring? Okay, that's a relief. And you sound kinda close, Mr. Caim. I'm gonna try and find you."[/color]

Speaking of the Tonberry, he too woke alone, cold and in the dark, with no ring functionality to him. Holding up his tiny glowing lantern, all Ton Ton could do was wander into the darkness and call out, [color=15650D]"Hullo? Does anyone hear me?"[/color]

Angelus, like the others, awoke after being hit with a blast (in her case, it was ice) and being exposed to darkness itself. Holding her dagger-Evoker to her throat for a moment, the dragoness called to Tiamat to bring forth a small fireball of light, and held aloft the makeshift torch, not knowing how long the minute fireball would last as she began exploring the area as well, the voice within taunting ever so quietly,

[small]"Scared without your human to protect you? Pathetic..."[/small]

The Reaper has separated the party.
As a harsh side effect, all of you have been separated and scattered into two sections on the next floor; and your communicator rings do not work for an indeterminate amount of time (aka, until the groups properly meet with each other again).

The two sections cannot interact with one another, but with some exploration, can find the others in their respective groups.

Watch out, some nasty stuff lurks on this floor....

Group 1 said:
Shawn (The Wanderer)
Group 2 said:
David West
Ton Ton
Yu Narukami

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Caramel Frappe said:
Paulownia Mall | Outside the Police Station: Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Som, Teri

bluerocker said:
Mood Music []
[color=356D60]"Hello again, Hunter. I saw that you are as attentive to look after my Pup and her friends as much as I try to be able. Any particular reason for that? Also, don't react too greatly to my ability to speak. It's supposed to be a secret at the moment, especially to Alpha Rugal. Now, shall we speak more by the fountain?"[/color]
The Mirian Hunter, and most people in existence, was not exactly expecting Garm to respond to his simply greeting let alone question his intentions regarding the Wolf's Pup, he assumed that Garm had meant the Airship's Medical Officer. Though it was quite a shock to be addressed by what would have been a mostly instinct driven predatory animal, he controlled his reactions as was requested of him.

Nodding slowly, Som Waterford walked towards the nearby fountain, noting more than a few eyes upon him and the large wolf that strode through the commerce building.

Noting that the Wolf was somehow wearing one of the rings that had been passed among the group, Som placed the magical device around his own finger, albeit hesitantly due to the device's magical properties.

"(If you would pardon my surprise to find that you are capable of speech. This Realm has proven to be full of them - surprises that is. As for your query, it is my duty to protect those in need of assistance. It has, however, been difficult in acclimating myself to this world as being such as those who are friend to 'your pup' would normally be the type of beings that would bring harm to those I seek to protect.)" The Hunter responded diplomatically to the rather large beast. Since his introduction into this realm, he quickly had discovered that his beliefs were viewed as prejudiced and the last thing we wished to occur was to offend Garm.

As the two Hunters sat near the water's edge, Som observed the residents of this Realm go through their daily routines, not a single one appeared to be aware that danger could snuff out their lives in the blink of an eye.

"(You appear to be quite comfortable in this world of humans, would you not rather be in the wilds stalking prey?)" Som asked curiously. Garm did not appear to be an animal that had been domesticated but rather seemed to be on the Airship voluntarily. Som found idea strange at best.

The Hunter never received an answer to his question as the Wolf suddenly hopped off of his perch to approach the group of Rising Dawn crew members.

Seeing the Ship's Cleric, she appeared different somehow in the way she acted around the others. It was something that he could not quite place but the difference seemed pronounced as he observed the nuances of her movements, her speech and even the way she dressed. She appeared to be more charming in a manner that brought a smile to the Hunter's face as he approached the group.

"I assume that you have found something in regards to investigation?"


Shadow Zone | Strike Team #2: Caim, Constance, David, Slindis, Ton Ton, Yu

Constance woke with a start, her last memories were the rattling of chains and the sound of gun fire. Panic set in at the revelation that this might be the after life and that she was dead, forever doomed to be alone. However the sensation was short lived as she saw the Berserker Warrior, Caim, pick himself up off of the ground and begin to try to use the communications ring that they had all been issued.

Checking her surroundings, the Vampire found the darkness of their surroundings unsettling. She could have asked Bast to help her see in the darkness but that would not have helped the others instead, the ever clever young blood sucker asked Teddy to give her a hand full of Phosphorescent shells.


The Shotgun report seemed to be enhanced by the closed quarters of that the group found themselves. Seconds later, however, the room was bathed in a bright yet sickly green glow as the chemicals within the round reacted to exposure to air.


It appeared that the Inexperienced Vampire was about to fire her shotgun once again, a move that might have surely brought Shadows to the group's position.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Paulownia Mall - Club Escapade: Rugal Vs Mr. Skin

Oh ye gods, this man is pretentious... Rugal thought at Mr. Skin showed himself, looking like an Poor man's Snoop Dog...Or...Snoop Lion or whatever he's calling himself these days.
"Oh good, cutting straight to the chase. Shame, I was expecting at least one over-developed pea brained thug..." He said, looking around, just in case that thug did exist so he could feed him his own toes.
"Sorry about the door then. Back in my day, a man had to make his intentions clear if he wanted to be taken seriously. Yes, we have a mutual friend in Mr. Tanaka. Now, let me pretext this: I'm not the police, though I work for who they work for. All I'm allowed say. Now...I know you purchased a rather large supply of chemical with a Certain Purpose I won't disclose. Why do I even care? There is a biological agent in the city, You might have heard of it. Pretty nasty stuff, rots your teeth clean out of your head. And it also kills ya. He said as he walked around the club, examining the place with a minor disapproving look.

Christ, this club is way too clean. Toilets most likely don't even have random phone numbers scribbled about... He thought, remembering the days when you could get killed in a club just for not ordering a certain drink.
"Now, I was given Tanaka as a lead so I'm thinking either:
A. His contacts have something to do with this virus, Hence all those Chems.
B. His contacts can get me to whomever is doing this.

So A or B, Mr. Skin?"
The Criminal Mastermind spoke as he went over to the bar and reached behind the counter for a beer.

"And lets keep this quick, Tanaka gave me a lot of names and I gotta check out each one..." He finished as he yanked the cap off the top of his beer and began to drink it.

Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Deadshot, Akane

"...I hate it when they run..." Deadshot sighed before he leapt over the candy on the floor and began sprinting after him.
"If you hunt like a Fox, Now would get a GREAT time to prove it. Catch him alive though, we might squeeze a cure out of him!" He shouted to Akane as he gave chase after the infected.
"Grapple!" The assassin spoke as he engaged the Grappling Hook on his Wrist Guns.
Once he had a good shot, he fired it at the Runner's legs, hoping to trip him up before he could become a threat to himself or others.

Shadow Zone: Strike Team #1: Jenny, Angelus, Annie, Cz, Jake, Wanderer, Melethia

All that Jenny could make out was Jake seeming casing the Reaper away before she was violently teleported someplace else.
She woke up on the ground quickly, her racing heart for Jake's safety helping to revive her faster.
"JAKE!...Wh-what happened?...Where is-" She began to panic, while the other members the Rising Dawn were "Relatively" safe, The Author was facing that certainly seemed like Death.
"...Wh-where are the others?...Oh Arceus, this is all my fault..." She began to fret when not all the the team could be found, if she just stayed with the group, this wouldn't have happened.
She began to tear up a little at what she had wroth.

Shadow Zone: Strike Team #2: David West, Caim, Constance, David, Slindis, Ton Ton, Yu

"ooooohhhhhh...why me?...." David groaned as he woke up after the teleport, really wishing he had went to the city instead.
"...David to all points-....What?....oh-fan-fucking-tastic. The rings are dead. Oyyyyyy..." The Sniper grumbled in sheer frustration as he picked himself up.
"...Okay....Deep Breaths...This shit will work itsel-"


"JESU-Constance!" He exclaimed as the Vampirette interrupted his attempts to calm himself down, shooting her shotgun up into the air to light the place up.
Pacing over, he snatched the shotgun from her hands before saying "You soppy ****! Why don't you just set up a glowing red neon arrow over our heads?!"
It was clear that David was starting to lose it...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Shaun said:

I am officially 19 now.
Yay~ -

*quiet background cheering*
The Wanderer and group 1.
Location: Shadow Realm | ???
The Wanderer was first surprised at what Jake did, slowly it surly turned into anger into his eyes.
Death would not be killed so easily, he knew it would come back, it did come back. The very second the Wanderer was targeted and shot in the head ... again (New Vegas Irony) he had almost turned his own pistols on the Author, wanting to gain reason for this actions, for one should not be so stupid as to annoy Death itself.

Being shot, darkness surround the new armoured Wanderer, he was cursing himself for being stupid, he could have deflected the shot with his own bullet, yet his anger towards the Author blinded him. Yet the Wanderer was not scared, he knew he would not die and he would be back in three days or less like the Messiah he is.

Waking up to total darkness, the Wanderer was facing away from Angelus' fire, yet he saw one person in front of him, just a matter of time until ...
Night person PERK active
The area was lit around him, he did not need a light to see but he could see everything around him in a low light. Remembering that his helmet had a night-vision function he turned it on, more light came into his eyesight with a green tinge.

Looking down upon the ground he could see the Author, the one who did this to them all, the one who caused to anger Death. Putting away one of his revolvers, he pointed one at the Author.


A trigger click was heard in the darkness, yet before he was thinking about to fire, the Pipboy light came on.
Lighting both the Wanderer and what he was going to do, this was something he was surprised at too.
("Sorry, I had to ... we should think about this more!") His Shadow pleaded to him.

Yu Narukami and group 2.
Location: Shadow Realm | ???
Yu Narukami was simply following the group, then the Reaper showed up, easily he was definitely going to fight this time. It wasn't human, it was something he knew to fight, then he heard the name "Death" from Fuuka and everyone surrounding him. The memories of that fight with Adachi came back, this was not a Shadow to trifle with, something that cannot die. Yu chose to run away with the others, yet looking back he could see the 'Author' and the Doctor behind about to face the reaper.

Yet surprisingly it seemed the Author had beaten the reaper ... yet he was all too wrong. A shot hit everyone in the group, including Yu in the arm. Then unfamiliar darkness surrounded him, Yu was surely scared, darkness was something he certainly has faced many times, but this was 100% darkness surrounding him, yet all of the sudden.


The loud sound of gunfire appeared in front of him, he was certainly awake but in the dark. With the shot he could see a girl behind it. This was not good, shadows would surely come this way. Then David began to get worked up, this worried Yu greatly since he knew what could happen, David could go completely insane.

Bringing his hand up he summoned his Arcana card, a blue flame surrounded the card and it illuminated Yu and a small area around him. The other two could easily see him now, the next action the 'Leader' took was place a hand on Constance to stop her from firing. "Don't ... you have no need to do that, stay calm ... or we will be in danger." Yu calmly said before looking at David. "You too David-san ... quiet, we need to wake everyone up and make sure we will not be in any danger." Yu said once again but if David could see the gray-haired boy's face, it was dead serious.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Zone: Strike Team #1: Jenny, Angelus, Annie, Cz, Jake, Wanderer, Melethia

Jenny heard the struggle nearby, turning her head just in time to watch Annie tackle the Wanderer.
While she was worried what was going on there, what caught her attention was who the duo was fighting over.
"JAKE!" She exclaimed as she saw him on the ground, not moving much.
She instantly ran over, checking to see if he was alright as he was the least durable of their splinter group.

Turning her attention back over to the fighting Duo, she then walked over and added "Wanderer, Please. If he's hurt, we'll need your medical skills. Please...Put the gun away...".
She was clearly eaten up by the fact she put them all in this position, the forming tears was a clear sign too.

Shadow Zone: Strike Team #2: David West, Caim, Constance, David, Slindis, Ton Ton, Yu

"....Gah...fucking teenagers..." David cursed as he handed Constance back her Shotgun, annoyed at the duo for different reasons, Constance for possibly drawing any nearby shadows and Yu for...Well, being what David wasn't.
"So recap: We're Isolated from the other half of our group, we have no means to contact them or HQ, Meaning we have no idea where the Exit is OR our objective...*Sigh* Why can't we just have one mission go well for once?..." He then sighed as he used the Limited light sources of Ton Ton's lantern, Constance's Phosphorescent buckshot and whatever the hell Yu was doing to scout out for movement outside of their group.
"Just something normal like a Arms Deal or a Military Coup? Non of this magical BS..."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Paulownia Mall - Cafe Chagall Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

Ella patted Teri on the back to acknowledge the statement. "Oh, we'll get another one for you, Teri. Just something for us all to eat, you know?" She placed the money on the table as a tip and went to head out as Devon picked up Cadolbolg.

[color=00c863]"Well, Cadol, want to get some of that food?"[/color] Once again, it was hard for the young dragon to tell what it was, but Devon certainly seemed... calmer? Less tense? In any case, it was something that Devon's little brother could certainly like seeing more of.

Paulownia Mall - At the Fountain: Som, Garm, Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []

"It's going great so far, Garm. We keep working at it, and maybe we can get Devon in the right state of mind for this. I do have to say, though; Cadolbolg picked out the best outfits!" Garm could certainly hear that Ella was very pleased with how things were going so far, and it was even clear to Som from the way that she was walking.

The Bard seemed a bit more sure of herself as she walked around - perhaps it was the fact that her shoulders weren't slumped back, but she certainly seemed less tomboyish, which was a refreshing change. [color=00c863]"Well, I think Ella mentioned something about winter clothing being quickly taken by people, which is odd considering we're in summer. Maybe we could find out more in the Beef bowl shop?"[/color]

Shadow Zone (Group 1): Angelus, Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia

Melethia woke up to the sounds of groaning and a rather strong lack of light. The light problem was solved when she pulled out her warhammer [], producing enough light for her honed eyes to see. However, the next problem of them wanting to kill Jake was one that had to be solved quickly.

"Look of you want to beat the crap out of him, wait until we get out of here! Right now, we need to cooperate of we want out, and anyone that wants to say otherwise can answer to Thunderclap." Her statement was meant more for the Wanderer, although Annie could hear the sharp discipline that had to come from a military unit in the girl. But wasn't Melethia only 13 years old?

Shadow Zone(Group 2): Caim, Constance, David, Slin, Ton-Ton, Narukami

[color=c200]"Constance, take it easy. We won't get anywhere if we give our position away, and we should assume the others lived for now. If we made it out alive, then I can ensure you they did as well."[/color] Thankfully, Slindis was able to see quite well in the area, although she knew the same wasn't true for the others.

[color=c200]"And I'd say you're correct, David. It has gone sideways, but it just means we need to focus and regroup. Is everyone good to move? I want a sound off of everyone that's here so I can get an idea of if we have any issues."[/color] After a quick call from everyone there, she began thinking of the others capabilities from what she knew.

[color=c200]"Okay, if anyone else here can see in here, I need you to lead either the front or the rear of the group. I'll take the other section, and we need to call out in case there's any attackers inbound."[/color] From how she was quickly breaking down the situation, it was clear that she'd had much experience with these kinds of scenarios in her past. It was also clear she could see rather well in the darkness, making her a good scout.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Angelus, Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia

Once again, the resident Child Soldier was right on the money, causing Jenny to focus on the situation at hand
"Right...Okay...Mel, do you think you could make some small torches for the rest of us? Nothing too fancy, just something in case we get separated again?" The pokemon asked while Annie calmed Wanderer down before moving back over to Jake and Cz, gently nudging them awake.
"Right...Once everyone is moving, I say that Wanderer takes the lead, I heard him talking about that Helmet's nightvision before. You stick to the center, make the most of that Hammer's light. And Angelus can take the-...take th-...." She started before she realized something was off.

"...Where's Angelus?..." She asked as the crimson clad Dragoness seemed to have vanished...

Notice: This was cleared in advance with Bluerocker
While the group was missing her, Angelus was busy trying to get though to the others, hoping by moving closer to their position, she could get a better link.
"Caim?...Can you hear me?...This realm is making it hard to get though..."
[small]"Angelus?...Hello?...I can barely make out what you are saying. Where. Are. You? Are. You. Alright?"[/small]
Relief was starting to enter her system as she sent back "Yes, The Author is with us, Along wit-"
The sounds of movement caused her to freeze, allowing the fact that she had trailed off much further then she meant to begin to sink in.
[small]"Angelus?...[sub]ARE. YOU. STILL. THERE?[/sub]"[/small] Caim sent as Angelus began making her way back as the link got fainter.
"Yes. Yes I am-" She was in the process of replying before something grabbed her ankle from below, tripping her up.
By the time she could process this, several more tendrils had spawned from the floor around her, wrapping around her limbs as she struggled in vain.
Panic began to set in as she was being pulled along the floor at worrying speed towards a black inky pit that was forming behind her.
"What- Grrr. No! Get off! CAI-...." was all she was able to get out before she was pulled into the consuming darkness, Leaving her partner on the other end in silence...

Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus

The next thing the Dragoness knew, The Darkness cleared as she was spat out from a portal on a wall and let to fall on the cold cobblestones below.
While she didn't know where, it wasn't like the Shadow Zone she was in before, seeming more akin to a Castle Hallway with a very limited amount of light available for her to see with.
A quick check of herself showed that while there were small blobs of dark shadowy glop on her, she wasn't hurt.
However, she was missing her Evoker, robbing her of the means to summon her Persona and combat the Shadows here.
"My, My, My...What a fine little mess you got yourself in..." her Shadow taunted, making a bad situation even worse.

Shadow Zone(Group 2): Caim, Constance, David, Slin, Ton-Ton, Narukami

"Yeah, yeah. Standard Operating Procedure..." David remarked as the Drow began to take charge of the situation.
"If we are going to compete the objective, We'll need Jake's Tactical PC. He was making Map Data of the area before Death showed up. Second we find that, we'll be sitting pretty. Only thing is does Jake still have it?" He explained as he kept close to the Drow, constantly checking his blind sides for movement, seeing how aside from Constance, he was the only one with a gun.
"...Can you still do that thing that makes you invisible? (Shadow Fade) Might come in handy and allow you to see any hostiles before they see you..." He suggested before he motioned to Caim.
"Yo Caim! We're moving out...Caim?..."


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
New York, Manhattan, Date: unknown, Time: Unknown, Exact Location: Unknown

He knew he was being hunted. He had been running across the city trying to avoid him but couldn?t seem to shake him even with his inhuman speed. Now he was in an alley waiting for his stalker to appear. From down the alley he could see his enemy walk out of the shadows. The grey hoodie he wore cast a shadow over his face that he couldn?t see through.
As Agent watched his target stand there he couldn?t help but muse a bit. His target was in what looked like a stealth suit and it appeared he had been on a mission before he showed up. ?[color=848482]Oh well it?s not like it?s gonna matter here in a few minutes anyways[/color]? Agent thought while looking at his prey with a predatory glare.

Then his prey lunged at alarming speeds. It took Agent off guard for a moment but that was all it took for his prey to close the distance. Soon he felt a sharp pain in his chest and was pushed back a few feet. It hurt like a ***** but he could deal with it. He quickly recovered and launched a punch of his own. Which sent his opponent flying down the alley.
The target quickly stood up and pulled out a huge sniper. Agent quickly pulled out a sniper of his own and they both fired. Agent felt a searing pain in his arm but he took a second look to see it was gone. He quickly rushed at his target seeing as his bullet had hit him too and stunned him. He bulldozed right through his target into the street.

There he could see multiple humans staring in shock at the fight. While regenerating his arm he rushed at the nearest human. Once his arm regenerated he quickly threw the human to the ground and stomped on his head, causing it to explode. Dark tendrils shot out and consumed the once living human giving Agent new found strength.

He turned to see his target in his face already throwing a punch. Agent quickly threw up his arm and transformed it into a dark massive shield effectively stopping the punch. Then his arm was covered in dark tendrils and his arm transformed into a 6 foot long demonic looking blade. He quickly stabbed his prey before tossing him back.
He saw his prey get up and was mildly impressed. Mildly?

Turning the blade arm into a new weapon Agent quickly launched his now extending blade arm at the prey. His enemy wasn?t fast enough to dodge and was sent sprawling to the ground. Agent quickly jumped his way over to the downed enemy quickly changing weapons again into giant claws.

Agent pounced his prey and quickly began slashing into him, doing massive amounts of damage. His prey got a few good shots in but it didn?t halt the predator?s onslaught. Soon the man on the floor was too damaged to move.

Agent chuckled a bit as he approached changing his arms back to normal. ?Damn? y-you? AMERICAN DOG!? his target yelled out at his approach. Agent felt no emotion at all as he heard the words. The Evolved simply walked up to him and muttered ?[color=848482]just die already?[/color]? before transforming his right arm into a massive blade and burying it deep in his targets stomach.

Tendrils crawled out of his arm as he began to consume his newest target. When the target was finally consumed, Agent had a flash of memories and a new sense of power rush through him. Images of a huge ship and inter dimensional travel flashed through his mind. ?The Rising Dawn.? He had seen it and its super powered crew. It especially noticed a certain hate for a blonde man named Wesker. It didn?t matter to him. What did matter was what seemed to be a girl that could transform into weapons that was his companion.

He quickly looked behind him to notice a teenage girl. ?Taytum? the name flashed through his mind as he stared at her. The sociopath said nothing as he stared at the girl. She quickly yelled out ?[color=9966CC]Hi![/color]? in a happy voice. This puzzled him greatly, hadn?t he just killed her master? That?s when it clicked. In a sense anyone he consumed became a part of him. That meant that he was now this new weapon?s master.

?[color=848482]Follow me, we have work to do[/color]? Agent muttered as he turned and began walking. ?[color=9966CC]Okay![/color]? was the simple reply he received as she began following him. He began sifting through his target?s memories. Apparently he had not worked with them for a while, but still happened to know where they were. They weren't even in this dimension at the moment. So he couldn?t go visit them right now. It didn?t matter. When they got back he would be waiting.

?[color=848482]Now to prepare to "visit" this Rising Dawn crew?[/color]? Agent muttered as he walked down the street. Sirens blaring behind him as he walked off.

Name: Agent

Real name: *Info Removed*

Age: 20-50 years (Looks around 22 to 28)

Race: Virus (Appears Caucasian)

Origin: Alternate Universe infected by Blacklight and Redlight Viruses.

Title: Evolved

Personality: Doesn?t feel much of any compassion towards anyone. He?ll kill without remorse, Agent doesn?t much care for company. He is cold and calculating in battle and off battle. Doesn?t trust easy, and has virtually no loyalty.

Clothing: Wears a plain grey hoodie seemingly no damage on it, grey faded jeans, and a black pair of fingerless gloves.
Appearance: Black messy hair, with icy grey eyes, a pale complexion, stands at 6?2, is always somewhat hunched over, and has a predatory/calculating look in his eyes.

Weapons: None (unless you count weapons he picks up off the ground that he will soon throw away....)

Powers: Has the ability to morph any part of his body into a weapon, has super human speed, strength, and reflexes, can consume targets to gain their appearance and unlock their memories (also of note he can consume enemies to gain powers), has a massive regenerating ability, can evolve to become more deadly, and had a large intellect do to the consumption of many brilliant minds. Also of note if he consumes someone with the knowledge of lets say how to use a assault rifle. Agent will then know how to use an assault rifle.

Weaknesses: Dislikes water especially in large amounts, electricity can stun him, can only regenerate when available prey is there to consume, a certain chemical can damage him, a certain parasite can hurt him and keep him from using his
abilities, and the people he has consumes take a somewhat mind in his head, causing him to break down sometimes due to voices literally screaming at him.

Information Known about Agent:

Actual name * Data Removed *. He was a person with a normal life for the most part. He always seemed like a normal child. For some reason that no one knows for certain he became sociopathic at a young age. No one was sure how he became that way because he acted completely normal. He eventually joined the Army when he grew older and got into the green berets division for his crack shots. Unfortunately his commanding officers found his ways immoral and unethical. After a specific mission, * Data Removed * found himself kicked out of the green berets and the military. Eventually he was picked up by a group called Blackwatch. Soon after he joined he found out that he was allowed to do anything to get the job done. That was just the way he liked it. He also found out that most of the other soldiers were also sociopaths and psychopaths. He mostly stayed away from the other soldiers except when on a mission. When the Redlight virus and then the Blacklight virus hit Manhattan he was there. Through the first outbreak * Data Removed * only ever saw Codename: Zeus (A person that was infected with the Blacklight gaining super human powers) once during his entire time, trying to take a pot shot at him with his sniper. Getting a car thrown at him in return. Needless to say he survived the encounter of the first outbreak and was also in the second outbreak. Zeus in the second outbreak had turned into a psychotic bastard with a god complex. Eventually * Data Removed * attacked Zeus again, but this time Zeus beat him and turned him into an Evolved seeing better use for him this way. He ran around killing whoever he liked whenever he liked. Taking orders from Zeus only. Soon though Heller came along and started screwing things up, eventually fighting Zeus. When Heller had defeated Zeus, *Data Removed* could feel a sudden pull on his body. He didn?t understand it, but couldn?t quite figure out what was going on before he blacked out. He eventually awoke in a field in the middle of nowhere. Finding out eventually that this world was quite different from his own?

Morality: Sociopath (nuff said)

Text Color: Battleship Grey- 848482