The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Zone
"Heh works fer me! Firing!" Jake said as he opened up on a shadow. He moved closer to the other firearms users he saw, namely Constance and Som, firing short bursts as he went.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Dead-eye city.
Wanderer/Shawn and co.
Location: Shadow Zone.
After travelling into the Shadow Zone, the Wanderer in Doctor's clothing was eager to clear up his reputation with the Shadow Operatives. "Time to mean more good ... as always." He gave a cocky smile as the group came up against a group of Shadows. Pulling his large Anti-Material rifle from his relaxed shoulder, the Doctor pointed it at the Shadows, this rifle could be used from close-range but seeing how this is suppose to be a long range weapon it would be good if he went to the back of the group.

This make him willingly take the risk of damage to others then over himself, for good reason too. Others were better at CCQ then him and the Doctor on the other hand had the dead-eye to beat a Deadshot. "Everyone ... try not to get hit by my bullets, they cost some time to build." He gave a snicker as he joked. "By the way I'm the one here to go to if you do get injured ... so yeah, avoid the bullets and you won't need to be 'investigated' by my medical skills." The Wanderer smirked as he did a couple of athletic moves, includes backwards handstands and back-flips to get to the back of the group.

Taking a shooting position, the Wanderer linked with his Pipboy's V.A.T.S mode. This practically slowed down time to a frozen stance so he could take the shots he wanted, seeing the openings between people he decided to take the shots with one hundred percent confidence.


Four rather large bullets zoomed through the openings of the group, these bullets avoided people like Constance, David, Slindis and Jake, soon enough the bullets impacted the Shadows near the group. The cartridges fell to the ground as the Wander cocked his rifle again. If this wasn't enough he would use his Persona, for now it wasn't the time. If any of the group looked back they would see a Doctor whose blue eyes glowed brightly, as if he is in ecstasy while in battle.

Yu Narukami and the Shadow Elimination group.
Location: Shadow Zone.
Yu Narukami was near the back of the group, he was allowing others to take combat, right now he was focusing on helping both Annie and the Wanderer since they just received their Persona. He would be there if they needed help, plus his decided to take a support role and decided to dish out electrical attacks or buffs when he can.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Shadow Strike Team: Angelus, Annie, Caim, Constance, Cz, David, Jake, Jenny, Melethia, Slindis, Ton Ton, The Wanderer, Yu

Shadow Operatives Building:

The Childe of the Sorrowfeld clan felt simultaneously relieved and scared as more of the Rising Dawn Crew Members joined the Shadow Strike Team, especially the Angelus the Dragoness, who Constance had witnessed in her dragon form in the battle against the female Titan, who had also joined the team as well.

StormShaun said:
"Enough about those subjects ... tell me more about yourself?"
The Doctor Wanderer was addressing her still, Constance realized as she retreated from her thoughts and returned to the present. Handing her cleaned Shotgun to Teddy, Constance, intertwined her fingers as she spoke, keeping them on the table in front of her as she addressed the question that had been posed.

"There's not much to tell, I'm afraid." Constance said, unsure if she wanted to delve into the topic of her family but decided that giving The Wanderer a bit of background could not be of any harm.

"I'm from a place called Mir that sits between the Realms of Fir and Om. My parents were the rulers of the Sorrowfeld Kingdom located 10 Hexes from the Imperial Capital, Sanctum. My parents and siblings and myself aren't exactly what you'd call human -" The Young Raven and Blue Streaked Haired Vampire started, a hint of sadness creeping over her voice as she mentioned her parents and siblings, "But I guess before anyone else tells you, I come from a family of Vampires.

As she said this, Teddy, the girl's Teddy Bear shaped pack handed her what appeared to be a juice box complete with flexible straw and as the young girl punched a hole in the top of the container, the iron rich smell of blood could wafted into the air briefly before Constance began to consume the crimson liquid.

The Sorrowfeld Vampire did not know what else she could add to that. Vampires were universally reviled for what they were in her realm and if the Wanderer had any experience with those of her kind, he would most likely know that she was often times driven by the Hunger to drink in the life source of all men and women, that she could use the blood she consumed to cast spells that boiled her foe's alive, to move about much faster than a human could possibly discern and could heal near instantly.

"Which isn't anything very special." The Girl added as she continued to drink.

"(Why don't you tell them why you wear those ridiculous ears and that ridiculous tail.)" Bastet's mocking tone came from within Constance's mind.

"I - um - well - yes, these are fake." The Vampire added, briefly removing the Cat Ears from her head and revealing the band that kept them in place before placing them back on her head.

"It's - well - sort of a thing that I've always worn." Constance Sorrowfeld added, which was truth enough.


Shadow Zone:

Faced with an array of Shadows before her, Constance placed herself to the side of the front rank, keeping her out of The Wanderer's zone of fire while allowing her to unload her own shots at the charging Shadows creatures. Prior to entering the Zone, Constance had opted for a load out of White Phosphorous Shells, colloquially known as Dragon's Breath, hoping that the fire damage that they afforded would be strong against the opponents that they faced.

The first of her volleys struck the Muttering Tiara, enveloping the creature in fire.

"I got him! I got him!" Constance whooped in celebration, only to see the creature unphased by the assault after the flames had been extinguished.

"CRAP!" The Vampire swore as she started pumping the fore stock of her Shotgun, ejecting the useless shells and reaching back to Teddy for a different load out. Like the Wanderer, Constance also had access to Coin Shot Shells, each one having been made out of the pure silver coins that was the backbone of Mirian trade.

AMATEUR SHOTGUN SURGEON Taking aim, the Vampire pulled the trigger on her firearm and sent a scattering load of the silver disks towards the group of Shadows.


Investigation Team: Akane, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm, Rugal, Som, Teri

The Hunter found his head to be pounding and throbbing with pain as he continued to listen, against his will, to the "insulting" banter that the Kitsune and the Motor Mouthed Human traded, hoping that either the investigation or the end of the world would begin. Focusing on the remainder of the briefing, Som was quite relieved to find that the Investigation was to begin soon and that he would not be in need of an End of the World Shelter after all.

Seeing that the Strike Team had already departed to make their way towards the Shadow Zone, the Hunter removed his alchemical kit and began mixing a compound that would reduce the agonizing head ache that he was suffering from.

"[small]Does that one have no shame?[/small] The Hunter muttered in reference to what seemed like unabashed flirtation between the Human and Kitsune, adding an herbal compound that would calm him and his nerves.

As he sat there, he took note of the Airship's Medical Officer having joined the investigation team and nodded towards her.

"It is good to see that someone of high intellect will be joining us on this errand." The Hunter stated, leaving the fool out of fool's errand.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Investigation Team: Akane, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm, Rugal, Som, Teri

" I think me and Devon might be heading to Paulownia Mall. That merchant might have some good ideas, after all. 'Also, Teri, it'll give us time to start our plan.' Is there anything else we should keep our eye out for?"

By now, Devon learned that she couldn't argue with Ella so she just sighed. [color=00c863]"Okay... Maybe we can keep an eye out for this guy there? How about it, Cadol?"[/color]

Cadolbolg wagged his tail in thought, and added, "If he sells bad merchandise, he might have a slippery tongue. I'd keep an eye out for that. Otherwise, I'm sticking with you, Devon. I saw what happened in that battle, and I'm gonna make sure you don't get in any trouble, Big Sis. It's only right, after you watched my butt last night."

"It is good to see that someone of high intellect will be joining us on this errand." The Hunter stated, leaving the fool out of fool's errand.

Teri blinked with surprise at the compliment (seeing as she didn't get many by anyone outside of her 'family'), and waved off a hand, [color=0E59E4]"You flatter me, Mr...."
"Shit, I don't think we ever grabbed this guy's name."
"Whoops. Welp, we're being flirted with, that's a start."
"No we're not! He's just being nice!"
"Keep telling yourself that... Yo munchkin, back me up here. Dude-bro is hella laying it on thick here."

Quietting the Shadow for a moment, she gave a nervous laugh, [color=0E59E4]"You know, I don't think you ever gave me your name. Then again, I don't know if I did either... Welp, better do the polite thing, *ahem*, My name is Teri Gravel, Cleric and Monk of the Christian God. And you are?"
"There, that solves that little problem."[/color]

The Cleric then turned her attention to her Mother and her friend, signalling with the ring to each respectively, [color=0E59E4]"I'll do what I can, Mum. Garm has a ring now, so that might make things a tiny bit easier."

"Gotcha, Ella. I take it you want me to come along too? Or does Operation Intervention require me to be elsewhere? Also, Garm, I need you to get a proper scent of Dad. If you're going to tail him later, this will be vital to get it now. Just pretend to be what you were before, and act all friendly. Lick his hand or something."
[color=365D60]"You know, thinking about that, I find that demeaning. Can I just rub against a hand? Licking is so....Servant-like. You know, why do they call it 'tailing'? He doesn't have one. I have one. I find that phrase silly."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"Garm, focus! I did say, 'or something'. Whatever works for you."[/color]
[color=365D60]"Right, right... One Big Friendly Wolf, coming up!"[/color]

Garm, true to what he was instructed, lopped over to Rugal's side and sniffed the red dinner jacket, giving a friendly pant before rubbing his head against Rugal's hand. Given what Rugal had seen from the wolf before, this behavior was completely normal. Compared to Lupito, Garm was always downright friendly.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Strike Team | Shadow Zone
Annie | David West | Slindis | Melethia | Constance | Jake | Cz | Yu Narukami | The Wanderer | Ton Ton | Caim | Angelus | Jenny

The shadows appeared, their forms abhorrent to reality. Dark shapeless bodies that crawled across the floor like the dependent insects they represented. Those images of the evil creature flashed through Siz's limited consciousness and Veles responded instantly. Siz gripped the doll close to her, her heart pounding as a pillar of light appeared above her head. Veles appeared above them, in her full horrifying splendor. "System activated. Recovering data for improper system shutdown. . . System data restored. System recovered. Ambient threat detected, activating defense protocols." She paused and turned her focusing disk toward the group of shadows. "Administering justice. Veles' giant wings absorbed what little sunlight filtered through the Shadow Zone and gathered thermal energy within her focusing dish. Then a beam of low-energy light arce toward the shadows and sweeped across the shadows, dealing minor damage.

Veles started charging again, this time refocusing her prerogatives to gather more energy before firing another radiant lance. Little Siz on the other hand fell onto Jenny and gripped her tightly, watching Veles cast her shadow over the group. "I is scared. Bad air around." Sghe closed her eyes and hid her face on Jenny's leg.

The (Un)Real World
Location: Writer's Beach | Hawaii
Time: Two Weeks Prior​
Sav | Nessaj

The Writer adjust his straw hat and looked despondently at the suit of armor sitting before him. The orange flames flickered weakly in his visor, and his voice was strangely weak. Once a powerful knight reduced to little more than a smoldering ember within dark metal armor upon a beach of dark pebbles and sand.

"The Stone of Darkness," he said. His demeanor was as muted as the flame within the furnace of his heart. Almost like witnessing the last petals of a winter rose scatter to the first gentle winds of spring. "It still lives. It... lives. Find it... end it."

The Writer placed a hand on the poor Knight, now no more than Don Quixote. It was pitiful, yet all things tied together in some great tapestry of life, he believed, and this was unavoidable. However, it confused him that the Stone of Darkness existed at all. He was very much sure that he had written the stone out of existence very soon after he had received it. It was consumed in transforming the First into her full character form was it not? The Writer mused slowly to himself and thumbed the lip of his straw hat between his thumb and forefinger. He wished he was old enough to drink, and would have enjoyed a Frozen Daiquiri so that he could be more like Hemingway. On a tropical island, writing, and hiding from responsibility from the main states. What had he been talking about? Too often he walked a meandering path to his point, and lost himself thinking.

The groans of the Knight in black armor refocused him. The Writer spoke to his borrowed creation softly, "The Stone has been gone for a long, long time. It was written out of existence." The Writer ran his finger across the brim of his hand and adjusted it. Letting it ruffle his hair underneath the loose straw weave.

The Knight shook his head weakly and turned his head to face The Writer. The flames flickered and sent little embers into the twilight sky, illuminating the air above him like fireflies dancing in a Midsummer Night. "The Stone Lives for it was never yours. It was given to you by another, but we have forgotten by whom. It observes itself and exists by itself. It cannot be simply written away." The Chaos Knight turned his head back toward the violet sky. Soft crystal waves lapped against him as the tide flowed in to follow the rising moon. His fire flickered with each incoming sea breeze. the Boy understood that he would die if left out here, but he could not help the Knight. Even with unlimited efficacy in the realm of his tapestry, he held no sway in his own. He was not strong enough to lift the Black Knight alone, so he closed his eyes and whispered a small prayer for him. Then left. Hoping that when the tides once again receded, the fire in the Chaos Knight would have already rekindled. But the Writer knew that such a fantasy was impossible, no miracles happened in the world he lived in. No miraculous tales of fantasy or colorful weaves of joyful emotion. Only cruel dark poetry.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Location: Shadow Strike Team | Shadow Zone
Annie | David West | Slindis | Melethia | Constance | Jake | Cz | Yu Narukami | The Wanderer | Ton Ton | Caim | Angelus | Jenny

Seeing his shots do nothing to the shadows, Jake frowned. He was loathe to use the Evoker this early and summon Gods knows what as his Persona. His psyche was shattered enough to start with. So, he stopped firing and slung his rifle back over his shoulder and retreated to back behind the battle line seemingly forming of their close quarters fighters and the ranged rank behind them. He stopped beside Jenny and the small child with her, taking out his compact PC from a webbing pouch and opening Photoshop. True to his word, he began to draw a basic map of the area, leaving a lot of the digital canvas blank.

He doubted he would be required to rejoin the battle, seeing as Angelus nor Caim had yet to start fighting, though if he looked up he probably would have been proven wrong by the Blood Knight.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Shadow Operatives Building: Devon, Ella, Som, Teri

Devon seemed jarred by being called Big Sis; apparently, she still wanted to be seen as some kind of guy. [color=00c863] "Sounds like a plan, Cadolbolg... I'll make sure nothing happens to you either. Akane, are you sure you'll be fine with Deadshot?"[/color] It would be funny how tough Devon was trying to act if it didn't feel a bit hollow to everyone that saw what happened the previous night.

Devon was about to mention an area as the others split off before Ella cut her Bard off. "'Stick with me: I really think Devon's going to struggle the whole way. I promise you I'll pay you back later in spades.' Som, we need to check the stores to see if there's any victims in those. If you want to head to other areas you're more than welcome to, but we should be in simple contact if you need us. Just look for the small dragon, okay? 'Don't forget these rings as well; they're really useful'"

Shadow Zone: Slindis, Melethia, Constance, Jake

[color=c200]"Focus, Constance. Panicking like that won't help us at all. Just find other ways to fight and you'll be fine. Jake, don't forget your combat training. Aim for the center mass with the shots. See if the masks will crack, but don't be afraid to Evoke."[/color] Although it wasn't much, Slindis' calming words were meant to get the new evoker users to prioritize more.

She would have explained more, but the arrival in the zone led to the attacks by the Shadows and the start of combat. "Andras, keep up the attacks. Don't even give them a chance to blink." The next evoking led to Andras [] gliding up before crashing into one Shadow..

"Like that, but with an actual weapon. Keep it up, keep them off guard." Another Evoking led to Andras gliding up to survey the area for a better avenue of attack.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Rugal/Deadshot

Rugal was making his way out when Garm made his move, sniffing and rubbing against him.
"Yeah, yeah, Good boy and all that..." He half-heartedly said, While he was never against the idea of Teri having some sorta dog, he himself was never too keen on them.
Cats on the other hand...
"Right...I'll be checking out this Tanaka so I'll be heading to the-...-th-AH-COOO!....*Sniff* [sub]Bloody Wanderer[/sub]-To the Police station. As for the Virus, be on the look out for anyone who is wrapping up warm despite it being Summer, Dilated Pupils, Extreme Aggression and Missing Hair, nails or Teeth. In later stages, they will have extremely pale skin, pitch black eyes and an aversion to light. If you see anyone matching these details, contact the others on your rings before engaging. I'd rather not take any chances with a infection in a major urban area. You have your orders. Move out." He then said before making his way out of the room after taking his Debit Card, wondering what worked for a bribe in this city.

Deadshot was confused by what Akane was saying about "Family to chase Generations later".
" would then sleep with my grand-children?...Christ, even the Hookers here are weird..." He remarked, really creeped out by the implications of what the kitsune just said.
That thought was pushed aside however when he was given his card with a funny amount on it.
"...Huh...Guess I have 2 dollars now..." He joked, seeing how the amount was 100 times that.
"As for begging for my guns, It's not just guns. My Scope, my body armor, few other gadgets. They are easily worth a few hundred grand."
He perked up when Mitsuru lifted his weapons ban, prompting him to shout-"YES! God, That's just what I wanted to hear! Be right back guys! I'll check out the John Doe at the Shrine, Meet you there." before running back to the Rising Dawn to get his stuff.

Shadow Operatives Building: Strike Team: David West/Jenny

The second the shadows attacked, David unloaded with his M500, advancing forward quickly as he did, like a character from a Light Gun Game.
However, the summoning of Personas made cutting though the Shadows rather easy, basically cancelling out David's efforts with the superior firepower of Veles and Gaea doing a number on the incoming enemies.
What seemed to rub in his sheer irrelevance was how Wanderer was able to seeming pull off shots that only the Sniper could even better then he could.
"...*Sigh*...I guess I'll look for the Generator then..." He remarked as began pushing away from the group, looking to find a way up while they cut down the masses of Shadows.

Jenny meanwhile picked Cz up after she clung to her leg.
"It's okay. We won't be here for much longer. We just need to wait for our friends to clear the way, then I can help you with your bad dreams." She calmly explained as she hung back, letting the rest of the group fight the Shadows, though she did have her Evoker in hand.
She had no idea what her Persona was, but she'd need to use it to access her powers here.

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Shadow Strike Team: Angelus, Annie, Caim, Constance, Cz, David, Jake, Jenny, Melethia, Slindis, Ton Ton, The Wanderer, Yu

Constance retreated behind the summoned Personas in order to gather her wits as it appeared that her fire attacks had no effect upon the Shadows that sought to harm the Strike Team. She also knew that Bast would not be able to assist the group much.

"(How would you even know unless you tried?)" Came Bast's response to Constance's thought process.

"You're just being prideful." The Vampress muttered as she send another volley of deadly silver discs towards the approaching Shadows.

bluecrimson said:
[color=c200]"Focus, Constance. Panicking like that won't help us at all. Just find other ways to fight and you'll be fine."[/color]
"(See?)" Constance's Persona said in response to the Drow Paladin's words.

Unaware of her situation, the Vampire never saw the Shadow that had slunk its way next to her until it was too late and pain erupted from the Faux-Cat Girl's shoulder as the Shadow's attack landed.

"AUGGH!!!" The Vampire screamed as she pulled the trigger twice at the Shadow, forcing it backwards with the impact of the shots.

"Fine. Do it!" Constance said letting Bast join the Battle, the Cat Headed Woman taking form next to the wounded Vampire.

"(Come on, little Shadow, don't be afraid to hit me!)" Bast mocked as she waited for the attack. When it came, Ra's Avenger was ready and allowed the strike to hit, only she did not appear to sustain any damage. The Shadow on the otherhand was surprised to find itself wounded from strikes that appeared from no where.

"(My Turn)" Bast said gleefully as she grabbed onto the Shadow and bit deeply into it. As she absorbed whatever life essence Shadows had, Constance felt her fresh wound healing quickly.


Investigation Team: Akane, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm, Rugal, Som, Teri

bluerocker said:
[color=0E59E4]"My name is Teri Gravel, Cleric and Monk of the Christian God. And you are?"[/color]
If the Hunter winced, he did so internally at the introduction that he was given to the Cleric/Monk. While the Hunter's Authority shunned the use of magic, there were clerics in their ranks, clerics that maintained a strict code of celibacy and abstinence from things that most people with a pulse would find pleasurable.

"(I appear to be barking up the wrong tree.)" Hunter Waterford thought to himself as he nodded respectfully in response to the Cleric's introduction, waiting the proscribed amount of time before introducing himself.

"Second Tier Hunter of Som Waterford of the Hunter's Authority." Hunter Waterford returned with a nod in the Cleric's direction. While the introduction was a bit wordy, the position itself was not as impressive as it sounded as all it meant was that Hunter Waterford had been cleared to Hunt all manners of creatures by himself. First Tier Hunters, the highest Tier in the Authority and acted as the political arm of the organization.

As for the Christian God that Cleric Gravel mentioned, he found himself curious on the matter as it appeared that his God had gifted his disciple with a Wolf familiar. As with all predatory animals, Wolves were prized for their ability to track and hunt their prey, often working in teams. Honored was the Hunter that was able to tame a wolf.

Reaching into his travel pack, the Hunter produced a piece of dried meat for the Wolf. If this animal was honored with this Christian God, it would not hurt Som to produce an offering to hasten the Investigation.

"If you do not mind me stating, that is quite the wolf." The Hunter stated, offering the Cleric's pet a piece of the tough yet intensely flavored meat. Another volley of commentary from the Kitsune and Cohort's direction caused the Som's headache to worsen somewhat.

"Beg pardon, Cleric Gravel, but your Christian God would not happen to have blessed you with a cone of silence has He or She?" Hunter Waterford stated, his head nodding towards the Kitsune and Mouthy Human.

bluecrimson said:
"Som, we need to check the stores to see if there's any victims in those.
A familiar voice chimed in that belonged to the loathful Succubus. He had given his word to act respectfully around the demoness and he aimed to keep his word. Turning to Ella, the Hunter simply nodded.

"By your command." The Hunter intoned, the phrase was the requisite response to any order given by a superior and though he chaffed at the thought, he knew that as he was in unfamiliar lands, he would have to respect the Succubus' orders as she knew more of the lay of the land than he.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Investigation Team: Akane
Akane giggled as Deadshot ran off. "Ara ara, not even all that fun to toy with and tease... Seeing as we've got a team going to this Mall and Deadshot going to the Shrine, I can head to Iwadatoi Station and search it."

Shadow Zone Fight: Jake
Finishing the initial sketch of the area, Jake put his compact PC away as Slindis gave her words of encouragement. Jake frowned at this. Combat training? He never was combat trained in the military, rather obtaining his shooting skills in the Outback hunting vermin and on rifle ranges. It was then he noticed David sneaking off, and decided that the sniper could use a hand. He guessed he could also continue the map as David explored. "Two pairs of eyes are better than one, David. Per Ardua Ad Astra, mate."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Zone Fight: David/Jake

"Glaine ár gcroí, neart ár ngéag agus beart de réir ár briathar." David silently recited, remembering his time in the Irish Army Ranger Wing, a much simpler time

"Alright, We're just scouting ahead, I mean, you don't just NOT use the gang of super powered people for protection, you know?..." David sighed as Jake still seemed as keen and eager as ever.
"If you have any scanners on that Compact, set them to track Motion, Sonar and Energy reading. Motion for Enemies, Sonar for Environment and Energy for the objectives. Even if they are powered with electricity, both that Robot and the Shadow Zone Generator have to use some kind of magical energy." He ordered as the gang cleaned up the last bits of resistance.
"...Urg...I really wish they got Space-Ninja (Strider Hiryu) or Japanese Donald Trump (Kazuya Mishima) to do this gig instead...Just feel like I'm throwing stones at times, you know?..." He added as he made some headway forward as the others drew the ire of every Shadow Creature in the area.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Zone Fight: David/Jake
"Roger boss, got Motion and IFF of the crew members plotted, and I'm drawing the map in as we go. That's about as best this baby can do without me re-writing her and that would require my persona in this 'verse right? We'll be fine, trouble will find us sooner rather than later. And don't feel so bad, you're one up on me with actual military training! It's just everybody else has superpowers that they use all the time... I mean if I abused my author powers, this could all go away. But then, would my perfect world destroy so many other's? Curse my ethics..." Jake said, looking around for anything out to get them.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Zone Fight: David/Jake

"Yeah, yeah...Just...This gig hasn't been going well for me thus far...Really making me second guess the point of me even still being here." David admitted, though he didn't bother going into detail, it wasn't the time or the place.
"I swear, second this job is over, I'm getting a Desk Job. Let the next poor bastard deal with this shit, Had enough for one life" He added as he checked the hallway.
"Clear. Least until the Monsters show up out of Satan's asshole...So what's your Persona or do you have one yet? I kinda gotten mine, but...Well, I kinda don't want to have it anymore..."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

First time user.
Wanderer/Shawn and co.
Location: Shadow Zone.
A perfect battle Theme for a gunslinger []

The gunslinger Wanderer was still shooting at the Shadows, it had seemed that weapon damage was doing okay but it did not seem as successful as using a Persona, giving a sigh at the lack of damage and lack of blood from the shadows the Wanderer decided to use the last of his giant magazine before going to his "Plan B".


The bullets pierced multiple shadows and managed to make one sizzle into the ground like the black goop it is. The giant rifle disappeared from sigh from the Wanderer. During this little pause for him, he thought back to what Constance was talking about, it was a shame that they did not finish their talk. ("A vampire with fake cat ears and a tail ... we might have a winner~") The Shadow side of the Wanderer's mind decided to say, very knowing how 'single' the Wanderer truly was.

"I don't need to hear this now ... " He muttered, grunted and then shook his head with embarrassment. "Okay ... keep calm, this is a first meeting anyway." He said to calm himself, yet his Shadow came back with a line to convince the Wanderer to do something stupid. ("You know ... she might be impressed by your Persona ... give it a try.") He commented, then soon enough the Wanderer held the glowing card in his hand, the justice arcana floated with grace.

Two guns appeared into the Doctor's hands, they did not seem to look like guns at all, they looked like children's toys.
Placing them behind the floating card, the trigger was pulled and the distinct sound of *PEW PEW* could be heard. They were laser pistols, some of the tech from the world of the Wanderer. The card snapped in half and soon enough a rather large metal figure faded into existence.


The Wanderer used his Persona's name, looking around he saw the Gundam Persona and was completely flabbergasted. The amount of weapons and features of this thing must be amazing if it looked like this. "Now only if I could get this thing on the Dawn in our world ... I'll look into that. Would that count as inter-dimensional transporting?" The Wanderer was actually caught up in thought until a couple of Shadows came in front of him ready for the attack, yet in a instant they were cut in half.

Covering himself for attack, he only saw the Gundam standing there with what looked like some kind of laser sword. "HOLY CRAP, you're awesome!" He yelled with amazement, the Wanderer offered a fist bump and the Gundam obliged placing it's giant fist against his master's. Returning to the battle, the Wanderer climbed his Persona and began to shoot with his laser pistols.

("That thing is awesome.") His Shadow responded late, probably still amazed by the giant hulk of future technology.

Strength/resists: Lightning.
Weakness: Wind.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Shadow Zone Fight: David/Jake
Jake nodded in agreement, one hand on his sword whilst he held his pc in the other. "Yeah I hear ya mate, I'm not to crash hot bout these persona's being all our powers, and I'm skill based to start with. I'll be glad to get back in the pilot's seat and be really useful again, though I'm sure if I had of tried I could have brought the black hawk in with us, ha. But yeah, I've got an evoker but I don't wanna use it till I have to. I don't think it'll be a particularly nice persona, seeing as I'm pretty much insane and shattered personality..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Zone: Strike Team: David West, Jake, Annie

"Yeah, knowing my luck my Persona will just be some useless prick with a weird gun..." David said as he motioned to his M500, seemingly insulting himself in the process.
"Now then...where to go?..." He asked outloud as the last of the Shadows were dealt with by the others, him not bothering to help seeing out they had more firepower then most of the units he was a part of in the past.
There should be more here but thanks to writers block, there isn't so to help pad this out, I now present William Butler Yeats "A Drunken Man's Praise of Sobriety". Enjoy.

~COME swish around, my pretty punk,
And keep me dancing still
That I may stay a sober man
Although I drink my fill

Sobriety is a jewel
That I do much adore;
And therefore keep me dancing
Though drunkards lie and snore.
O mind your feet, O mind your feet,
Keep dancing like a wave,
And under every dancer
A dead man in his grave.
No ups and downs, my pretty,
A mermaid, not a punk;
A drunkard is a dead man,
And all dead men are drunk.~


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010

Shadow Operatives Building: Devon, Ella, Som, Teri

Rugal's almost barked-out commands that seemed to be trying to establish some kind of control over the group certainly didn't seem to go over well with Devon, and she wasn't afraid to express this. [color=00c863] "We already know this, Rugal, Stop acting like some make-believe general and get over it, will you?"[/color] Unfortunately, Devon's protests almost seemed to go unnoticed by the towering man as he passed by, and the disappointed dropping of the head could be easily seen and felt by Cadolbolg.

Heck, it felt like most things she had been saying recently were barely listened to. For starters, she was totally fine to head back in the Shadow Zone! Sure, she was sore from the massive attacks yesterday and still not able to move a lot, but she could still back them up. Sure, her normal attacking method wasn't as good but that didn't mean she wasn't able to fight. It was almost as if everyone around her saw her as a petulant child!

Ella, though, seemed to have a lot more success talking with Som. "You know, Som, that was more a suggestion than anything else. After all, none of us happen to be in command of each other here." The disdain in Som's body language was still clear, so she tried her best to keep the Hunter calmed.

Her mood was helped as she heard the remnants of Deadshot's and Akane's bickering. After all, even if it was somewhat crude, the way the two were able to joke and bicker on like a couple was fairly amusing. THinking about the couples bit did remind Ella that her plan was ready to start.

"Teri, could you help me and Devon with the mall? We'd be better off with your insight here, and I'd really appreciate it. 'Remember, Teri. If you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, it's good enough for me.' " The final message was an indication to Teri that the Operation was beginning to start, and Ella directing the three to the clothing section was a rather clear indicator of what Ella had planned.

[color=00c863]"[small]oh no you can't be serious.[/small]"[/color] There was no way that Devon'd be wearing anything from there willingly. However, the glares from Ella and Teri made it glaringly obvious that there wasn't any choice here for her to make.

Shadow Zone: Slindis, Melethia, Constance, Jake

Since Jenny was more than a bit preoccupied, Slindis made her way to cover the pair during the remnants of the first wave of shadows. [color=c200]"With that confusion on his face, it doesn't seem like there was any kind of formal training. I might try training him when we get out of here if he really needs the aid. Constance, please take more care! It's not worth finding out things about your persona if you end up in the dirt."[/color] Her last comment was followed by Constance draining the life of one of the Shadows, calming her slightly but not all the way.

She also noticed West and Jake running off shortly after that, but her Daughter seemed more concerend. [color=c200]"Hmm... Melethia, is there something wrong with West? From what I understand there's been some sort of inferiority issues with him."[/color]

Melethia responded as Andras communicated the basic layout of the area it could view. "Yeah, that's been hitting him really hard... I stil have problems seeing why, even with that doctor's really flashy shots. I mean, there's people that would kill for that kind of versatility!" After that, she leapt into a last remaining trio of Shadows and tried slicing at them. Surprisingly, it was a lot harder than normal to do much of anything even with her new blades... had she erred in making them? Compared to how easily Caim handled them with his attacks, she felt more like that silly bard student of his instead of an actual combatant.

Finally, SLindis kept within a reasonable distance to ANgelus and saw her ise the Evoker to summon her Persona. Even with all of that training last night, she still didn't want to leave ANgelus open, so she stuck near her as well.

This also gave her the chance to see Annie's injuries, so she evoked Joanne [] where something surprising happened: The Persona gave a reassuring smile as it tapped the Persona and Annie, healing the injuries of both before leaving with a humble bow. [color=c200]"That certainly wasn't any magic I've ever used, considering the fact there was no real small pulling in my head from the spells. Maybe this Persona is a representation of what I initially wished to be? I can certainly take some of the load off Teri's shoulders."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Paulownia Mall Police Station: Investigation Team: Rugal

Rugal looked on as Devon was dragged away towards the high end fashion stores by Teri and Ella, prompting him to roll his eyes.
Yeah, sure, go shopping, not like we have some actual, you know, work to do. Tch! Women... He thought as he walked away, shaking his head at Devon's lack of masculinity in going along with them (Or not having he back bone to object)
Still, with the "Children" off his back, he could freely follow up on that Lead Mitsuru had gave him.
A brief walk down the halls of Capitalism, brought him to the Police Station.
...Hm...Thought it'd be bigger. Oh well... He thought before he approached the reception.
"{Good Evening. My name is Heindern Hartmann, I'm a legal Representative for President Tanaka's business. I heard you were holding him here. May I see him?}" He asked, using flawless Japanese and his skill at bluffing to try and talk his way in.

Naganaki Shrine: Investigation Team: Deadshot

After breaking away from the rest of the Team, Deadshot made his way over to where the body was found, casually walking past the police stationed there in a manner like he did at that Nightclub ("Excuse me, FBI, Matter of global security, Coming though. The safety of the Nation rests on you moving out of my way!")
Once he was past the Yellow Tape, Deadshot got a good look at the body.
"Daaaaamnnn, dude, that guy got fucked up!" He remarked before he began checking out the body, using the Zoom on his scope to check for anything of note.

Shadow Zone: Strike Team: David West/Jenny

While the others were fighting, David had moved on ahead and got a path lined out for the others, thanks to Jake's mapping skills.
"Alright everyone, Think Me and Jakeman here got a path lined out. All units stick with either me or Ja-...." He began to say before Wanderer summoned his Persona, the spectacle giving him pause.
...Di-did he just summon a fucking Giant Killer Robot?...REALLY?! HE GETS THE KILLER ROBOT?!
"....Urg....Alright, everyone just follow Jake. I'm just gonna...I dunno..." He then finished, clearly envy was starting to take over as he watched all the other Personas go to work.
"...What Persona did I get anyway?..." He then asked as he began trying to summon his own.
"...Okay....uhhhh...Klaatu! Barada! Nikto!....[sub]Oh, we're doing this again, aren't we?[/sub]...Alright, Hey, Can someone throw an Evoker my way?! Left mine back on the ship." He asked, despite being a "Natural" user and being able to summon a Persona without one.
He just didn't know how.

Jenny meanwhile watched as the rest of the group were fending off the last of the shadows when she pulled out her own Evoker.
"You can have mine in just a minute. Just need it for a second..." She said before glupping and pointing the weapon to her head.
Oh wow...This is tense... She thought as she pressed the barrel against her temple and fired.
On the ground beside her, a dark plume of smoke arose as as a Murkrow flew out of it, cawing like a raven before a Woman dressed in black came into view.
"...Hahh...Wasn't...Okay...Uhhh...Do you have a name or-"
The persona known as Corvus merely stared blankly at Jenny.
"....Ummm...Well this is Cz....Say hi Cz?..." she attempted to break the ice as the Murkrow perched on her shoulder, seeming amused by Jenny's attempts to talk to the Stoic Goth.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Shadow Zone
Jenny | Cz

Siz looked at Corvus and her eyes softened. There was something comforting about this dark. It was purely aligned and corporeal. If she needed to she could reach out and affirm its existence, and she could predict if it was going to hurt her or not. This was the type of creature even Siz felt comfortable with. The little on opened her mouth and spoke a few simple words.

"That lady looks like a man," not exactly profound, but an apt observation nonetheless. She stuck out her hand at Corvus, and the two exchanged knowing cold looks. Without even so much as a few words of introduction, the two knew each other. It was as if the darkness of the world has already been made clear to both of them sometime in their past. The realization that the sane world of humanity was merely an illusion. That or they were both summoned weapons. Either or.

Veles continued her silent vigil above, gathering the little radiant energy to complete a full powered lance.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location: Shadow Zone
Jenny | Cz

Corvus shot an annoyed glance at Cz for implying she was a man (Granted, the Link I posted said "Goth Guy" but look at it! That could easily be a woman!)
Her Murkrow then covered it's beak with it's wing as it chuckled at Cz's comment.
Jenny meanwhile didn't know what to make of this, why did her Persona seem so..."Dark"? Did it have something to do with-
"...Right...So...Can you help us?...I just need to do a Mind Meld as well as have some protection from Shadows. Can you do that?....Please?..." She then asked Corvus, not getting an answer.
Least not until she gestured for them to hold hands, offering one of her own to each of the pair.
"Ahh...Just one sec: Everyone, you can go on ahead. I have something to do on my end, I'll catch up later!" She stated to the others before taking her Persona's hand.
"Now then Cz, lets show that nightmare of yours a thing or two..." She said as she offered her hand to complete the chain.

Feel free to transition to Cz's mind. Just a heads up, if you are going to up-play the whole "Lovecraftian Nightmare Void of Horror" thing, keep in mind that Jenny has been in the mind of a lot of people, including those with serious mental issues so she won't be frightened easily.