Shadow Strike Team: Angelus, Annie, Caim, Constance, Cz, David, Jake, Jenny, Melethia, Slindis, Ton Ton, The Wanderer, Yu
Shadow Operatives Building:
The Childe of the Sorrowfeld clan felt simultaneously relieved and scared as more of the Rising Dawn Crew Members joined the Shadow Strike Team, especially the Angelus the Dragoness, who Constance had witnessed in her dragon form in the battle against the female Titan, who had also joined the team as well.
StormShaun said:
"Enough about those subjects ... tell me more about yourself?"
Doctor Wanderer was addressing her still, Constance realized as she retreated from her thoughts and returned to the present. Handing her cleaned Shotgun to Teddy, Constance, intertwined her fingers as she spoke, keeping them on the table in front of her as she addressed the question that had been posed.
"There's not much to tell, I'm afraid." Constance said, unsure if she wanted to delve into the topic of her family but decided that giving The Wanderer a bit of background could not be of any harm.
"I'm from a place called Mir that sits between the Realms of Fir and Om. My parents were the rulers of the Sorrowfeld Kingdom located 10 Hexes from the Imperial Capital, Sanctum. My parents and siblings and myself aren't exactly what you'd call human -" The Young Raven and Blue Streaked Haired Vampire started, a hint of sadness creeping over her voice as she mentioned her parents and siblings,
"But I guess before anyone else tells you, I come from a family of Vampires.
As she said this, Teddy, the girl's Teddy Bear shaped pack handed her what appeared to be a juice box complete with flexible straw and as the young girl punched a hole in the top of the container, the iron rich smell of blood could wafted into the air briefly before Constance began to consume the crimson liquid.
The Sorrowfeld Vampire did not know what else she could add to that. Vampires were universally reviled for what they were in her realm and if the Wanderer had any experience with those of her kind, he would most likely know that she was often times driven by the Hunger to drink in the life source of all men and women, that she could use the blood she consumed to cast spells that boiled her foe's alive, to move about much faster than a human could possibly discern and could heal near instantly.
"Which isn't anything very special." The Girl added as she continued to drink.
"(Why don't you tell them why you wear those ridiculous ears and that ridiculous tail.)" Bastet's mocking tone came from within Constance's mind.
"I - um - well - yes, these are fake." The Vampire added, briefly removing the Cat Ears from her head and revealing the band that kept them in place before placing them back on her head.
"It's - well - sort of a thing that I've always worn." Constance Sorrowfeld added, which was truth enough.
Shadow Zone:
Faced with an array of Shadows before her, Constance placed herself to the side of the front rank, keeping her out of The Wanderer's zone of fire while allowing her to unload her own shots at the charging Shadows creatures. Prior to entering the Zone, Constance had opted for a load out of White Phosphorous Shells, colloquially known as Dragon's Breath, hoping that the fire damage that they afforded would be strong against the opponents that they faced.
The first of her volleys struck the Muttering Tiara, enveloping the creature in fire.
"I got him! I got him!" Constance whooped in celebration, only to see the creature unphased by the assault after the flames had been extinguished.
"CRAP!" The Vampire swore as she started pumping the fore stock of her Shotgun, ejecting the useless shells and reaching back to Teddy for a different load out. Like the Wanderer, Constance also had access to Coin Shot Shells, each one having been made out of the pure silver coins that was the backbone of Mirian trade.
AMATEUR SHOTGUN SURGEON Taking aim, the Vampire pulled the trigger on her firearm and sent a scattering load of the silver disks towards the group of Shadows.
Investigation Team: Akane, Cadolbolg, Deadshot, Devon, Ella, Garm, Rugal, Som, Teri
The Hunter found his head to be pounding and throbbing with pain as he continued to listen, against his will, to the "insulting" banter that the Kitsune and the Motor Mouthed Human traded, hoping that either the investigation or the end of the world would begin. Focusing on the remainder of the briefing, Som was quite relieved to find that the Investigation was to begin soon and that he would not be in need of an End of the World Shelter after all.
Seeing that the Strike Team had already departed to make their way towards the Shadow Zone, the Hunter removed his alchemical kit and began mixing a compound that would reduce the agonizing head ache that he was suffering from.
"[small]Does that one have no shame?[/small] The Hunter muttered in reference to what seemed like unabashed flirtation between the Human and Kitsune, adding an herbal compound that would calm him and his nerves.
As he sat there, he took note of the Airship's Medical Officer having joined the investigation team and nodded towards her.
"It is good to see that someone of high intellect will be joining us on this errand." The Hunter stated, leaving the fool out of fool's errand.