Found in Dreams: Rising Dawn Crew Feat. Yu Narukami
Rugal was riding the high of combat when Nyarlatothep finally fell, giving them ultimate victory and resulting in Philemon being able to bring them out of the realm they were trapped in.
Relief started to enter his system as his heart rate went back to normal as saw their host appear before him, though the last words of Kalastryn did much to bring him back down.
"...All I can say is I'm sorry it ended this way. I do wish that your end was more dignified. I know this is...*Unlikely* to say the least...But I do hope we meet again, In his world or the next...Farewell Kalastryn..." He said as the Tiefling made her final exit.
Truth be told, he blamed himself, as you would, though his Persona getting out of line again didn't help.
Even the notion of his wish did little to bring his mood back up, though he knew what he was going for.
"...All I ask is this, there is a woman on our ship, The morgue to be exact. Her name is S'Zami and she hails from a land named Skyrim. She passed on before you picked us up and...I would like for her remains to be brought back to her homeland for her family and friends. They deserve to know her fate." He answered, He made a promise, he was going to see it though.
David meanwhile was a bit more energetic at the victory as he couldn't help but laugh a little at the fact he yet again when toe to toe with death and walked away, even if Kalastryn didn't.
"...Hey, I know we weren't exactly close, but...It was an honor, it was really was. I know I tend to ***** about how crazy shit gets a lot, but you were one of the good ones. You'll be missed Kal." He said as he gave her a salute before she went on her way.
Letting out a sigh, he then sat on the ground as he caught his breath, He then glanced over to Yu and said "Kid...Do yourself a favor...get out of this line of work...Go to school, do your homework, find a nice girl and get out of his superhero crack...oyyyy..."
It was then he remembered that they were all going to get wishes and he froze, he totally forgot to think of one!
"...shit, wish I put more thought into this...ummm, crap....ahhhh..." He mumbled as he tried to think of something to get when he glanced at his S&W M500 Magnum.
"...Hey, is Infinite Ammo on the table?" He said as he pulled out his weapon and pointed to it.
Jenny was still rather weak from the massive dark attack she was hit by, using Ella to support herself as Kala said her goodbye.
She was starting to whimper slightly as she said
"...[sub]Goodbye Kala...We'll miss you[/sub]..." before her friend went the way of Jake.
Once her projection faded, she placed her hand over her mouth as she did her best not to cry.
"...I-i-i need a moment..." She said as she did her best to show willing, it's what Jake would have wanted.
"...I-I'll pick something out later, just...not in the right state at the moment..." She then said to Philemon, though in the back of her mind, she was thinking she could do with an actual doctorate in Psychology instead of just pretending to have one.
Deadshot meanwhile missed the last rites as he finally woke up, laying on the ground of Philemon's temple...thing as he did.
"oohhhh, goddamn roofies..." He groaned as he tried to sit up, noticing a familiar looking figure laying on the ground beside him.
"...Hey...Hey Wanderer guy....Please tell me you got some uppers.....Wanderer?....dude?...Dude wanderer?...Oi! Wake up, I'm talking to ya..." He said as he began shaking Wanderer body a little, only for him to roll over on his back and for him to realize something.
"...Nah...nah man, Dude, Wanderer, quit screwing around man! Cut it out man, this ain't funny! Wanderer! Shit-SOMEONE GIVE ME A HAND HERE!" He then shouted to the others as he tried to wake the Doctor.
"No! nonononono! YOU SON OF A *****! FUCKING WAKE UP! Y-Y-YOU GOT MUTATIONS A-A-*SNIFF*-AND SHIT. NOOOO! *SOB* I TAKE IT BACK MAN! I TAKE IT ALL BACK! YOU WEREN'T THAT BAD! *I* WAS THE ASSHOLE! PLEASE NO! DON'T DO THIS MAN! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! GAH! I'M SO ANGRY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME FOR DOCTOR SCHOOL!" He began to bawl in a love/hate fury as he began smacking the dead body in the face trying to wake him up.
"Noo...Gahhh WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE MEDS?!" He then frantically said as he began to root though his inventory, pulling out countless weapons, Food, ammo, Holodisks and what appeared to be a
Dead man's head until he found what he was after: The Chems.
"Alrightalright, Dr. Damian East PhD on call. Uhhhhh...What's this, Inhaler, Flask with a Needle, Male enhancement product, Acid, ..."Something"... A-HA! HERE WE GO!" He said before stabbing him in the chest with the Super Stimpak...Nothing.
"...WHY DO YOU HATE THE ONES WHO LOVE YOU?! LIVE GODDAMMIT LIVE!. ANYTHING MAN! I-I-I-I LET YOU DO TESTS ON ME! I'LL LET YOU BEAT ME UP! I GIVE YOU THE MONEY THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (Philemon) IS GIVING ME! JUST LIVE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He raged before injecting/Force-feeding all of the above into his body, washing it all down by pouring
Something glowing on his face as David watched on, knowing full well that Wanderer was most likely going to get back up.
Dude shot himself in the head for kicks just the night before, this should be nothing.
Also of note, Deadshot actually remembered his real name. So there's that.