The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Diablo1099 said:
Dis guy helped with some parts
Generic NPC 22 said:
And I got permissions for other parts from dis guy

Brainwashed Mob No. 1: Caim, Angelus

Caim sprinted to the console sending out the brainwashing signal and thrust Windsinger through the nasty piece of machinery, effectively nipping the problem of the zombies in the bud. After a moment of silence, Caim saw the former attack dogs of Bison looking confused at themselves and one another, before looking at the blood-covered with terrified, widening eyes.
The warrior held up a polearm free hand, his PDA speaking for him,
"Don't worry about me. There's more of your number tied to crosses out there. Get them down and get out of here."
Without needing to be told twice (and wanting to get away from the man covered in blood), the group of civilians booked it towards the other prisoners, leaving Caim alone, albeit still soaked and stinking of copper. Angelus appeared not too long after, a relieved expression on her face - at least before she saw her partner. The dragoness wrinkled her nose and looked the man up and down, "I see you had engaged in your favorite sport again... Must you always be so messy?"

Caim's exuberance dampened at that comment, and he elected to kick at the dirt beneath him while he communicated through the pact, "Well, it's not as if he was a civilian. The man clearly had a gun and he was very much shooting at me. I don't know what more you want. ...Anyway, what was the hold up?"
Angelus sighed, and moved a stray hair out from her face, "Apparently Bison employs battle concubines dressed in his image. While it may suit to stroke his 'ego', it is terrible battle attire. She paid dearly with her life and the flesh singed from her bones...If there's any bone left anyways."

The prince found the corners of his mouth tilt upwards at that little description, and could already see the image that Angelus had painted in his mind - the screams of agony after her opponent recognized her folly, the sense of pride and satisfaction that the dragon felt after conquering another mortal, and the rush of adrenaline that came from exhibiting such power. Letting out a contented sigh, he lifted his ungloved (and thankfully blood free) hand to stroke her cheek, his thoughts echoing in his partner's mind, "I like it when you talk like that...Shall we have a quick celebration?"
Angelus, while she had been enjoying the brief reward (and sensing her partners immense satisfaction with something so small as a premature cremation), pulled away with an annoyed snort, "Not quite yet. There's still more work to be done..."
"As you wish. Where to?"
"We can send the little ones as support for David's team. For now, we move - it is high time we cut the head off of the snake..."
"Lead the way."

Brainwashed Mob No. 4: Batter, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg

Cadolbolg released a breath he didn't realize he was holding once the effects of the signal vanished, and watched in amusement as the crowd started getting their rightful vengeance on their former controllers. However, while it was all well and good that the crowd was no longer under Bison's control, Cadolbolg had realized one other thing - Ton Ton was still on the ground, and potentially facing the danger of getting smooshed by the angry mob.

"Uh oh.... Ton Ton, I'm going in! Try to make yourself easy for me to find, okay?"
Tucking his wings in, the tiny turtle dragon plummeted downward towards the concrete, before pulling them out at the last possible minute; enabling the turtle-dragon-baby to hover. Thankfully, even amongst the chaos, Cadolbolg could sense his partner was very close - which was then confirmed when he saw a flash of light against metal and a rush of green, and then a familiar weight on his shoulders,
[color=15650D]"Let's get out of here! These people are gonna step all over us!"[/color]

Not needing any further prompting, Cadolbolg flapped his wings as hard as he could before shooting back up into the air, well away from the crowd, Bison's conmen, and high above the tops of the buildings. Once he began to feel safe again, Cadolbolg descended back downwards in a lazy spiral and called over to Ton Ton, "So we saved the peoples - what now?"
[color=15650D]"I think we're supposed to -"[/color]

Before he could finish, a familiar voice entered the duo's minds, "Hello, my dear little ones; how has your mission fared?"

Cadolbolg would have leapt for joy at his mother's voice, were he not already airborne, and reported back, "We saved the good guys from the bad guys, and the bad guys are getting beaten! And now I dunno what we're supposed to do..."
"Wonderful work, you two. Now, your father and I are going to regroup with the team attacking Bison. You two go help David's detachment in the meantime."
[color=15650D]"Alrighty, we'll be on our way. Anything else we need to know?"[/color]

There was a pause in the air after the question, before the Cutie's heard a distinctly different voice in their minds, this time being Caim, "...Be careful out there; while I'm happy you two are strong enough to stand on your own, I don't want to see you in the Med Bay later. We'll have a nice big dinner once's everything's over, okay? We'll see you later."
"Of course, Father! You guys go kick bad guy butt for us!"

With a new purpose in heart, the tiny turtle dragon and his brother in arms soared off to the next destination, his head craned downwards for signs of a new enemy or their friends. This didn't take too long, however, as Cadolbolg noticed something strange on the ground below, "Hey, Ton Ton - is that a car?[footnote]I am well aware that the vehicle in question is a truck, however, I do not think a motorphobic Tonberry and a dragon-turtle creature with the mental capacity of a 10 year old really know and/or care about the difference. [/footnote] It looks like there's some humans chasing it..."
[color=15650D]"What? Humans are chasing a car? Like running after it?"[/color]
"Yeah, gimme a sec and I can get closer - hold on tight!"
Cadolbolg tilted his wings downwards to head towards the anomaly, diving down towards the unusual scene before he was approximately 10 feet above the pursuing creatures; approximately that's when they heard the gunfire and began to see that the enemies in question were perhaps not very human - especially after one of them extended a set of blades from it's arms.
"I think we found our friends."
[color=15650D]"No kidding! Here, I have an idea- I need you to fire at one of them and keep steady, I'm gonna charge the Knife!"[/color]
"Rodger rodger!"

Following the little strategy meeting, Ton Ton carefully stood and held his Knife forward with one hand while he slowly began to swing the lantern with the other. An inky darkness began to rise from within the lantern, and specters of it rose and shot towards the blade of Ton Ton's weapon, giving the same inky sheen.
In the meantime, however, Cadolbolg opened his mouth shot forth a burst of electricity at the closest of the androids - only to be dismayed in finding it unphased by the attack, "Aww.. Lame! Fine, fire it is!"
Taking a deep breath, Cadolbolg opened his maw again, and shot forth a trio of short fireballs at the android this time, just as he had seen his Mother do many times before.

Denver Alleyway: Teri and Garm vs. Fulgore!

Teri squinted her eyes at the strange being that stood before herself and her wolf, one of her hands reaching for her satchel as she called out to the creature, [color=0E59E4]"I don't want any trouble.. Who... No, what are you? What do you want with us?"[/color]

The cybernetic being's head jerked in the Cleric's direction, and in a cold, lifeless tone, dictated,
"You will surrender and submit to questioning under public ordnance 1099, Section A-D 317. Resist and force will be used."
Cleric and wolf took an uneasy step back as the cyborg began his advance, Teri's voice taking on a pleading tone as she attempted diplomacy one more time,
[color=0E59E4]"Public ordnance what...? Wait, I don't understand, we haven't done anything wrong!"[/color]
[color=356D60]"Tear-ri... I don't think he's gonna listen to reason."[/color]

True to the wolf's fears, the Cyborg continued walking towards the duo, and spoke once more,
"Either you will surrender, or I will use [b]force[/b]."
He punctuated this with a set of claws on his wrist charging up with a strange energy, before they extended to a measure that was almost reminiscent of Wolverine, but with none of the charm of Hugh Jackman.

At that display, the Cleric gulped and began incanting a chant to summon a creature for help, and left Garm at the reigns for movement and evasion. As this happened, Garm opened his jaws, shooting forth a cone of ice at the assailant. After this, he lowered his body to the ground before launching himself to the right in an attempt to duck behind the cyborg. As he reached the end of his movement, the Cleric pointed at her opponent, the last remnants of her summoning chant ringing out,

[color=0E59E4]"I summon thee, Ice Mephit, from the plane of air!

Now go and.. uh....
[small]shit it needs to rhyme..[/small]Fight that guy over there!"[/color]

At the Cleric's call, a creature the size of a young child appeared in the air. It's appearance was similar to an imp's, as it possessed a long pointed face, a tiny pair of horns poking out of the top of it's head, strangely bent legs, and a pair of webbed wings. However, once those details were out of the way, it was rather clear that this was anything but an infernal beast, as it's skin shimmered with the hues of Arctic glaciers, somewhere between blue and green. Icicles hung off it's chin like a scraggly beard, and similar formations edged along it's brow. It's wings looked as though they were great slabs of ice, cut and carved into a shape in an awkward imitation of a bat's or a dragon's wings; nonetheless it continued to hover in the air.

After a moment of silence from the mephit, which appeared to be on account of the icy humanoid sizing up it's opponent, the mephit waved it's hand and spoke in a language that Teri did not understand. It sounded strong and whispering, yet solemn, like when one sees the branches of trees shake in the wind, but doesn't feel the air move about them. Following this intonation of Auran incantation, the creature pointed at Fulgore, and white patterns began to blossom on the metal pieces of the cyborg's armored carapace, beginning at it's chest and quickly crawling to whatever metal extremities could be found; almost akin to an aggressive form of kudzu. Teri, while being a student of Clerical magic, knew that she could not cast this spell, but in her studies for potential planar allies was well aware of what the mephit had done (and had been summoned for this reason) - it had cast a chill metal spell. []

Teri has cast Summon Monster 4, calling in an Ice Mephit to help! The Ice Mephit will stick around for 40 seconds, or until it is defeated in battle.

Time till next 4th level spell, 24 seconds
4 seconds till Garm can use his breath weapon again


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Avatar Adventures | Denver | Capitol Building Compound
Diana | Kalastryn | [color=6c1504]M. Bison[/color]

A dark void opened before Diana and Kalastryn, and even Diana knew who it was, as he had seen him on enough pictures with 'target' written above them. M. Bison, the big bad (kind of) himself. After his dramatic entrance, and some organisatory words to his underlings, he talked directly to them:

[color=6c1504]"Tell me, are you aware that Kazuya is merely using you as part of some scheme of revenge? Against me and my colleges? I saw the ruins of MIT, of Black Mesa. Dr. Cortex and Dr. Wesker were some of the finest minds of their time...No doubt Kazuya pulled the trigger on them himself. All this because he couldn't accept that he was the one who made a mistake...Where is my would-be Assassin anyway? It doesn't seem like him to pass on a face to face meeting with the object of his obsession..."[/color]

Diana had a puzzled look on her face as she tried to figure who of the people giving her the assignment was 'Kazuya'. At least she could count out Kalastryn, whose telepathic connection gave her an unexpected answer - one of death. It was an answer, alright, even one Diana would like in other circumstances. But they were in presence of someone who ran on bad emotions, at least that was what she was told, and having a mind full of death would make him more powerful.

Then, Kalastryn was immortal, so Diana was not quite sure on what to do. At least she knew that this was not the time for jokes, so instead of a 'Kazu-who?' she kept quiet for now, and let Kalastryn do her epic rant. "... If you have a god, I'd advise you to pray, because while we even defended your comrades from harm before, I don't care anymore. When, not if but when you die, I will personally raise your corpse and dismember you repeatedly until at last I'm satisfied..."

"Now, now, isn't that a bit much?" Diana chimed in, but with a smile on her mouth. Somehow it amused her. Could maybe even be to her advantage, if it came this far, and she could try a bite of Bison-steak.

"Huh... personally I've always shunned violence where it isn't entirely necessary... morality can go fuck itself, you made it personal. Have we been used? I don't care anymore. Tell you the truth, the whole hostage idea isn't going to work in your favor. Go ahead and kill me right now, unlike you I'll get back up."

Diana held up her finger. "Please don't kill me too, though." She still smiled. "Although she has a point with the hostage thing. Won't work. How about you pay me and I at least stay out of it for now?"

Kala's flesh meanwhile seemed to rot on her bones, which Diana observed fascinatedly. "Don't mind me, only making things more comfortable. After all, dead men shouldn't speak to those still alive." She quipped, but making no more move to be aggressive... yet.

"You know, that's a cool trick." Diana spoke, casually. "Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.Tell me, how many negative emotions are around us, if there are only zombies and robots here?" She asked Bison, trying to figure out his personality a bit more.


Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
Anjali Khatri | Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Deborah Cerulean | Farber the Ish | [color=eca222]Lucifer Morningstar[/color] | Violet

Anjali could not do otherwise than stare at Deborah's giant breasts as she leaned forward. "Well I know a little bit. About your current situation - I have to say that I do not know much. But I know a revenant when I see one."

"... a revenant..." Anjali repeated to herself as Deborah plucked a hair from her head, which Anjali barely felt. "Anjali Khatri. Yes, you are harboring spirits. That much I can tell. In simple words, something is using your body and in doing so has granted you life again."

"Something ... could that something be a spirit itself? I think I feel these things ... these spirits inside me." Anjali said. "Sometimes they want something from me, sometimes ..." Ruby chimed in before she could finish. "Mommy? If Miss Anjali has many spirits inside of her and they brought her back to life, does that mean that we could move one of those spirits into another body to bring it back to life?" she said in a rather shy manner as if not wanting to offend, "Like... Mags... maybe?"

"What is that? Your cat? I don't know if that is possible, I don't even know if these spirits can do anyth ..." Anjali started speaking, as she moved her arm and hand in ways to feel one of the spirits inside her ... which caused it to leave her arm and fly forward for a bit. It was a small, silvery and transparent spirit of a snake.

"Huh!" Anjali made, surprised. Then: "Come back here." And the spirit flew back, after a few seconds of hesitation, inside her arm. "This is weird." Anjali stated, scratching her head. There still was a silvery glow around her hand.


Avatar Adventures | Denver | Civilian Location No. 2/Broadway
Mio | Elise | Rugal

As Mio brought down her flask again, she felt something move and tickle her shoulder. She turned her head, and tried to stare down whatever the white thing was. "Huh? Did I drink too much again?" she said to herself. "I could have sworn this was my first time today ..." It was then, that she finally managed to look past her nose and realize it was a spider, a real one at that. Mio tensed slightly, trying to think about if 'white' meant 'poisonous'.

"Hmm? Why so tense, relax dear- my Spiderling won't bite. So long as you don't make any sudden moves." came a voice, suddenly, from before Mio. She looked up, nearly making a sudden move, and inspected the spider-woman. Her eye was moving quickly again, but otherwise she kept calm.

"You seem ... wait, you are her!" Mio said. The woman gave a smile. "Now what brings an exquisite woman like yourself to pursue me and my coworker? What are your intentions, I wonder~"

"Damn, I didn't realize you look this good, woman." Mio answered her. She gave a whistle. "I'm quite shortsighted, you know. Anyways, my intentions were ... checking you out and ... ah, yes, I remember! You saved me back there, I think. I was under some kind of spell. I wanted to thank you. Funny how that works, normally it's me who saves the maiden.

Also figure out who was behind the thing, so I can slap him or her across their face. Maybe score some booty, too."

"Elise, I would rather if you didn't solicit company at this time. We have much to do and, outside of slowing us down, I don't see how this one is going to provide much to those offense. Now, can we please be on our way? I'd rather not keep my daughter waiting..." the other, obviously unimportant guy, called towards the hot woman. "Elise, that's a good name." Mio murmured after he did so. "Anyways, I can fight, I can talk, I also like you, Elise ... I think." she said, more loudly. "I'm pretty sure I can provide much to save his daughter or whatever it is you need to save. Let me join you!" Mio held up her arm, in a joyful gesture, completely forgetting the spider on her left shoulder, which nearly fell off. Guess it was a good thing there was no arm to make a sudden move with, followed by a bite, on this side.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
bluerocker said:
This chick helped me write this!
Denver Alleyway: Teri and Garm vs. Fulgore!

Resistance was expected but the scope of it was not.
Codes and statistics flooded Fulgore's HUD as he engaged the targets, marching forward even as the temperature of his frame began to quickly descend below zero.
Errors quickly began to take over as his movements began to slowly grind to a halt as his exterior began to get encased in a block of solid ice.
This prompted the cyborg to begin to over-clock his reactor, steam quickly rushing out of it's vents and masks as his chest opened up to allow it to heat up his entire body.
Sensing a moment of weakness, Teri decided that was the weak point she had to hit, and she knew just how to do it.

Time seemed to slow down for the Cyborg as the Ki projectile raced towards him, there was something about that statement, that...move that caused his processes to halt for a moment.
Which as all the time it needed for the Reppuken to nail him not only in the chest but in the face.
The combo of being rapidly super-cooled before being super-heated did not do his frame many favors as parts of his armor went flying, even the trademark "Face" of the Fulgore series getting knocked off in the process.
Confusion sank in as his eyes burned, the sun in the sky being blinding without the tactical overlay and lines of code to block it.
In this confusion, the Cyborg reached up to his head before feeling bare flesh where his face used to be.

"...My Face...You broke my face..." a young blonde man on the other end said, his expression being one of shock and rage as he said that.
Once he had recovered from the shock, he then fired back with a Reppuken of his own [] towards the Cleric, freeing up space for him to deal with the Ice Mephit.
His reactor was raging on, threatening to burn off his own flesh as he rocketed over (Literally) with his claw bared, goring the Mephit before throwing it's bleeding body against the wall, prompting it to vanish.
Garm quickly leapt to the side to avoid the Ki blast while the Cleric realized who they were fighting.
[color=0E59E4]"Whoa, is that-...Adel!?"[/color]
[color=356D60]"Y-you know him?!"[/color]
[color=0e59e4]"Yeah-I-I mean-no, I mean-"[/color]

Her stammering was cut off when her mount was suddenly propelled off the ground by a violent gut-punch from Adel, followed by a lighting fast series of kicks in mid-air, ending with an Ax-kick which drove the wolf's head right against the tarmac of the alleyway under the Cyborg's heel.
Fear was quickly starting to overwhelm the cleric was she was knocked off mid-combo, seeing her attacker then kick her guardian aside against a dumpster before glaring down at her.
Being the first to blink, Teri went to grab at her ring before attempting to send [color=0e59e4]"Dad, I nee-"[/color]
Her efforts were made moot when a lighting fast fist impacted against her skull, stunning her as the last thing she heard was.

"Fulgore here. Target Secure..."

Rising Dawn: Medical Bay (Uber Late edition): Kazuya, Dillon

Kazuya was in a haze thanks to Dillon's cutting of his IV feed.
He did not know what it was Dillon was trying to show him or if anything he was seeing was even real, but one thing was for certain: Whatever it was he was seeing, he did not like it.
[color=9f2b68]".....-GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHA-oof!"[/color] He screamed though his numbed face as he rolled right out of his bed and faceplanted right on he floor, the impact doing little to aid his recovery.
Phantom pains engulfed his missing arm, a burning reminder of Violet's little Coup following the events of the night before.
Groaning from effort as he attempted to use his numbed limbs, he then began to try and roll himself onto his back, having about as much success as one would expect as he wondered where his guard had gone...

(Moar reactions to come!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Kalastryn said:
This guy helped me write some of this!
Capitol Building Compound: Kalastryn, Dream Vs. Jenny Feat. M. Bison

Bison seemed to zone out for a moment, but not for the reasons that Kalastryn had hoped her little stunt would prompt.
[color=6c1504]"...Doom is with you?...I-is he alright?...But-...How, I mean..."[/color] He repeated in a somewhat shocked manner, out of everything that Kalastryn had said, threatened or done, that line seemed to get the most reaction out of the Presidental Hopeful.
[color=6c1504]"...Of course....Those attacks in LA...That's where he was hiding...[sub]Dammit Doom, why didn't you tell me?[/sub]...*ahem* Well...I-...That's good. I had grieved for their loss-...Needlessly then."[/color] He then rattled on, quickly getting back into "character" after his moment of weakness.
When the topic of negative emotions came up, he was glad to take that question to help distance himself from his moment of weakness.
[color=6c1504]"You must understand that this settlement is merely one of many who are under my thrall. I'm sure your people are making attempts to free them, but you aren't even breaking the skin of my vision...An entire people under my will. My power comes from them and their power comes from me. You might not notice it, but across this land, millions of souls act as one under my control, not because I force them, but rather because the anger that festers in each and every hearts them demands it...But, I ramble on..."[/color]

The Soon-to-be Dictator paused for a moment before guiltily scanning the compound, as if looking for possible witnesses as he made his next statement.
[color=6c1504]"...So my comrades are in your care, are they?...Might I suggest a trade?...It's clear that you have some..."fondness" for my ally's "Employee" here..."[/color] he said as he motioned to the Gardevoir, still emotionless and unfeeling as she followed them.
[color=6c1504]"While you more..."Mortal" friend raises a good point, even if this military does not operate on emotion, they still follow me by way of currency. When I say the word, she will be free to go. I have acquired a large amount of capital this election cycle. With a mere motion my wrist, I could buy out her "Employment" and hand it over to whomever I chose. All I ask is that my comrades in your prison cells are handed over. Who knows? I might even throw in a few other gains I have made in my position as well..."[/color] He proposed, giving a firm confident smile while still visibly sweating as he said that.

The most exciting episode of "Deal or No Deal?" that Kalastryn had ever watched was soon interrupted by a shadow flying overhead, as well as the notable fear that was starting to befall the entire compound as what seemed to be a red dragon and it's rider flew above them.
Once again, Bison's composure cracked a little as he barked [color=6c1504]"Jenny, Harakiri stage 1"[/color], prompting the Pokemon to unwillingly draw it's blades before prepping to jam them into her own gut.
Backing off a little and motioning to Kalastryn to "Back off" he then gave a simple demand: [color=6c1504]"Call them off. You brag about being able to return from the dead, but can she?..."[/color]

The very real threat of having her friend slay herself before such a miserable mountain of egoccentric made Kala check herself rather than commit to the violence she fully intended. Instead... she decided to place him in further dismay as help was soon arriving!

"You fascinate me, you know? Underneath all that muscle and ego, you cared for someone else in at least some capacity the whole time. Doom... right? When we captured him he didn't really even put up much of a fight. He was being manipulated... or perhaps more appropriately enslaved by others making some sort of illegal drug. I'm sure you would have come for him if you knew where he was... he seems to think so highly of all you lot. I want to know then... how does such a... softie fall so far? What makes a man truly desires as much as you do, as strongly as you do. Where in pursuit of those desires morality and trust are never issues because they were never brought to the table to start with?

... I have absolutely zero authority over anyone else in the Rising Dawn. I can't tell anyone to surrender. I can only advise you that hurting anyone here will only inflame the situation further. It must be so very cliche, me attempting to talk you out of anything... or talk you into doing something good rather than your intention... but I mean what I say. If you cause her to kill herself now, the only real result is that you lose your weapon and enrage many of those yet to arrive."

[color=6c1504]"....Grrrrrr....Forget it then. Jenny, tell them to land before something "Bad" happens..."[/color] Bison then ordered, keeping the stand off going while Jenny contacted the duo in the sky...

Also, because I forgot to say it yesterday: All Brainwashed Mobs have been cleared! The City owes a debt to the Rising Dawn and will assist them in the future! :D


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Truck Ride to Hell: Retribution
This is what happens when you give robots emotions.
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Miia | Icarus | David West | Ryan Wheatley​

For what majority of the car ride was... "peaceful" even with the residents of the "we should have left the building 3 hours ago" team, ARES felt... more than mildly annoyed. She sat in silence rather than address their personal problems amidst what equates to a war zone. She restrained herself from giving Selena a well deserved slap behind the head. After all, while Ryan was really only telling the truth at the time (as bitter as the truth can be) you can't fault honesty... and the last time she slapped someone upside the head, David kissed the asphalt. Though honestly? She would have agreed with David wholeheartedly when it came to booting them all out of the truck. Skip the drama, and move to the capitol in that golden, unappreciated silence.

Of course before she had the chance to voice this suggestion, they were under attack. Why not, right? I mean, it wasn't as though there was a dictator to take down. It wasn't like, when you really put things in perspective that while they made progress on getting rid of that issue, petty squabbling could wait right?

[small]"... I think I've found the only thing I miss about working for the Accord. They finished things with far less emotional attachment and interference.[/small] She mumbled, before doing something rather... drastic.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but given all the bullshit from the last hour and a half... for myself, this will really help with my stress." She said, before angling her minigun up at whatever was trying to slice through the roof of the truck, and unleashing... oh about $100,000 worth of bullets on them, leaving a sizeable hole in the roof (and possibly hitting it in the head, if not giving it a (ton) of bullets to remove it's grip on the truck.

Then, ARES climbed onto the roof herself, and engaged the sentry mode installed with her current armor. This planted her feet in a position where she was looking behind the truck, and towards the semi truck beside them. As she did this, steam rose off her armor as it created a dome shaped force field over the roof of the truck[footnote]This force field brought to you by the junkyard. It'll stop some incoming bullets, but you can walk right through it. That's right ladies and gentleman, while they can shoot out, but you can't shoot in, THE number one tactic to overcoming this is to walk inside, then shoot![/footnote] The minigun she had been using re-sculpted itself as well. Robotic arms like those used when she changes frames sprung out of her back to hold it, as the ammo barrel was welded onto her back. Chains of bullets were then guided to her wrists, where holes opened up in her palms...[footnote] Sentry mode, or Turret mode, has a couple weaknesses. The force field will deter projectiles, but it can be walked right through. ARES essentially becomes immovable and rooted to whatever "ground" they plant in, but can only turn about 180 degrees... not to mention not having eyes in the back of her head. And sometimes... it would really be better if something had knocked you back a few feet, and out of range for anyone crazy enough to get too close for comfort... or if you'd rather not meet the full force of something slamming into you at 60 miles an hour. Dodging = NO.[/footnote]

Then, well it goes without saying that streams of bullets started to fly forth from her hands. ARES didn't aim for the obvious targets however... shoot through the truck and see if she could hit whatever was inside? Aim for the driver? No... instead, ARES was aiming for the coupling for the front of the Semi and the cargo behind, hoping to separate whatever the truck was carrying, from the truck itself.

Yelling over the sound of gunfire, coming primarily from herself, she exclaimed "Anyone else feel like living today!? Or are David and I not doing well enough to cover all of us going to be your excuse when your all in line for the pearly gates!?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Broken Doll
Location: Capitol Building | Denver
Who... is this girl?
The First Lieutenant

Murakumo's blade-petals clashed against the black arms that had grabbed me. Shorn sparks flew and lit the air with their fleeting light. The two of us flew apart, each wrestling with the kinetic energy that had - in a single impulse - launched us afar. My blade petals splayed outward and caught me in their null-gravity field and then anchored me high in the air. Mistral landed below on her feet and kicked up a cloud of dust and debris.

There was a lull in the combat.

Her arms twitched and bent in unnatural ways, from above it looked as if she were a writhing mass of corpses covered with slick pitch. I shuddered. I always disliked the color black - it was taking the brilliance of blue and crushing the life out of it. She launched herself off of the ground again. This time I caught the twitch of her muscles before she had left the ground.

Murakumo pulled me right as she flew by. Moments later a gust of wind and dust followed in her wake. Such speed. I raised my hand and directed another barrage of blades against her. Again her twisting limbs wrenched the swords from the air around her as they came and cast the blades to the ground.

Then she began to fall. Murakumo pushed away from her. She fell once again to the ground and landed within a plume of dust several meters wide. Without a free-point anchor like Murakumo's gravity seed, she was at a disadvantage in the air. Her arc was predetermined, whereas I had free movement in the sky. I saw her muscles tense again.

I dodged backwards, but felt an arm snag against Murakumo's back binding. She tugged me higher into the sky, her black arms grappling at my limbs and hair. Murakumo's sword petals struck back instinctively and let me pull away. Though still her longest arms held upon the thin protrusions of my armor. I spun around and faced her. A flurry of knife-wielding hands came at me as soon as my I turned face. I struck out myself, striking each oncoming wrist with my bladed bracers.

They came as fast as I could deflect them. We went blow for blow as her mass started to pull us back toward the earth. There were too many, even with Murakumo intervening, it was still difficult to keep up with the sheer number of striking limbs Mistral had. She grinned, her eyes held a sharpness kin to that I had seen in birds of prey. She's toying with me!

I felt an anger boil within me that was not my own. Something far more primal than I was used to was gnawing at me. It was in my heart, my breast, my stomach, my thighs. A hot burning rage searching for an outlet.


,!ie!, [footnote]What!?[/footnote]

!a' praha kada! !a' praha furdiada![footnote]I hate father! I'll kill father![/footnote]

I was crying. Tears were coming though I was not sad. Though I was not angry, tears wet my cheeks. These were tears born from fear, but not my own.

!kashokkasa a'mon helbel'ash! [footnote]Don't look at me with those eyes![/footnote]

!a' ha'gao thana mediara! [footnote]I want her to die![/footnote]

I felt that pitiful girl rise up in unfathomable fury and rage. It was a madness born from fear and oppression. It had been sealed so deep within, that now as she feared, it erupted within this second soul. Pure, untouched, virgin hatred. Without target, without reason, and without restraint.

Through the tears Dolores wrenched control from me and cast me aside. For the first time I was not in control of my own body. What in the world? Who's work... is this? A girl who doesn't exist and never existed and shouldn't existed was suddenly before me. A soul burning so bright that I could not look directly at it. An existence so strong that it made the sun and the moon tremble in it's wake. The fury burned so hot and so deep that I actually felt the primal urge to flee. This was a rage so pure, that it could fuel even patricide.

Dolores let Murakumo go. The armor dissolved from her body and left her girlish form bare to the whipping winds of the sky. Mistral fumbled as her hand-holds suddenly vanished back into the aether. Yet Mistral still struck out, either out of confidence or instinct.

Her blue eyes were never more intense. She struck out her fist to meet the black skinned arm as her hair whipped around her. At impact a circle appeared, a beautiful brilliant azure whom's majesty dwarfed even the infinite blue of the sky around us. That circle stopped time for the briefest of moments. And in that moment, the laws of physics itself seemed to bend to Dolores' will. "Interdimensional barrier deployed! Restriction released! Traheo: Interficium Malum: Ookami -


Ookami had leapt through worlds at her call - this useless, crybaby, child's call. The sword that could kill the Gods themselves, the sword that could cut time. A sword that was a God itself... heeded this broken doll. And not only did Ookami come at her cry, she held it with no trouble. It did not fight against her grip as it did mine. No, it resonated with her very being. Her tears, her wild whipping hair, her pathetic thin body as it was falling from the sky.

Dolores slammed Ookami's blunt edge into Mistral and sent her rocketing toward the earth. As she struck the ground the concrete broke and the nearby buildings shuddered at the impact. Through tears I could see the rage still burning within. Her voice was not her own. "Tsubaki!" She completed her battlecry. Time resumed and Ookami remained. She gleamed in the bright sunlight, a strident and noble steel. The Murakumo returned to her, clothed her naked body in armor and brought her gently to the ground.

This girl held two opposing Nox Nyctores in her hands. As she landed, Murakumo left again, leaving Dolores absent of clothing. Though not for long. Without invoking it, a great blue cloak wreathed itself around her. The threads within were deep blue, the outside a bright cerulean. Gleaming white armor fitted itself around her breast and legs. Though her arms were still bare, she looked every part a knight now. She pointed Ookami at Mistral, who was now getting up, dazed but generally unharmed. [HEADING=2]
"Come!" she barked, "Show me, your true strength!"


Postmodern Mysticism
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn
Kindle not the fire that you cannot extinguish.

"Ruby," Deborah said rather sternly, "the dead are not to be brought back by use of Sorcery, Ars Magus, or otherwise. You know this, and I thought that I was completely and totally clear about that." Deborah shook her head and pushed up her glasses before putting and arm around Ruby and pulling her close. "If I made you an exact copy of Mags out of magic, you know it wouldn't be the same. A replacement no matter how exact is still that, a replacement."

Deborah then turned to Anjali, "Just as how you might be you, but not exactly the same before you had met your demise." She took a long look at the silver aura about the snake-revenant before speaking, "While I could help you figure out what you are, it'd take a bit of study. You'd have to stick with me and Ruby for a while so that I can observe you."

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Denver, Colorado | En Route: Capital Building
"You wouldn't like her when... Oh, nevermind."
Sloth | Wrath | First Lieutenant Dolores | Nadalia | Eddie the Dead | Nina and Phillip​

Someone elsewhere, worlds away from the Earth that The Rising Dawn called home, was reflecting on how sometimes, things went according to plan, while other times plans went to shit. And how that shit would often strike the proverbial fan immediately afterwards. The same thoughts ran through Sloth's head, and for similar reasons.

Wrath was currently having what some of the other, meaner Vices would call a "temper tantrum", while the Pyromancer Queen as well as the Young Soldier was in the middle of fending off the twinblade wielding cyborgs. And where was he? Standing in the open, hands outstretched like an idiot with several missiles ready to explode all around him. Granted, they were moving as slow as snails, but that wasn't going to stop them from eventually blowing up. Shit was hitting that proverbial fan in slow motion before Sloth's eyes.

At least, until Nadalia had launched a giant fireball at them, consuming them all in in an even larger bloom, complete with spewing lava. A glob landed nearby, nearly singeing the hem of his robes before he snatched it away.

"Thank you for that." he said blandly.

He glanced up and saw Wrath get bucked off of the tank mid-swing. She fell on her ass, and as she got up, he could tell that if there wasn't blood in her eye before, there was now. She pushed herself to her feet even as the tank decided to do the same, transforming into a bipedal mech determined to ram an electrified front-end right into her.

Her reply was a careless up-swing of her hammer, knocking it back before it could reach her. With a bellow, she ducked down beneath the front armor plates and swung, this time at the joints of one leg.


While Wrath didn't so much as spare a glance at the source of the announcement, Sloth did, looking up to see a drone barking out the warning, along with spreading a fine mist over the battlefield. The feel of it falling on his face, along with the scent, was enough to make him sneeze, and he frowned even as he strode over to some cover with all the haste of a man going to grab a paper in the early morning. Which was to say, no haste at all.

What did he care if something managed to get to him? The chances of that were low, since Nadalia, Wrath, and Dolores had the situation reasonably well-in-hand despite how horribly his half-baked plan was working out. Even if they did get to him, pain was temporary, and so was death as far as he was concerned. Ultimately, it wouldn't matter. Another Vice would step up to take his place, and he would have plenty of time to take a nice, long rest while he reconstituted.

On the other hand, the Vice of Wrath was starting to build of a steady head of steam. Whatever the mech was made of, it wasn't strong enough to withstand her for too long as she beat at the leg's joint like she was trying to chop down a tree. And whatever that mist was, she didn't care. She didn't feel any weaker, or any less angry.

The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | The Canteen
"Might be in the Top 5 Ways To Die."
Farber | Ruby | Titania | Luke | Others​

Farber barely made a few steps before he heard Ruby cry out behind him.


"Ruby, I don't--" he started before sputtering as she started to drag him, bodily, back into the Canteen.

"I need to introduce you to my mom or we can't hang out anymore."

It only took a moment for him to be presented to a pretty lady sitting at the bar. It was clear enough to his trained, street urchin eyes that she had to be some kind of nobility. She dressed too well, and spoke too smoothly to be otherwise. And there he was, looking dingy in ratty clothes and unwashed hair.

As Ruby introduced both him and the Undead woman, Farber merely nodded. What was he going to say? Oh, hello there! I'm a little street rat that came to this world somehow, I don't know quite how, and was hiding under a bed your daughter sat on when we met. Nice to meet you!

"It's good that you're making friends. It is so rare for you to be able to find a friend your own age."

Before he knew it, he was drawn up into a tight hug, with his face firmly planted between a pair of stupendously large breasts with very little room to breathe. He could barely hear what she said next while he made smothered protests. When she released him, he fell back onto his rear end and gasped for air, wondering if that was meant to be a friendly hug, or attempted murder. Though, he could think of much, much worse ways to die than being smothered by massive boobs.

When he finally caught his breath, the others were focused fully on the Undead. So he took that as an opportunity to slip away, making sure to move slow, but not too slow lest he draw their attention. Walking casually to the door, he turned the corner and sat against the wall in the hallway, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on his knees.

And desperately tried not to think of his own mother.


New member
Jan 24, 2010

Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Truck Ride to Hell: Retribution
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Miia | Icarus | David West | Ryan Wheatley​

Icarus Didn't appreciate being called Junior or Katya naming Selena after her bust-line, They both looked at each other thinking how best to throw the upstart brat out of the truck. when a pair of scything blades, belonging to a Bikini Clad freak, tried to cut it's way in
"Oh that is IT!!"
He snarled as his armor appeared, black mist cascading off his body and The Twilight Dragon Gauntlet reformed on his arm, within seconds he was fully armored. The Truck seemed to get really cold and anyone with a genuine Psyche began to feel a sense of dread.
"It is Time I stopped withholding my Power and Fury."
he spread his wings which seemed larger and a bit ragged. He charged the Strange drone, Forcing the Strange machine out of the truck and into the air, the two began struggling the Terminator soon calculating an error in expected strength output. Utilizing his wings to overpower the Terminator, forcing it into the air.

As Icarus forced the weird machine out Selena reacted fast Pouring a Pinch of Powdered Crystal on her wand she managed to create a potent Barrier spell to protect the truck.
A purplish barrier in the crude shape similar to the truck but extended by four feet. It was incredibly resistant to attacks it allowed the truck to keep moving, those on the inside could see clearly through it. The barrier looked a lot like a natural diamond hand had a similar level of tensile strength it would take a tremendous amount of pressure on a small point to even chip into it, however the speed of the truck and it;s own smooth surface made it nearly impossible to grapple onto it, Those outisde the barrier could not see inside. Selena's concentration also allowed the barrier to regenberate and heal.
"Just Keep Driving, They should have a hard time getting through this Barrier. I just hope Icarus knows what he's doing, he's in real danger." She looked up at the two fighting. With Icarus seeming to overpower the Droid. But she was still worried one thing she did know was if That Sickening excuse for a person, That Katya, even dared too Imply Icarus deserved or get hurt or even die for protecting everyone, she would personally ensure she suffered a fitting end.

Icarus was finding an odd situation gripping the Drone as it tried to break free of his grip and slice him to ribbons With a flap of his wings He got close to a building and used it as a makeshift Grindstone. The Drone screamed and howled inhumanely Icarus Didn't waste time and proceeded to punch it in the face, black lightning crackled on his Gauntlet however aside from crumpling the masculine Face, there didn't seem to be much lasting damage. The Lightning not having any sort of Effect.
The Drone recovered and attempted to swipe at Icarus with it's scything Arm-Blades, Had he been unarmored it would be buried into his collarbone and lungs, luckily it got caught on his armor and Gave Icarus a prime target for a grapple, much like a Judo throw he flung the drone hard onto the ground flying downward at a high speed making the thing impact the ground at near Terminal Velocity resulting in a small crater in the concrete.
Icarus was relentless, before it could recover he dismissed the gauntlet and called out his sword as he closed the distance he thrust out his sword, the tip punctured through the already weakened face, The speed of his flight multiplied by the mass and weight of his armored body, all focused onto a razor tip of a sword made it slide through the metal skull piercing the vital Electronics.
There was just a teeny Draw Back, and That was Icarus soon proceeded to Crash. He tumbled to the ground and rolled before finally settling He stood up groaning thankful for the armor and padding that essentially saved him from several broken bones. The truck zoomed past him with more drones in hot pursuit eager to avenge or salvage their fallen Brethren.
"It seems I have but one option" He admitted to himself pulling the blade out and dismissing the masterpiece and recalling his Gauntlet. His heart was throbbing his body was on fire, he was filled with determination.


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
The Streets of Colorado - Near the Capitol Building
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Wrath Smash! | Sloppy Sleeper | The Demi-God's Guide to Pastry Shops | I am the tryhard steel | Strong Independent Waifu
This was one happy reunion.

For about any other being, having the embodiment of Wrath rush at you with a grin as wide as the Panama strait meant you had approximantely ten seconds to say your prayers, make your peace, and accept your imminent demise.

But Eddie was different, special, even! As one of the few beings that Wrath could get along with, and as one of the even fewer beings she liked spending time with, her rushing him didn't mean she was about to break his bone, merely that she would break some bones.

With a bearhug that would leave any lesser being bent, broken, and very much painfully dead, Wrath lifted Eddie off the ground, which for any bystander it would look quite the achievement given that Eddie was both taller and more muscular than her.

The hug grew tighter, and he felt his back crack and his ribs fracture. The power put behind her hug could probably bend titanium, and from the violent nature of it Eddie's hat fell, and the dice hidden inside of it fell with it, scattered and rolling down the streets.

"It's damn good to see you! You know, I heard your scream earlier in my room at the Vice's realm. Shit, I think they heard you several RP's over!"

He could but stare as she lay him down, [color=5B9C64]"Huh"[/color] he exclaimed, [color=5B9C64]"So that's why Rasp looked at me funny that one time? Guess you do learn something new every day!"[/color]

But neither Wrath nor Sloth were paying attention anymore, staring instead at the armed troops coming their way. Eddie meanwhile, utterly uncaring that random mooks had appeared, picked up his hat, realised the dice had fallen off, and looked around to find the dice. The first two he saw had already stopped rolling, their results lit up:

6! 8!

Six and eight. Not too bad a start. He found another three rolling between the legs of the Nihilism Child as she KFC'ed some mobs with her flamey stuff, unwittingly kicking the dice away as she did. Following them lead to finding two more dice, stopped by the side of the car that Nina was heroically hiding behind, results lit up:

7! 5!

That made his grin falter slightly. The chance was infinitesmall, but this sequence of results could lead to a certain nasty bugger of an effect, so unfathomably horrible that this entire universe would turn into a barren husk. Curiousity reaching its peak, he looked again for the three Nadalia kicked away. And to his horror, found them.

3! 1! 4!

He gulped at that. The infinitesmall had turned very likely indeed, as this was one number away from the ultimate disaster. But where was that damned last die? He looked around everywhere, yet the little bugger-

"I have the missiles slowed!"



Eddie's fastly vanishing smile twitched. The missiles weren't the only things slowed. Not too far from the ground the last die rolled in a torturingly slow speed, as it fell even more painfully slow to the ground. Worst still, the aggravatingly slow die landed agonizingly slowly on the pavement on its tip, rolling excruciatingly slowly around. Any number could be a result now, a one in eight, but the odds hardly mattered when the game was rigged, and all that mattered was whether his patron was feeling bored enough to instigate such a phenomenal catastrophe just for momentary amusement.

"Someone destroy them!"

Then, the die came to a gut-wrenchingly slow halt, as though teasing the result. It fell to a side, in the now established traumatisingly slow fashion, and landed on the ground, the resulting number lighting up.


Eddie grinned, an almost maniacal laugh slowly building up into a truimphant bellow. He extended his hand and opened his palm. and as he did, the dice appeared upon, results brighter than ever.

"That tank is mine!"

[HEADING=3]Aaaaaaaand CUT![/HEADING]

He looked around, watched the chaos of battled frozen in time: Wrath rushing the tank, a mighty dust cloud rising up behind her. He could see the specks risen in the air, count them even if he wished to. Sloth, with an irritated expression, stared at Wrath, clearly unhappy with her blatant disregard to whatever he had said. Across the corner of his eye, Waifu #2 was finishing ripping off a guy apart, all the lovingly gruesome details of his viscera clearly seeable in this frozen space-time state.

Oh, and the other one, the one that was having a mental episode, she was shooting around with her impractical anime guns. He wondered why his patron had allowed such a being to live, given her part of the song was a rather contrasting melody opposing the whole, but he supposed that questioning the whims of an actually omniscient and omnipotent diety was something only a dark-black winged fool would do.

And finally, Nina. He could see that she was still heroically holding the same ground he saw her a few moments ago, except something new had entered the equation. From within her bag a tentacle had sprouted, and from the looks of it, had just slapped her in the face before time froze. He hadn't taken his city guide for a tentacle fetishist, but he was hardly one to judge. After so many untold millennia, he'd seen some shit.

The dice shone brighter, which meant time was running out. Having noticed a hotdog stand not too far away, he helped himself to a hotdog and a beer.

[color=5B9C64]Now, where was I a few seconds ago?[/color]

He got to his at the time position, adjusting a bit to the left and then forward, took a bit out of the hotdog, and spread his arms as though ready to hug again.

[color=5B9C64]"Aaaaaand.... GO![/color]

The Streets of Colorado - Near the Capitol Building
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Wrath Smash! | Sloppy Sleeper | The Demi-God's Guide to Pastry Shops | I am the tryhard steel | Strong Independent Waifu
This was one happy reunion.

For about any other being, having the embodiment of Wrath rush at you with a grin as wide as the Panama strait meant you had approximantely ten seconds to say your prayers, make your peace, and accept your imminent demise.

But Eddie was different, special, even! As one of the few beings that Wrath could get along with, and as one of the even fewer beings she liked spending time with, her rushing him didn't mean she was about to break his bone, merely that she would break some bones.

With a bearhug that would leave any lesser being bent, broken, and very much painfully dead, Wrath lifted Eddie off the ground, which for any bystander it would look quite the achievement given that Eddie was both taller and more muscular than her.

The hug grew tighter, and he felt his back crack and the hotdog piece in his mouth threaten to fly off. The power put behind her hug could probably bend titanium, and from the violent nature of it Eddie's hat fell, the dice hidden inside luckily still in one place.

"It's damn good to see you! You know, I heard your scream earlier in my room at the Vice's realm. Shit, I think they heard you several RP's over!"

[color=5B9C64]"Yeah, I know,"[/color] he said, swallowing, [color=5B9C64]"You told me so the last time."[/color] Not that she would know.

But neither Wrath nor Sloth were paying attention anymore, staring instead at the armed troops coming their way. Eddie meanwhile, utterly uncaring that random mooks had appeared, picked up his hat, glad that the dice were still inside, dusted it off, put it back on and turned to grin at you, dear reader.

[color=5B9C64]"No more happy accidents this time."[/color]

With that out of the way, we return to our regular program, albeit a bit altered. Chaos theory dictates that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences, and Eddie having a hotdog and beer in hand certainly was a small alteration. Sloth had slowed the missiles, but this time icycle queen was done with her prey faster, and had joined the bunch already.

".. I assume these carry a name."

"They're called 'missiles' and if you could destroy them for me, that'd be great."

No godmodding here, capt'n!

"That tank is mine!"

With flamethrower princess getting ready to deal with the little missiles and Wrath back on schedule, Eddie turned his attention to more important things. Namely, his trusty guide, ever heroically holding the fort behind the car, looked like she decided to branch out on the hero business by trying to beat a missile with a rock. It was such an inept attempt that even Eddie had to take pity on her, and thus blessed her with luck. The rock wasn't quite gonna take a rocket down on its own, but it would look the part, and since the guide clearly demonstrated that she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, she'd think she'd contributed. Win-win situation from where he were standing.

Satisfied with the comic display, Eddie took another bite on his hotdog. The pigmy wannabe continued throwing fireballs around, Wrath was bullrushing the tank, Sloth was slothing around and Miss Mental was going full tryhard with transformations and shit. All while a mist that was undoubtedly supposed to weaken them was conveniently ignored. He could think of at least one person disappointed that the mist did nothing and the hyped up military forces were nowhere near being a threat, but in Eddie's opinion he had it coming.

Business as usual, then, and Eddie was growing bored. Where's the fun in a one-sided fight? So rather than join in, he flash-stepped next to his tentacle-loving partner.

[color=5B9C64]"Well, look at you!"[/color] Eddie bellowed as he appeared, devouring what was left of the hotdog as he did. The octo-enthusiast, though, rather than be excited to see her valiant partner in crime return, threw a rock at him. She still missed, even if it was an almost point-blank shot. The sentiment is what counts.

Eddie stared at her in silence for a few seconds. She looked rather apologetic about it, like a child that breaks a vase for the hell of it and then cries crocodile tears when they're caught. And if there was one thing that Eddie hated, was children.

[color=5B9C64]"One moment you're bitching at me for your apartment and now you're turning into a full-fledged hero!"[/color] He leaned on her threateningly, his voice turning into a guttural growl [color=5B9C64]"Even had the balls to try and throw a rock on my face."[/color], he paused again, letting his rather unhinging grin form, before backing off, changing gears. [color=5B9C64]"They grow up so fast."[/color] he mock-wiped a tear off his eye.

[color=5B9C64]"But the million dollar question, my dear shokushu enthusiast, is this:"[/color] and he pointed at the Cyborg that had just landed a small distance away on the other side of the car, [color=5B9C64]"How're ya gonna deal with that guy?"[/color] he grinned and prepared to take a sip of his beer, [color=5B9C64]"Now that's what I'd really like to- the fuck?!"[/color] he stared at the bottle, [color=5B9C64]"This beer's warm! What kind of South African degenerate sells warm beer?"[/color] and flung the bottle away, [color=5B9C64]"This is bullshit!"[/color]

Now, this bottle was about to go on an adventure. Flying off Eddie's hand, it flew juuuuuuust barely off the Cyborg's head, making its way through a ruined shop window, smashing right onto a bowling ball, which was unstable enough that it only needed juuuust the amount of force the bottle gave it move.

It moved down the shelf, fell down to the next one, rolled its way to the shelf's end, only to have its course rather anticlimatically interrupted by a a pile of books.

But wait, there's more! The sudden crash and added weight that the bowling ball gave the shelf weakened its foundations, and it slowly but surely looked like it was about to give way. Just as that happened, a military guy with a rocket launcher entered the building, aiming at poor little Nina (or maybe Eddie) across the street. Just as he was about to fire, though, the foundation gave way, and the bowling ball fell right onto his head, crushing it rather thoroughly.

That that still wasn't the end of that! The now brain-damaged soldier's finger squeezed the trigger right on impact, sending the shot just baaaaaarely off-course. The missile flew between Nina and Eddie, hitting a propane store on the far side of the street instead. An explosion that Michael Bay would masturbate to followed, as propane tanks exploded in the grandest of fashions.

But if you think a grand explosion was the grand finale, think again. Through the fires and flames of the propane store flew a lone propane cylinder, fire violently exhuming from where its valve used to be, propagating the cylinder onwards like a rocket. It flew between Eddie and Nina, crashed juuuuuuust right on the Cyborg's head, and from the impact exploded, hitting the Cyborg right on an unfortunately overlooked design flaw, haywiring its systems and gibbing its head, sending its lifeless corpse flying backwards a few inches.

[color=5B9C64]"Well!"[/color] heartily laughed Eddie at the sight, [color=5B9C64]"What are the chances of that?![/color] and turned to Nina, [color=5B9C64]"So, Miss Hero, you gonna show me to that pastry shop or not?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Truck Ride to Hell: Retribution
Fitting Unfitting music []
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Miia | Icarus | David West | Ryan Wheatley​

David wasn't able to do much outside of drive the truck, not did he really want to.
Seriously, even after both ARES and Icarus cast barriers on the truck, he didn't really feel any safer, can't really blame him considering his situation.
As the battle raged on all around him, David kept his eyes on the road and his foot on the gas, their destination soon coming up as bullets and explosions raged on all around them.
"HANG ON GUYS! NEARLY THERE! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IT NOT DIE FOR ANOTHER FEW MINUTES!" He called out to anyone still alive, unable to check on just who that was as he neared one of the compound's checkpoints.
He was going to try and charge right though it, seeing how there was a double layer of shields, there should have been enough protection to keep the truck intact, and there was.

The problem was: That made the mine that one of the killer robots was holding have an interesting effect...

As he came up on the checkpoint, David fired out the windscreen to clear the way, keenly sniping off the standing forces as the drone in question went to charge at them.
"Ha! This won't even scratch the paint!" He joked as he kicked it up a gear, ramming right into the drone and crushing him like his kin thus far.
It was then that the explosive went off right under their seats, the truck was not harmed but force of the blast was enough to launch the truck a good dozen or so feet higher off the ground then it was designed to be at.
Watching both the outside wall and several buildings fly by, David's face began to pale as he realized that the sky was now below his seat as he softly let his hands off the wheel.
"...well...this is going to suck..." He sighed, resigned to his fate as they went to land right in the middle of the enemy's base...

TheMehKingdom said:
Sorry for the delay ^^;
Capitol Building Compound: Main Gate: Dolores Vs. Mistral

Mistral had seen many battles in her lifetime, it was clear from the augments that took up most of her body.
For decades, her flesh was swapped out for metal all for the sole purpose to fulfill her calling: to be the best damn killer she could be.
That having been said, the display she was witnessing was a new one for her, something that seemed to give her much joy as she watched Dolores's dramatic display, it was the first time she saw someone strip before their rivals in battle.
"Might I just say, Your reputation for strangeness has not been understated, Rising Dawn!" she spat back before accepting her invitation to stop holding back.
"Very well. This. Ends. Now." she shouted back as she made her next offensive.

I finally found what I... []

Turning her pole arm back into a whip, she impaled the tip of it into the hood of a stationary armored vehicle, a strong current flowing though it to weld the blade to the metal.
In an impressive show of force, she then lashed with the whip towards Dolores, using the flying vehicle as a sort of bludgeon to strike at her target.
As this was going on, members of her support unit, Namely in the form of Black Tripod Drones [], began to make themselves known as they scurried along the ground, leaping up and trying to cling to Dolores in-between whip swings.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Soul within the Puppet
Location: Capital Building | Denver
The brightest fires cast the deepest shadows.
Dolores Selmy

I never liked to fight - I'll tell you that much - but fights always seem to happen around me. Mother always fought with father over me. I never could understand why, father loved me very very much, and mother did so to. Yet she always seemed furious beyond belief whenever father would spend time with me. Father said she was jealous and that it was the natural storm of a woman's character. I thought it was true at the very least, because within myself I could feel the rage he had talked about.

Then one day mother killed father.

I think I was sixteen or seventeen at the time. It was at the airfield base - I was visiting father like he had asked. Mother had forbade it, but I had gone anyway. I'm not sure what he wanted of me, I can't remember much of anything of father really, except what he looked like and that he loved me dearly. Though what I do remember were his eyes. They were like a hawk's. Sharp, hungry, and always looking out for prey.

Mother shot father three times in the back and almost killed me as well. The bullets tore through his body and had struck the desk around me. Only father's embrace had saved me I think. When he died I remember being angry. It was the only time I think I wasn't either afraid or unsure. It was a clear desirous anger. I couldn't stand it.

I was supposed to be the one that killed father. Why had I put up with him for thirteen years? I knew he didn't love me. I knew he was just using me. He was a hawk. He liked to lord over those below him. He named me Dolores after all. A name that meant suffering. He always meant to play with me. I was his toy, his one and only Dolly.

I could remember more than I ever could right now, at this moment. It was those hungry eyes that made me angry. This woman had the same eyes as father, and I couldn't stand it. I could do it, right in front of me was my redemption. A hunter. Let me hunt the hunter. Let me play with her as father played with me. I don't like being the doll.

I want to be loved and I want to love. But I never get to love. Not truly at any rate. People aren't for loving. Dolls are for loving. Dolls don't scream or fight back after all. Be a good little Dolly.

This was my justice. This was my pain. I could hear Ookami howling against burning fury of my own soul - a long mournful song that I could feel inside of my chest. "Be the white void," I echoed her voice, "be the cold steel," I pressed my hand against Ookami's blunt edge, "be the just sword. With sword in hand reap the sins of the world and cleanse it in the fires of destruction!"

This woman's toys came at me from all sides. Grotesque rolling orbs with arms. They tried to grab me. As they got close my armor flashed blue and time froze. I took a step over them and cut one swiftly in half with Ookami. It shattered and time resumed. The others adjusted and rolled again. Again time stopped and let me destroy the aggressor. Again and again this process repeated until nearly all were destroyed.

I looked up. Nearly no time had passed. Where the vehicle at the end of her whip was mere meters from me before, it was now less than a dozen feet away. I let the truck hit me.


I drew Ookami back and lashed out. Instead of striking anything, the howling blade cut through time itself. I stood before the woman who fought me, whom's name I now knew was Mistral, and pressed the sword against her ink-black arms. Neither she nor the world around her moved. I smiled. I was so hungry.

I raised Ookami and cut. A slash broke open three of her mechanical arms. I flipped the blade in my hand and struck again, and again, and again until all of her fake arms fell apart. Then I pressed the blade against her false leg and severed that. I sheathed Ookami and the world returned to normal.

Mistral collapsed onto the floor. I drew Bloodscythe from the aether and placed it against her arms and leg, and then pulled sharply before she had recovered from the last attack. In one move I severed those limbs. Then I let both Ookami, Blood Scythe, and half the Susanooh unit evaporate. I bent down and put my hands on Mistral's stomach. I could feel the blood draining from her. She was still soft although I could feel her muscles tense underneath. Are all girls this soft? This is exciting. I never got to play with dolls. Be a good little dolly for me.

I grinned.


!salji! !anhphilakettaka yon'de! [footnote]Sis! Snap out of it![/footnote]

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Brainwashed Mob No. 6
Groot Ain't Got Nothin' on Me!
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Cadolbolg | Miia | (D)Ic(k)arus | Selena | Ton Ton | David West | Ryan Wheatley​

Trucks were only ever meant to be in one place, the ground with all four tires in contact with the ground. Bad things usually followed a truck that found itself with three or less tires on the ground, let alone none of the truck's tires touching the ground. Add to this the fact that the truck's altitude was increasing after enough chemical explosive to throw an Atlas V rocket into orbit had detonated underneath said truck, its occupants were looking at a rather bumpy landing that they'd be hard pressed to walk away from in one piece. On the bright side, it looked like they were going to get to their destination since it looked like their trajectory would have them land on top of the Capitol Building.

The Lady of Lewdity, Katya Rostikova, had once daydreamed of motor boating Miia when she'd first taken notice of the Lamia's presence on the ship but given the situation that the group found themselves in, unfortunately for Katya, it was not Miia's boobs that the young woman found herself drowning in but rather that of the Selena the Airheaded Witch. The young woman couldn't help but feel that having her face pressed against (D)Ic(k)arus' girl's rack was a bit inappropriate and couldn't fully enjoy it, though it was probably more action than the Selena the Teenage Witch had received from her Black Winged Boob of a Boyfriend. Of course, this wasn't one of those things that happened on purpose, the truck had been launched into Low Earth Orbit and because of that, the occupants had been jostled around without benefit of seat belts. It couldn't be helped that not only was Katya's face firmly planted in Selena's chest but her right hand was firmly planted on Ryan's crotch and left foot planted between ARES' legs.

"Mmm Smmm Smmrmmee" The Rising Dawn's L33t Haxxx0r attempted to apologize before discovering that she was not only stuck in that rather compromising position but Selena's boobs had the power to smother people to death, "Mmm MMMmMmMMmmM MMmmph!!!"

Much to the temporary relief, and possible disappointment, of the Nano-Augmented Technophile, the truck finally reached the apex of its arc in the sky, causing everyone to become weightless for a second as they were suspended in space. Removing herself from Selena's Super Bouncy Sweater Puppies, Katya could only utter one thing before the truck began to accelerate back to the ground at 9.8 m/s[sup]2[/sup].

"This is bad... that was my first time..." She said looking at her hand that had touched the Masked Luchador's crotch before looking at the crotch owner "And no... just because I touched you... there... it doesn't mean that I'm part of your Harem!!!"

Pushing her way towards the front of the enclosed truck bed, Katya punched through the thin metal wall and stuck her head into the cab. Looking around she could see David, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel, she could see one of the drones pressed up against the windshield, the woman's head looking at them with a sense of fear that it didn't feel and beyond that, the roof of the Capitol Building.

"David! DAVID! DAVID!" The young technologically augmented young adult screamed at the motionless Irish Sniper, going so far as the shake the man's shoulder and punch it a couple times, "We're falling! Do something!"

The man blinked a couple times as the reality of the situation hit him. A grim expression overtook his face as he slowly and deliberately put on his seat belt.

"NOT THAT, YOU ASS!!!" The young woman screamed


Before Katya could answer, the Drone at the front of the cab sudden found its head pinned to the windshield of the falling truck as Ton Ton's Chef's knife found its way through the robot's skull.

"Not the best time for you two to show up but... well... whatever... the more the merrier right? Katya said thinking for a moment before calling out to Ton Ton and Cadolbolg, "Follow us in would you? Make sure we don't hit any trouble when we land, please!"

Pulling her head out of the hole and turned her attention to the cabin, "B3wp... ideas?"

There was a momentary delay in B3WP's response as the Colony of Nano-Machine agents calculated various scenarios and sought the scenario with the greatest probability of survival. Finding the top 5, it displayed them on Katya's internal Heads Up Display. Of the 5, only one had a 90% impact survivability rating... though it wouldn't be without consequences.

Are you sure, Young Miss?  Would it not be better for you to simply jump from the truck and generate a parachute for yourself?
" B3WP said, its priority for its mistress' survival overriding the survival of others.

"Alright. Lets do it B3WP." She whispered as the machines prepared all the necessary nano-agents for the chosen task. Looking at the rest of the group, she called out to them, "Alright... in a 13 seconds this truck is going to go crashing into the Capitol Building. I'm going to cushion our impact ... and it's going to feel a little gross but it should keep you from breaking any bones. Once we land... get away from the truck... and more importantly... get away from me." Katya warned as B3WP informed her that all preparations had been completed and it only waited for the verbal command to initiate.

"We are Groot" The Girl would was not Groot said as a mass of black gel erupted from her pores, filling both the cab and cargo area of the truck and cocooned the occupants and getting into every nook and cranny of their body for maximum support, not unlike being suspended in snot. Having calculated the force of impact, each of the nano-agents used to create the gel had been programmed to disperse a fraction of force of deceleration, making the stop less sudden for the occupants of the truck. Behind the truck a thin strand of B3WP's Agents started to trail the truck before forming a parachute, slowing down the falling truck.

Time to impact.  Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five...Four...Three... Two... One...


The truck impacted against the top of the Capitol Building, breaking through the roof... and then through the floor below... and then the floor below that. Inside the truck, the occupants barely felt a thing as the black ooze diffused the force of impact away from them... but they could sure as hell hear the shattering of concrete, glass and wood.

Fifth floor cleared... fourth floor cleared..... third floor.......... second floor.................

The truck settled on the ground floor of the Denver Capital building, next to the building's exit. Detecting that the impacts had stopped, the dampening gel began to disperse from around the crew members, releasing them from their gelatinous cocoons. Through the open door, a familiar voice could be heard.

"[color=6c1504]....Grrrrrr....Forget it then. Jenny, tell them to land before something "Bad" happens...[/color]" M. Bison said to an unknown party.

"Was... was he talking about us?" Katya asked on the verge of passing out, her weakened body leaning against the back wall of the truck. If anyone were to look at her, they would have noticed Katya's clothes hanging off her emaciated bones, her hair falling off her head in patches, her eyes sunken into her skull, "I... think that was Bison... You'd better get him... before... something... bad happens... I'll just... rest... here a moment... if you.... don't mind." As she finished her sentence, she pulled out one of her pistols, one painted in little hearts.


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Avatar Adventures | Denver | Civilian Location No. 2/Broadway
Mio | Elise | Rugal

"She's too optimistic and care free to be working with Bison- I can tell. As far as i'm concerned, she could be of some use ... however, darling- I don't mean to question your taste in fashion -it is rather radiant on you- you'll might draw some unwanted attention. Would you mind if I crafted you a disguise by any chance? .. I did craft the very clothing I am wearing after all, on the fly."

Mio smiled broadly in response to this. "The people here all wear really strange costumes, at least as far as I can tell, so I definitely can understand wearing a similar thing to do stealth.
So ... I don't mind. Get me something good!"

As Elise inspected her, Mio posed, quite pleased with the situation. "Tell me, what is your name love? ... As you already heard, I am Elise. It is, my sincerest pleasure to meet you."
"I am Mio, the dragon of the east! I ... should be feared on the seas, but we are apparently quite far from the sea. I don't even smell it.
It is, though, my sincerest pleasure to meet you as well. You are quite a piece of treasure!"

Her tone of voice implied about the same kind of pleasure Elise had. Which seemed to be quite a lot.

Posing further, and, noticing Elise took a little bit more time to inspect her from behind, slightly emphasizing these features, Mio kept on talking. "I hope you have some place to store my coat. I am quite fond of it. Anyways, you should ... I don't know what is fashionable here, so ... just get me something that is! With trousers, though. I like beautiful women in dresses, but prefer pants myself.

... oh, right! We should get back to the mission as well. So ... who is this Bison, what did he do, has he treasure, does this guys -"
she pointed to Rugal, "daughter look good, why was she kidnapped, is this a revenge mission or a rescue mission ... did I forgot to ask an important question?"

While Elise was measuring her, Mio made sure to smell her when she came near, and even touched her on the shoulder. Seemingly looking at Elise was not enough for Mio, not even after just having met her. At least there were no indecencies, yet.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
A Short Post
Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Anjali Khatri | Deborah Cerulean | Farber the Ish | Luke | Violet​

The Nine Year Old girl could feel a rush of blood tinging her cheeks bright red as she was simultaneously excited by the possibilities that Miss Khatri presented as well as embarrassed by the stern words given to her by her mother, Deborah. Words of apology were on the tip of her lips when she witnessed something rather entrancing, the sight of a meandering ophidian spirit departing the body of Miss Khatri and then returning. Ruby's golden eyes widened as they were flooded by a mixture of amazement, surprise and excitement. Were her Azure Mother not in attendance, the magical girl might have reached out to pet the tiny, silver spirit.

"Just as how you might be you, but not exactly the same before you had met your demise. While I could help you figure out what you are, it'd take a bit of study. You'd have to stick with me and Ruby for a while so that I can observe you." Mother Deborah stated in a rather academic tone.

"Does that mean that Miss Khatri is going to be living with us?" Ruby asked in a cautiously excited tone. While one could have mistaken the source of the excitement as the opportunity for the inquisitive young child to observe and learn about a member of the Undead Community without having to wear a suit of chain-mail imbued with spells meant to repel those members who craved the warmth of living flesh, it was the fact that Ruby was be granted the opportunity to help someone in need understand their very nature that excited the magical-girl-in-training. What would have made the entire experience complete was if Ruby's other mother, Titania, were present.

The young girl's mind struggled to remember why it was that her second mother was not present and latched onto a memory of a business trip. As she focused on the memory, the vague feminine outline standing in a doorway with a suitcase in tow started to become clearer until it finally resolved into an image of her Fae like mother blowing a kiss to where Ruby lay curled up in a blanket.

"I know that Mommy Titania is out on business but do you know when she's getting back? I... miss her already." Ruby said a little meekly as she moved closer to her Mother clad in Blue, thin pale arms wrapped around those of Deborah's.

One of the Canteen's Impish Waiters passed by the Trio, setting down a glass in front of the slightly depressed young girl. The fizzy orange drink's scent wafted into Ruby's nose bringing with it the smell of orange blossoms in spring, the artifical coconut smell of sunscreen being applied onto sun kissed skin. Taking the glass into her hands, she took an experimental sip of the strange concoction and felt... better. Happier.

Smiling once again, she turned to Mister Luke, the Bartender.

"Thanks Mister Luke!" The young girl said as she took another drink, watching as the Imp continued through the doors of the Canteen with another of glass.


Avatar Adventures | Rising Dawn VTOL | Denver Airspace
And Landing You Can Walk Away from...
Rory Mercury | Naamah​

The debilitatingly pleasurable sensation caused by the passage of the dead was slowly dying down, a sign that the battles were dying down as well. From her sky-bound vantage point, the Demi-Goddess of Death had been treated with a rather enjoyable view of the skirmishes that had erupted throughout the metropolitan city of Denver. While Rory would have enjoyed participating in the clean up of the battlefield, she was also a representative of Emloy's aspect as the God of War and as such she knew that her style of fighting did not mesh well with some of the objectives set forth in the mission briefing, primarily the preservation of property as well as the mitigation of civilian casualties (due to the fact that in their brainwashed state they would have been attacking her).

In the distance, the glimmering flash of an explosion caught the Dark Haired Demi-Goddess' eyes as well as the curious sight of a four wheeled chariot, called a truck in this world, taking flight. If there was one thing that could be said about the members of the Rising Dawn, it was that they could put on a show. The dragoness and her rider passed near the VTOL, close enough for Rory to see that the rider, Caim, had been covered in the blood of some unlucky enemy warrior. Waving cutely at the two, the Demi-Goddess watched as the dragon banked and headed towards a large governmental building in the distance.

"Ma'am. We're running low on fuel so we'll have to turn back." The flying machine's pilot said through an open doorway.

Nodding in acknowledgement of the report, Rory leaned back in the animal hide seat and let out a sigh, slightly disappointed that she could not participate in the battle. Another glimmer of light caught the woman's eyes, though this one came not from an explosion but rather from a large chunk of armor that had been sent skyward, thanks to the Incarnation of Wrath. The Halberd weilding berserker only had enough time to register this before the horrible shrieking of shredding metal could be heard. The sound of air rushing into the flying machine was accompanied by the blaring of alarms. The noises filled the hold where Rory was seated and in one alarming instant, all was silent. Looking up from where she was seated, Rory was met with the sight of the flying machine continuing on its path back to the Airship... while the tail section of the craft was not.

Before any word of surprise could pass Rory's shapely lips, the whole back section of the flying craft began to drop like a stone and the sound of rushing air resumed. Removing the safety harnesses from her lap and shoulders, Emloy's Apostle moved towards the large hole where the front end of the VTOL had once been. While Rory would have been able to survive a ground shattering impact while inside the metal cocoon, there was the possibility that any of the metal beams used to form the craft might have pinned her to the ground. The only option for the Crimson Clad Demi Goddess was to jump from the falling metal husk and have her own body take the brunt of the impact. Without hesitation, Rory jumped through the opening of the plummeting metal coffin.

Now in the emptiness of the sky, Rory could hear the sound her own body cutting through the air, her clothes flapping in the wind and the sound of metal being bashed against metal. Looking below, the Falling Angel, dressed in a Gothic Lolita uniform, could see the forms of Wrath, Eddie, Sloth and another member of the Rising Dawn crew in a heated fight against a metal giant.

"Looks like I'll be fighting afterall" Rory said to herself as she licked her lips in anticipation.

The ground grew ever closer and closer, dominating the Demi Goddess' vision until ... impact. The ground shook as Rory's body slammed into it before cratering under the force of the Darkly Dressed Demi-Goddess' landing. A plume of dust was kicked up, obscuring the vision of all those around the crater. The mechanical giant paused for a moment as it assessed the situation, searching for any new threats. The heat sensors searched for signs of heat. Motion sensors looked for movement. Radar looked for any airborne objects... and found one. The Rory Mercury's Halberd, thrown by the immortal apostle, cut deeply into the monster's metal hide, cleaving the beast's head in two. Deprived of a brain, the mech fell to the ground and lay still. The sound of boots crunching bits of asphalt could be heard as the fully healed Disciple of Emloy removed her weapon from the Cyborg's head.

Surveying the area around her, she spotted Eddie, Sloth and Wrath, whom she recognized from the Godly plane as well as Rising Dawn crew member, Nadalia. There was another woman present that was unfamiliar to Rory.

Smiling at the warriors around her, the Gothic Lolita Demi-Goddess waved before addressing Wrath, a sinful incarnation that had quite a bit in common with Rory.

"It wouldn't surprise me if you might have had something to do with my arrival but what does surprise me is that you've made some new friends" The Black Haired Berserker commented in a slightly amused fashion, gesturing at Nadalia and the new woman before addressing Naamah, unsure as to whether her companion had the abilities to survive such a hard impact, "Naamah, are you alright?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Postmodern Mysticism
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn
Scarlet robes, fanned like flames.
Titania la Fey

Shimmering air coming, drowning in the sunlight fair. Dark flees, drop down, ye dogs and praise this hallowed ground. Try, fall, falter, down. Righteous fury - yet aloof and unbound. Weightless feet on steel down touch. Board upon the ship that sails over seas below from far above. Drop down in frenzy feigned and God's own right satiate - born now such things. O cling, cling, and cling. Ye of little faith.

Static flared in the air around the canteen as two observers clashed to satiate their view on reality.

Try now might for all this can be. Right indeed for this one will be. Beyond sky for this tries and trembling might. For such things cry! O child. O child. Tremble and tremble and tremble!


Misunderstood Intentions
Location: Denver
In our pursuit for perfection, we lost sight of who we once were.

Perhaps in her previous life Fatima was a kinder, more compassionate soul, but her current existence bade her into a less-than-desirable role. She closed her eye and hugged Rory's body tightly. Her mind shivered with the lit darkness. The wind was drowned by the deafening static. It was like being in the middle of a roaring flame.

Someone fights me for control. Naamah shook her head and looked for the second pair of observing eyes - yet she could find none. Only the one that she, and by extension every other unit possessed, was active. The Scarlet Observer was yet still banished from assuming form in the world. It is one of the other Prime Units?

She reached out to ping both Solomon and Siddhartha. Solomon pinged back with a negative before she even sent her request. Siddhartha was not in the realm at the moment and so did not respond within the allotted period. The collective is trying to Observe something then?

It was a negative response from the collective.

The pressure was nagging. It buzzed insider her head. It shook her being. She didn't like it very much. After much consideration she yielded. She retreated within her Sacred Sepulcher. For the first time since she was once human, she closed her Observing Eyes and opened her eyes to see the world around her.

It was a chaotic symphony of color and motion. The whipping wind, the blue sky, the fading sun. Fire, blood, smoke, dust. Asphalt torn asunder and iron cut by both blade and flame. "Naamah, are you alright?"

Naamah... she said... I said... the name. My name. Naamah.

I smiled. "Yes... Naamah is alright. Naamah is a little jostled, and a little confused. But Naamah thinks Naamah will be alright."


Postmodern Mysticism
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn
Scarlet robes, fanned like flames.
Titania la Fey

"Do you know who I am!?" A crash broke the gentle atmosphere of the canteen as a rifle was sent careening through the air.

"Intruder! Intruder aboard!"

"How did she get on here!? Who is she!?"

"Look she has a badge..."

"Major... Titania... la Fey..."


A dull thump sounded and a security team member was sent flying after his rifle into the canteen. The two other guards scrambled past the door. Footsteps sounded against the hard floor below as the doors swung open. Two small fairy fluttered in and pushed the doors open for the following individual.

Robed in cloth of deep scarlet, and with beautiful long white hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a scowl that despite her beautiful and fair face would cause flowers to die and milk to curdle. "I leave for a year and this place just goes to shit." She spat as she walked over the flattened guard. Her fairy retainers followed besides her.

She stopped right in front of Ruby and Deborah, not even stopping to acknowledge Anjali.

"What are you gawking at." she said at Ruby, looking away. A soft blush creeping over her cheeks.

"Speak of the devil, here's your tsundere mom now."

The guard she had beaten got to his feet and scurried out of the Canteen. One of the fairy retainers broke off and followed him.

"Look, I got a lot busier than I expected okay? Lucieon was keeping me occupied with his newest report. The Prime Units have sunk their influence so deeply into this world that it won't be possible to just separate the two anymore." Titania shook her head as she jumped up and landed in Deborah's lap. She let her head fall back and rest between Deborah's breasts. "So what's new with you two. Shouldn't both of you be with Oberon? I definitely did not say to go lounge around this flying hunk of trash."

"Miki, bring me some honeyed wine." The remaining retainer broke off and headed into the kitchen to retrieve the little queen's request.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
bluerocker said:
This chick helped me write this!
Civilian Location No 2.: Rugal, Elise, Mio

Rugal was no stranger to the idea of "Chasing Skirts", it had been the bane of his existence for many years.
Countless cases of infiltration and even outright dismantling of majors sectors of his former criminal empire were brought low because some lowly guard thought it was more important to satisfy his urges rather then, you know, do his job.
Now, he was always a believer that there wasn't anything wrong with same sex relations, figuring that they were more or less the same as normal relations.
And as he watched as Elise and Mio seemed to compete for whom could come onto whom the most, he learned that it was just as annoying when a woman was doing it as when some dim-witted male jackoff.
"[sub]Tch, Fairer sex, what a joke...[/sub]" He grumbled until Mio brought up his daughter, being fool hardy enough to suggest that she had been kidnapped. (as well as questioning if she was good looking)

"...Do you really think so little of her to suggest that she has been Captured? I'll have you know I personally trained her in combat myself. To even entertain the idea that she would be in the unwilling company of a low-life like Bison is absurd at best and outright insulting at worse. And furthermore, I have enough hassle with her current suitor so I would suggest that you-"
[color=0e59e4]"Dad, I nee-"[/color]
His face went blank the second he heard that over his communication ring, pausing dead in his tracks before shouting "...We need to move. NOW!" and sprinting off, attempting to track down her position as soon as possible.
"Garm! Report! REPORT DAMMIT!" He shouted to the cleric's mount as he tried to get her position.
"Garm, I'm en route to your position. Do you know where you are located?"
[color=356D60]"I remember.. Tear-ri said the Dimitri voice's GPS put us in an alley near the compound. I'm.. There."[/color]
"Keep talking to me, Help is on the way.....AND YOU TWO! GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!" Rugal then shouted back to his allies, not really caring if they could keep up or not.

Denver Alleyway: Rugal, Elise, Mio, Garm, Teri, Fulgore

A frantic dash later, Rugal and co are brought to a sickening scene.
Garm's fur, which was usually immaculately groomed and soft to the touch, was now matted and wet, with bits of dirt and gravel stuck in the wetter bits of fur. And that's when the smell hit, sickly sweet and metallic. A quick look at the scene told it all, there were drying splatters of blood on the concrete, and a noticeable crack on the ground.
"Garm! What happened here? Where is Teri?"
The wolf in question slowly lifted his head at the sound of Rugal's voice and gave a raspy cough, before opening one pale blue eye and speaking, [color=356D60]"We were ambushed. He was.. He was very strong for a human. He could do.. That thing you and Tear-ri do."[/color]
"Thing? What thing was that?"
[color=356d60]"Your.. Key things. After using a spell, Tear-ri made him cold, and the did your rehpookin thing. It broke his mask, and he did the same thing back. Your rehpookin."[/color]
"Reppuken?...Dammit, Ki user..."
[color=356d60]After that he-...he was so fast. I couldn't do anything, and everything went black. Tear-ri.. I heard her fall. If she is not here, then he must have her. I am sorry, Alpha... I have failed my duty...."[/color] The wolf then said as his head slumped back onto the ground.
"Don't waste your strength on self pity, you did what you could. Now, rest. I'll call an evac for you..."
[color=356d60]"...So...i'm still in the pack?..."[/color]
"You aren't getting out of your duties so easily. Besides, I'm sure Teri will be wanting to see you upon her return."
[color=356d60]I..will go with you..after a nap...Tear-ri gets into trouble when I'm not around..."[/color] The wolf then said as he passed out from his wounds.

Turning back to his allies, he then gave some simple commands, "Elise, Call Dr. Violet and get him to send forth a evac team. Mio, if you have any medical training, my ally here would gladly accept any aid you can give."


New member
Jan 24, 2012
The Streets of Colorado - Near the Capitol Building
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Wrath Smash! | Sloppy Sleeper | The Demi-God's Guide to Pastry Shops | I am the tryhard steel | Strong Independent Waifu

Nina watched as the drone started to produce the mist, unsure what exactly it was, but knowing it was probably bad. Thankfully the strange mist wasn't propagating enough to get to Nina from the distance she'd moved away from the center fray, but with everything that was happening, she couldn't be too sure this situation would last. Her first order of business she'd conclude was to reacquire that wonderful rock that in her mind had taken out the missiles. Taking a moment to get a lay of the land, no one was close to her or in immediate threat range, so she thought it would be fine and got to work dislodging the rock from the car's hood it had smashed itself into.

What Nina hadn't expected was Eddie, and hopefully soon she'd manage to squeeze that fact into her maelstrom of a cranium that one should always, ALWAYS, expect Eddie the Dead. [color=5B9C64]"Well, look at you!"[/color] nearly made Nina jump out of her skin by the unexpectedly close voice, whipping around and chucking the rock towards Eddie's head "Get back!" she exclaimed, freezing however when she realized the person surprising her was Eddie. The rock would completely miss however, sailing harmlessly passed Eddie's left cheek as he finished his hotdog nonchalantly. [color=5B9C64]"Even had the balls to try and throw a rock on my face."[/color] As much as Nina didn't like Eddie, the cringing expression that started from her curling fingers and worked their way up to her entire being made it clear she hadn't meant to hit attack Eddie. Her eyes briefly glancing over to where Eddie had been moments ago to make sure he wasn't still there, hell where had he gotten that hotdog?! [color=5B9C64]"One moment you're bitching at me for your apartment and now you're turning into a full-fledged hero! They grow up so fast."[/color] Adding to his mockery of her, with a fake tear brush with his hand.

Nina would have started explaining herself when Eddie interrupted her. [color=5B9C64]"But the million dollar question, my dear shokushu enthusiast, is this:"[/color] The heavy thud of the cyborg landing much closer to their location than previous robots was enough to alert Nina even without Eddie pointing. "How did he?-" [color=5B9C64]"How're ya gonna deal with that guy?"[/color] he grinned. "W-W-What?!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening as Eddie started rambling on about his shitty beer. Although many possible options flung through Nina's head in that moment, the one that seemed to stick for the current moment was 'Maybe if I stay still, it won't see me?'.

Eddie's bottle bouncing off the cyborg's head on its way to pure and utter chaos would throw any hope of that clear out the window as well. So with the need to now get going, Nina stooped down placing herself in between Eddie and Phillip as she tried to fiddle with the zipper. "Okay time to go! [sub]I-I know, I know![/sub]" Nina said, trying to convince Phillip as the he seemingly protested the idea of being zipped up in the dufflebag again. Once the first of many explosions happened, Nina again draped herself over the dufflebag with Phillip in it, putting a hand over her own hat for protection as well.

After the several explosions and then an eerie calm, Eddie's voice then chimed in with a hearty laugh. [color=5B9C64]"Well! What are the chances of that?![/color] Nina got to her feet after some hesitation, looking around at what had transpired and wondering 'What the fuck just happened? The robot guy is gone?' Nina looked elsewhere as she saw Nadalia not having much of a good time either still stuck in the mist, rolling around and was her arm supposed to bend like that? [color=5B9C64]"So, you gonna show me to that pastry shop or not?"[/color]

"I-" Nina paused for a moment, frankly just wanting to say no, but given Eddie probably had something to do with whatever just happened, and that she already agreed to take him, she kinda had to say "Sure I'll take you." She agreed. But before Eddie could whisk her away to god knows where she added. "BUT! I gotta to get rid of that shit first." She said, pointing at the drone producing all the mist. "Even, if we leave for the pastry shop that'll just send more assholes after us and probably blow the shop up before we can enjoy anything. Right?"

Now if Eddie didn't have any objections to the mini-detour to ensure the safety of the pastry shop, they would have two options of either taking out the drone or neutralizing the mist itself. Nina had an idea of a way to clean the air, but without actually trying it, she wouldn't really know how effective it would be. Or at least Nina would have if not for Rory slamming into the remaining cyborg that had been attacking Nadalia. Now with that out of the way, this only left the drone with the mist. "Well, that was really convenient." Nina commented as she turned her head to look up to the sky to see if anything else was gonna come down too.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
TheMehKingdom said:
This guy helped me write this
Civilian Battleground No. 5: Nadalia, Sloth, Wrath, Eddie, Nina/Philip, Rory, Naamah

The GRAD had put up a good fight but it was soon becoming clear that it would take more then some fancy bio-weapon to slow down the Rising Dawn.
Wrath's blows were able to dismantle the massive assault mecha, taking it's leg clean off as well while Rory finished off the last of it's armored infantry support during her "Landing".
Realizing the amount of expensive equipment that had just been disabled right in front of his eyes, the wage slave controlling the drone remotely from his office was now currently imagine the massive automated assault aircraft-shaped hole in his next paycheck should the shit hit the fan.

"....UHHHHH....ALL UNITS! FALL BACK! THE MIST! IT DOES NOTHING!" He frantically screamed to anyone that would listen as it began to pull back, bringing the "Dreaded" T-Minus along with it.
When the mist faded, it's effects faded with it as the path to the compound was now clear, the only resistance remaining deciding to take the advice of the wage slave rather then find out first hand how "Useful" the fabed toxin really was.

Capitol Building Compound: Main Gate: Dolores Vs. Mistral

While she was expecting a hard battle, Mistral wasn't expecting Dolores counter-attack to be so...intense.

Her head hurt and the world continued to exist in a dull haze. Her vision ebbed in and out of blackness and a pink mist saturated the air around them. The smell of iron was overbearing. This Rising Dawn member - this mad blonde - had her palms pressed against Mistral's throat as if to choke her out. Yet, there wasn't any real force applied - no more than simply the weight of her body, and definitely no technique. This damned girl's breath was coming hard and fast through gritted teeth and her body was shuddering.

Mistral coughed, there was no more witty comments or insults from the assassin as she was in no state to fight back, getting her arms and legs cut off (Again, seriously, this happened to World Marshall employees more then you'd think) made putting up resistance difficult.

The girl fell shivered suddenly and violently. Her hands slipped from Mistral's throat and she collapsed on top of her. Then she curled up and started shrieking. The girl had gone into some sort of hysteria! She screamed and screamed, words that had no meaning nor sense.

"!e' haka! ,!solci enthe ka'midasa a' fet deduaia!,"[footnote]It hurts! Elder sister for what reason do you hurt me who seeks to satisfy our needs!?"[/footnote]

Mistral gasped for oxygen while her foe seemed to lose control of her senses for she flailed around while clutching her head as if lost in either the throes of death or the depths of madness. Mistral decided to make one last gambit, just to spite her victor.

"*Gasp* ....E-engage...Cleansing-....Fire." she managed to say. Suddenly, all those tripods that had made so little a difference before began to rush the two of them. Their frames glowed as each and every one began to activate their own self-destruct systems. While alone they didn't have a significant damage potential, the sheer number that was surrounding the two women would take care of that side of things. The Rising Dawn girl struggled against the rising tide of black orbs. Though there was little pleasure in watching her succumb since Mistral was sure that this Dolores was already dead inside.

She screamed as the tripods enveloped her, her voice shrill and hoarse, "!mediara ge! !valasto mediara ge! !valasto mediara age vande!"[footnote]"I wanted! All I wanted... all I wanted was for once -"[/footnote] The girl was possessed by the devil itself.

Mistral merely spat at her before stating,
"Au Revoir...*****-"

The explosion shook the earth below and it's roar echoed even in mountains far. The shockwave shattered the windows in the rest of the compound. A billowing cloud of black smoke rose from what was once a block of Denver, but now held only ash and scorched stone. Small fires burned in that most somber crater - a testament to both will and hate which persevered in even this barren and charred landscape.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Crashing Truck No. 1
Wish a Ford and a Chevy Could still last ten years, like they should.
Katya 'Deadman' Rostikova | ARES | Cadolbolg | Miia | Icarus | Selena | Ton Ton | David West | Ryan Wheatley​

When the Mine detonated under the truck it knocked Selena off her feet, weakening the Barrier to make things more problematic that Bothersome Katya somehow forced herself onto Selena's chest just as they were being lifted making the Meddlesome Malcontent weigh even more than she already did. Like if a gargoyle sat on you then turned into lead.

"Mmm Smmm Smmrmmee" The Rising Dawn's Miserable Miscreant attempted to apologize, Unfortunately she had set a bad precedent and it sounds more like a declaration of delight to Selena.
"Mmm MMMmMmMMmmM MMmmph!!!"
"GET OFF " Selena shrieked as she shoved the Disgustingly Deviant Dork, just as everyone became weightless making Katya slam into the wall of the truck, Selena shuddered and hugged herself shivering.
"Don't you EVER touch me again, or I swear I'll have Icarus-" she stopped as reality came back and she realized they were falling most likely to their death, She looked outside hoping to see a pair of black wings.

Icarus heard the mine explode, seeing the truck get launched into the air he didn't think, he just rushed in, throwing himself skyward dismissing armor, his rapid heartbeat making it near instantaneous.

Icarus flew up high his wings beat effortlessly allowing him to catch up in no time at all.

"Guys look It's Icarus"
"We're Saved"

Icarus smiled "Stand back everyone, Dragon lend me your strength"


Using the boost he flicked the barrier shattering it to tiny harmless shards.
Icarus Laughed heartily then picked up the entire truck and glided down ward slowly letting the truck down with unreal ease smiling
"Icarus your so amazing" Selena said hugging him.
"I was wrong about you" Said someone whom sounded alot like a female Eric Cartmen
"Your the Best"

Back to Reality (end the song)
Icarus caught up to the truck, but despite his best efforts of smashing the barrier with his Draconian fist, he could barely dent it. the truck was plummeting fast.
"No, No, Come on I need to get in there."
The truck was about to hit the roof....

The Truck collided into the roof, The barrier smashed to shards, Icarus spiraled away to avoid getting hit with debris. Resting over the lip of the Massive hole in the roof, but... he was too late to save them he saw the Mangled remains it was bent out of shape Icarus couldn't sense anything live inside.

"Icarus, Please take good care of your Mother and Sister for me"
"But dad... can't you do that?"
"Ahahaha, Not where I'm going I'm afraid"
"where, where are you-"

Icarus trembled "No, this can't be, I-I swore I'd protect her, I'm, I'm...... a failure"

"Dad? Dad? come back DAAAD!!!"
"Icarus it's too late he's..... gone"

Tears streamed down his cheeks, His Gauntleted hand gripped the stone he trembled as his hands gripped the lip of thew whole his left hand clenched into a fist his nails dug into his hand drawing blood.
This is all your fault, you know that, you couldn't save them all because you were too weak

Then it snapped

Icarus felt his fury and despair build up, he cried out in anguish, Everything built up inside of him Hatred anger, loathing is surged through him, his body was burning from within but he refused to cower. The concrete crumbled under his grip, he slammed his fist into the ground creating a fist sized hole in the wreaked roof.
He sensed Bison's energy He took to the air his wings felt wider, he didn't notice two smaller wings on his lower back as he positioned himself

"....Grrrrrr....Forget it then. Jenny, tell them to land before something "Bad" happens..."

Bison suddenly felt an Enraged Half Angel Delivering a Dynamic Dropkick to his Face
"Take THIS" He snarled his armor reappeared but it didn't fit as well likely as Icarus had bulked up significantly. floating about 3 feet in the air He looked down at the Presidential candidate, eyes still moist from tears, filled with Furious Flame yet also Forlorn.
"I'm here to end your Tyranny, Bison You won't harm anyone else, I'm not letting you escape"

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Denver, Colorado | En Route: Capital Building
"Sometimes, you need to make your own entertainment."
Sloth | Wrath | Rory Mercury | Nadalia | Eddie the Dead | Nina and Phillip​

Boredom is a fickle thing, and even higher powers and inter-dimensional beings weren't exempt from feeling bored. Various pantheons and mythologies were full of stories of godly shenanigans that were excellent examples of coping with boredom. And out of all the Vices, Sloth was one of the few who realized that sometimes, relieving boredom simply meant waiting for something interesting to happen.

Of course, given the battle, he could hardly consider himself bored at all, but he was certainly unoccupied now that the barrage of missiles were taken care of, so as he shuffled off in the direction of cover, he directed his gaze back to where both Eddie and his earlier passenger were. Along with a cyborg. Eddie, leaning against his new cohort and swigging a bottle of beer, clearly wasn't worried. At least, not about the cyborg at any rate.

"[color=5B9C64]This beer's warm! What kind of South African degenerate sells warm beer? This is bullshit![/color]"

With what could only be considered to be in defiance of all odds, an act of God, or simply sheer dumb luck, Eddie threw his bottle and started a chain reaction like a Rube Goldberg from Hell. Sloth couldn't look away as he watched the results: Bottle crashed through a window to knock over a bowling ball; Bowling ball rolled down a shelf to be stopped by a pile of books and leave the bookshelves dangerously unstable.

Enter an enemy soldier toting a rocket launcher. He took aim at Eddie's cohort. The bowling ball, finally tipping the bookshelves balance, crushed the soldier's head. The rocket, fired by dying reflex, flew just between Eddie and Nina to detonate in a propane supply. In the resulting fireball, a single propane tank, spewing flames from one end like another, larger rocket, streaked through the air to take off the cyborg's head.

Sloth stared in dull shock, then turned to Eddie and slowly shook his head with the barest of lopsided smirks.

"You can't help but show off, huh?" he asked with a soft chuckle.

Meanwhile, Wrath was still swinging her Violence Hammer at anything remotely vulnerable as the mech staggered backwards before her. It was clear that she was managing to do some damage as metal slowly but surely dented and crumpled beneath her flurry of blows. All she knew was that sooner or later, it was going to broken. She was like a child desperately trying to ram a square peg into a round hole, by simply making a bigger, square-ish hole.

When one of the legs finally gave up and snapped off, the Vice howled in furious triumph, raising her Violence Hammer in what she hoped would be the finishing swing. However, the resounding, earthshaking thud was not from her hammer, but from the tail of an aircraft landing not far from her. Followed shortly after by another impact, another crater. And from the resulting dust cloud, a massive halberd spun through the air and cleaved the mech's head in two.

After a few moments, the Demi-Goddess of Death, Apostle of Emloy had stepped from the haze and smiled at Wrath.

"It wouldn't surprise me if you might have had something to do with my arrival but what does surprise me is that you've made some new friends."

"Goddamnit, Rory, you stole my fucking kill! That tank... Robot thing, that was mine to finish off!" Wrath snarled, before gesturing incredulously at Rory herself, "And no one told me you were here! The fuck is going on? You here to spread some love on the battlefield?"

Before Rory could answer, Wrath's attention was drawn to the drone that had arrived not long ago. In what could only be considered frantic terror, it had turned tail and tried to flee.

"HEY! The fuck do you think you're going?!" she called out, shifting her grip on her hammer.

She reared back, holding the Violence Hammer like a javelin and lined up her shot. Then with a harsh grunt, let loose. Despite the fact it wasn't made for throwing, the Violence Hammer flew true, and with the force behind the throw obliterated the drone.

Without even knowing that anything had been inhibiting her powers earlier, Wrath merely summoned another copy and slammed the top of the hammerhead into the pavement, shattering the concrete.

"I came here to kill something, so I'm gonna fucking kill somethin'!" she ground out through clenched teeth.

The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | Ship's Hallways
"The cure for any bad day: Candy."

In the middle of his moping, the young Ish hadn't even noticed anyone pass by him as he sat outside of the Canteen. What he did notice, however, was the noise inside reaching a peak.

"Do you know who I am!?"

A shout and a crash was enough to make him jump, glance back at the door and feel two distinct tugs of instinct. Part of him wanted to run in the opposite direction, because he could recognize just how mad that voice was. Adults that were that angry were likely to think of a little street boy to be a great target to beat up so they'd feel better.

The other part of him, however, wanted to rush in and try to get Ruby out of there. It was foolish, but Ruby was a nice girl, and the only one there he remotely knew. It was also clear that she used magic that was closer to what he was familiar with. He didn't want her to get hurt because some grown-up got mad.

After a moment of inner turmoil however, he settled with peeking inside to see what was going on. After all, a discreet peek couldn't hurt. Edging just around the corner, Farber took a nervous look into the Canteen. At a glance, there wasn't much out of place. One of the guards was on the floor with his weird looking stick across the room from him, but Ruby didn't seem to be hurt, and there was a new, rather small, lady sitting on Ruby's mom's lap. Despite wondering just what had happened, he was satisfied that at least Ruby wasn't about to be beaten.

Backing away with a sigh, Farber couldn't help but shake his head.

"Man, this place is really weird..." he murmured to himself.

With a little shrug, he walked down the nearly vacant hallway back the way he came with every intention of retracing his steps. Despite the bizarre world he found himself in, he was sure of one thing: There was still candy that he hadn't properly plundered yet. It was one of the few bright-sides he could think of at the moment, and the only one that wasn't in a room that gave him painful reminders.

So, scurrying like a child-sized rat, he made his way in the direction he knew would take him to a certain room, with a certain crate, easily still half-full of sweets.