The Escapist Presents: The Escapist On: Griefing


New member
May 5, 2009
This helps me to understand what's going on. People think of online games in different ways.

Some people think of an online world as a world where they can be annoying to people (I'm putting it mildly) "just because". Perhaps they think of it as part of gameplay - taunting someone in a pick up sports game. Perhaps they would like to be a jerk to everyone they meet on a city street, and they can't.

Some of us think of an online world as walking down a path in a public space, albeit a public space with interesting quests and monsters, and things to find and do! I don't expect the people I meet in a public space to go out of their way to to harrass me, to get ahead at my expense, or to try to steal from me. That's my world, my environment, how I look at it.

If the world and the game is interesting enough, I'll put up with some level of irritation, but it's never my preference. You call it "carebear" - I call it following the same civility and care that I expect in my real life, when I'm in a public or semi-public space. I think this means several things - looking at ways to make it harder to grief (changing the design, fixing bugs), and enforcing what it means to be on a PvE server - you don't get to grief other people. I don't want anyone to make a spectacle of griefers, but I want them out of my play area. Don't fill my PvE space with people and gameplay that is really PvP.

I can't speak for PvP, but it seems to me that PvP might be more enjoyable if there was a way to make it fair, a real contest, not someone beating on a lower lever character, because they can. I'd be interested in reading about experience where PvP was played "fair". Brutos, several posts previous to mine, had some great comments on how to keep PvP fair in an fps game.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Please show me where we whined :) Griefing happens, you deal with it. Or you partake in it.
one of the carnal sins in eve is wasting a GM time when you fell for a scam or in this case scammed yourself.

so petitioning a scam= whining
and then making a video saying you were grifed = lol noob carebear whining

Chribba>There was cheese involved?
when the most diehard carebear in eve calls it whining you know whined somewhere.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
direkiller said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Please show me where we whined :) Griefing happens, you deal with it. Or you partake in it.
one of the carnal sins in eve is wasting a GM time when you fell for a scam or in this case scammed yourself.

so petitioning a scam= whining
and then making a video saying you were grifed = lol noob carebear whining

Chribba>There was cheese involved?
when the most diehard carebear in eve calls it whining you know whined somewhere.
Yes, not all of us play EVE (no disrespect meant to the fine folks at CCP who throw an awesome party, just not my kind of game). And this was a video made asking us to share our experiences with the concept. :p


New member
Nov 24, 2008
Landslide said:
toastybuds said:
All you guys sound like some QQing noobs who can't grasp the concept of the new MMO's. The guy who was mad he bought the ammunition that was overpriced, that's your fault. You're argument is flawed, and I really feel no remorse for you're situation.
What argument? I was relating something that happened to me, that pissed me off. Mostly because it was my fault. At no point did I try to absolve myself of that responsibility, except initially when my angry response was to email the guy and the CS staff. Watch it again if you didn't catch that the first time around.

And if you think my argument is that the guy was a dick for listing ammo at that price, he absolutely was. That's not debatable. In fact, I'm sure the individual in question has no illusions that he's being a dick. Fun thing in EVE, is he's not breaking any rules. So he's free to BE a dick. Just like real life.

Understand, I know I'm to blame for the mistake. But it doesn't mean the seller is any less of a dick for trying to take advantage of people not paying attention.
He's a dick for taking advantage of idiots who don't pay attention. You can call it foulplay, but I see it as a filter for people who are too simple minded to understand and grasp such things, which are then opportunities available in the economies of any online game. If something can go wrong.. it will. There's always a chance, and it can indeed pay off.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Please show me where we whined.
took the time to wach the video again:
3:20 ish in the video
jon:"problem was they were doing it inside the rules. So when i contacted customer support..."

and the post below all count as whining

Landslide said:
And if you think my argument is that the guy was a dick for listing ammo at that price, he absolutely was. That's not debatable. In fact, I'm sure the individual in question has no illusions that he's being a dick. Fun thing in EVE, is he's not breaking any rules. So he's free to BE a dick. Just like real life.
to Landslide:

Am i a dick when i canflip?(a lot of hate mail from this i all chuckled at)
Am i a dick when i kill someone in lowsec?(mor hate mail)
Am i a dick when i kill a 3 month old raven in CVA space?(again with the hate mail)
Am i a dick when a guy logs on after 6 month break finds out he is stuck in hostile 0.0 space with 100mill in ships,fittings and i buy it for 25mill and give him a complementary podding back to empire?

all within the game rules,all things i have done,and are consider dickish to different people i just see it as playing the game.

a dickhead in eve(just as in real life) is always from a person perspective,generally the losing person seeing the winner as a dick, and is very debatable. The way i and most of eveo sees it he was just playing the game.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I dont play eve or EQ or any mmorpg but yeah that guy got scammed and while not illegal it still is a sucky thing to do. But that guy still fell for it when he shouldn't have so it isnt really griefing. However if someone does something with the sole purpose to be to ruin that persons experience then no it is not ok. It is not acceptable for someone to go to the movies and talk loudly and do anything they like so i don't see how griefers can justify doing things for the sole purpose of reducing the enjoyment of others. Gamers have jsut as much right to get a chance to enjoy a game as the moviegoers do. The movie might be bad but if someone at least got the chance to judge it for themselves then they wouldnt mind so much.

I don't think it is too much to expect common courtesy from other people. NO-one wants a world with no bad stuff in it but they don't want one where anyone can do anything with little or no consequences.

end rant.