The Escapist Show: Episode Nine: Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I hate the WII with a passion. Wasting developers time. Its just a cash cow. Developers do not develops games on this consol because they love game. They do it because they love cash.


Dead rising is a great game btw. But this portage wasnt necessary at all.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Great to have moviebob back. I missed his reviews the last few weeks and really hope he'll be a regular contributor from now on.

I got roped into seeing twilight and I can say there were only two things I found barely tolerable. The scenes of the vampire family and they dynamics between them was kind of interesting in that it actually felt distinct from the town and the rest of the characters, at least until the baseball scene which was possible the most moronic thing ever filmed. The other was Edi Gathegi playing Laurent, easily the strongest character in the movie and I wish he had more than three scenes. The rest of the time I probably spent more time checking my watch than looking at the screen.

What really got me was with the vampire family and Laurent we could see that there were actually vampires out there who were doing vampire stuff, but they stayed focused on the hideous excuse for a romance story. That's like going to the Stanley cup finals and spending the whole time interviewing the popcorn vendor. Everything Bob said was right on the money. I like a good bad movie every now and then (excuse the oxymoron) but this is just unforgivable.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Spinwhiz said:
I liked chasing Russ around with a chainsaw :)
Who wouldn't?

I'd be more inclined to like Moviebob if he ever made contact with us as a user, and didn't try to remain aloof. Nobody can really do that without coming off as a prick.
I hate to be this guy again, so I apologize now, but he did thank us... on his youtube account, in a video there. Obviously, that does little for anyone who only sees his stuff here, but he did make a nice little "Thanks to all my fans" thing at then end of one of his vids. Plus, some self promotion in the beginning.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
"I'd be more inclined to like Moviebob if he ever made contact with us as a user, and didn't try to remain aloof. Nobody can really do that without coming off as a prick."

Y'know, you're entirely correct about that. Hi there :)

Just remember, when people innevitably get sick of me hanging around, you had to ask ;)


New member
Sep 25, 2008
That was actually funny :p

I loved it! Also, Twilight can sparkle in hell for all I care. Good job, MovieBob ;)


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
MovieBob said:
"I'd be more inclined to like Moviebob if he ever made contact with us as a user, and didn't try to remain aloof. Nobody can really do that without coming off as a prick."

Y'know, you're entirely correct about that. Hi there :)

Just remember, when people innevitably get sick of me hanging around, you had to ask ;)
MovieBob, try and get them to get The Game Overthinker too. And what's the deal? Are they gonna make you a weekly feature?


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Wow, that was bad. Enticed by some more info on Dead Rising, I thought I'd give this video a gander. To my credit I stomached the dreadful opening for a minute and a half until I skipped forward to the 'exclusive interview'. Now, I may not be a reporter on games or otherwise, but a couple minutes of footage of a guy sitting on a couch killing some zombies does not strike me as anything that could possibly be construed as an interview. The Zero Punctuation teaser seemed a bit pointless as well, what with the video coming out in its entirety the very next day. I couldn't even press on for the movie review, as while the reviewer seems to make relevant points from other reviews of his that I've seen it just isn't possible for me to shake the suspicion that the presentation is trying to ape Yahtzee's image-dependent delivery but without any of the stylish flair. (I realize I'm totally asking for it if it happens that this fellow's been doing his thing since before Benjamin Yahtzee Godzilla Croshaw, but I'm willing to take that gamble.) In summation, I quite like MovieBob, love The Escapist, but still feel dissapointed and like I was led on by the promise of an 'interview' concerning a game I may want. Based on my opinions I will most likely be avoiding 'The Escapist Show' in the future.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
my friend took her daughter to see twilight, she has no clue what was going on, because in the cinema the entire audience (entirely composed of 12 year olds) screamed whenever the main character was on screen.


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
Dead Rising Wii... Couldn't they have at least tried to mask the fact that they're making it with the RE4 engine? I mean, it just looks like a mod. He even moves like Leon, for crying out loud. They haven't even bothered to change the aiming cursor! It's just silly.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
- Twilight and all the books/movies are nothing but Mary Sue Emo Soft-Core Porn. *headdesk* The books are poorly written at best so why this made it into movie form makes no sense. Its all about the cha-ching in the end.

- Dead Rising was a fun game, although rather flawed in many aspects. Now they are trying to cash in on the Wii crowd? Pathetic. I bet if you put Hanna Montana in place of all the zombies it'd sell ten times better.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Spinwhiz said:
I liked chasing Russ around with a chainsaw :)
Who wouldn't?

I'd be more inclined to like Moviebob if he ever made contact with us as a user, and didn't try to remain aloof. Nobody can really do that without coming off as a prick.
Sounds like someone else we all wait around for on Wednesdays... except I don't think there's anyone with the illusion that Yahtzee ISN'T a prick.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
i have a bunch of chicks that i work with who apparently have read all of these obnoxious twilight books. And until i saw that review all i knew about it was that it was about vampires. Now i know that it isn't about vampires at all because sunlight kills vampires, it doesn't turn them into a broadway production of hairspray. And vampires are carnal evil creatures, leave it to a mormon to take all the fun out of perfectly good creatures of the night.

Allan Foe

New member
Dec 20, 2007
Podunk said:
it just isn't possible for me to shake the suspicion that the presentation is trying to ape Yahtzee's image-dependent delivery but without any of the stylish flair. (I realize I'm totally asking for it if it happens that this fellow's been doing his thing since before Benjamin Yahtzee Godzilla Croshaw, but I'm willing to take that gamble.)
You do realize that video of people ranting over a slide show existed long before Yahtzee came to youtube, furthermore ZP is more of a puppet theater than a slide show so how are they similar?

I'm so taffing sick of fanboys shouting "WTF Yahtzee copycat!" at every slide show accompanied rant. I'm a seasoned fan of Yahtzee myself but this kind of fanboyism is unsightly and annoying.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
"This is similar to that thing I like so I HATE IT" never made much sense to me.

I followed MovieBob here, and found Zero Punctuation which is incredible. The rest of the Escapist Show, well I'm optimistic I'll start to understand the inside jokes better.

My only beef (possible complaint) with the Wii port of Dead Rising is if they dumb down the difficulty. "I beat Dead Rising" should always be challenged with "Which one?" -that is, if it's much easier on the Wii.