The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Probably, as I often cite, Shirley Muldowney's Top Fuel Challenge for the Commodore 64. On your mark! Get set! Blow out your engine! Spend ten minutes repairing your car! Repeat!

And while I may get hammered for it, I have to say there are far worse games, especially on the Atari 2600, than E.T.. It gets a lot of press and flack for the incredibly foolish business decisions involved in its making, but it at least has fairly functional gameplay, is possible to get from beginning to end, and the graphics (for it's time) actually aren't bad at all. It suffers mostly from trying to do way too many functions with a joystick and one button.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Joseph375 said:
I'm going to have to go with Call of Duty 3. One of the worst games ever in my opinion.
thats gonna have to be my choice as well. i decided to buy both cod 2 and 3 as they were used and cheap, but cod3 was truly awful. i had trouble bringing myself to beat the game for the achievements. i didnt want to play it so badly

thankfully, treyarch has done nothing but improved upon their past cod titles


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Skywolf09 said:
I find it rather amusing how people are listing games like Call of Duty, Kane & Lynch, or even Haze as the worst games they've every played.

Something tells me they've never had the misfortune of being subjected to this horrid abomination of a game:
It pains me to even think about what I could have done during the time I wasted playing this festering and repulsive piece of crap.
Holy crap, that looks like HELL! HAHAHA!
That game has worse graphics then the gamecube!

Anyway, sorry about that. I can't remember what the worst game I've played is. I've just played so many. Of the games I've gotten in the last 3 years, probably Borderlands. But I can't remember all the way back.

Edit: Oh, and COD's multiplayer. The single-player is pretty awesome, especially Black Ops' campaign. And Bots!!! But in multiplayer you never know whether you're going to get a decent game, or a 12-year-old ridden, lag infested, piece of shit. Seriously, I can't get on any games nowadays that don't have at least a little lag. It's wierd, because when Black Ops first came out, it had almost no lag at all.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Legion IV said:
OP: Portal, Halflife 2 and big rigs but hell at least big rigs was hilariously bad. i regreat buying portal and halflife.

It only took until your post for you guys to forget that this thread is about the "worst game you have ever played", and is not about the games that make you angry because you're one of the few who don't like them.

Either that or you have one of the smallest game libraries of ANYONE on this site.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I'm going to try not to be hyperbolic about a game I don't like but can see how others can enjoy it and actually name the worst game I've ever played...

I'm a huge baseball fan. On my N64 as a kid, my top 3 most played games were Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. I've been looking for a good current-generation baseball game since 2006. Through that time, I only had a Wii and a 360 so I was limited to the 2K Sports MLB games.

I believe I had 2K6, 2K8, and 2K9. 2K6 was servicable, it didn't have the best control scheme but the game worked. 2K8 was a bugfest with terrible controls. The game got pretty bad reviews for a sports game so I figured the development team would fix the broken parts for next year. So when 2K9 came out, I tried it out and it was even worse than the previous installment. The catchers constantly fail to catch pitches, allowing the opposing team to score cheap runs. Similarly, the pitching controls were so fickle that it was all too easy to throw wild pitches. When I had my outfielders chase down a ball to the fence, they would sometimes run through the wall and get stuck. Home runs were aplenty, with ten in a game being a normal day at the ballpark. The whole game is a poorly designed train-wreck, and it made me not want to support 2K Games period.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
Chiyo-Chan said:
Action 52 on the Atari 2600...

...Yes, I was that curious.
Action 52 was on the NES and later the Genesis not the 2600.

OT: I'm gonna have to go with a tie between Giants: Citizen Kabuto and Singles: Flirt Up Your Life, a really shitty Sims knockoff that promised being able to make little digital people do dirty things to each other and delivered none of these things.


New member
May 26, 2010
Its probably because i expected so much from it but....GRAW was a massive disappointment

either that or possibly Rise of the Robots for friends STILL give me shit about that game...


Night Angel
Jan 8, 2009
Big Rigs is the only answer.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Navy Seals: Weapons of Mass Destruction. Tried the demo of it. Makes every other budget title shooter look like Half-Life. And, no, I am not engaging in hyperbole. I am dead serious.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
King Kupofried said:
Lunar: Dragon Song
This game was a nightmare, and it bears the Lunar name. I cannot think of a single aspect of it that was good.
It has standard turn-based combat, except you cannot select your target, leaving most boss battles up to complete random chance, forcing you to level grind rather than use any sort of strategy.
It makes you grind twice as much because you have to choose between earning exp and earning items. The only way to earn money is to sell items or turn them in for quests. You generally need items AND levels due to the increased difficulty because of the lack of ability to target. So you have to grind for items to get money, then you have to grind for exp so you aren't weak.
The story doesn't go anywhere for the longest time. As a lover of JRPGs I know many seem to occur due to complete coincidence of events, but the actions of the characters just come out of nowhere. You play an acrobat, he's a street performer, after about two hours of doing nothing important he decides "Hey! I'm gonna fight in an arena!" Female side-kick asks "Why" His reason? Because he " has to ".
What else..oh yeah, running depletes your health. Not running from battle, no, simply running when exploring or in a dungeon. So enjoy strolling through the killer monster dens as a leisurely pace. Have you ever seen a game do that before?

I have played games I do not like, I could go on all day about them, but at least most games have SOME redeemable qualities. Lunar: Dragon Song does not.
I have to agree with this completely. With all you said I have nothing to add.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
some kind of TCUK rip off (it was hospitla affairs or something) the operations where UNPLAYABLE because you had to hold the L button to use instruments and YOU COULDNT PAUSE DURING OPERATIONS WORST DS GAME EVER!!!!!!!


New member
May 21, 2008
Thief: Deadly Shadows

Technically not a terrible game, but definately the most frustratingly disappointing. I want to like it so much, and the first couple of levels really sucked me in and then it managed to let way down in ways I couldn't imagine.

Imagine having a couple dates with a wonderful woman that's also extraordinarily attractive. She doesn't put out for quite a while but she's worth the wait. A couple months in she invites you into her bed and in the middle of foreplay she bites your penis off then wonders why you can't get it up.

TLDR: Thief 3 castrated me.