The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I'm pretty good at not wasting money and bad games; I read up on every new release before I buy it or rent it. Far Cry 2 looked deceptively good, but it was an absolute chore to play. I'm not sure if it's really the worst game that I've ever played, but it's the first awful game that comes to mind.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
As I've said many times before on this forum, Rugrats: Time Travelers for the Game Boy Color. I can't even beat the first level, that's how broken the gameplay is.

Let's count out the things wrong with the game:
- The ENTIRE GAME is searching for a specific item in one of many ridiculously sized maps.
- You have no way to defend yourself at all.
- There is no map of any sort in the game to help you find the item and return to the time machine.
- When you collect a gold bottle, a little ticker in the top corner goes down one from its starting point of 15. I've never been able to get it to 0 because of so fucking many bullshit hazards that are COMPLETELY unavoidable, and every time you hit one you lose a bottle.
- The controls are absolutely horrid, with the jump being way too floaty and movement too slow.
- While the backgrounds look rather good for a GBC game, they make hazards such as worms or bats almost invisible if you're not actively looking for them.

And more. THE worst game I've ever played, bar none.

Zero Serenity

New member
Nov 21, 2009
I would say that most everybody who names a popular title (Such as COD, Halo, Final Fantasy, Half-Life, etc.) lacks a distinction between bad games and games not in the player's taste. Can you name to me any portion of those games you would call "Infunctional"? I happened to like MW and MW2, even if the story is kinda rediculus for the second. WaW has a very boring and predictable storyline and BO (in progress of playing this one right now) is very hard to follow (FFXIII has this problem as well). But functional? Certianly. You shoot and kill stuff, the game works fairly well dispite usually having issues with pacing gameplay. Halo? Clichie doesn't begin to describe the storyline, but it's definetely very functional as a game.

That being said I have to agree with the sentiments of someone before me who said "[If this is the worst, I'd love to see what you're playing.]" That being said, perhaps limiting scope would have helped this topic more, such as 7th generation systems or games of the last decade. Limiting this thread to only games I have played the winner is "Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad" (Xbox 360). The obvious sexual pandering I overlook in games simply because I just don't care enough about it and it's not what makes this game bad. Anyway, the game has engine issues from the word go causing this weird ripple effect when the game is glitching. Secondly the game is very stiff with it's combo system requiring exact and split second timing to pull off combos past four hits or so which frankly I do not have since I stopped playing fighting games. But combine that with a special move you need to do in order to kill two paticular enemies and hours of spending time in the same place with said one of those enemies being unable to pull off the combo makes this game too infunctional to be worth any more of my time.

That being said, I think maybe I should start a thread saying "the least functional game you have played".


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Dfskelleton said:
Also, F.E.A.R. 2. Let me write out what Warner Brothers was thinking when they took over:
"People don't play horror games for horror! That's stupid! They play it for 30 seconds of full frontal nudity over the course of the game that supposed to be scary mixed with generic FPS action and overused gimmicks! Why would you want a disturbing little girl running at you trying to dissolve you when you could have a naked chick running at you and pounce on you? Obviously that's what horror fans like! That's why SIlent Hill and Resident Evil are so unpopular durrrrrrrrrrrrrg"
That's funny. I thought the same thing about F.E.A.R. 2 after playing the demo. Damn, it IS bad!


A Miserable Pile of Honesty
Jul 17, 2009
The worst game I've had the displeasure of playing is a tie between Tinhead, Monopoly, and Batman Forever, all for Sega Genesis. The first is due to lack of actually being able to get into the game as well as I could with other games (as in, I couldn't get comfortable with playing it at all), the second is, well, it's Monopoly with as many as two players, and it's boring with even more than that. As for the third, at the time, I didn't have one of those XYZ controllers, so I had about as good of a time as the Angry Video Game Nerd with that, though with less swearing.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
Why do I keep seeing "flat-chested" every single time I hastily glance at the title?
I must be going mad.

Anyway, I'd have to say Warhammer 40k: Fire Warrior.
Fire warriors don't work that way!


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
SoloStoffe said:
No but seriously, Myst.

OT: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.

Just... <link=>BLARGH.


New member
May 18, 2010
Rogue Warrior...motherfucking Rogue Warrior.

I played it for about 15 minutes and I believe my initial reaction was something aking to: "HOW IS THIS A THING?!"

Thank god it was a rental.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
viranimus said:
I dont know if anyone else has listed this and I am too tired to sift thru 6 or so pages of responses.

But Ironically for me, the Flat out worst game Ive ever played was... Flat out.
Nonsense... the Flatout games are fantasticness.

For me:
Enchanted Arms: fuck that shit in the ear.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Zero Serenity said:
A perfectly valid argument...
Surely a worse gaming sin is a game that functions well but bores you to tears. This is obviously more about personal taste, but spending a while battling a shitty control system at least offers some modicum of challenge. A poorly implemented story, regardless of a smooth control scheme is still a chore.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Aw man I don't want to think about it but if I had to choose I could not due to a few of the titles on my list are on the 2600 but if I had to choose it would be spider-man on the 2600.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Damnation man I was so fucking excited about that game and I wanted/expected for it to be good. And I was EXTREMELY pissed to learn first hand how shit it was

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
CoD 3. No interesting set-pieces like the first 2. Retarded AI. Auto-aim up the arse. Boring Multiplayer maps.

And it was released just as WW2 shooters were getting old and boring in the face of the Modern shit we have now.

IMO, bring back the Adventure genre.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I would have to say either X-men: The Movie: The game (A generic EA movie tie-in game with controls so bad I couldn't get past the tutorial), or Balls of Fury for the Wii. My brother got it because we figured Wii ping-pong would be fun. The gameplay is so boring and the characters so interchangable in terms of ability, that even the Wii Sports Resort version was better.