The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
Joseph375 said:
Dr. Feelgood said:
Joseph375 said:
I'm going to have to go with Call of Duty 3. One of the worst games ever in my opinion.
Hmm, I actually happened to enjoy that game very much, even more so than Call of Duty 4. If you don't mind, why did you hate it?

OT:I don't think I can actually decide on one game that I hated the most, but I suppose if I had to go with one it'd be Kingsfield for the Playstation.
Bad graphics, bad controls, somewhat more difficult than other COD games, many glitches,ect.
Understandable, especially the bad controls. I recall clicking the left analog stick to use binoculars.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Conflict: Denied Ops on the PS3. It was so bad, that I refused to finish the first level.

Alone In the Dark: Inferno (PS3) and Spiderman 3 (on any of the systems it was ported to) get honourable mentions.


New member
May 29, 2009
Joshimodo said:
CoD series past #3.
To me it is fps in general. I loved Doom and Doom 2 they were fun. You would explore and find hidden stuff. Now it is just boring linniar stuff that hasn't changed in years.


New member
May 22, 2009
Far Cry 2; that game was one of the most unintuitive pieces of garbage I have ever played.

Think you can be stealthy and snipe people from high grass and no one will ever see you? Nope, 1 gunshot and suddenly an entire platoon knows your exact position, even if you've been hiding in the grass the entire time and no one ever even saw you!

Need to assassinate someone in the neutral zone, but know any gunshot will give away your position? No problem, just use your knife on the target in a dark alley for a stealth kill while no one is watching... is what any other game would have you do. Instead watch as your knife strike awakens every guard in a 1/2 mile radius and makes you a war criminal!

Fast paced gun play! Sounds awesome! Only it takes 20 minutes to get to just about any battle, enemies can shoot you with perfect accuracy with an AK while you'll be lucky to hit them once from 50 feet away, and should you die, enjoy the no auto save and watch as 3 hours of hard work are obliterated because the AI decided to sent 4 loaded jeeps to murder you!

Sound like fun to you? Congratulations, you officially hate yourself!


New member
Feb 18, 2009
I imagine I bought tons of crap on the ps1, ps2, snes and megadrive but the worst current gen game I can think of is probably Killzone 2 or Dragon Age.

The game I hate most of all though is black ops because it ruined everything I love.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
imnotparanoid said:
Mercsenary said:
why I loved it its one of my favourites.
Well maybe its just my experience but I felt the game didnt really know what it wanted to be. The stages of life went by so quick. The space stage bugged out the hell on me. It gave me a quest, and then... didnt tell me what to do after picking up the mcguffin. No planet to turn it in, no one to talk to... nothing.

Then there was the issue with my cd key. (Bought new. At best buy) which for some reason kept reading as invalid even though it LET ME INSTALL WITH IT. D:<

and EA's customer support was useless. Canned support lines telling me to reinstall(which I did, (MULTIPLE TIMES), telling me to run it as administrator, (which did nothing), and then finally telling me that my copy was defective.

SO I gave up. 40 bucks down the drain. Never ever buying a game new and vastly hyped. Never again.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
I've never played through an awful game in full, but from bits and pieces, I can say:

-Drake of the 99 Dragons
Both were just awful from looking at them.

As for whole games, I've only really encountered bland, and I don't have particularly high standards either. I enjoy Halo on it's higher difficulties and it took me 4 CoD games in a row to become totally disgusted by the franchise's reckless regurgitation of the same formula, but I can say that IMO these games were just snooze-tastic:

-Rainbow Six Vegas: Boring brown grey repetitive cheese with a throwaway plot and a sense of linearity and lack of care that doesn't do justice to any of the earlier games, plus it's not very challenging even on "realistic" difficulty.
-Far Cry (the first one): Started out with a really nice premise, but then devolved into brown and grey shooting things that I don't even care about. Hey, here's an ability which shows you the trails of an enemy, too bad you'll never use it because the rest of the game progresses in a straight line.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
MTV Celebrity Deathmatch, for the PS2.

I know there are worst games out there, but I am not in a rush to find them...


New member
Dec 6, 2008
I'm torn between two titles, so I'll just name them both.

Haze made my eyes and ears bleed. It offended my very soul, it was so horrible. Yes, it was a relatively early foray into this generation of console gaming, but that doesn't justify having graphics that could've been pulled off last generation, or even the generation before. Add to that the horrendous level design, the atrocious voice acting and just the overall blandness of the gameplay and I can't help but name it one of the worst I've ever played.

Terminator: Salvation is the other, and what a horrible game that was. I picked it up on release day, went home and sat down to play it co-op with a buddy of mine. Two hours later, we'd finished the game and had no idea what to do with the rest of our day. The balancing of the AI was terrible, being extremely difficult in some sections (I'm looking at you, vehicle sections) and retardedly easy in others. The story was pretty lame, adn the voice acting was, once again, pretty abysmal. The best part of the voice acting was Common in the same role from the movie of the same name, and he's not that great to begin with (though he was decent in the game and movie). Really, really bad game.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Sacred 2

I got it because it was a limited edition pack and I have to buy them.

I played it for a whole night, went to sleep.

Played it again and still felt nothing.

After 3 days of trying to get into it, I broke into tears and all the horror of that game rushed to me like a kebab out my arse!




New member
Apr 18, 2010
Slightly off topic the games that disappointed the worst EVER by far

Final Fantasy XIII
followed closely by
Zelda's Majora's Mask

Worst game played

Need for Speed: Carbon

God I hated that game this is closely follwed by the Tomb Raider for PS1


New member
Oct 16, 2008
That Zorro game where you had to sneak about and getting into a fight meant remembering what they had done, but they didn't tell you that (or perhaps they did and I skipped it, but there was no way to go back to it).

Then there's Breed aka "Halo-killer", which it certainly was not. The level design was poor and the pacing was just as terrible.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
NeedAUserName said:
Or possibly the Spyro games released on the PS2, not only were they fairly bad games on their own, but they took a preexisting series, and murdered it. They mashed it into a pulp, had its eyes gouged out, its elbows broken, its kneecaps split, its body burned away, its limbs all hacked and mangled, its head smashed in, heart cut out,&#65279; liver removed, bowels unplugged, its nostrils raped, they had its bottom burned off, and its penis split.

Cookie for the reference
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That's... That's enough music for now, boys.

I remember playing some comically awful licensed Taz (Yes, the cartoon Tasmanian Devil) game when I was young, and all I really remember was its abysmal quality.