The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.

Antonio Torrente

New member
Feb 19, 2010
Mr. Fahrenheit said:
Antonio Torrente said:
And it was made by Bioware, goes to show that what ever developer handles any Sonic game it still fails.
I really have no idea Bioware dropped the ball that hard.

I don't think that it should be that hard to create a good Sonic game, but...they just did.

It was too easy...the EBA/Quendan-style touch controls were just the same every time and really only ended up becoming a mandatory chore. The bosses were incredibly disappointing too. Most of the time, they were literally just recolors of common enemies with more HP and more damaging attacks.
Well Bioware had some plans for a sequel but since they were acquired by EA the plans were dropped or canceled. so yay?

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600. Call it schmuck bait. I had to see whether it lived up to its reputation.

That game only has a bad reputation.
It was listed as amongst the top five worst games of all time.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
For me it's a three way split between Two Worlds, Lego Island or Bioshock.

Hard to pick a least favorite though. Bioshock is the only game that wasn't fundamentally broken out of the three, but it takes the cake for wasted potential. Two Worlds managed to somehow make a complete ruin of a fantasy RPG, and Lego Island... probably doesn't merit further explanation.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
First thing that comes to mind... Shaman King: Power of Spirit. Just garbage. It takes alot to make me hate a JRPG, since they are one of my favored genres. However that was one of the first games I just got up and turned off out of pure frustration for how stupid the characters acted and the retarded things they said.

DJ Railgun

New member
Jan 4, 2011
I was feeling extremely masochistic one day, decided to play E.T. (Atari), Ghostbusters (NES) and Superman 64 (N64) due to their reps of being truly terrible.

E.T. was just stupid, Ghostbusters gave me a headache and Superman 64 broke my TV. With the controller.


New member
May 10, 2009
Most bad games I played for lulz because they're so bad, so they don't really count.

The worst game I've played hoping for something at least half decent was Fire Warrior. I wanted to play it because it details the Tau a bit more. I already knew it was bad, but I didn't realize just how bad it was until I played it.

Worst game I've played because it's bad is Big Rigs Over The Road Racing, probably the second worst game ever made, right behind the Action 52.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
80Maxwell08 said:
With that out of the way Half Life. It hasn't withstood the test of time well at this point.
No, it really hasn't. In fact it feels quite shit to play now. I played it for the first time last year and didn't even get halfway through it, even though HL2 is my #2 game of all time.


Constant Contrarian
Nov 20, 2009
I have to say Vampire Rain... terrible game, its so bad that its good then passes by good and goes right back to bad again.
Nov 27, 2010
Why the fuck was MulticolorCharihazard suspended for his post? Seriously, the mods on this site are just plain weird sometimes.

OT: I'm gonna have to say Beverly Hills Cop on PS2. The gameplay mechanics are so broken I couldn't get past the first stage.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Worst? Thats a tough one, since there is plenty of horrible games I would just love to forget.

Grandia II on PS2 might be it, I hated the bland characters, long battles and the way it was presented.

And also Kane and Lynch Dead Men has the honorable mention of the 2nd of all time for me, the ending particularly made me want to call the makers of the game and tell them what idiots they are.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Buster bunny and the beanstalk........thats 3 hours ill never get back of my life. Coincidentally does anyone remember this game or was it just a nightmare?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I can think of three that I hate right off the top of my head Carmageddon 64, Fallout:BoS, and the licensed game of the Transdormer's movie. I really can't pick which is the worst since they all suck so bad.
Editosos: I'll pick Carmageddon since I actually finished the other two.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
I think only 5 or 6 people on this thread have actually played any "bad" games.

Hands down this is Sonic 2006, I've played some games that may qualify as worse, but none quite felt as punishing as trying to play through the first damn level of that game. The dodgy controls, the god-awful cutscenes, the ridiculous checkpoints coupled with the unfair life system, and just a total lack of anything fun or substantial.

I'm glad that the Xbox patched in a way to delete game history of games you haven't received achievements for, I was pissed that it was permanently on my game history.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
subtlefuge said:
I think only 5 or 6 people on this thread have actually played any "bad" games.

Hands down this is Sonic 2006, I've played some games that may qualify as worse, but none quite felt as punishing as trying to play through the first damn level of that game. The dodgy controls, the god-awful cutscenes, the ridiculous checkpoints coupled with the unfair life system, and just a total lack of anything fun or substantial.

I'm glad that the Xbox patched in a way to delete game history of games you haven't received achievements for, I was pissed that it was permanently on my game history.
I'm surprised someone would say that as there are many games listed here I didn't know about. Out of curiosity, did you actually beat it? I guess not, as you don't seem to have any permanent brain damage.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I can't remember the really poor games I had back on the SNES in the day, but the worst thing on my Steam Account at the moment is Doom 3. It takes a pretty dull game to stop me from finishing it, but that one got me.
For scale, I'd consider the second-worst game on the list to be the original SiN, followed by the mutant bits of FarCry. Maybe I just get annoyed with the dark bits of FPSs?