The game you tried to get into, but just couldn't.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Left 4 dead
Far Cry 2
Half life 2

None of them could hold my attention for long.
Left 4 dead was great fun for a week with friends, but simply doing the same maps over and over with no char customization, no char progress (ala COD4) and I got bored.

Oblivion, I've made so many chars I lost count. I think I was on save 1100 last time I checked. I really dislike the fact that you never feel stronger, the npc's ruin alot of the experiance for me.

Far cry 2, trees, trees, bomb that car, kill those guys. Just repetitive.

Half life 2, the missions are to long for me. I get bored in middle of missions and don't wanna start again since they annoy me.

GTA4, Love the characters, love the city, great voice-acting, great stories, bad combat.

Overall tho, I did have fun with all games and don't REALLY have bad things to say. but yeah I just never managed to get into them.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Agreed on FC2. There are many aspects of the game which are fantastic, but I would have made some save points a little closer to the objectives (10 minutes treking back to some sronghold or village you died on approach to isn't much fun after the 5th attempt.)

Also, Lost Odyssey and DnD: Temple of Elemental Evil. The former I just lost interest in (I'll probably go back to it at some point and all will be well) and the latter just stuck a little too rigidly to the rulebook (and the fact you could only rest in a village by spending a night at the inn made playing it as a game a little on the retarded side. Died and had to restart more from random encounters while trying to recover from the last random encounter than anything else. Grr... At least NWN 1 & 2 and Baldurs Gate wern't that bad)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I just couldn't get a handle on Oblivion, but to be honest I didn't give it much of a chance. After setting up my character took me an hour, I ended up with sort of a young Brendan Gleeson if he was a furry and could do really useless magic.

After that rather odd beginning, I played the bit at the start where you have to try to play swingball with a squillion rats who keep jumping at your face, and was a bit annoyed with the way the dialogue worked.

I mean, I know it's a great game. I've been told. Shown. I've seen a sword on fire twatting a minotaur, and that's all very well. But me and Oblivion just never hit it off.

And pre-emptive defense: It's not because I'm an FPS-only kinda guy, I love Mass Effect like Redemptorists love Jesus, f'rinstance...

So there. :p


New member
May 21, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
The Halo series.

I know, surprising. But all my friends loved it to death, so I figured, "What the fuck, I might as well try to like it, right?"

I could not.
It was awful.

Playing multiplayer was only slightly fun because we got to yell creative insults at eachother.
Also did you know those controllers were fucking heavy?
'Cause getting hit with one hurt.
A lot.
Same. Not so much the controller thing (although I have had a remote thrown at me, that did hurt) but the whole not liking Halo.
Few of my friends wanted me to play through co-op with them, and despite playing it to the end, I cant say I enjoyed it.
Agree with the OP to, I wanted to love Far Cry but still haven't gone back to it after being asked to do pretty much the same mission a 50th time.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
i tried but could not get into Mass Effect, every time I played it it gave me a headache, the levels bored me, the AI was fairly incompetent and constantly got in my way and the story really didn't grip me.


The Shadow Premier
Dec 16, 2008
Devil may cry 4. try as i might that game is boring, most of the time i'm thinking "i could be playing ninja gaiden 2".


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Armored Prayer said:
Left 4 Dead. *awaits angery vale fan*

Thought it was neat, but the novelty quickly weared off and it got boring.
I'd have to second that, It bored me shitless.

That and when you get owned on Hardcore TD on COD5/4...Or BF1943 - i hate respawn delays!


New member
Aug 3, 2009

Very good game. Havent finished it. Might never.

Me and my friend spent quite a bit of time screwing around in free play, but the way you make progress in GTA works against it for me. It just felt tedious working through all the missions (having to re-start the long ones when you screw up) and not having a more typical save system.

The thing that almost broke it for me was having people call you up. I'd get all worked up ready to tackle the next mission, good car, right weapons, health, armor etc and then some jerk phones me up to go bowling somewhere, and being a neurotic achievement/progress grabber I don't feel confident saying 'no' incase they hate me and write bad things about me on the in-game internets.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Oblivion, any MMO, most JRPGs, and GTA IV are all games I heard were supposed to be either amazing or something that would be 'up your alley' (because playing D&D with friends means I will want to play every fantasy video game ever produced). The reason I play D&D and other live RPGs with my friends is the freedom and control we have over things. No matter how 'open' the world of a video game is, there are still a ton of restrictions on what you can do or say because the game would be in development forever if the programmers tried to account for every possibility.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Mezzamine said:
For me, Oblivion. Tried and tried, but every time I just get bored and start a different game. Hoping Fallout 3 will be different though.
Wasn't different for me. I found it hard to get into Oblivion as well. My friend highly recommended Fallout 3 to me, so I bought it off steam when it was really cheap. I've spent 3 hours trying to get into it. It isn't a good sign when you literally have to force yourself to play something :p


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Final Fantasy 12, I played the game for a 3 hour sitting, then never loaded it back up again.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Fallout 3. I've tried so hard to like it, but I've spent like 10 hours playing it as compared to my 100000 on Oblivion.