The Introduction Thread! 🍺


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
Huh, I remember you, or at least your avatar. Welcome back.
Cheers, no idea whether I'll stick around but it can't hurt to give the old forum thing a go again... Your username rings a bell - definitely wasn't expecting a response that quickly!


Apr 22, 2022
I'm mainly here because I'm gathering research for an article on the business of video games, but I'm more than pleased to start things off with something a little more personal.

1. It's merely a truncated version of my name, nothing more or less.

2. Ages ago - 2007, maybe?

3. To pick just one: I'd have to go with Final Fantasy Tactics. For a list, maybe throw in Chrono Trigger, Ogre Battle, Earthbound. Put me on the spot to pick something newer than those? Slay the Spire. I'm an indie/retro snob, is what I'm saying.

4. I write about Chinese video game culture from China. I suppose that counts.


May 4, 2022
United Kingdom
Hello everyone, new person here... This seems like a cool community based on the streams I've watched over the last year so I thought I'd finally join and generally make everything slightly worse

1) I don't really have a consistent 'online identity' or handle or so Stewcumber because my name is Stewart and I like cucumber and its dumb and I use it on a couple of forums.

2) I started watching Zero Punctuation around 2009, before it was on youtube, and then I switched to youtube when it appeared on there, but had no idea of what the wider The Escapist was despite literally going to the website for a couple of years, and hearing "HA!" at the beginning of a decade's worth of youtube videos. Don't take it personally because I also managed to view Youtube for a decade before subscribing to my first channel. But about a year ago I started listening to escapist podcasts whilst working at home and I particularly enjoy Breakout and Slightly Something Else. And Adventure is Nigh was great.

3) I'm not really into TV and movies so my favourite current games are Cities Skylines and Kerbal Space Program. I enjoyed games like Mafia 1, Mass Effect 1, GTA San Andreas. 2000s games I guess. I'm also a retrogamer and have early 90s DOS PCs to play DOOM.

4) I am struggling to find words to say how uncool I am so I guess the coolest fact is that I have a cat called Fernley who is much cooler than I am.

5) I don't really know what The Escapist V2 is or V1 for that matter!


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Hello everyone, new person here... This seems like a cool community based on the streams I've watched over the last year so I thought I'd finally join and generally make everything slightly worse

1) I don't really have a consistent 'online identity' or handle or so Stewcumber because my name is Stewart and I like cucumber and its dumb and I use it on a couple of forums.

2) I started watching Zero Punctuation around 2009, before it was on youtube, and then I switched to youtube when it appeared on there, but had no idea of what the wider The Escapist was despite literally going to the website for a couple of years, and hearing "HA!" at the beginning of a decade's worth of youtube videos. Don't take it personally because I also managed to view Youtube for a decade before subscribing to my first channel. But about a year ago I started listening to escapist podcasts whilst working at home and I particularly enjoy Breakout and Slightly Something Else. And Adventure is Nigh was great.

3) I'm not really into TV and movies so my favourite current games are Cities Skylines and Kerbal Space Program. I enjoyed games like Mafia 1, Mass Effect 1, GTA San Andreas. 2000s games I guess. I'm also a retrogamer and have early 90s DOS PCs to play DOOM.

4) I am struggling to find words to say how uncool I am so I guess the coolest fact is that I have a cat called Fernley who is much cooler than I am.

5) I don't really know what The Escapist V2 is or V1 for that matter!
Hello and welcome to the forums. Do enjoy your stay!
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Hi everyone. Haven't been in here for years (about 6 I think). The world has changed. I've changed. This website has changed.
Neat, welcome back, don't forget to go to the thread about getting a legacy tag.



I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Neat, welcome back, don't forget to go to the thread about getting a legacy tag.

Or do, because I don't think Nick is handing out badges anymore.


Regular Member
Oct 20, 2022
About me:
I have ideas, am art major, I have over ten years of being in college, working, and being selfless. Everybody around me is selfish and maybe just maybe I could convey some ideas across maybe I could make some kind of difference outside of my family dog that passed.

What's the story behind your username?
I wanted something unique and I decided on this. Why? Because my other "username" ( never registered here ) is too known. I have tribute pages and other totem-poles built based off my deplorable words.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
I probably have the magazine but I have been reading and maybe responded when you had blogs in the past. I am not too sure.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
I am more about making video games, shows, movies, etc rather then talking about other peoples idea. I am fountain of knowledge in the stuff I guess.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
A. I got a girl to show a picture of herself because she felt she
B. Befriended ( and unfriended ) an royal from a lesser known Eastern European nation, a well known stock-trader who name was in news many times, and rich ballet girls who have medical professionals for "boyfriends" yet they still want me.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
IDK just do not make it anything like the garbage known as Wix owned DA.
I like the fact you integrated the blog into the forum,


Elite Member
Nov 16, 2022
Hi all! Big souls and Batman fan here! I'm a firm believer that video games are art and am always looking forward to some healthy discussions about the gaming culture in general. As for the introductory questions:

1. No particular story, I was just trying to pick a username that hasn't been taken before and it's also kinda funny...
2. I've been enjoying the Zero Punctuation series for years...
3. All Soulsborne games (yes, DS2 too!), (almost) all Metal Gear Solid games, (almost) all Devil May Cry Games, Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, the BioShock trilogy, the Mass Effect Trilogy... As for TV shows, my favs are Game of Thrones (I've also read the books and been waiting for the sixth one for more than a decade now...), Breaking Bad, Berserk, Death Note, Hunter x Hunter, etc.
4. I'm a big heavy metal fan and can play the guitar!
5. Sorry, no data found:)


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Okay, also me, I guess.

1. What's the story behind your username?

Sometimes I'm not here.

Or there's maybe something else. Feeling a bit detached nowadays. A username that popped in my mind at that time.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?

Like a lot of people, I had started following ZP a long time ago (back then, they had topical introductory songs, I miss these). Was it always part of The Escapist ? I don't remember. I'm afraid I had never paid much attention to the site as a whole, so "following it" is relative.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?

My tastes are a bit all over the place. Very few cinema genres or eras that I dislike. Very few videogames genres or eras that I don't play. Maybe a certain lack of patience for the neogrimdark genre and for tv series that take themselves too seriously. But also, be it in music, cinema, comics, etc, I enjoy exploring upstream : checking out what were an artist's own favorites, and what were their favorite's favorites... It's a fun way to journey through different epochs with their different (often forgotten) cultural references...

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?


5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?

I lack a point of comparison. As I said, I hadn't really explored V1.


Regular Member
May 8, 2023
Hello Escapists! New member here and here are my answers to the introductory questionnaire:

1. What's the story behind your username - No particular reason, I just enjoyed Netlifx's Beef and went with Joji...
2. When did you start following The Escapist - I often watch Zero Punctuation on YT, but I'm not sure what was the year when I watched it for the first time. 2018, maybe
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc - Love Darkest Dungeon, Heros of Might and Magic 3, Disgaea, the new XCOMs, Spelunky, etc. As for movies and TV shows, GoT, Better Call Saul, Blade Runner, Clockwork Orange, Blackadder, The Office (in no particular order, I'm only riffing here :))
4. Any cool facts we should know about you - I sometimes get up an hour earlier before work so I can play whatever game I'm obsessing about at that moment (this is far from a cool fact, I'm aware...)
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2 - Not sure what to answer here lol



Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Hello Escapists! New member here and here are my answers to the introductory questionnaire:

1. What's the story behind your username - No particular reason, I just enjoyed Netlifx's Beef and went with Joji...
2. When did you start following The Escapist - I often watch Zero Punctuation on YT, but I'm not sure what was the year when I watched it for the first time. 2018, maybe
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc - Love Darkest Dungeon, Heros of Might and Magic 3, Disgaea, the new XCOMs, Spelunky, etc. As for movies and TV shows, GoT, Better Call Saul, Blade Runner, Clockwork Orange, Blackadder, The Office (in no particular order, I'm only riffing here :))
4. Any cool facts we should know about you - I sometimes get up an hour earlier before work so I can play whatever game I'm obsessing about at that moment (this is far from a cool fact, I'm aware...)
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2 - Not sure what to answer here lol

Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay!


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
An old and possibly wild forum user appears!

Howdy folks, it's been a while, I heard the forums were back and figured I would take a look! I love a lot of games etc, but Metroid is one of the big ones. A lot has happened in the last few years, I've got back into Warhammer 40k (Kill Team specifically, Ork player, always has been since 3rd ed 40k, stopped at 6th ed for those curious.) which has been fun, got engaged, no longer work a night job and much more.

1. What's the story behind your username?
I really like Metroid, and it's a play on words about what Samus is, or at least was until more games came out. That's pretty much it.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
2009, It's been a while, and I just found out the forums were back!

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Metroid, XCOM, The Batman Arkham games, lots of fighting games (I'm not good that them) and lots more. Alien & Aliens are two of my favorite movies, and I love my super hero stuff too.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I'm one of the only people in the world to have ever played the Metal Gear Solid Boardgame that got cancelled, sad to say, it was fun too.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
I only just got here, so not at this stage other then I'm glad to see the place return with a new coat of paint :D
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
An old and possibly wild forum user appears!

Howdy folks, it's been a while, I heard the forums were back and figured I would take a look! I love a lot of games etc, but Metroid is one of the big ones. A lot has happened in the last few years, I've got back into Warhammer 40k (Kill Team specifically, Ork player, always has been since 3rd ed 40k, stopped at 6th ed for those curious.) which has been fun, got engaged, no longer work a night job and much more.

1. What's the story behind your username?
I really like Metroid, and it's a play on words about what Samus is, or at least was until more games came out. That's pretty much it.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
2009, It's been a while, and I just found out the forums were back!

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Metroid, XCOM, The Batman Arkham games, lots of fighting games (I'm not good that them) and lots more. Alien & Aliens are two of my favorite movies, and I love my super hero stuff too.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I'm one of the only people in the world to have ever played the Metal Gear Solid Boardgame that got cancelled, sad to say, it was fun too.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
I only just got here, so not at this stage other then I'm glad to see the place return with a new coat of paint :D
Hey, I remember you, or at least your username. Welcome back.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Hey, I remember you, or at least your username. Welcome back.
Thanks! Things certainly look a lot different here, but I look forward to having a gander and maybe chatting with people.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Thanks! Things certainly look a lot different here, but I look forward to having a gander and maybe chatting with people.
Yeah, and stuff works too, which wasn't always a given back in v1. Anyway, it's basically a tight knit group of veterans too stubborn to leave now. Sort of small town vibes. Smaller and slower moving than in the (g)olden days, but everyone knows everyone and what everyone's deal is.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Good to know, and appreciate the welcome. Will try to pop in when I can, see if I can make coming here a habit again on my days off work at least.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Yeah, and stuff works too, which wasn't always a given back in v1. Anyway, it's basically a tight knit group of veterans too stubborn to leave now. Sort of small town vibes. Smaller and slower moving than in the (g)olden days, but everyone knows everyone and what everyone's deal is.
Actually we do have a handful of new people as well. I'm actually surprised, but there's gotta be at least half a dozen that have joined in the last year or so and become regulars.


Regular Member
Jul 24, 2023
Cool World
Hi there! =) You can call me R.
1. My username's backstory is pretty simple: I love love love cute things! ;D
2. I was a huge fan of Zero Punctuation, but haven't watched it in a while.
3. My favorite movies are The Nightmare Before Christmas and Howl's moving castle. I'm a big animation fan! :3 My fave games are Kingdom Hearts 1&2 and Resident Evil 4.
4. Some cool facts are that I was okaaaaayish at speaking French but eventually forgot everything because I am terrible at learning languages... Another cool fact that I can think of that's relevant to my username is that my computer has rotating rainbow lights and I find them
4. No feedback that I can think of off the top of my head!