The last RPG you played... that WASN'T Skyrim


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Mount and Blade: Warband. Charging into a horde of troops and cutting them all down never gets old.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
Final Fantasy XIII. Yeah I know it is a LONG piece do I put this polite shit (sorry best I can do) covered in japanese icing garnished with candy that´s just way to sweet. The last goodone I´ve played (exept skyrim) was wierdly also japanese AND on the PS2 ,,Persona 4´´


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Really old-school here. I recently re-bought Secret of Mana for the SNES. Level-grinding isn't as hard as I remembered, and I discovered a trick that makes the second boss monster way easier.

Been meaning to re-play Persona 4.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I am trying to get a no alarm play through on the 'Give me Deus Ex' difficulty, it's super fun. But once that is done, back to Skyrim. I am thinking of playing as a Redguard Warrior, I have played through as a thief and a mage so far, both now Level 50


New member
Feb 25, 2011
SirBryghtside said:
In the meantime, I can just replay Morrowind and Skyrim. And maybe try Arena again, even if that's an incredibly annoying game.
I will never understand the Arena hate. It's basically just Ultima Underworld, but with an entire continent to explore. It's fun!

Granted, there were actually CHARACTERS in UU, but since Bethesda is well-known for replacing characters with Quest Information Dispensers, that shouldn't be a surprise.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Erm Persona 4? I think... Yeah Persona 4. God that game is awesome, perfect i would say actually.

Currently waiting for Catherine, goddammit Deep Silver, localise faster! Copy paste the American version if you must!

I didn't really get into Skyrim, Fallout NV ruined it for me by being just plain better. I think Obsidian beat Bethesda at their own game.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
ironmaidenrlz1 said:
Random Fella said:
Oblivi... No no I kid, Diablo 2
do you use windows 7 coz i realy want to play it but the graphics are wierd im getting these green red white and pink dots if i move my character!!! :(
I play it on Mac (Macbook)
You should probably google your problems, it took me a while to get it fully functional from all the interface you have to change to run it.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Farther than stars said:
6_Qubed said:
I am tempted to say in all seriousness Saints Row the Third, due to the fact that it has a level-up system, upgradable skills and weapons, and customization options. You are playing a role in this game, even if that role is not a swords-and-sorcery one.
That's an interesting way of looking at it, but I'd still say it's not an RPG. Not because it's not Medevil (after all Fallout is an RPG with guns), but because there's no real story behind the streets of Steelport. Oh sure, there's the main story and there are tons of people, but there's no direct exposition related to them besides what the main story dictates. That leaves you just to play around in that world, which is fine, but then I'd still class it as a sandbox.
It's true, however, that the definition is based on pretty shaky grounds, considering how sandboxes and RPGs are different, but sandboxes and a lot of RPGs can at the same time be umbrellaed* under "open-world games".

*That's right, I used it as a verb.
By all means, umbrella away, you crazy umbrellaing diamond!

An old narrative saying is "show, don't tell." While it is true that they don't tell you much about Steelport, they didn't say much about Stilwater either. Nor, I think, did they need to. I mean, the name Steelport pretty much sums it up; it most likely started as a trade port, with its primary export being metal-worked goods. It may not have truly come into its own until the Industrial Age. However, this speculation is beside the point. It stands apart from the focus of the game, which is to shoot all the muthafuckas that are right in front of you. And take their stuff. And get EXP Respect.

If we compare this lack of world-building to a more "traditional" RPG, say the Fable series, we see that they don't exactly give you the detailed backstory of Albion, either. Hell, the only reason I could tell you what little I know about the history of Oakvale is because I was playing since the first Fable. (I miss the Berserk spell and wish they would bring it back ;~;)

Granted, I admit that I could just be confusing a third-person shooter with RPG elements for a full blown RPG.

It is interesting to note that Fable frequently fails the SDT rule, perhaps expecting us to just intrinsically agree with whatever ol' Uncle Petey thinks is "Good" or "Evil". An example would be in Fable 2 when *SPOILER WARNING YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW ABOUT* Lucien has your family killed. You know why I didn't give a flying fuck? Because he was telling and not showing, and furthermore I could give a shit about some random NPC I romanced by flexing my muscles and whistling a jaunty tune a few times. But you know who I did care about? Jenny from The Darkness. Early in the game you get to have a quiet moment with her, where you sit on the couch, share a surprisingly tender kiss, and watch "To Kill a Mockingbird" in glorious black and white (the one time it is justified in this monochromatic shooter). Beforehand, you get a chance to tell her you love her. You get a actual option to do this. What does Jacky/you say?


"Yeah Jacky?"


You can hear it in the inflection of his voice, louder than all the words Fable could offer. He doesn't need to tell her that, so he doesn't. Later, when *MAKE IT RAIN WIT DEM SPOILER WARNINGS* they actually show her getting killed in front of you, while you remain helpless behind glass with your own Darkness powers holding you back, it becomes much more visceral and engaging. The moment you can move again, all you want to do is kill the prick responsible. Fable 2? You kill the guy by pressing a button. And if you don't, someone else does it for you. A hollow revenge for a hollow wrong.


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
The Old Republic, if MMO's don't count......Dragon Age 2....months ago


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Dark Souls, before that Deus Ex, before that DA II. Next three will be The Witcher 2, ME3 and KoA: Reckoning. But I'm only lvl 29 in Skyrim after 50 hours, and daresay I'll be doing another 50 before I touch another RPG!


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Before Skyrim came out the last RPG I played was Secret of Mana. I decided to break out my SNES and play some games before the big holiday season hit, and because I didn't have anything else to play. So yeah, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 2 and 3. Oh, I guess Steam had a sale on Oblivion, and since I had sold my 360 copy I downloaded that and played for awhile on PC for the first time. I'm still confused why I decided to get Oblivion for 360 the first time.

Alex the Pally

New member
May 29, 2008
Either Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Mass Effect 2, I can't remember which- all I remember is putting the disk in, booting the game up, and shotgunning everything that moved until said everything no longer did.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
The Old Republic. Such a fun MMO. While leveling in other MMOs was a pain in the ass for me, leveling in TOR is addictive and fun.

Also, I haven't played Skyrim, and odn't intend to, considering that I didn't like Oblivion.