in reply to Neronium,
so, okay, i keep forgetting im writing on the internet, so i have to be *specific* much more.
first off, im glad you (personaly)understand the, dare i say it, *discomfort* of having to import. or bypass stuff alltogether.
im sorry if that came off like i was sugesting you (specificaly) should go import.
seccond, im realy not good with forums. i can post links and i can use italics ect, but thats about as far as it goes because not all forums are alike and some have different ways of doing things like quotes and spoilers ect. i just dont have a way to get these different ways of doing the stuff to stick in my head. hell, i cant even use anything more than basic smileys (and the twitch chat ones just go WAY over my head) so i hope you will forgive me not being able to directly quote people.
when i say *you*, i tend to forget that its the internet and i am usualy meaning that *you* in the general sence. i suppose i should have said *you people* meaning more than you personaly or specificaly.
when i say 'im pissed' i dont mean at you ether specificaly. i mean that im generaly pissed off that for the last 20 years or so, so many games have been denied to the UK (specificaly rather than the EU as a whole, since while the EU has multiple languages that are spoken and known as their national language, the UK only has 'english' as far as games are concerned. while welsh and a couple of other languages are actualy spoken in the uk as original languages, most if not all game companies only consider US English as our language)and that 99% of the time, when we brits complain, our only reply is 'just import it'
again, when i say 'you get to do the import dance' i mean the general you not the specific you.
because importing TO the USA seems to be a lot esier than importing to the UK these days. there seems to be lots of companies that will send goods TO the USA but when you want to send FROM the USA, the list gets a lot shorter. its even worse these days as many EbayUSA sellers will not post to the UK, so you are stuck with ether being squeezed for every penny by an import company, or hoping you have a relative or pal over in the USA that can buy the stuff for you (or you take a holiday there and buy)
i try not to be pissed at specific people, because usualy that goes badly.
but i do tend to find it burns my bacon when all i see is 'import it'
while most people these days seem to have forms of payment comming out of their ears, i happen to be stuck with no way to buy online or from sites. its perfectly okay for folks to say 'get a friend' to get the stuff, but when the things you want go past the £20 and up (for example, if i wanted harvest moon N64, i would probably have to pay over a hundred for the game itself, and then there is the cost of a usa N64 and the fact that 99% wont ship these items out of the usa *shrugs* its hard)you tend to find your pool of willing friends vanishes.
infact the only way i have ever been able to get USA versions of things was back in the SNES and GBA days when a lot of little indie games stores were around, and that was because other peple had imported the things and then sold them on. nowadays the big guys like GAME wont buy USA versions of anything off you, so my source dried up when the indies vanished. living up north (ie, not near London)is also a lot harder to get games in general, you have to rely upon what you want being known to sell. for example, if its a GTA or a CoD it will be stocked, but getting something they consider *obscure* like innocent life (scifi harvest moon) or rune factory frontier (tried to pre-order that from game, they could only get it online so i had to wait till someone sold their copy) and you are likely out of luck.
so yes, sometimes i see red and post without thinking. and sometimes im also up to my elbows in the guts of a PC and have no time to check what i wrote till after i get back from work lol. please excuse me if you felt my post was specificaly pointing at you, it was more that while you got the 'you can just import it' part, you missed the part where i complained after that line, that this was what i have been told by those who live in the USA, for the last 20 years or so.
so it feels good that now, they (the general they) have to do the import dance to get special versions.
but it also feels cheap, because they will still GET the damn game in normal versions, while we Uk gamers still dont get games AT ALL most of the time.
i hate region locking. i hate it so much it makes me want to smack things (so i go do that in games) because it restricts gamers from enjoying their medium. while you can get books (usualy) and even films will come to your area one way or another, games being region locked means you have to spend too much money. its worse when your contries currency is consistantly strong, because everyone want your money, and wants it to be in as large a quantity as possable (example, tomodachi life usa = $29.99 where as the UK version = £29.99. that means that if i buy in the usa, its a third or so less, but if you buy in the UK, you pay a third or so MORE. if they were not trying to grub more money just from the UK, the price would be a third or so more in dollars to say $35.99 or so. my math is bad with money lol)
okay, thats too much text.
R im not pissed with you Neronium, im generaly pissed off about games not getting to me, not being able to even give them my money (cause its cash only lol) and that while the shoe is now on the USA foot, its still not pinching their toes because they are guarenteed the game itself, and they are just grumpy they cant pre order the special versions over there like we brits can here.
and i will try to remeber to use the right version of *you* more (the general you not the personal you)