The Master


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Meh, doesn't really apply to me, so I'm not offended. I'm just that awesome.


New member
May 28, 2008
I like pc gaming precisely because I can cheat my way through anything if I ever can't be fucked haha. God the amount of games I've made so much more fun through mods and trainers and hacks.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I don't save scum. Instead I forget to save at all and lose multiple hours of progress on death. Clearly being unable to remember to save is the proper way to play games.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Mister Chippy said:
Sadly true. I own Megaman for the NES and PS2, but I first beat it on an emulator because I could quicksave on it...
Same. Emulators with a "save ram state" quick save function is the best thing ever invented and in my opinion saves a lot of classic games that would be too tedious otherwise. I love playing Earthbound on my phone but if I couldn't quick save (which I bind to my back key) then the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. Anyone who thinks games were funner when they involved playing in front of a tv for 4 hours only to lose to some cheap tactic has sadistic sense of "fun"

Living Contradiction

Clearly obfusticated
Nov 8, 2009
Gorrath said:
amaranth_dru said:
U know there will be PC Gamers who are so indoctrinated to this that the joke will just sail over their heads...
There's PC gaming indoctrination? Where do I sign up for that?
You used to get one when you installed EverQuest. I had a helluva time getting the blood out of my carpet.

In the realm of topic, I wonder if anyone remembers the "Brass Balls" achievement from Bioshock: Play through the entire game on Hard without using a quicksave (regeneration chamber). Or how about Hitman: Blood Money on Professional Mode (no saves, highest difficulty)?

Saves? There is no saving, only failing.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Needs some epic music:

Mater of Gaming, I'm pulling the strings
Mashing Quickload to destroy everything
Blind jumps and traps that you never could see
Just give it a try, it will make you scream

You're falling faster
The gaming master
This life loads faster
Obey your master


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
My big pet-peave are with "stealth-action" that encourage save-scuming by telling you "if you fuck this up, even just ONCE, you won't have the ending/achievment you want... you will have to kill every single one of those poor innocent guards... you should probably reload and try a different approach!".

I love Mark of the Ninja and Dishonered, but they encouraged the save-scummer in me... :(


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Psh you try the platforming bits of half-life. Gordon had all the grace of an anvil in a tutu.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Often I forget there is a quicksave element to most games. Instead I rely on the regular saves and check points. I'd probably utilize the feature more should I remember it. They call it hard for a reason; it's hard. But in all honesty the "hard" mode just ups the damage you take from hits, lowers the player's health, lowers the damage you give, and/or raises the enemy's health. I've always played through normal first then attempt the hard mode for the trophy if the game is interesting enough.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Ah, quicksave. The ctrl+Z of PC gaming.

I actually don't use it that much. A lot of the games I play don't allow it. =(


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I must admit... Even as a primarily PC Gamer (As in not touched my consoles in about a year) it took me a while to get this (I caught onto it due to comments)

This is possibly due to the fact that the main games I play on PC don't have a quicksave + quickload feature (Mostly multiplayer games)

But yeah, quicksave abuse can make things easier... I typically don't use it, relegating it to purely just long journeys across the Mojave just so I don't waste time if I get murdered by a Deathclaw I randomly walked into (Also, I do QS a fair amount in Skyrim, due to the chance of being insta-gibbed by objects on the floor flying around at high velocity due to some dodgy physics)

Though there have been times where I've abused quicksaving:

Getting into a locked chest I REALLY want with only one lockpick (QS before and keep loading until you open the chest)

Pickpocketing something I really need, since leveling up PP tends to be pretty bad and certain tasks requires it.

But that said, neither Fallout (3 or NV) or Skyrim are actually hard at all, so this superiority about "PC Games being inherently harder" doesn't apply to them... I can't think of any other game that had quicksave and was actually hard (Even without QS abuse)... I think Dark Souls? Didn't check if that had quick save, but as I used a controller anyway...

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
I honestly don't think I've played any game on the PC where saving and reloading constantly was a need.
Except STALKER the first time I played it. STALKER was fucking hard the first time, just because you're so used to being able to take bullets to the face. But once I got used to how STALKER worked, I got better able to handle it. On easy mode anyway. I've never even attempted hard mode, because there's a challenge and then there's masochism.

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
Aeshi said:
Yeah, this basically sums up 80% of the games that people like to venerate as "complex/complicated/difficult"

Just spam Ability/Move X with one hand and Consumable/Ability/Move Y with the other and you're good to go for everything bu the super extra-hard post-endgame stuff (that requires you to wear item/set Z as well.)
She is quick saving and quick loading. Not spamming abilities.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
guilty. though i have acknowledged this as a problem for a long time... >.> still doesn't stop me from doing it. the lure is just too powerful.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Sadly true. I never learned to quicksave/quickload, so I still get burned by games whose difficulty is built around them. (Half-Life, I'm looking at you.) I much prefer things like the Souls games, which are constantly, quietly autosaving. Quit your game at any time, it won't get you out of your predicament and you won't lose any progress.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009

These inferior console players do not deserve the glory of the quicksave. They cannot grasp how much more difficult it makes games, to be able to save anywhere and return to that spot. They lie, saying things like "this makes everything extremely easy," "you can abuse it to make random events always turn out in your favor," and "please stop torturing me."

They can never understand. They are not worthy of enough to understand.


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Quick save and quick load are rad, the amount of time I saved when revisiting FF games on emulators is just incredible ;) (also frame skipping ftw)

As for TRUE pc games some of them allowed you to abuse save system but then again some games had limited number of saves on higher difficulties (or no saves at all) an ancient practice forgotten by modern game developers.