I must admit... Even as a primarily PC Gamer (As in not touched my consoles in about a year) it took me a while to get this (I caught onto it due to comments)
This is possibly due to the fact that the main games I play on PC don't have a quicksave + quickload feature (Mostly multiplayer games)
But yeah, quicksave abuse can make things easier... I typically don't use it, relegating it to purely just long journeys across the Mojave just so I don't waste time if I get murdered by a Deathclaw I randomly walked into (Also, I do QS a fair amount in Skyrim, due to the chance of being insta-gibbed by objects on the floor flying around at high velocity due to some dodgy physics)
Though there have been times where I've abused quicksaving:
Getting into a locked chest I REALLY want with only one lockpick (QS before and keep loading until you open the chest)
Pickpocketing something I really need, since leveling up PP tends to be pretty bad and certain tasks requires it.
But that said, neither Fallout (3 or NV) or Skyrim are actually hard at all, so this superiority about "PC Games being inherently harder" doesn't apply to them... I can't think of any other game that had quicksave and was actually hard (Even without QS abuse)... I think Dark Souls? Didn't check if that had quick save, but as I used a controller anyway...