The moment your childhood died


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
My childhood didn't die at a specific moment, I just grew cynical as I grew older.
So it didn't suffer a quick demise, more of a slow lingering death really.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Having grown up with Metal Gear Solid, and having had Solid Snake as my childhood hero (Ok, so i didn't understand half of it when i first played entry 1 but hey, it was still a game i enjoyed) childhood died around this point:



New member
Feb 26, 2009
i still watch a ton of cartoons, so the kid in me hasnt died yet :p probably never will


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I have an uncle who's close to my age, and has Down's Syndrome. He's my favorite relative and the nicest guy anyone can ever meet. The first time I came across the asshole who had the gaul to pick on him I lost all faith in the world. It was also the worst fight I was ever involved in.

I was a ferocious 7 year old.

I haven't trusted people since.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Probably when I discovered internet snuff films. Watching a video of someone casually recording men being bloodily executed by shots to the head does not do the young psyche very much good.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
One of the first fights I got into as a child was against a bully in first grade. He kept making fun of me and saying bad things about my parents for several months, so I hit him square in the mouth and gave him a pair of black eyes.

My father then later said he was disappointed in me, telling me that violence is never the answer, and my school threatened to suspend me. My childhood died when I realized that you can't solve problems by beating the shit out of them.

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Two (or three?) words:

Rule 34.
Lol how funny, because I was going to say the exact same thing. Rule 34 pretty much destroyed what little remained of my childhood.

Gotham Soul

New member
Aug 12, 2008
When I was about 10 or 11 I had a run in with a pedophile. I was coming home from a little league tournament so I had a baseball bat. He tried to drag me off and I ended up just closing my eyes and flailing the aluminum bat wherever I could. Last I heard the guy died of his wounds in the hospital. Lucky for me, there were quite a few witnesses (who did try to help before I went in on the guy American History X style) so I didn't get any charges on the grounds of self defense.

Although, on reflection, it's a muscle flexing moment for me. I was strong enough at 10 years old to kill a guy. /flex


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I still see myself as having my child but I think the moment that made me realize I wasn't a child but a childish adult was when I was 14 or so and my mom came down and said really...arent you getting a little old for Lego? Those words will forever mark the end of my official childhood. I still play with Lego to this day.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
When I typed in "How to draw" into Google and all it did was link me to hentai and erotic paintings. That was the sad (as in pathetic) story of how I turned from an innocent 10 year old, 5th grader into a greasy, sex addicted teenager... at age 10 or 11.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I'm going to start bye saying a chunk of my remaining childhood died from reading this forum, I mean holy shit this world is awful.

I guess it began to die in 5th grade, when I first really started getting picked on for being a nerd, then in middle school I came near committing suicide I was so depressed because that school (Angevine Middle in Lafayette, Colodrado, to be precise in case anyone is considering going there) was evil, and populated for the most part by assholes, and that was where I fully metamorphosed into a nerd and became part of a clique of the 6 most hated people in the school, luckily they were good friends and I don't know how it would have turned out if I didn't have them. Now I'm in a nerdy highschool (Peak to Peak, I believe 35th best in the US, still Lafayette) but I realized something has gone terribly wrong inside my head, somewhere along the way the imaginary friends of my childhood became hateful voices and I feel like a crazy, which isn't fun. As I came to know more people in my life I realized the whole world is fucked up like me which was both uplifting and sad. Also today I watched peter pan again and realized my childhood had shriveled down to nothing when I sympathized with the dad. It's still alive and I act immature a lot so I guess I'm ok. Try to cheer up people there are good bits to this world, however cleverly hidden they can be.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I kind of feel like my inner child is on life support at the moment.
Nothing incredibly out of the ordinary I suppose, I just recently lost my first love, it was 2 years going. It may seem strange, but about a year ago, I was on the train, glanced at my reflection, and sort of just went 'holy shit...I'm a man now.' Ever since then I have really felt as if I'm not a child anymore, that I am a man, as stupid as that may sound. That girl, she was, as far as I'm concerned, the last person to really know me (other than my family) in that child-like state. I don't think anyone else is really going to see that in me again, not something to loose sleep over, but a little sad nonetheless. January 6th 2011, RIP.

Looking at other posts on here, I know I don't have much to complain about, good luck to you all out there.



New member
Jun 8, 2010
Well I lost part of it somewhere between 3rd and 5th grade when my grandmother died but I didn't really know her that well so while it did hurt, it wasn't soul crushing.

The big one was in 6th grade (about 12 years old I think). My band teacher / person I looked up to died of a heart attack.

That made the "always happy, funny, excited kid who gets good grades" turn into the "shy and always frowning kid who flunked everything"