The moment your childhood died


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Coming out of highschool all optimistic about the wide world ahead....
and then landing a job on the grill at McDonald's.

Things got better later, and I'm working a sweet programming job now, but I'll always have those dark days slaving under the golden arches locked in my memory. And this grease burn scar on my arm will never leave me.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I was always a good kid and never really did anything wrong... so I'd say the day my childhood died was when I was 13 or 14 and snuck over to my girlfriend's house to have sex with her.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Mr. Omega said:
The day my mother died. There werw plenty of things going wrong at the time, but they were about to be resolved. Then that happened, and I learned the harsh reality that not everything gets better with time. The fact that it started the second biggest downward spiral of bad events in my life didn't help either. The worst would come three years later.
If you don't mind me asking... What happened?

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
PrimoThePro said:
Mr. Omega said:
The day my mother died. There werw plenty of things going wrong at the time, but they were about to be resolved. Then that happened, and I learned the harsh reality that not everything gets better with time. The fact that it started the second biggest downward spiral of bad events in my life didn't help either. The worst would come three years later.
If you don't mind me asking... What happened?
I don't mean to offend, but I'd rather not talk about it. It seems weird telling my life story over the internet. But thanks anyway.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I don't think it has completely died for me yet, for some reason. And I'm like 18 years old.

But I think it started to slowly fade away when I realized Santa Claus wasn't real. Strangely, it's still a tradition here to pretend that Santa is still the one giving us the gifts.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
4chan. Mostly because you can see what happens when people get stuck in permanent man-child-dom. Especially true for the now defunct /r9k/ board. Surprisingly enough, there are a few people there that you can learn a lot from, but most probably wouldn't pick them out at first sight.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
ChippedShoulder said:
If anything, the child in me is getting stronger. (Help! He's gonna kill me) SILENCE YOU! (He's gonna eat my soul please help. GAAAHHHHHHH) HAHAHAHA YOUR SOUL IS MINE, ALL SHALL BE EATEN BY THE MIGHTY MANCHILD

For me, probably discovering porn before I was interested in it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Rule 34 and when I realized the 'world' as it is.

Probably also when I began to read those types of books which is actually not suited for my age you could say >.>
[sub]No, not those; the self-help ones intended for adults and such.[/sub]


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I was scuicidal as a kid. I never had the "whimsical" childhood some have had, but I can always hope there is more to this world.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
When i as about 5.. or 6.. when i was in disneyland in the US.. me and my family had stopped off by this lake, fountain or well... come to think of it it was the well....
either way while i was lookin around and down the well ( i was always the curious type )

i ended up being left there for bout 15 minutes to a half hour with nobody but 2 old ladies to keep me calm, which didnt exactly work. i was well aware of pedos...... but to me that was fairly traumatic. may not be that big of a deal to some but to me it was scary as all hell.

On top of that i was bullied the entire of what you would call my childhood. so i stayed in most of the time and technology took place over other things.

i never really had a normal childhood either even when i was.. somewhat social but from really young after the disneyland thing i had changed. i was less social with people and was more to myself which in turn.. also made me the black sheep in social stuff

Azreal Sandman

New member
Jul 23, 2009
having my friend call me when i was on my way home and tell me that my cat was dead. i have probably lost it before then,but that just hit real deep. i had to tell everyone else.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Quit whining and go enjoy life, it only "sucks ass" if you make it that way.

OT: Never really, I've had a two periods in my life (11-12 and 16-17) where I've had great leaps in maturity and general outlook... but I've never had one moment where my childhood died, though my second great leap was started by a sudden vision of myself with a wife and daughter whilst I was on a bus, which caused me to realise that I wanted to have a family of my own. That was less of a death though and more of a rebirth as that lead to me attempting and eventually suceeding at becoming a socialable person again after being one of the least social people in my school since I started secondary. Now I'm at uni, loving life ;-)[/quote]

You're naive and by what you've just said your view of the world is warped as well. The world is fucked up, kid. There's no happy ending. There's nothing kid. It's shit. People are greedy and selfish and will fuck you over. Anyway, when you realize how pointless everything is you'll "whine" too lol.

Devious Boomer

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I learned that in no way does doing good deeds equate to you receiving any. I don't believe in karma at all - it's just a comforting notion, but ends up making me expect something good to happen, only to be bitterly disappointed. The successful keep succeeding. Some unexpected glories occur to the most unlikely people. Good things happen to people, but so do bad things to even the unfortunate. Luck is shite. It's indiscriminate. You'd better learn to exploit people and opportunities if you want to secure some form of goodness for yourself.
I also learned the hard way that a lot of success comes down to looks and having the right contacts. When taking time to think about it, it's not that unrealistic a thought. Take attraction, for example:
-In such a fast-paced society, people barely have time to get to know many others well.
-With this, appearance is the first thing they notice.
-Do they like what they see? No?->end. Yes? Are they shy or just can't be bothered/have time constraints? If yes, end. If no, then they inquire further.
-Talking to you. Do they like their first impressions? No?->say bye awkwardly. Yes?->well done. You've passed the first stage.

Now factor in all the random bullshit that could happen, and you should count yourself lucky if people even find you 'attractive'.

Another way to increase your chances is to spend more time around more people. If you sit down all day, beaming electrons all the way around the world, then you aren't going to have much luck. Live too far away from most of your peers? GG. I could go on all day about all the possible mismatchings, but it's no stretch to say some have a greater edge against others.

The need for these types of relationships and to reproduce is hardwired into most of our brains. In history, people have fought wars, performed outrageous feats and created beautiful works just in the subconscious hope somebody will sleep with them. It's also why prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world when some fail to find a mate.

It's a damn competitive world out there and I applaud you all for coming so far.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
When my mother died of cancer. Yeah, I was told to be preperad and all but that doesn't help at all and she had coming and going for several years. Nothing kills your childhool as fast as seeing your own mom becoming a shadow of her former self.

But it got destroyed when my stepfather(I saw him as my real father) died to 2 years after my mom. Time heals all wounds my ass...


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm as whimsical as they come, I'd need something really dark to happen to me personally to kill my innocence.
I do believe there is this video floating around about two girls and a, bowl? A frypan? A mug? I dunno, either way, it'll get you all good and emotionally destroyed.

OT: Pretty much my above comments, except I saw it in GRADE 6.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I never had one. I was abused as fuck when young and that kind of ruined any hope of having a childhood.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
When my mother died. So, when I was in foster care at 6 years old.
I don't remember much before that, you could say I've never had a childhood.

On the plus side my IQ is 150 because instead of running around throwing sticks I was learning about the world.
My goal is to become the übermensch Nietzsche spoke of, in the sense that I'm not going to accept mediocrity, I will become the best I can possibly be and not just settle for the minimum requirements necessary to survive.