The moment your childhood died


New member
Sep 20, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Souplex said:
XD That made me laugh so hard I nearly cried. Im sorry, thats just really funny.

OT: oka, calming down now. hm... I would say... when my friend Tom Had both his legs cut off by a train.
Not to question your integrity, but under what possible circumstances did Tom lose his legs to a train? and, like, did he live? what, little 8 year old tommy tripped or something.
Sorry thats just horribly interesting...

OT: Jersey shore, when I realized these people are famous...
But seriously, over the course of middle school seeing 12 and 13 year olds just be the worse kind of cocky, know-it-all wanna-be's, with the creepy sex indulgence and whatnot...


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Hasn't happened yet. I'm not going to let the world get me down and be all emo and "my childhood is ruined, noes!" Come on world, bring the hurt!


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
My childhood won't truly have died until I stop thinking "poop" and "doo doo" are funny. Needless to say I don't have to worry about my childhood really dying any time soon. When was my childhood badly wounded, though? I suppose it was when I was socially rejected by every single one of my friends in the 7th grade.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
MetaMuffin said:
I wouldn't say there is any specific moment where I lost my innocence. Life is like one big rollercoaster. As a child you climb higher and higher with aspirations of what's going to happen next. Then you get to the top and realize the actual ride is a slow, mundane, and melancholy slope that leads to an inevitable end. Life in general sucks ass.
Quit whining and go enjoy life, it only "sucks ass" if you make it that way.

OT: Never really, I've had a two periods in my life (11-12 and 16-17) where I've had great leaps in maturity and general outlook... but I've never had one moment where my childhood died, though my second great leap was started by a sudden vision of myself with a wife and daughter whilst I was on a bus, which caused me to realise that I wanted to have a family of my own. That was less of a death though and more of a rebirth as that lead to me attempting and eventually suceeding at becoming a socialable person again after being one of the least social people in my school since I started secondary. Now I'm at uni, loving life ;-)


New member
Jul 3, 2010
Jeez, a lot of these comments are depressing...
Hmm... I can't say I really had too much of a childhood. I generally spent my time stacking things, reading long boring books, or asking questions others didn't know the answers to.
Of course I was like 8 when my dog died, that was kind of irritating.

Now I don't stack things as often and I moved to Wikipedia. so I guess in a sense I just changed rather than killed off my childhood.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Well, I'm currently in the phase of crew winter conditioning where the coaches stop telling you that they're your most nightmare, and where they actually are.
Trust me.


Neon-pink cyber-kitty
Dec 10, 2010
I never lost my childhood. I stalked it into a dark alleyway, beat it to death with a crowbar, and buried the body under the foundations of a skyscraper.

...I seem to have gotten carried away. I'll leave now...


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
4chan. Specifically /b/. So much wrong concentrated in one place. Horribly scarring me, yet I couldn't look away. I COULDN'T LOOK AWAY, OH JESUS CHRIST LET ME LOOK AWAY

Sorry about that. But yeah. My parents always have wondered what happened to me on that fateful day. It was just this sudden and radical shift in behavior. I lost my optimism, my cheerful gait (yes, I suppose I did "walk" happy, it was kind of a carefree stroll replaced by a slow, plodding slouch), I didn't want to do anything but lie down on my bed and contemplate the ceiling. It was just such a shock, and I saw so MUCH, and I looked up so much later... over the course of a week, my childhood was stabbed, dismembered, burned, vaporized, and then the residue left over was scraped into a little black box and then smashed with a hammer. My whole depressive phase kind of ended the summer before my Senior year of high school, and has been replaced with kind of a cynical apathy and my general dislike of people has been replaced with a dull tolerance of their existence. So no worries now! All is well.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I first time I got beaten up by a group of kids in Kindergarten. I taught me that the world sucks, people suck and everything sucks. Besides that I have a very bright outlook.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
It depends.

My mother told me once that I always seemed too grown up for my age. She was probably right. At fourteen I already realized how crappy adulthood would be. When I started having to work/moved out on my own/etc., people asked me how it compared with how I thought it would be the answer was honestly: "Exactly as I knew how it would be since before I was in High School." That includes all the important aspects--positive AND negative.

iirc the Japanese language has a construct (for males and tomboys anyway) built into its personal pronoun system. "Boku" being the first person pronoun used by boys. When I first learned this I had a little trouble understanding why the cut off for use was described as fuzzy(graduations/marriage/etc are common points for the switch but not always). I understand now. In English we don't have this construct, but in my mind there was a point that I stopped thinking of myself (and to an extent most of my peers) as a kid(s). However that point was when I was 20 or 21 (not an exact moment), and was well after other "adulthood" milestone signs. The point I stopped thinking of myself as a kid: some point in the year after my mother died.

And still I've kept the motto: I try to be (or at least act like) a kid as often as I can get away with it.


My childhood may never have existed, and if it did exist there is not a single moment in which it died.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
TimeLord said:
My childhood is still roughly intact. The thought of time travel and an infinite universe filled with untold species and technology keep my childlike interest and glee intact.
Time travel is possible if you divide by zero, which the secret is guarded by the major religion holders in a secret alliance in order to prevent commoners from figuring out that their prophets and religion are fake which is the cause of all religious wars because one group leader threatened to reveal the secret.

Bam. Next problem.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
My parents say I was never a child. Sure, once I was smaller, but I was never a true child. I was always serious, forthright and knowledgable.

I was making up my own jokes by 18 months and had memorised encyclopaedia's by the time I was 5. I guess maybe my childhood died somewhere in between there?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Wintermute_ said:
No, no. I understand, and its an interesting story. Well, to us at least, and most people I've told when the subject comes up (he likes the way I tell it for some reason). Near where I live we have a set of train tracks (obviously) and one of the big things you did (well... that my friends and I did) was race the train by running across the tracks as the train got closer and closer, seeing who could get the closest while still getting across the Track (highly illegal and stupid I should add, so take this as a big ass disclaimer).

So I ran across, and we waited for the next train and he ran across, barely making it before the train rushed by (since they go by at 60+mph). But the train, when it goes by, actually sucks things closer to it by pulling the air closer. So Tom got pulled back and his legs her pulled under the train, severing them just below his junk (so yes, he can still use his stuff). If I hadnt been there to pull him away, he would have been sucked under and probably cut in half and killed.

I should also mention we were 13 when we did this. And that we still do this, and even Tom does it, in his Wheelchair, which we think is AWESOME.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Radeonx said:
Probably when my mother started the 8 year sequence of telling me how much of a gigantic failure I am going to be and why I am a waste of space.
Fun times, indeed.
Wow...your mom

You need a hug, man:

For me, it was the time I got cancer in the eight grade and spent a month in the hospital watching other kids who were miserable. No amount of innocence can escape the Pediatrics floor of Sloan Kettering.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I didn't grow up in America. I remember as a child I lived in big city. When I was really young my parents sent me to a boarding school. It was a religious place that was really devout in the ways they followed their rules. I never really got to see my parents after that. Kids from all different regions were sent here. They trained us in meditation and to shield ourselves from the darker things in this world. I remember a civil war started, at the time I wasn't sure why. There was a huge turmoil, and eventually the entire government was overthrown. One day armed soldiers came in, and started massacering the teachers and kids. One man even started hacking off limbs.
So to answer you question, I lost my innocence the day Palpatine took over.