The most awful thing you've ever actually done to someone during online play


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Hello there Escapists long time member first time poster here.

Couldn't help but to recall something that happened a long time ago in Dark Age of Camelot. However this is not something that i did myself, but just that i really enjoyed when it did happen. It was back when the game was still fairly new and it took a long time to get to max level. One of the high level characters decided to aggro a high level dinosaur type creature (not sure the actual name) and get him back to the starting zone for Hibernia. It was hysterical to watch this creature just destroy everything and anyone in its path including guard NPCs and other players.


New member
Feb 1, 2013
Back when I used to play TF2, I was really good at playing Spy, so I joined the server my friend was on and repeatedly killed him while he tried to peacefully snipe. We were on Skype at the time, so he raged for about 20 minutes straight. The highlight of it was when I stood in front of him, suddenly yelled "BEHIND YOU" he panicked, spun round, and then I backstabbed him.
It was hilarious.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I'm cutting and pasting this off the guardian web site( a general newspaper) so apologies for how non technical it is

I must admit i'm guilty of this. I got borderlands 2 when it came out. buying it new one of the advantages was that you got to unlock a special chest that had cool gear in it. I wasted mine.
A short while afterwards i was playing multiplayer, someone unlocked their special chest and, out of instinct i swear, i charged over, nicked the loot out of it saved and quit. I tend to be a fairly moral person, so as soon as i did this i felt absolutely mortified with myself.
My guilt has been somewhat lessened by them giving these unlocks away for free since then but still....what a dick.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
The only thing that I can recall of me being a "dick" online intentionally or greifing was in Minecraft.

Back in the days of beta (1.7.3) I was running a server with a few of my friends.
Anyway one of my friends had his house set up with automatic doors... big mistake when I can spawn in items.

So about 3 hours and maybe 7-12 reloads later (I backed up the map several times throughout to test) we had rigged it to explode after he entered and was in there for around 15 seconds... It also had a fake trap setup in the bedroom.

Said trap was a stone block, a switch and a block of TNT. the entirety of the house otherwise was unchanged except for underneath and a pressure pad we added to the stairs (I also looted 3 diamonds {all his diamonds})

It destroyed the entire hill.

'twas fun.

Especially after I lost the backup after he triggered it the second time.


I didn't feel that bad because at school the following day he was fairly happy.


New member
May 9, 2011
In various different MMOs I used to play, I would create alts and submit trollish, badly-written requests to support, asking hilariously dumb questions about the game. I first did it in a game where I actually knew most of the support people, and knowing their style of humour, I figured a bored admin person might get a kick out of it :)

Also in the vein of "not really awful, but just super irritating": following new players around, PMing them and asking strange, dumb, confusing questions like above.

Also, APB has a lot of weird griefing potential. Mostly running teammates over with cars.. repeatedly XD


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I may have abused moderator powers on a Minecraft server- only in jest though to people I knew would take it well (basically other people on the team), but there's still something to be said for how funny replacing all the stone with block 97 (identical to stone, but releases a silverfish when broken) is.

I'm actually a pretty nice guy online, provided I have all the mics off. If I have to listen to whiny little fucks I'm prone to spamming grenades and being a bastard.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
I'm generally a nice player, but if I'm trying something out with the intent of messing with people, I can do some nasty things.

Demons' Souls comes to mind more than Dark Souls, as I remember making a build with the express purpose of invading other players and laying as many status effects as possible, while also trying to break their gear. So, naturally, I did a lot of invading in the Valley of Defilement's poison swamp. I invaded this one player's world, and he had two blue phantoms helping him. So, naturally, I rushed ahead of them and got to the shanty town at the end of the level and waited on a ledge. The moment they passed I shot an Acid Cloud at them to start breaking their gear, followed by a Death Cloud to plague them. Anyone who's been in that section of the game knows that the camera's a ***** at the best of times, and all of these clouds didn't help, so I ran up behind one of the phantoms and backstabbed him--immediately killed him. The other two players ran out and I chased after them and killed the other phantom with a roll-backstab. The host had just cured himself of plague when I ran up and killed him by stunlocking him in an R1 spam. Surely people have done worse, but it's still a dick move to kill someone at the very end of this level--especially just before they open the shortcut.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I threw a clusterbomb grenade into the spawn room in Team Fortress Classic, once.

But given that

a) doing so took incredible, once-in-a-lifetime timing and
b) all it would have taken the respawning players (who saw me doing it, as I had just killed them) to avoid the ensuing explosion would be waiting a couple of extra seconds before respawning,

I still have to rate it somewhere between "that was a bastard thing to do" and "heh, that was awesome."

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Rooster893 said:
I used to grief a lot in Left 4 Dead on Versus, playing as the Infected, like pushing a dumpster over the manhole so the players couldn't progress. OR in Team Fortress 2, I would play as the Engineer and exploit glitches to make my team "skywalk" and make them difficult to kill while they picked off enemies effortlessly from the safety of the sky. I destroyed my brother's account reputation, as I did not have my own account. Looking back, I was quite the little shit online.
I can't remember how, but I was an engineer and my friend was a spy on 2fort, and we managed to get my turret to hold open the door to the enemy spawn room. They would spawn in and be automatically mowed down in an endless cycle.

I was on this minecraft server with huge, huge forests and one massive city that was constantly being expanded. If players were found to be disruptive, they weren't kicked from the server right away. Instead, the admin set their spawn to very far away from Player City, out in the forest. Once every couple of in game days, Players from the city would be given flight, as well as inventories full of arrows and buckets of lava to commence a hunt.

I was booted from the city over a misunderstanding, and I met a fellow exile. We decided to each build small shacks (separate from each other so if one was found, the other wasn't compromised). All our major construction was done underground. Still separate.

One day, I came back up into my shack after mining resources to see that my chests had been emptied. My iron, my diamond, my obsidian, my armour, etc. All gone.

The next night, my traitorous fellow was killed trying to farm gunpowder from a creeper. He respawned, hid in a hole until daybreak. But we'd built our shacks quite far away from the spawn, and as neither of us had yet to die, he was lost. He messaged me: "can't find my house. Make a signal for me?"

"Oh, I'll give you a signal," I thought. With a newly made flint and steel, I went into his house, started lighting up portions of his underground labyrinth and finished with the surface shack itself, which spread to nearby trees, etc, creating a huge forest fire.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I asked to borrow someone's Horadric Cube in Diablo 2, and then logged off. I did it because I thought it would be funny, but then I just felt like an ass almost immediately after. They had been so cool about it before handing it over.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
renegade7 said:
I stole a freighter full of moon minerals in EVE Online worth approximately 1.2 trillion ISK.
That sounds like a story friend, do tell.

As for me, I honestly can?t remember a time i?ve been an ass online. Haven?t played mmos in a while and when I did I made a point of being cordial at all times: partially to mask the fact that I was?. 12 I think when I started playing wow, and 15 when I stopped, so, young; partially because I never felt like being an ass; and finally because I took my sweet time leveling and reading the quest text and chatting I was always behind the curve in terms of gear, and mained a fury warrior so I was pretty much fucked when it came to pvp, thus griefing was nigh-impossible.

For other online games?.
Well there?s always the ?strap c4 to a bike/quad/jeep and ramp it at enemies? battlefield tactic. That?s about it though for anything close to griefing. At least to my memory.

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I suppose verbally destroying rage-induced egomaniacs in multiplayer FPS matches would be more awful if they didn't deserve it so thoroughly.

However, there's probably a very bad place set aside for those of us of us who are creatively evil and misuse the tools at their disposal...namely, me, for affecting an androgynous/feminine voice pitch on voice chat when I hear dudebros on the server. When one of them ends up bugging me for pics (and there's always someone who just -has- to be a douchebro and actively harass me for pics), I break out the line "Okay, but I'm pretty long and thick down there, you don't mind right?" while keeping pitch and tone the whole time.

The sound of shameless, lecherous, homophobic minds slamming head on into their own mental traffic is worth the effort of keeping my voice sounding feminine for half a match. At least twice it has caused someone in the game to apparently mishandle their controller, because they would do something clumsy like grenade a wall or fall off a high place not long afterwards.

Maybe they deserved it (I always start with a brush-off, and those who take the hint are spared. When someone starts getting aggressive and demanding, that's when I go for the deal-breaker) but it's still pretty evil I suppose. As an aside, female and transgendered gamers, I sincerely apologize for the crap you have to go through with abusive and exploitative players on servers. I know my brand of bad probably isn't helping the situation, so again, apologies.


New member
Sep 11, 2013
if i'm bored and dick around in multiplayer games i tend to try humiliating kills.
WoW druid has (had?) a spell that pushes ppl backwards. now add a cliff to that and wave them goodbye.
TF2 scout's sandman is fun too if you hit from really far away run over and finish them.
TF2 pyro airblasting ppl off cliff's or juggling them in a corner while keeping them lit on fire.(just to take your axe out that does additional dmg to ppl on fire if they come down)
oh and everything about the spy in TF2 lol
i just love playing with mechanics to get the anger out of the system!

trolling in channels obviously :)
but i only do this when i read sth that's too dumb to be ignored.
that's why most of the time i don't join channels in multiplayer games.

and like all of us here "i don't usually do stuff like this 'cause i'm nice!"
actually i am but if you gotta vent take a multiplayer game you are good at and then piss ppl off!
and then i brag about it ... like ya do!


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Xcell935 said:
Dark Souls, where being awful is a part of the game.

I spent a whole 3 hours invading Anor Londo as a low level siver knight.
You all know that infamous part in Anor EVERYONE on the Escapist talks about right?
Yes, I'm talking about the legendary Anor Londo rafters with the 2 silver knight archers.
I became the 3rd. For 3 hours.
Awful yes, but the hate mail was glorious. Definitely going to Undead hell though... :3

If you weren't doing it like this, you weren't doing it right.

I got a souls story of my own, an anti-invasion setup so I guess it wasn't so bad... but it was Cloud of Acid, Toxic Cloud, and Scraping Spear. Even if they kill me there was no profit in it at all, I wanted them to have their absolute most miserable invasion experience.

In Dark Souls I spent a lot of time as a Darkmoon with Force and Wrath of the Gods as my main method of messing with people, I'd bait them into precarious locations then toss them off, nobody ever sees them coming. I ended up stopping when Bead and Pursuers flooded the pvp scene though. Game needs a new patch to nerf that BS.

I was particularly proud when I spent a couple of hours in Anor Londo and eventually found a couple of signs warning people about me.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Welp, back when you could move items by melee in Left 4 Dead, I'd block means of escape for survivors. Even when I was a human, I'd help zombies move things into the way in exchange for safe passage to the end lol.

Or, how about Battlefield 3, I'd drive a tank onto the jet runway and pretend to leave but get back just in time to block their final takeoff and watch them crash into the nearby hillsides from sustaining too much damage. Ahh, good times.

Any Halo multiplayer is easy, just grab a warthog and get an enemy team member in the gunner seat and drive them all around my team.

Great laughs all around. Sure I did it for my own amusement, but that aside, because getting a rise out of people taking the game far too seriously was more than enough a reward. If those tossers would just breathe and take a joke once in a while, they'd be happier off in life.


New member
May 1, 2013
I tell people horrible things online. Not gonna repeat them.
"wowwee goo kel urslef"
"nobody liks u go awai"
"just surndr alredy"
"nobody caers"
"you ar just not gud enough"
"uninstl you wil suck forver"

You know, real spirit-lifting stuff.
I suppose I am the problem, not other players.
But, really, it's just because I'm miserable! If I was happy, I would share it with others and I would be nice to them and stuff!
I'll see myself out. I'm a lousy drunk.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I occasionally camp people in WoW be they high lvl or low lvl until they log off or call for help. If you get so mad you feel the need to create a new character as my faction just to flame me I get even more pleasure from it lol. I'm a troll in WoW :/

Just yesterday I was in an LoL ARAM game with buddies and we were stomping them so bad and could have finished multiple times but we just kept running onto their spawn pad and suiciding, running back acing them and then doing it again. Good fun for us but I'm sure they were quite upset.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
I once sent someone an angry message because they kicked me out of their BL2 party after I spoke on a mic and they found out I was female, even though we'd been playing for over two hours. I may have even used the dreaded "S" word. The one that ends in "ist".

What I'm basically saying is that I'm not a terrible person, other people are horrible to me.