The most awful thing you've ever actually done to someone during online play


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I played WoW, I put almost no time into the game outside of actually playing(I never watched boss videos, I always learned as I went... it wasn't too hard if you paid attention), and I was pretty good at the game. I was one of the top DPS in my guild and such.

I also liked to troll, especially people who got conceited about their abilities, or the people who were much better geared yet somehow only did half the DPS.

Out of the things I did, I would commonly troll people during BGs and Raids by making an emote that said "X prepars a fish feats!" and watch people fight over the invisible feast.

However, the worst thing I did, that got me and 2 friends temporarily banned from the guild. My guild entered Trial of Champions (The 25-man raid) and we beat the Valkyries (2nd to last boss), and when the ground broke, I hit Path of Frost, and one of my friends slow falled a friend and I. 22 fellow guildies dead all for the lols. Oh and this isn't the last time I've done this, but the ONLY time I did it to guildies.

Funny story, my friend got perma-banned for doing the same thing to a random in a dungeon.

Another dick move I did was abandon a game of LoL about 5 minutes in to hang out with a girl from work, they forgave me for it though.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I dunno, I troll in most games when I get bored.

LoL ranked queues had broken me to the point where I'd just lock whatever role I wanted to play and which the rest of the team squirm.

I'm sure I've done a few things in WoW too but none of note come to mind.

The classic C4 on allied vehicles in Battlefield games. (though I usually only do that to people who deserve it)

But probably the most dick-like thing I have done in a game was play spy in TF2 and relentlessly hunt engineers. I mean sure, that's a spy's job but, the tactic I used was just unbelievably dickish and really effective against inexperienced engineers. It was a well known spy tactic and good engineers countered it quickly but it was hilarious.

Basically an engineer would usually be sat in a really nice little spot with his little engineer sentry and his little engineer dispenser and his little engineer teleporter. And I'd just walk up to it all and put a sapper on each of them. The engineer's first reaction to this is to wack the sapper off of his sentry. I of course then replace it instantly. He wacks it off, I replace it. Meanwhile his other buildings are dying and I'm still taking down his sentry, just at a slower rate. Then, with all his buildings destroyed I proceed to shoot him in the face with the ambassador.

This of course could be easily stopped if he just shotgunned me in the face, but you'd be surprised how easily engineers get stressed out to the point of forgetting they even have a gun.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I'm generally a good sport, but if something/someone is really bugging, I'll go for a few methods to even the score. Griefing always gives me a good chuckle. Laying into a chainsaw in Killing Floor so the incessant whirring drives everyone insane, or the horn in racing games, or audible emotes in MMO's. Pro-piping in just about anything is sure to enrage a few people, as is picking a song very few people can play in rhythm games; I'm looking at you, Spirit of Radio (Live) - Rush, "Guitar Hero 5" (Brianstorm and Scatterbrain were also personal favorites). Kill stealing also tends to drive people up the wall real fast. Camping is probably the worst thing I do, though it takes a lot to get me angry enough to resort to that.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
The worst thing I ever did was run with a crew of trolls in L4D. All we would do was smack talk, and if we were beating the team, it just encouraged us to be worse.

There was a highlight in all of that, I looked up to this one guy on the team and wanted him to be proud of me. It just so happened I was able to lock a Tank in the safe room, and we just trash talked until it died. I got mad props for that one.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Griefing, throwing insults (to be fair I generally try to make sure they deserve it first), tking, etc.

Nothing really bad though, I mean it is the internet. Most of the time I find it to funny to regret it.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Got two good ones.

During a game of Battlefield Bad Company 2 on Rush, my buddy and I were set into a match with a team that was totally incompetent. They did nothing right, using choppers as one shot transport, everybody sniping, driving vehicles into minefields, it was a complete cluster fuck. My friend and I played a lot of BFBC2 and we're team players, calling out info and trying to work with others to get some kind of plan going since this team was such a bunch of morons. We were told to 'stop talking and play'. based multiplayer and we were supposed to shut up and run around getting slaughtered.

My friend and I decided to righteously punish them for their stupidity.

We stayed with these morons for three more matches and generally made ourselves into their nightmare. C4'd all the vehicles as they spawned, usually waiting until JUST before someone got into them to destroy them. We blew up sniper positions where they were camping with C4 so they couldn't see anything, we'd take vehicles and just drive around in front of their positions firing off weapons randomly, took helicopters and crashed them, ran over and pushed people with ATV's, we'd blow up M-Con stations when we were defending, just to drive them back so they'd lose the objectives.

It was on regular so they couldn't kill us.

By the thrid round of us doing this the ENTIRE team would be shooting at us trying to slow us down or distract us so we wouldn't do our work, but they couldn't even figure that we were invincible. The OTHER team stopped shooting at the two of us.

It was hilarious, I must have gotten 20 or so irate TEXT messages on PSN from team members that hated us for all this.

Another time, the same friend and I were playing Battlefield 3 conquest. It was a low pop server and when my friend and I entered, the other one person on our team left, so it was the two of us against nine guys who were high level. We could do nothing, every time we left the spawn or tried to sneak around and do anything, we got capped. They had coppers up and were just circling, so anything we did meant we got killed.

We were sitting there and we decided not to give these guys victory by default, so we stayed in and just decided to wait out the clock. While we're waiting, we have the russian jeep and are shooting at the chopper, not doing anything but wasting time until I have an idea.

We hop out, put C4 on the jeep, damage it, then I get in and my friend repairs it for points.

We kept doing this till the match ran out and my friend was MVP when the match ended.

Oh yes, one last one.

During a game of Modern Warfare (original) I spent an entire match firing wildly into an apartment building that was the best sniping area on the map with a LMG. (It was the chernobyl apartments map, the name escapes me) I didn't kill many people but after the match I had a member of the team ask who was doing that shooting. I stepped up and he promptly called me a '****** ******' because I'd ruined his sniping.

Most I've ever laughed playing CoD.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Let's just say i got the bandit skin in Dayz and leave it at that... hehe...


Dec 1, 2011
I'm sure some of my friends could recount some of the devious crap I've done(mostly to them), but I can only remember one thing that was particularly bad. I was playing with a friend in Minecraft and was showing off my basement when I got bored. After killing her several times, both by my own hands and with my dogs, I got her into a corner, got my dogs to start attacking her, and set down a block of TNT and ran. After that killed her we both decided to stop for th night and got off. It was a fun night.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Dota has some classics for dicking people over royally. Throwing people at the enemy team as a Tiny is always a laugh, especially if they're supports.

Probably my favourite though, was playing a game a couple of months back. I was playing a Pudge and we had a Juggernaut on our team. Guy was being a massive dick to pretty much everyone, so I made it my life's work to land all my hooks on him. Even managed to hook him out of a couple of Aghs Ulti's in the end. We still one, but thanks to my efforts our Jug ended 1/12/17.

Force staffing fountain campers into the enemy fountain is always cool too.

Saying that, the worst trolling I ever had to deal with was in Dota. A KotL/Wisp combo showed in one of our games and everything was fine til they hit level 6. At this point, the Wisp relocated into the very top corner of the map with the KotL and then proceeded to use KotL ulti to bring our entire team up there as well. They then fed to the courier to the other team and kept our entire team up there for the rest of the match.

All of this being said, I'm generally only a dick to people who are themselves being dicks. Or if they have a stupid username.

Section Crow

Infamous Scribbler for Life
Aug 26, 2009
When i played WoW and begun doing the arduous routine of dailies, one of them was using a abomination to destroy mobs by exploding it and one time i accidentally discovered it pushed back players quite a fair distance.

With this knowledge and the fact that dalaran was close by, i ran the abomination from Icecrown (required multiple tries because of despawning, and AI snagging on rocks plus it had a timer on it) up the lift then ran to the flying area in dalaran exploded it and killed players by pushing them off the edge of dalaran. Best part of that was it knocked people off their mounts so you would have had to use an ability to survive ergo if you were afk in the flying zone you would have died.

No one really caught on that i was doing it since it would happen so fast that it just looked like i was one of the 'victims' as the knockback pushed the user back also, just not over the edge. In hindsight i probably shouldn't of done that as i went down to check out the bodies of the people that fell, there was a lot more than i had anticipated and since usually only level 80s hang about dalaran the repair cost had to be pretty costly.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
It was a couple years ago, and I was playing Warcraft 3, a custom match called SotDRP, which stands for Secrets of the Depths Role Play, where, basically, you are given access to all the spells, creatures, heroes and such from the game, and then you can create rps for players to have fun with. Good times are had, and you can play around to create cities and such, which is what I mainly did.
Anyways, some people took their RP vry srs. I was enjoying a game, and was having fun city building when one of the players seemed very new and simple minded, and I don't remember much of what he did.
Nonetheless, some of the other players got annoyed with him, but I stayed silent, giving careful advice instead of directly intervening. Diplomacy was my game, as they essentially bullied him and I tried to get them to calm their tits.
Hungry, I then ran away and got a sandwich, but, when I came back, I found that the other players (all 4 or 5 of them) had quit, leaving just me and the simple player in the game. I wanted to be friendly, but, in reality, I knew that if I played with him, I would be bored and probably be very annoyed with him.
Not wanting to seem mean, I went for my laptop's internet button, to turn off my internet and not seem like a douche, but, right before I clicked it, the other guy said "At least you're nice to me." And then I "disconnected."
By god, I'm a horrible person. I felt really bad, and nearly cried.
Whoever you are, I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know your name, but I am sorry. I


New member
Dec 31, 2009
For those who are familiar with Classic WoW content. I managed to get the Burning Adrenaline debuff from Vael in BWL and hearth back to IF. It was a prime time raid night so the inn was crowded with players........who all exploded a split second later.

Another occasion that comes to mind was during an Eye of the Storm battleground. Me and 3 other elemental shaman decided to camp the flag area and thunderstorm opposing players off the edge.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Chasing down and murdering lone stragglers in Red Read Redemption Multiplayer with an Xbox Live friend. Far from the worst thing one can do in a multiplayer game, but that's the worst I've ever personally done.

That one incident aside, in the very, very rare occassion I play competitive online games I do so honourably, even if I'm doomed to fail in doing so, because I'm a fool like that.


New member
May 9, 2010
Sure I've headhunted the occasional idiot in LoL who lagged behind and kept sticking his neck out, but that's nothing compared to my misadventures in FFXI. The title 'Raging Destroyer Of Linkshells' is not undeserved.


New member
May 4, 2009
Robert Read said:
Most recent is just in GTA Online finding the guy who has the Priority car and blowuing them up, that and if someone kills you or steals you car just hounding them and killing them repeatedly till they leave is always fun.
Oh my god you terrible person - I didn't know that the priority cars appeared to other players when I first stole one. I was rather confused by the time I'd gunned down my third attacker.

Does it say bad things about the community if I'd killed three people in the space of two minutes and not realised it was because they were trying to take the car? I thought they were just being dicks.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
About the worst thing I remember doing is humiliating all my friends on Dead or Alive 2 by only using counters.

Nowadays all I do is play Taric in League of Legends and spam "Gems... Gems are truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly.... outrageous. Gems... Gems are truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly.... outrageous." Might not sound too bad but when games can last over an hour...


New member
Nov 4, 2013
I used to play team fortress classic competitively. Whenever i get a really good kill during a match/scrim/etc I would send a recorded demo to a friend of mine with the time and details of the play and get him to make a video of it and send it to embarrass the opponent. Not really a bad thing, but i guess it was a bit of a dick move..

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
As a general rule, I'm polite, well mannered, and play the game following both the letter and spirit of the rules as best I can. That isn't to say I'm a saint or anything.

For example, I recall two instances from Tribes that are probably worth mentioning. I played the game almost exclusively using the renegades mod which more or less dramatically expanded the number of weapons, classes, turrets, and vehicles. One of those classes was a "Spy" who, among other things, could carry a cloaking pack as well as satchel charges c4. On one map, I ran across a lone engineer sniping from the game's rough equivalent of a telephone booth. Because he was completely consumed with sniping with his railgun (Oddly, the Engineer class was more heavily favored as a sniper than the sniper because the Engineer's rail gun could kill anything short of a Cyborg in a single headshot), I proceeded to pack his phone booth with every explosive I had. Any one of the devices I tossed in there would have been sufficient for the job but when I was done he was literally trapped in his closet by various bombs. I snickered, ran off, and used my command laptop to detonate everything. His railgun and pack went flying through the slit he was firing from with the speed of a bullet.

In an undoubtedly more cruel incident, I was once playing on a dead server with a few friends when a player demonstrated time and again he had no real knowledge of what he was doing. After ten or twenty minutes of offering legitimate help it quickly became clear he wasn't actually learning anything we were teaching him and, because it was late at night and there didn't seem to be better options, it was decided that we would simply grief him. The strategies to that end varied over the night but they all tended to rely on some element of misinformation. For example, there existed an item called a "Suicide Det Pack" which would detonate in the video game's equivalent of an atomic explosion if you committed suicide while carrying it though it could also be deployed with a fixed 20 second fuse. Normally this was only useful when facing the thickest of automated defenses though I was also known to leverage them as the ordinance of a heavy stealth bomber from time to time. The mod, it should be noted, did not include any new graphical assets, meaning that the rocket launcher used the same model as the morter, the railgun the same model as the laser long rifle and the det pack, in this case, was a large crate stamped "Ammo". We convinced him it was a supply drop and on a dozen occasions, he desperately tried to pick up more ammo and health that we assured him was present in the crate. Eventually, after more than an hour of this sort of nonsense, he quietly dropped from the game.


New member
Jan 9, 2007
Planetside 1, back in the day the VS faction would defend their home continent like it was their balls, and at the first sign of any trouble they would always mass recall an army to defend their home, so me and 7 friends decided to mess with them and do Operation: Lights Out. The plan was to covertly rig every generator on the continent for demolition, quietly, then detonate them all, making it look like their continent was going to be invaded. We even ran into another team from the third faction doing the same thing, and we agreed to stay out of each other's way (all bets being off if the zergs showed though). Once primed, we detonated everything within thirty seconds, then promptly recalled from the continent. The entire enemy army (hundreds of players worth) showed up on a wild goose chase because of the work of one squad, and then promptly lost badly on the front line they were actually needed. TL;DR version for non FPS players, 8 guys basically got an entire army to drop what they were doing and go on a wild goose chase for about an hour.