The MOST DRUNK I/You got was...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
It was at my 18th (legal drinking age here). I can't remember much if the night and apparently can't remember my cake or any of the speeches... I started out with some vodka and powerade shots, then just the vodka and followed that up with some absinthe. I thought I only had one absnithe shot but apparently I had a lot. I remember running around the pool throwing a ball at someone and then running into some rose bushes, beyond that I have no idea what I did. Still didnt throw up though!

One of my friends got so drunk he passed out on the floor in my room and threw up all over himself.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
I've told this story before and it's something I don't remember any part of but I'm told it was hilarious.

Working away and we were drinking over a barbecue and having a nice time until one of the tradesman brought out his 15/10 hot as fuck rated chili sauce. I thought that the only way to stop the burning was to scull the beer I had and apparently kept doing so because I kept trying to man it out and eat more chili. I woke up the next day with and mother of all hangovers and my hand felt like it was on fire (I was mixing the sauce into my dinner with my hand). Also I had the ring of fire on the toilet.

So much pain and it was all my fault.

Ooh there was also the time I tried to climb a statue of a helicopter, fell off (Still have a scar from that) and then fell asleep in some bushes.

Ooooh or the time I fell asleep walking home from the pub and woke up with more sand fly bites than I could count and that's not just because the hangover made counting difficult.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
The first and only time I drank Wiser's.

It was at a party. Drank too much (1 and a half mickey = roughly 560ml or 2.3 cups or 1.1 pints) in too short a time (2-3 hours).

Needless to say, I had a bag ear to ear for an hour or two.

Only interesting thing was someone convinced the host's girlfriend to give me a lap dance (I was sitting n a chair because another friend was puking his guts up in the bathroom) where I woke up, told her "You're so hot I'd fuck you in the ass." and promptly passed out again.

Laughs were had by all, including the host. She was a beauty though. Lucky bastard.

I've since moved on to beer. Much easier to not get black-out drunk. I don't enjoy black-out drunk.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Well, the most drunk i ever was i probably don't remember because i was well and truely shitfaced.

There are of course the drunken walks back home (or when i am on holliday to my room) and SOMEHOW getting back without knowing how.

Once i got so completely hammered of Vodka (a few nights later on Tequilla) i do NOT drink that stuff anymore. Just the smell of it makes me sick.

I do got one nice story, this is back when i still had a girlfriend. Me, her, her brother and two of our other mates were on our Saturday night pub crawl like every week. The first bar we usually visit was closed so we went straight for the second one in our town.

It was just one of those RARE nights were the beer was perfect and my stomach had a great day. So i was at beer 22 at that point, and her brother was drinking along with me. After a while he went to the cola while i just stuck with beer.

Anyway, the next day, i went to visit my girlfriend at her house and she told me her parents were pissed at ME because i, somehow, "forced" her brother to drink so much. Oh yea, and i was a bad influence on him and her.

Had to try my hardest not to burst out laughing.


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
I don't drink, nor will I ever. I'm Bipolar and Bipolar disorder and booze isn't a very good mixture. I knew this before, but it really got drilled into my head when I saw a friend get drunk (he's bipolar as well) and go through every mood imaginable, several times, in a matter of minutes, before settling with angry and racist.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
stormeris said:
I'm 18. I never drank nor will ever drink alcohol.

OT: Don't drink much so this might be unimpressive, but one time, I ended up surprisingly cheery and got a good night's sleep.
Calm the fuck down guys, I know I'm wild.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
First time I got drunk was on vodka. Had half a bottle to myself, threw up once then was right as rain.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I once drank a liter bottle of brandy, 10 wine coolers(I like wine coolers, so what?), a rum and coke that had about a half cup of rum in it, and about a quarter bottle of butterscotch Schnapps(large bottle, like, 2 liters or something like that) and only got slightly buzzed. -_-

And that's the most I've ever been drunk...
Aug 31, 2012
Probably when I was about 14 or 15, I went to Moscow on a school trip and of course the locals thought getting a bunch of English schoolkids unbelievably shitfaced was incredibly funny. Half pint glasses were filled with vodka, then they chanted for you to down it. As you were reeling from having downed half a pint of Russian vodka, one of the fuckers would fill your glass up again to repeat the first couple of steps. I had 6 in all, so about 3 pints. Obviously it didn't stay down for very long, but I do vaguely remember being walked across a snow covered Moscow housing estate by a couple of Russians who had to tie my shoelaces for me.

Captcha: filthy dirty mess. Yup, that would describe things pretty accurately.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Decided it was about time to test my limits, considering I never even got hungover. So I watched Ice Age 2 with some mates and took a shot everytime I got annoyed.

Those possums became the death of me.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
stormeris said:
I'm 18. I never drank nor will ever drink alcohol.

OT: Don't drink much so this might be unimpressive, but one time, I ended up surprisingly cheery and got a good night's sleep.
Calm the fuck down guys, I know I'm wild.
Juuuuuuuust wanna point out how awesome Super-Kami-Guru is in that series. Also I too poop the party because I don't drink.

But back during New Years of 2006-to-2007 I had...I dunno, a couple of Mike's Hard Limes and, a full glass of champagne. I didn't get sick but laying down didn't stop the room spinning. When I was a stupid teenager I downed about a third of a bottle of wasn't good but it didn't make everything go all spinny. As for why I don't drink though: very few alcoholic drinks taste good to me and I hate the spinny-feeling of drunkenness.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
I don't drink. I drank a LOT while I was a teenager, so by the time I turned 21 I had pretty much already had my share and given up on the lifestyle. So in my early 20s, while going out with the guys from work, I was always the one ordering a soda while everyone else had beers. And since these weren't the same people I hung out with in high school and college, they'd never seen me drink anything, so they decided to rectify the situation. They threw a bachelor's party, but not for the friend getting married, but as a ruse for me.

Now I knew how to drink. Could easily hold my own under normal circumstances. But I was completely unaware of their plan. I pretty much just downed everything put in front of me, assuming everyone else was doing the same. I was wrong. And so very clueless. Don't remember much of that night/morning. Nor the following week. Supposedly my roommate's aunt kept calling me in at work claiming to be my mother. Meanwhile my roommate's sister whom I was dating at the time got some really disturbing pictures of me lying naked on the floor beside my bed hugging a bucket of puke, most of which was under me and in my lower-back length hair. I woke up still feeling so very sick, but cleaned myself up and went to work anyways. Was the laughing stock for months to come.

And again, I don't drink.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
I once got so drunk that in front of other people I was drinking with I insisted that I could knock myself out, and got belligerent when they suggested I couldn't. So I did, I stood with my back to a concrete support pillar, leant forward and then rapidly straightened up. I woke up in hospital with stitches, a headache and a psychiatric evaluation.

Its not the worst I've ever been either. Drinking with a friend and my then girlfriend. My pal decided it would be funny to keep trying to look up her skirt, despite warnings from me that she didn't like it and I would hurt him if he continued to try a fourth time. He did try again and I in an alcoholic haze decided to show him that the word glass could be used a verb. He promptly scarpered leaving me with a handful of broken pint glass.

Drank a half litre of tequila in one go. someone else drank the other half, he collapsed unconscious and threw up in his mouth and couldn't breathe. I cleared his airway and called the ambulance. They carted him off to hospital and I went with him, as his 'real' friends were all feckless arses who wouldn't look after him. One hour later I was in the bed next to him vomiting blood. We woke up the next morning and went back to the house party with him and we have never spoken again.

I still drink, but not as much or as often.

Oh yeah one last story, So drunk in my mates pub, that he managed to serve me a shot of blue washing up liquid in an aftershock glass and I dropped it in one shot. Threw up bubbles in the toilet, and the acid in my stomach stook to the liquid coating my throat and burnt my vocal chords so badly that I was unablwe to speak for a week


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I think the most drunk i've ever been happened a few years back. I'd just been sumped, so in order to cheer me up a bit my cousin took me out drinking with him. All was fine up until the pub closed, at which point we had the bright idea of going to the supermarket in order to get some more alcohol, and the memory that on the way, at home, I had half a bottle of jagermeister, which should keep us going until we made it to the shop. After this I know nothing, except for waking up 3 days later with a broken nose (from headbutting the front door trying to get it open)and surrounded by empty whiskey bottles. Good times..


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Ah, my parents rule was (went out the window with alcohol once I was 18) You can do what you like, so long as we don't notice.

I think the drunkest I ever got was the last night of Sonisphere UK 2011. I drank a lot of beer, I'm not entirely sure how much, and I think I was given quite a bit of vodka. My memories are very hazy, but from the patches I remember and what my friends told me I:
-Found a fire extinguisher, fired it in the air screaming 'I AM THE LAAAAAAWW!'
-Got told off by security for it, proceeded to run away
-Challenged people to duels with bits of tentpoles (carbon fibre splinters are the worst thing in the world)
-Sung Alestorm songs on top of a bin
-Bin jousting
-Accidentally ran into a policeman, had a go at him. Ran away.

It was a good night. I actually didn't sleep at all, I packed my stuff whilst drunk and sat in a camping chair until everyone else was ready for about an hour. I was still very drunk on the coach home, it was a big effort not to be sick everywhere. The funny thing was that I wasn't even the drunkest person, we met a guy who we called 'Welsh Steve' (he wasn't called Steve, he just looked like our mate Steve). He got incredibly drunk, passed out in our campsite, so we covered him in all the rubbish and someone shoved a plastic cutlass up his arse. Some paramedics came around in the morning and took him to an ambulance, apparently his heart had slowed down to almost stopping and he nearly died.

I'm not sure why, but I rarely pass out, what happens instead is that I go into superdrunk mode- my memory goes and I act completely ridiculously. I've been known to randomly disappear and go on quests around cities, only to turn up back at a friend's house or something at 5am. There's more than one occasion that I've been hit in the face for running up to random people and singing loudly in their faces for no reason. I also have a tendency to take of items of clothing, which I find incredibly embarrassing.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
Okay so I'm Australian and on the last Australia day I was on my own in Edinburgh on a holiday. I woke up slightly drunk from the night before so I figured, why not, it's Australia day and headed down to the bar in the hostel I was staying in. It was there that I met some Irish fellows who were in a death metal band that joined me in some drinks and said they'd get me a free spot at the show so I proceeded to drink with my new Irish buddies and then head down to see some metal.

When we arrived we continued drinking more or less right away, I was ordering the bar in questions signature shot, it had five ingredients but the ones I remember being in it were tequila, sambuca and absinthe so yeah, it was pretty lethal despite going down way too easily. We all continued drinking heavily and eventually split into a few groups, ending up at a club, this part of the night's slightly hazy.

I woke up the next morning feeling pretty awful and wondering how I got home. I got out of bed, went to put my pants on and to my surprise they weren't there. I looked around for them for a while, knowing my wallet was in them but it was no use, my pants were nowhere to be found. I continued to stay at this hostel for another two days. Two days after Australia day my pants show up folded next to my bed, my wallets contents untouched.

If you've ever wondered what happens when an Australian drinks with Irish people in Scotland, it's that. You get so drunk your pants disappear. At least they found it funny though and I got a decent story out of it.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
Copper Zen said:
I didn't touch whiskey again for at least 10 years.

There were other times that I got "legless drunk" though now I can't/shouldn't drink anymore--blood pressure.

Spill! :D
I was given spiked alcopops at a party, so that was fun.. ended up in a similar state to you I imagine apparently I was dragged home.

couple notes i've made about drinks i've tested..
JD is overrated, if you want a good whisky i recommend glenmorange
that's a good balance of flavour and price, it has a very light smooth toffie/honey flavour, if you really want something hardcore they have some extremely expensive whiskies but honestly you don't want to pay that much, it's not worth it.

my other recommendation is Russian standard, imperia ( not the cheap ones. ) if you have any sense whatsoever, you'll go easy with this one. it's extreme purity vodka it's for mixing, not for killing brain cells.
it's good mixed with most juices, goes especially well with kiwi, orange and blackberry ( even in full on smoothies )
as such it should last a good long time and offset it's rather over the top pricetag!


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Copper Zen said:
TheCommanders said:
I no longer drink at all. There's a good reason for this. I get very angry when I'm drunk.
I had a friend from high school who also got angry/violent whenever he drank whiskey. Other types of alcohol and he was fine, but whiskey?
The same thing runs in my family. Thus, none of us drink whiskey!


It comes down to three incidents with me.

On one I drank most of a large bottle of vodka [] (that brand was 50% alcohol content at the time), and finished it by drinking 10 shots in about a minute. I later worked out out that combined with other drinks I'd drunk about 60 units in an hour and a half.
Woke up the next day not remembering anything, and couldn't physically move for about 3 hours, and had feebleness and shakes for about a day, couldn't swallow. Didn't mange to actually eat for 3 days - which in hindsight was probably how long it took to metabolise all the alcohol).
Was way worse than food poisoning, fever, whatever. Literally the roughest I've ever felt.
Incident number 2 was my friend's 16th birthday. Got really drunk to start with - to give you an idea of how drunk, one of my less inebriated friends got in a shower and turned it on trying to find the lightswitch. For the lights in a different room.
Anyway, we got one of those half-yard cylinder things and filled it with everything we had (whiskey, vodka, beer, lager, cider, sweet liqueur, alcopops, wine, and sake). Everyone else sensibly refused to drink it, so I downed half of it.
Next memory is of that bit of the brain that remains sober berating me because I actually couldn't pronounce words or stay on a pavement. Nearly fell of a bridge, so friends took me home. I passed out, then sobered up over about 3 hours while they had a bit of a party in my house, then we went out again! Inexplicably, I never got a hangover from that one.
Incident 3 is pretty tame by comparison. Was mixing shots and beer (literally pouring the shots in). Got finished off by doing a dare of mixing a double whiskey and a double vodka. Later found out that I'd run off, texted complete jibberish to friends (literally something like: !nibyuBU.I iu3BH OIyubu34), and ended up in a park about 3 miles away.
I woke up in the morning sprawled over a branch about 15 feet up a tree in the middle of a public park.
Not a goddam clue why drunk OneCatch thought it was a good place to go to sleep or how he managed to climb.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I didn't drink that much anymore,just lost it's appeal.Mainly because I drink alone and that depresses me so I drank more.Anyway enough bitching moving on to story time.

It was my first college party and my last really,I'm not an interesting enough girl to get invited to many parties and I really don't like them. It was also my first time drinking,so I downed anything and everything,mostly jello shooters.Had a guy I'd been sweet on drag me into the bathroom to help him pee and I figured I'd try and blow him.Yeah a drunk virgin trying to give a bj is just asking for trouble.So he got a subpar blowjob and I got self loathing at being unable to pleasure a lover.Was not hungover the next day luckly


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Jul 3, 2008
Half a bottle of hapsburg gold label absinthe (89.9%), throwing that up was a serene and unconcerned moment.