The most 'No fair!' moment in a video game?

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Ever played EvE? I was on the unfair side, but still. Fight outside a station, our alliance entrance is being camped. My and a few corpmates undock, engage combat. Once we've got em locked down, we give the team-mates in station the go ahead and a frickin great carrier undocks and pastes them. that was fun.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
In Call of Duty 4, i was shooting someone in the head with a G3 and they turn around and kill me with a pistol. its sucked. it happens all the time now.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Ever played Persona 3? After beeting forms 0-12 the final boss goes into his final stronger form, and when he had one hit before his death, he charmed one of my characters who happened to have a full healing spell...and she thought that the smartest thing to do would be to fully heal the final boss...


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Playing Resident evil 4, I got a bit too close to one of the guys with chainsaws.. Didnt expect it to actually cut off my guy's head!


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Let me set the scene: You're playing an online FPS... you spawn... some dick with a sniper rifle ventilates your forehead after half a second. You then wait an age for your time to come again only to spawn... and get your head blown off by the same guy in the same place who's racking up kills like it's the last day of the sales. This situation was made worse by Counter Strike, when you could randomly join a game and find that whilst your team had no cohesion or direction to speak of, you were up against a highly trained death-squad who all had full armour and the AWP by round three.

Add to this list any little snotbag who says "he's going easy on you" as your introduction to the game, when he's obviously already weighted it to be impossible if you're you.


New member
Oct 15, 2007
In Dawn of War, there's a territory where you get some kind of benefit if you beat it. The benefit is that you can have a base on any territory you want to attack. The thing is that for stupid reason you can't build, so you start with a massive army.

How's this unfair you say? Well, in that game for every heavy weapons upgrade you make, you need plasma and the only thing you can construct are Listening Posts (They produce the normal type of resource). The problem lies that you have to destroy every any structur and this map is controlled by a high difficulty Ork army that, unlike you, can build structures.

This probably ends in a lost battle.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
DMC, the original. Fighting Griffon and him using his hard to avoid "energy bars" attack...
And the goddamned camera switches to a 2D perspective, putting your survival chances from "low, but if you're good you'll make it" to "pure luck. you're fucked, baby"
Half of the last boss's attacks fit too, since it's basically 100% luck if you're gonna die a horrible death or avoid it completely (there's rarely an in-between).

System Shock 2, no specific pre-made moments but ones made by yourself. (You're low on ammo on your soon useless handgun, and the goddamned Many gloats and explains how you only have your hatred and individuality left, and you haven't even SEEN their most beautiful creation yet. That felt unfair. It wouldn't be so bad if my ammo WASN'T running low and my weapons WEREN'T failing me, damnit!)

My wife adds that to her, it was Aeris dying because she had spent a lot of time making Aeris her best party member because she honestly liked the little flower girl, just to have all of it ruined in an instant. (Me, I didn't care much for Aeris, wimpy attacks equals no party slot IMO)

Irrok the Wide

New member
Feb 12, 2008
Majora's Mask

The damn time cycle always leaves me thinking I have enough time when I don't. And I have to do everything all over. I swear I'll never be able to beat that game.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Playing any of the Guilty Gear games on the harder settings.

The original Mortel Kombat's last fighters, considering they seem to know all your moves before you do.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
In Skate, that one Rob Dyrdek challenge where you have to perform two ridiculous moves on a bench while Big Black walks by and punches you off. It's hard enough to do the moves, but I promise you, when you're about to do it successfully, on the 100h try, tears already forming in your eyes, Big Black will be there to uppercut your spirit out of your body.

Damn Dirty Ape

New member
Oct 10, 2007
Murian said:
Far Cry: When you get captured and promptly dumped from a helicopter at the top of a waterfall without any weapons. You just get an M16 with 10 bullets to get past dozens of trigens to the next checkpoint...
God I hated that part, it got even worse when you got to the vulcano. Terrible leveldesign that was.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Mortal Kombat had unfair AI, but I think the most unfair moments are when you manage to do something you're not supposed to be able to do and get nothing for it ~~

Like in SC, the mission where you're supposed to survive for 30 minutes. When I first bought it that mission was really challenging, but now I can clear out the Zerg base with plenty of time left on the clock... and you get nothing for it! Unfair! : P


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Call of Duty 4. Playing online until Barret M82 .50cal is finally mine. Then shooting someone in the chest with it and they don't even slow down. Nothing like the biblical power I was expecting.

Ixus Illwrath

New member
Feb 9, 2008
Dawn of war campaign mode, within about 4 turns every enemy racks up a gigantic honor guard without the territories to back them up. Meanwhile the 4 honor guard units you've acquired fair and square are mowed down mercilessly as those opponents attack at will.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
MagnetoHydroDynamics said:
The most unfair thing is trying to get the acheivement "get some grub" in HL2: Ep2, its freggin impossible.
Wuss. Try the "Little Rocket Man" achievement. Get that and you are one patient mf.

And one of the most unfair moments for me was the certain someone's death in HL2:Episode 2. You know who I mean.

And just because fewer people attempted the Get Some Grub achievement that doesn't make it any more unfair. I'm telling you. Carting that little bastard throughout the ENTIRE game JUST to put him in the damn rocket requires patience. Can he be destroyed by the Hunter's flechettes? I hope not.

Strafe Mcgee

New member
Jan 25, 2008
Me, having borrowed a playstation off a mate and attempting to beat Final Fantasy 7 in three days, finally beat Sephiroth half an hour before I was supposed to give the playstation back... then the screen went dark, music started up again and his second form proceeded to ass-rape my woefully underpowered characters. Meh. Still never beaten that damn game, come to think of it.

EDIT: Gradius 3. The whole thing is just ludicrously unfair. I beat it using an emulator and I had to reload my save game 268 TIMES!


New member
Jan 1, 2008
BrunDeign said:
Can he be destroyed by the Hunter's flechettes? I hope not.
The bastard is invincible. Also if you want some "No Fair!" moments, try playing UT2004 Instagib with Godlike bots.

You know that glitch on Morpheus thanks to which bots get stuck at the bottom of the towers? One of my bots killed the other one that was stuck down there.You couldn't even see that bot from such height. He just shot into the clouds and nailed him.

UT2004 - The Hardest Bots Ever.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
CoD4 multiplayer, i follow someone for while without them noticing, then when they stop to snipe someone, i go to knife them, it doesnt register, they just turn round, without moving, and knife me (wtf?). also, i shoot the hell out of someone with my M4, then they just turn round and kill me in 1 hit with any piddley gun that theyve got (if its a sniper its ok, but it never is)

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Murian said:
MagnetoHydroDynamics said:
The most unfair thing is trying to get the acheivement "get some grub" in HL2: Ep2, its freggin impossible.
Little Rocket Man is worse....
Are you kidding? What about "Neighborhood Watch"? On my last playthrough, I took out the first invading group in record time- ran over the first Hunter, nailed the second with a log, pasted that Magnusson Device on the Strider and blew it to whatever version of Hell Synths go to. Just as the device detonates, I hear the alarm horn for the second enemy contact; I get in the car, floor it over to the Sawmill- and JUST as I get out of the car, the Strider strafes in from the nearby trees, sets itself and blows the Sawmill into a large multitude of very tiny physics objects.

Grrr. The grubs annoyed me, but that one? Not a chance.